Kickflips and Kickstands

S3E5: Da meme machine/ Listener Submitted stories

Danny Infante & Grayson Connor Season 3 Episode 5

We back! this time we get into why the memes are gettin churned out and we read some "listener mail" about sketchy roadside "get it home" repairs. Enjoy it and tell a friend about the show!

Speaker 1:

So what is up? Everybody, boys and girls, how are you? Welcome back to Kip Flips and Kickstand and kickstands, killips and plop plops, uh-huh, the only, and that's playing again I forgot that it does that um the only podcast, barely bringing you both skateboarding and motorcycle content yeah shit, I don't know we do.

Speaker 2:

I mean, well, you crank out a lot of content, well, we'll get to that. Episodes is a whole different story, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, the episodes we care about, the other stuff is just because you got it.

Speaker 2:

It's just to drive you to the episodes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, how are you, my dude? Oh, where are my manners dude? I, as always, am Danny, joined by our fabulous co-host, co-anchor musician, extraordinaire intro music maker, grayson. Everybody hi the fans.

Speaker 2:

You get the fucking ear horns. My dude, I gotta keep one of those on me just so I can do that when I enter rooms I would, yeah, I would love to just like walk into the dmv, like everyone look around like what the fuck?

Speaker 1:

and then just go back to waiting. How are you, my dude? What's new with you? I'm good man.

Speaker 2:

It's been a while I'm thinking back to the episode we did with Brandon, aka Brand New, about overextending yourself and learning to say no to stuff, because I am overextending myself, wow.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I feel so bad for you. That episode was brought to you on season two of our podcast. If you haven't, listened to it. So yeah, I do, I feel you on that one so what do you got going on? How many wicks are lighting and how many candles are burning on both ends. I work 40 hours a week Tight. I remember my first part-time job.

Speaker 2:

Am I right? Yeah, I work with our little guy friend, Josh Britt.

Speaker 1:

Everyone's favorite, josh Britt, our guy on the couch.

Speaker 2:

And I also started doing school.

Speaker 1:

Oh fucking nerd.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, school continues to suck. I thought it'd be different with an adult perspective, but nope, and so I could do that. That is somewhat part-time. And then my little little band we just hit the road for the first time went into the dallas area.

Speaker 1:

all around I was gonna ask because I saw all the dates that you played back to back to back.

Speaker 2:

That was the longest little stint with this band that you've done it's the first time we've, like, had to pack up and leave home, okay, and like, and yeah it's. We've done that many dates in a row before, but this was the first time we had to, like, think about where we're gonna stay, yeah, like, uh, new places, new people, kind of thing. So but it was good, it was a good experience. I'm glad I did it.

Speaker 1:

But, um, yeah, don't make me do anything else yeah, so now, musically, like, what do you have your eyes on? Like, is there anything that you want to do differently? Start like a side project, or I'd love to.

Speaker 2:

It is all figuring out time management at this point.

Speaker 1:

Sure, obviously, you're not going to add another band.

Speaker 2:

Uh, but hopefully my next classes will be from home Rather than going on campus. So, that being said, I would love to like. I would like to do a little side project. I don't know what that looks like, yet I do know.

Speaker 1:

What are your bandmates going to think of this? Right now Also, I kind of trapped you. No, no, no, they don't think it's fine. I'm pretty open about this.

Speaker 2:

Because, yeah, I certainly Me and my friend Elijah in the band Definitely have the more eclectic music taste. So, I like, I want to do something you can dance to. I want to do something. I've been listening to a lot of Jungle.

Speaker 1:

I think, like everyone has.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I'm not saying that's what I'm going to do, but shit like that. I want to expand my horizons a little bit.

Speaker 1:

Try some stuff. It's a distant relative but you can uh to jungle, but you know you do ska you know, I've already released 16 ska albums, so I think it's a little overplayed okay, and each one of them is like 37 songs each yeah, and about six minutes long each, because they're so fast? Yeah, I can pick it up, pick it up, pick it up, uh okay. So I mean, did you so something a little jungle, okay?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I just I've. I've been a guitar player for such a long time. I want to um like challenge myself not to use the guitar so much to make music. You know what I mean. So like midi controller you play drums too, right, yeah well. So you played drums too, right, yeah Well. So yes, I played drums, like not professionally, but I got paid to play drums-ish for like 10 years.

Speaker 1:

For the church right.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm that was.

Speaker 1:

I almost put in that little ad read that we did Undisclosed Date. I put see spread the word. I was going to put spread the good news.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'd have been all for that because that's the gospel brother in the good news. All my whole life yeah, a lot of people don't know what the gospel actually is.

Speaker 1:

It's just spreading the good news. Yeah, like you can technically spread the gospel about anything, as long as it's good news, it's true, yeah, um, okay, so have you seen that? I asked that guys. Have you seen that?

Speaker 1:

um, it's on youtube, that series, uh, drumeo, where they have I've seen a bunch of drumeo videos have you seen like the ones where they get like just like x drummer from this band and they listen to this song for the first time? Oh yes, I have seen this. Oh my god, I recently got went down that rabbit hole.

Speaker 2:

It's so fucking good my my favorite drum content I've seen is people putting drums on music that should not have drums to it, like either big orchestral music or really gnarly metal drums over a t-swift song yeah, or when people just like scat drum to like scenes from like always sunny you know or they'll watch something like high drama, like really intense emotion and then start playing like an 808 drum machine yeah, that's so good yeah tight.

Speaker 1:

Okay, all right, that'd be cool a little jungle project.

