Kickflips and Kickstands

An Olympic Sized Turd

Danny Infante & Grayson Connor Season 3 Episode 8

In this episode we talk about skateboardings 2nd showing in the olympics and all the other wacky shi- surrounding the games. Enjoy!

Speaker 1:

This episode is brought to you by, well, us, from recording to editing, writing, social media, graphic design, memes, fucking all that shit's in-house Speaking, of which our merch site is live now. So go treat yourself to a nice new little shirt. All the profits go to hopefully bringing you a better show and maybe a little beer money for