Speaker 2:

You, you were in band growing up, right oh? I was in like fucking marching band in high school and then I got more into like the orchestral thing, um, but that was tight yeah and it was like percussion, like y'all have all kinds of weird drums, timpani, oh yeah, like I love timpanis, but like the weirdest shit yeah was shit was.

Speaker 1:

My favorite is break drums, because people are like what's a break drum? It's literally a fucking break drum from a car. Oh, and you just get different sized ones so they make different tones.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's cool and it's like I mean it's not in every fucking classical piece but there's like some movements where, like that fucking measure or bar basically is like oh, it's gotta sound like a fucking cat falling down the stairs. It was like this, really like german abstract piece. Yeah, so you just like run some brass mallets down some fucking brake drums, like what the fuck, was that. So you do? And that's a part that you have to practice.

Speaker 2:

And here's the cat falling down the stairs.

Speaker 1:

You'll get like a fucking two measures solo with this abstract thing that just makes like a rickety or some kind of noise. But if you're not fucking in tune with the piece that you're playing, then those two measures are fucking silent or you're off.

Speaker 2:

Right, I smell a collab because those sounds sound cool. You know what I?

Speaker 1:

mean yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean no, I'm not doing any of that shit.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to brag, but I'm Rick Rubin.

Speaker 1:

Fuck you. What are we doing this for? Let's type yeah.

Speaker 2:

So music's cool, do music, listen to it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, what happened there oh. I just I just fucking oh, it's because I brought up another program. I wanted to keep it off because it's so bright, oh you know I'm gonna do a rig rundown on you sometime yeah, it's getting pretty hectic I mean you have, I mean people watching and listening.

Speaker 2:

Can't see this, but this is a nasa command center yeah, yeah, it's crazy.

Speaker 1:

I mean heather and I don't have kids so so you have gear.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, I have gear.

Speaker 1:

And like I have. I mean, I think about this, but and then I think about. I think about like what I invested in all my like little chachkis and gear. Yeah, and then I think of like everyone with like a pan head out there and I'm like well, I'm not even scratching the surface of that, everyone's got their thing yeah, pick your thing.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, that was horrible.

Speaker 1:

No, we should someone sample that I'll clap on the track to sample that, but uh, yeah, no, I don't know, I just like it's. I like it. It's like that kind of shit, like bikes and electronics.

Speaker 2:

I mean anyone who's like scoff, scoff at, like, oh, you put a bunch into your gaming PC, or blah, blah, blah. Or you're like oh, you invest in your car. What's your thing, bud, what?

Speaker 1:

are you putting money into? Well, and then, like even it's funny you bring that up because, like, I built this computer and then I got all these fucking, all this sound equipment and I still probably have less than, or I probably have as much as like a fucking, like a, whatever the Mac studio, like the desktop fucking king ding-a-ling Mac is. I probably haven't even spent that much what are those?

Speaker 2:

like 4500, yeah, or some shit's a lot yeah I don't have that. I have maybe half of that and everything and, but I do everything from this shit that's what I mean from from what you've been telling me throughout this process is like it doesn't actually take that much to get going. It's just if you really want to spice some things, there's some like toys to get here and there, yeah. The base of it is like, very attainable.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it's just researching that shit on. Youtube, like it's all there Totally and I don't know, like if this shit takes off that'd be cool, or, like I, now I can fucking we were talking about, we can go live stream church services.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly, this is a video production company.

Speaker 1:

So I'm saying charge a couple, couple, few bucks to spread the good news. Yeah, the gospel, that's right. Oh my gosh, all right well speaking of fucking gear.

Speaker 1:

So listen to this fucking story. I get this little camera. So me and the homie mike over at red rabbit shout out red rabbit, um, he's actually going to be a guest on this season later on. I gotta remember the order that we're recording these. Yeah, um, so we're doing, we've got an episode coming out with him, but we went out with this little um like action camera that I got, and this isn't a fucking ad, it's not sponsored, but I do want to tell you the story of how I got this camera but I do want to tell you the story of how I got this camera.

Speaker 1:

The mic picked that up, it did um, that was like a guttural, that one came from the fucking bottom, from the depths. Um. So I ordered this little thing on amazon to try it out and I was like, oh, if it sucks or if I don't like it, I'm just gonna send it back, sure? Uh, it gets lost in transit for like two days and I call amazon, I I'm like yo, and it was supposed to come to my house, but it said that a delivery was attempted not in my city, in like the next city over.

Speaker 1:

So I'm like that's weird and because of how much it is like you have to put a code before they drop it off. So I got on the little fucking chat with Amazon. I was like yo, it says that this was attempted to be delivered one city over and I never got the code. So they were like, oh, just see what happens tomorrow. Not, they see what happens tomorrow. They're like contact us tomorrow If that's the.

Speaker 1:

Amazon fucking person. I would be like I just see what happens by tomorrow. It was actually Jeff Bezos, yeah, yeah. No, just see what happens by tomorrow. It was actually Jeff Bezos, yeah, no, they were very professional about it. They were like, oh, just contact us tomorrow and we'll see what we can do.

Speaker 1:

Next day comes by nothing. So I contact them, told me to, and they refund me my money. So I'm like, okay, cool, didn't really need a camera anyways. A day or two after that the camera is on my doorstep. I look I logged in my amazon like did they resend one out and recharge me? Nope, I checked like before I opened the box for that camera. I would wake up for like two or three days. I wake up, check my bank account and make sure that the money was still there and so I think that it was probably a chat bot that helped me.

Speaker 1:

Yep, and I think that they may be, I don't know hit, return or like replenish and refund. Yeah, oh, I don't fucking know. Oh, hey, but so it's. This isn't a sponsored ad, but it was a free camera and yeah, they sent us this, uh for free you know, you know.

Speaker 2:

Simply a sponsorship, if you think about it.

Speaker 1:

Sure, as much as I Little do they know. As much as I want to say, I disapprove of Jeff Bezos.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes you hit the jackpot.

Speaker 1:

I'm still fucking using Amazon. So until the solar flares take the internet out, brother, hey, all that shit's still in those warehouses, oh so yeah, and that's the other thing I checked.

Speaker 1:

I actually went in and checked who was sold by, because I was like if this was sold by like a mom and pop photoshop, then I'm gonna send it back. Yeah, but it says sold by amazon. So I was like, perfect, yeah, like now I care so much less money, please. Yeah, exactly, um, so no, I, I mean it. We went out and shot with it. It was great.

Speaker 1:

It's like it's got a tiny little body, yeah, uh, for the camera and it's magnetized so you can fucking put it anywhere on a bike, especially if you're on an old bike where everything's fucking rattling metal, oh, you metal, yeah, and you could stick it almost anywhere on that bitch. But, yeah, also rattly. Because I have a couple mounts that are like like these camera mounts that I have in the home studio that I just clamped onto the side of a bike and like it worked, but then, like, as soon as, like the real vibration kicked in, it just started moving around. So now I got to get some mounts, but hey, I didn't invest in the camera technically so I can get a couple goodies for it. That's very cool and just churn out fucking video content.

Speaker 2:

A free camera might have just bought you another angle if you did want to buy another camera.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for sure, oh yeah, and it gets crazy angles because of how tiny it is and fucking. You can just stick it anywhere. It's dope, but I got it for $10. Basically for social media. Like, I'm not going to fucking beat around the bush on that, because the other thing is what you mentioned. I've been making some memes you have. I've been fucking just churning them out.

Speaker 2:

I've turned into a spicy, spicy meme boy.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's so easy though and here's the thing I've heard on other, like Chopper podcasts because I listen to all of them, you know I like to see what's going on out there and mostly if we ever have like a guest that's already been on another show. I don't want to give you all, which is the audience, the same exact.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I don't want you to listen to this podcast that has such and such on it, that was on so-and-so's podcast and you just get that like I dig all those other podcasts. Like I'm not throwing shade here, I'm just trying to provide a slightly different and I know there's gonna be some crossover. Like we're gonna be like well, how'd you get in the bikes? Right, obviously, like everyone wants to know that.

Speaker 2:

But what are we gonna not ask?

Speaker 1:

that right exactly but no, I just um, I've been fucking not even grinding away Like some people were. People were just saying that like you know, it's like you're wasting so much time and it's like it's really I'm just. It's regurgitated chopper jokes over Tik TOK memes, like I see the meme on Tik TOK and then I right there it says to click, click to use the template.

Speaker 1:

And then I just put like and it's the same. I forget who I've been like. Uh, trevor at rathbone dm'd me and he was like. He was like it's like the same. Five memes. I'm like it's the same. Two backgrounds.

Speaker 2:

Even you're like you have no idea, brother, it's like you have.

Speaker 1:

no, that's what I'm saying. It's like I. I feel like some people are under the impression that, like I'm not just saying me, but like people that make memes and it could be true too but like some people think that like people are taking like, oh, this guy's fucking taking hours out of his day just to like make a joke about me, and it's just like hey. I'm not making a joke about you.

Speaker 2:

I'm making a joke about all of us, and somewhere in there it already basically exists. I have to switch a couple words around.

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm saying, like, but it's been hilarious. But the other, and like I don't want to do this, I want to make like really dope fucking podcast episodes and like sure do some really cool like video edits with someone's fucking dope ass bike. Um but, it's a proven concept. Like I, I've been doing that for like a month and a half now posting like one a day. Yeah, just when I, when I like it's like literally takes me less than a cigarette break from like idea, do it post it.

Speaker 1:

And then just fucking go away from the phone and like I mean you know the first like two years of the podcast with the Instagram, I was fucking trying to get followers. I did a couple, paid, I boosted some posts. Nothing, Absolutely nothing. And two years of grinding to get and I'm not saying that it's all about fucking followers.

Speaker 2:

No but.

Speaker 1:

But if I want to get more ears on the podcast, then you do need more followers.

Speaker 2:

It's tastier and more fulfilling when you do a podcast and people listen to it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Like the whole, like I like number go up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh I love number go up yeah.

Speaker 1:

Big number good.

Speaker 2:

Almost every number in my life I can think of. I want to go up.

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm saying so yeah, I just started doing it just as a fucking joke and it fucking caught on like wildfire and in a month and a half went from 400 and like fucking 50 followers to almost 3 000 followers. That's crazy. And now, like it's fucking crazy, I was telling you before I just wake up to like 80 followers. And then I go and look at the analytics on the actual podcast and a fucking episode from like almost three years ago has like 30 listens.

Speaker 1:

I'm like, ok, well, that's what I wanted people to listen to, right, I don't want to fucking make bullshit memes all the time, sure, but people aren't sharing the podcast. Yeah, people are sharing the shit out of the bullshit memes, right out of the bullshit memes, right, like that's what like I have like, and I want to say like 90 percent, 99 of people like just get the joke. But then you, I got some fucking kooks in the comment section and I know I sound like I'm fucking these crying about engagement snappers um, but no, it's just like some people will like take it defensively and get aggro in the comments.

Speaker 1:

I'm like, brother, I don't care. I literally don't care. I posted this. It took me a minute to make and then I walked away Like it's a ha-ha joke that you please by all means share it to your friends as a ha-ha joke, but like don't read into it at all, because if you fucking do, then you're taking it too seriously. Totally. Now you are the meme. If you get offended by the meme, you're it.

Speaker 2:

It's like dag, you're it, maybe introspect a little bit. It's like I don't like this and it's like, well, why not? That made me feel weird.

Speaker 1:

But it's just fucking proven dude, like it's getting more people to see the page, which is then driving more people over to the actual podcast yeah which you know, if we fucking, it just never makes a single cent. It's been fun and I'll keep doing it, but if it starts to make some dollars then we can make it better. Yeah, and fucking reach out and fucking do episodes with actual fucking people within these companies that we are talking about yeah, anyone that's like oh, you're just trying to make money, aren't you?

Speaker 1:

It's like well, yeah, kind of and like why yeah?

Speaker 2:

Why wouldn't you?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Be like why don't you just get a job you hate instead, Like the rest of us?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like well, I have one of those and I'm also doing this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, me, nor you do that. So let's, let's figure some stuff. I'm trying to get away from that. Yeah, if this is what takes me there, I'm not gonna be like no, no, you're good, yeah, yeah, yeah, no, I'm good, I'm fine, yeah. So, yeah, I think it's. I think that's a silly, like faux punk, like mindset that I've I've seen people have that criticizing like I mean, yeah, we're not gonna fucking like well, I want to do it. I was like I was running through companies that we'd say no to. I wanted to.

Speaker 1:

I was like a weapons manufacturer huh I want to do it in a way that it that it like, if it does make us money, rad um obviously, but we're still doing it within what we are passionate about.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like, even like the whole, like most of these memes have been motorcycle based. The first word in the fucking podcast is is like we don't talk a lot about skateboarding. A whole lot, sure, um, but it's also cause, like I'm I'm pretty far removed from it. Yeah and like. Like none of us actively skate, skate, um, yeah and like like none of us actively skate.

Speaker 2:

No skate um, though.

Speaker 1:

I did just get insurance, so maybe that's the shit you got to think of, though I don't that when we're coming back to like, oh, why do you want to make money off of this? It's like, well, I have to pay for my insurance yeah so that I can continue and do some shit that I like, right. I you know, brother, if we can just trade goods and services and fucking live off of each, then if you can figure out that route, cool. But until then got to make some money. Sure, shit's not getting cheaper.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I want to get one of those trikes or whatever the three wheel thing. I can hear all of the guys going well, actually you know they actually flip over. We're going to get you on like a sick old BMW. Triumph with a sidecar oh yeah, so you got.

Speaker 1:

it's like a Triumph, but way sketchier.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Because it's not as balanced. It's near as balanced.

Speaker 2:

You got to lean into that bitch a little different. That's probably something I'd actually get good at. I'd be like the first motor, like freestyle motocross on a fucking motorcycle with a sidecar.

Speaker 1:

I think they're well. Well, no, they do like dirt racing and shit with them, like with jumps and shit. Yeah, it's fucking wild and like road racing you know what?

Speaker 2:

actually I was about to ask a dumb question. I was gonna ask why don't they put like more sidecars on a motorcycle? And I was like that's a car I'm.

Speaker 1:

Essentially they probably started doing that it's like two motorcycles with a house in between it like we should put a roof over it and enclose all of it.

Speaker 2:

I'm like wait a second. That's a car, Damn.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, but there's like some scooters and bikes that have like a canopy over them. Sure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, how much cover do you need for it to essentially not be a motorcycle anymore?

Speaker 1:

Oh Well, it's not about the cover.

Speaker 2:

It's about how many wheels, okay, but in that case is a motorcycle with two side cars, one on each side just a car, then I guess it's just a convertible, right? But wait, wait, wait, a motorcycle with two side cars you got a side car on your right side car on your left.

Speaker 1:

So it's technically it's four wheels. That's what I'm saying. But that would be atrocious to turn. You're driving with handlebars. You couldn't turn it.

Speaker 2:

I don't think the physics if you if you made the sidecar out at a wheel's turn. There's a lot of pulleys and levers in there, yeah stuff. Listen, this is very fantastic I think we're where. I think we're talking about why this doesn't exist right now what was that animated martin scorsese movie where he tinkers with toys and stuff like?

Speaker 1:

that Animated Martin Scorsese movie In a train station.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, I wish I remember the name. That was a good reference. Do you mean Up? No?

Speaker 1:

That's animated Martin Scorsese. He's not starring in it, sure sure, but no one's ever noticed that the old guy from Up is just Martin.

Speaker 2:

Scorsese, it's just Martin Scorsese. Yeah, for sure. And who knew he had such a devastating life.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, no, I did. He's still making fucking movies. That's true. I think he said it Like he's going to like. That's all he's got.

Speaker 2:

Sure, why stop? He's like I'm thinking of getting into pole vaulting, yeah.

Speaker 1:

What is he going to do? No, he could probably crank out like two more.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh sure yeah, two more big budget ones. How old is he even?

Speaker 1:

I don't even know. He's just a tiny, tiny human. What if he's like 16? Holy shit, he didn't do Benjamin Button. No, no, no, yeah, too much CG for him. Yeah, I know, he just said he just like fucking spoke out about Marvel again. He was like talking about how we need to fucking like push the Christopher Nolans and like that Again, like make more like that instead of Marvel movies. I'm like again, man, it comes out to money.

Speaker 1:

Even though those are fucking they've been slacking Again. I mean it comes out to money, even though those are fucking they've been slacking. Yeah, the last like the last, like 17 Marvel movies. Yeah, it's like it worse.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's like they're losing writers.

Speaker 1:

The last 17. They did fucking just last year.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's been. I've been out of the superhero game for a minute, but boy, it is getting less and less appealing. The more trailers I see, oh yeah, for sure, I'm like this is the same story again. Yeah, they're like what if we did a spider-man origin?

Speaker 1:

story, a fourth, one um the other. So I wanted to get into a segment a little listener mail segment yeah uh, so a couple weeks ago again.

Speaker 1:

We can do this shit now because we get enough of a response because you're here fucking memes yeah um there's people in the room now so I posted, uh, one of my like sketchiest just fix it to get home stories, uh. And then I asked the fucking page if they got any and we got a pretty good response, so I thought maybe I'll just read through them. Yeah, uh, and I don't know, it's just. This is funny to me, cause I've been there. I'm like, uh, so, and I'll do these all anonymously, which, uh, I'd like to do this in the future too, and if, if you guys are down, um, let us know if you want it to be anonymously read or if you want us to shout you out. Uh, someone said borrowed gas from a crackhead with a gas can and felt like a crackhead, fucking, just needed gas. And then some crackhead that had a gas can was like here you go I mean the oh shit moment when you see the crackhead with the gas.

Speaker 2:

Can you're like no way? Yeah, all right, there's a couple.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's a couple things that happen in your mind where you're just like, wow, like what are the odds? And you're like, oh, wait a minute.

Speaker 2:

You're like first, is he approachable shit I smell inside there, yeah he's like I mean, I was gonna drink it, but you can have it.

Speaker 1:

Um, all right, all right, all right. And someone said either holding fender off the tire with a hand or bent screwdriver and springer rocker due to lost bolt, so like holding the fender.

Speaker 2:

What so?

Speaker 1:

oh, I guess just not to, so that doesn't yeah, like rub against the the tire because like the supports for it have broken, so you're just driving like this well, probably the rear fender, I would assume like if they're on chopper.

Speaker 2:

You're just kind of right there.

Speaker 1:

But then, yeah, like where, where are your fingers?

Speaker 1:

dog like you better not slip you, better fucking keep that zone out for a second I would probably I don't know it depending on what tools I had on me, I would just rip that fucking fender off. But I mean, if you don't have the tool that you need on you, then you got gotta hold that bitch until you get home, um, and then fucking bent screwdriver and springer rocker, doodle, lost bolt. That's insane. So, like springer, as old listeners, you know this dynamic already. New listeners welcome. Hi, we love you.

Speaker 1:

Uh, grayson doesn't know a lot about motorcycles and my skateboard knowledge tapped out at like the late 90s, early 2000s. So that's our dynamic and we're sticking to it. Uh, so springer is we're talking about front end. Uh so it's the not like forks, you have forks and you have like, uh like, a springer front, which is like I can probably pull up a picture, but I don't feel like doing that right now. Um, so that's basically a series of rods that uh, fucking like articulate, like this every time you hit a bump oh, okay, um, it's not suspension, but it's like absorbing shock it's it, it's.

Speaker 1:

It's a form of suspension, it's just like a very much older form. I see um, but it's all held together by nuts and bolts. So you lose one of those bolts and you technically shouldn't ride it because it's apart in a way.

Speaker 1:

There's like a few main mounting points and actually they're all main mounting points. So once you lose one of the bolts you're kind of sol. So this person just fucking stuck a screwdriver in it and like bent it. Either you'd or fucking like down up on one end so that wouldn't slip out from the vibration on the road and fucking limp that bitch home that's a sketch, so like yeah, like what? What held your space where nuts and bolts held your suspension together. That has failed, so now you just have a screwdriver. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

You better be a good at a screwdriver. If you bent it, I don't reckon you already have a great screwdriver, right? A screwdriver's pretty bendable, you know.

Speaker 1:

I mean if you're pissed enough on the side of the road and you've got to get it done, yeah, yeah. That fucking, that mother's strength comes out of you my baby oh god, um someone else said used to have a sink drain plug for a gas cap that actually makes a rubber cork.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they just wouldn't cork it. You know, you can call that a stylistic choice um.

Speaker 1:

Someone else said speedo in my pocket, whilst still this is one of our uk listeners oh, by the way so we're fucking international baby wrong button. Uh, speedo in my pocket will still connected because the bracket snaps. So, just like the bracket that holds your speedometer broke from the vibration. Okay, so they just shoved the speedo in their pocket while it was still connected to the front wheel. Okay, so it's like in their pocket still reading how fast they're going. It's working.

Speaker 1:

It's just, it's like pocket watch, yeah it's very, very on brand for you guys, that's great um a zip tie called hopes anders, when my brakes gave out and handlebars gave up.

Speaker 2:

So I'm assuming the zip tie is the pulley cable kind of situation.

Speaker 1:

Maybe. Yeah, it's either the pulley or they, because they said brakes gave out and handlebars gave up.

Speaker 2:

So no tension on the. I mean, I only know bike brakes Like bicycle brakes. It's the same thing. It's okay. So that's what I'm thinking. So like the thing actually.

Speaker 1:

It's the same thing, but hydraulic it's the same thing, but hydraulic Okay.

Speaker 2:

So I don't know where the zip tie applies besides literally you pulling on the zip tie, or like they lost a bolt again. Someone lost a bolt somewhere. Ball somewhere, and then replace it with a zip tie. I'm imagining rains like on a yeah oh, we'll get to that shit.

Speaker 1:

We'll get to that shit. Um, electric tape, the blown out gas line to limp it home, so like it's like a rubber, like a thicker than this cable obviously, like I forget how many gauge it is um, and it gets like a split in it and but your fuel goes through it and they just fucking electrical taped it. That's a race to get home, depending on how far you're on, because the fumes and the gas will fucking eat. It's not going to hold up to fucking gas fumes, it's electrical tape.

Speaker 1:

It barely holds up to what it has to do. Another one crack my gas tank and use some JB oil to seal it and a bandana for cushion. That's a good one. I currently have a very hairline weep in my gas tank that I've sealed it and it worked for a little bit, but then the seal gave out too, so I'm probably going to have to replace my shit.

Speaker 2:

I hear often about gas tanks cracking. How does that happen? Is that just vibration?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Cause you gotta think like with with choppers specifically, there's no rear suspension Right and the front suspension is either a Springer front end or it's forks, like hydraulic fork suspension, but like not the best. It's not like fucking sport bikes that have like really nice shit. So, yeah, there's a lot of vibration going on there. There's a lot of red loctite that goes into some stuff.

Speaker 2:

A lot of holes in it too, uh yeah uh, that was a zip tie caught.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, we did that one. Uh, let's see, this is one. Buddy snapped his throttle cable 65 miles from home and rode up a mountain and home pulling the cable.

Speaker 1:

That sounds familiar yeah, so which I reached out to this and was like, was this? And it wasn't. Oh, that case, wow, um, but yeah, so that's, yeah, exactly what. It sounds like like throttle cable snapped and you're, however, far from home and you have to figure out what to fucking lash it onto, or or just pull it manually from where it's coming out of such yeah to make, go, to make, go, yeah, exactly um. Someone said my cutting board chain guard. That's a good one, which that one's not too crazy because, like some, like motocross and enduro bikes, have, like delrin, plastic for chain guards, or it's basically like they just made a chain guard out of cutting board material so it doesn't slap and hit anything important, sounds like it would fragment a lot if impacted.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but they usually make it. I'm not talking thin cutting board.

Speaker 2:

When they're on bikes it's pretty fucking thick.

Speaker 1:

There's some car engines that have that as chain guides internally, where it's hard plastic, which it does give out over time and in some of them it could be catastrophic.

Speaker 2:

but yeah, it's going to be fun. I'm just a nervous Nelly. Everything on a bike sounds so like oh, if that exploded, that would just fucking.

Speaker 1:

No, I mean, especially when it comes to these bikes, there's really nothing to them, like it's the whole fucking movement came from taking everything off and you're just attached to it. Yeah, I mean, that's kind of like if you want to get into, like the poetry or like what's beautiful about it, or it's just like on a you're riding a beast. Well, that and like on a long enough ride, like you start to kind of like certain drones and like sounds kind of go away.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you start to hear what's going on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like if you ride like an old Harley or old Triumph or old, fucking any really old bike. They're so mechanical that, like at some point in a long ride you start to tune out all the other distractions and it's like it's. It's as fucking like, as, yeah, as fucking Hunter, s, yeah, as fucking hunter, as thompson or however bullshitty you want to get about it. It's a beautiful thing because, like, you start to hear and pick up on certain noises and like, if you're someone like me who, like will kind of freak out about it, but like I've been freaking out for years about it and still making all the same noises. So at this point I'm just like it's fine, we'll just go till something pops, that's great um but no, it's nice.

Speaker 1:

It's like I have a lot of friends that and I ride all kinds of bikes. But like some of my friends that don't ride choppers like just don't get it. Yeah, because they're like, oh well, like there's this ducati that has like the best suspension in the world and it's like the lightest bike and it's like the best handling. I'm like, yeah, and that's fucking rad for that. But if I get on this bike I'm not going to do that. Yeah, it's not. It's so far removed from my mind. Like I'm just going to fucking ride. Yeah, either solo or with a homie, and we're going to go fucking get ice cream or fucking you know hot dogs. We're going to ride like a few hours and get lunch and then ride somewhere else. Like, yeah, I'm not, I'm not fucking, I don't need to be throwing my knees into like corners and fucking like I'm some professional fucking gp rider. Um, another one foil in a wire hanger because an exhaust stud broke wrote it like that for 1500 miles before rebuilt oh my god, that's not bad yeah, just a little.

Speaker 1:

Just it's like a uh, a very hefty twist, tie uh a lot of like old 70s race bikes. They used to fucking to keep bolts from backing out. They used to drill holes through them like sideways, and run uh like wire through it and then tie it to somewhere else so that like, even if, even if the vibration rattled, the bolt loose still it couldn't it couldn't well it's not snug.

Speaker 1:

It can't back out, yeah yeah, because at that point it's like, well, it's gonna run like shit if, like, these four bolts come loose and the head's kind of loose on this bike but it's not gonna back out completely and send the fucking piston through the gas tank. Um, let's see riding home with the seat and fender attached by only one sissy bar bolt. So that's fucking, you know, that's another one where it's just like I hope that ride home was short, but a lot of times like like that, that, what happened the one that I posted about was, um, I had just gotten my bike back together and it had a fresh chain on it and over time, like chains this is on bicycles too change stretch and they get looser, so you have to readjust them. Uh, especially the case on like a fresh chain, uh, and I went on a long ass fucking trip up and down the east coast of florida to go hang out.

Speaker 1:

I lived in south florida, so I rode up to rode up to north florida to hang out with some homies and then to central florida to hang out with some other homies at like a car and bike show. And then I was riding back, um, I had the original rear brake line uh set up on it and I was like fucking super cool chopper guy at this time. So I had no front brake and like 150 ish miles from home I pulled into a rest, stop off the highway uh, and started hit my one rear brake pedal and like pedal just smushed all the way down and the bike wasn't stopping and I'm like uh, whoa, that's not good. So immediately I just started down shifting like engine braking and I just fucking did some circles in the parking lot until I slowed down enough to fucking flimstones it with my feet but it was wild because it was.

Speaker 1:

It was. It was a fucking sunday night. I was on my way. I had to work monday yeah, it was a sunday night, uh, at like around. I'll never freaking forget this shit. It's like maybe 6 pm uh fall ish in florida, so it's like it's not hot, it's like 70 something, low 70, so it's like perfect weather, uh. But it's about to get dark and I'm on a tiny chopper with like just a headlight and a brake light, yeah, on the highway, and I have like, uh, maybe it wasn't that far, it was only it was. I know I'll remember because it was like an get home.

Speaker 1:

I'm like it's an hour to get home. In all of it I lived right off the highway. I was on 95 going South, um, and I was like, literally, I was like this is 99% highway riding. So, uh, in my, in my mind, cause I'm also like I'm like it's fucking Sunday night and I would just like I have friends with trucks, but I'm like I don't want to do this to anyone. Like it was like hey, I got a two-hour round trip, like for you you want to come.

Speaker 1:

Fucking help me, pick my bike up into the back of your truck then bring me home on the sunday night you want to go to bed at like 11 pm on sunday?

Speaker 1:

yeah, thanks for doing this man exactly like I would have paid but this is like it was that fucking like that old world, don't fucking be a bitch, never give up. In me that was like nah, man, you got to figure this out. So I just fucking in my head, I was psyching myself up. I was like, okay, it's 99 highway riding, so the only thing I have to worry about is a deer jumping out in front of me or someone cutting me off and fucking ripping on their brakes because then, I'm fucking doing the, the cool runnings, like running the fucking sled into the onto the side of the road and just fucking sliding out.

Speaker 1:

Hopefully that's that's best case scenario. Yeah well, no, best case scenario is getting home well and you're pretty.

Speaker 2:

You can maneuver pretty better on a bike than you were with like a car with no brakes sure, sure, sure, yeah. So I just fucking rode that bitch home on on the fucking highway no brakes so this might be very novice for everyone listening, but for me it is also still novice. Um what is engine braking?

Speaker 1:

even engine braking is when you uh downshift. What's it doing, though? It's like it's it's causing. So the reason you upshift is because you've reached the full potential of that gear ratio like your engine is, is, is, is um, maxing out like redlining, like rpms is rotations per minute, right, um, and that's how many rpms your cylinders are doing inside of the? Uh, because the cylinders are mounted to a crank and that's going in a certain in a circular motion okay so rpms is rotations per minute.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and like all these vehicles are doing thousands per minute. Um, that's how hard that shit's working. So when you get to the top range of a gear, you have to shift up so that you give yourself more room for the engine to go.

Speaker 1:

Basically, yeah, so when you to engine break is you're down shifting so that you're you're resetting that, that rpm, uh, and that's slowing you down because, you're going down into like lower gears that aren't, they can't go this speed, so you just kind of you let the throttle go and let it slow down and then downshift it and it'll slow itself down just through inertia.

Speaker 2:

Now the motor works, so yeah, it is very much you.

Speaker 1:

Just it's not like you're break, you're not coming to a stop, you're just slowing, you're just like adding some drag, exactly, yeah exactly, yeah so that's what I did when I, when I pulled into the rest stop because again it was tiny tank on the chopper so I could only go so far before I needed to refuel. Anyways, I get like like about 100 miles to the tank. Um, so yeah, I was like less than 100 miles from home about an hour. So I was probably like 60 or 70 miles from home on the highway.

Speaker 1:

So I was just like well, yeah, I was like I can engine brake once I get to the exit to get home and then just fucking like if anyone got in front of me that whole ride I just would drop back like a shit ton or get over Like I wouldn't I just like just don't let anyone be in front of you, because if they fucking freak out, if they're on their phone or some shit causes them to mash on their brakes, I'm going to eat the fucking back of their car Right or have to slide out. Yeah, and then that and fucking deers.

Speaker 1:

It's like if a deer jumps out we're fucked, baby like that's it. It's been a good one there's nothing I can do about that because I'm not gonna have the reaction time for them yeah so that was actually the sketchiest part of that I think.

Speaker 1:

And then, yeah, like, but it was also like you know, hour on the highway, ish. Um, it was kind of calming, you know, because it's that long ride and but then when I got close to home and realized that I had to like fucking get off of an exit, and then it was like a few lights to get to the house, so I was just like how many times did you pull your brake just out of like muscle memory and be like, oh shit, yeah, that's right, I gotta fucking um a good couple times yeah, that's yeah, for sure so yeah, um, I posted that shit and enough people just kind of reached out and fucking it sounds like we got great engagement on that, yeah

Speaker 1:

um, I have some more guys. Yeah for sure, big shout out to y'all for like, actually fucking being a part of this. It's actually a big ask. And you guys came through, oh yeah, and then some. And then I asked it again today and I got a couple other responses. Nice, let's see. Uh, this one's one of my oh and then uh, so that throttle one wasn't. Um, there's a homie of austin zito's we did an episode with yeah, and that happened to him.

Speaker 1:

That's why I thought that that was that yeah, it's not um which I reached out to the homie and he let us know too. It was like oh yeah. I was like was this you? And it was like no, but something very similar happened to me.

Speaker 1:

They were riding through, I think in colorado, if I remember like through the mountains, like maybe they're on like a million dollar highway in colorado or some shit, and his throttle snapped and he just fucking rode up and down the mountain like pulling it manually, like, but that one's fucking dedication because he could have turned around and gone home. But he was like I got to finish a trip with the boys, fuck that and I think they ended up going to some old-timer shop and getting it fixed there and it turned into an even other rad story from the road. But that homie's going to be on the podcast too now.

Speaker 2:

I love it.

Speaker 1:

Just a couple more. This one's sick. A twisted tea can hose clamped around a two to three inch hole in my exhaust, got me to the nearest motel until a buddy welded me up the next day. That that's insane. That's the coolest one. I love that one, uh. And then there's. I mean I can post a picture on the on the instagram.

Speaker 2:

I just want to show no, grayson straight up like and he sent another one lose points for it being the twisty half and half, but yeah, like good no dude the arnie palmy what, I don't fuck with it.

Speaker 1:

No, come on, look, just to show that's the hole, like two to three inch big hole in the exhaust. And then he just fucking dude, see what?

Speaker 2:

what can't twisted tea do? That's what I'm saying, smack you up so bad.

Speaker 1:

Hey, twisted tea, sponsor us oh my god.

Speaker 2:

I mean twisty sponsor would be fucking tight dude. Make sure you do a liquid death in between each twisted tea to keep yourself from getting a massive hangover.

Speaker 1:

Keep yourself hydrated by liquid death. We're not legally obliged to tell you anything about them because they just send us free water, but also shout out to liquid death for sending us free water. That's really fucking tight and cool y'all. Let's see Something else. Someone said needed new Paul Springs in my shovelhead and rode home 10 miles with a foot clutch in first gear.

Speaker 1:

Um, so the paw springs are what? When you shift, yeah, so okay, the like in a car and I will just do on for a bike's perspective like if this is a shift lever on the side of the engine and you have to, you shift, uh, down for down right and up for up right, sure, but it always returns to the middle, I see. So when the springs go out, it doesn't return anymore. So you can't, like that's happened to me on my bike a few times where you have to like manually return it to the middle to then shift to the next gear. You have to, or you're just stuck in a gear and if it gets worse, the worse it gets. Like then you can't. Even so this person probably couldn't even manually get it back to shift. They were just fucking stuck in, fucking what they say first gear, which is the worst yet, stuck in first gear 10 miles home.

Speaker 1:

That's fucking brutal because, like we were saying earlier, like you've got to shift up right. Normally fucking first gear is just to get whatever vehicle you're in or on moving right. You usually like pass that shit within the first I don't know 10 to 20 miles per hour.

Speaker 2:

You got to shift out of that shit, so how, yeah, how fast would you be going home if you're just stuck?

Speaker 1:

20 yeah, 25, depending on your gearing, and you're fucking ringing out your fucking motors, just screaming at you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that would give me anxiety.

Speaker 1:

Um, this one's great throttle cable broke. Another one throttle cable broke so we just wrapped the cable around a stick and just pulled it right by the carb. So like, wrapped the fucking cable around a stick right over the carb and just again like manually, like fucking pulled on the cable like you're a ventriloquist. Yeah, it sounds like wand lore right there dude yeah, that's fucking sick. Uh, so that was our little listener segment. Yeah, that was rad.

Speaker 2:

Good job, you guys yeah, also I can shout out to y'all give me the fucking horns. Producer me um, yeah, that was sick um okay, guys.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, I mean that's all we got for this one kind of a little little bridge episode. We got some more historical ones coming. I mean we might just fucking put this one right after and then get into the rest of the season. But yeah, don't forget to fucking—oh Grayson, before I do that, any fucking take-backs, apologies. Anything you got coming up you want people to know.

Speaker 2:

I apologize for nothing Perfect, no, no, not really. Yeah, we've been talking about it more. We've been getting into somewhat of a better rhythm. It is still a challenge. But yeah, season three coming soon or never, or all of the above.

Speaker 1:

We're just doing it for ourselves. Here's the deal we're only making memes.

Speaker 2:

When we put stuff out, consume it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, share these shits as much as you share the memes. It's not that hard. That's the biggest thing you can do for us.

Speaker 2:

I'm talking to myself too, there's a lot of shit, I could just be liking that I haven't been liking.

Speaker 1:

I get it too. You share memes on the internet with friends. You just tell some people about a podcast.

Speaker 2:

Yes, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

You're like, oh I listened to this one podcast. It was kind of cool. Let us help you, help us, even if it's just that if you tell your friends about the podcast, tell the homies about the podcast, that helps us immensely. And fucking like and laugh at the memes and share those too, but yeah.

Speaker 2:

They're not about you, they're about us.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're about all of us.

Speaker 2:

Family. Oh, we need to get like a fucking Vin Diesel family button when you're here at Kickflips and Kickstands. You're family Damn. You want to go to Olive Garden.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, follow us at Kickflips and Kickstands podcast on Instagram. Follow Grayson at us at kickflips and kickstands podcast on instagram.

Speaker 2:

Follow grayson at grayson ray connor. At grayson ray connor or feelgoodclubus, there you go. Follow me at danny and fonte uh, on instagram.

Speaker 1:

Uh, we'll fucking catch you on the next one. I love y'all. Share this shit, help us out, help me, help you, give you what you want. This is like choose your own adventure radio yeah, like, or like a dominatrix do you not want fucking ads, what? Who said that you don't want bullshit ads? Well, we'll just run cool ads. I guess, I don't know for sure let us know all right, love you, peace. Thanks for watching.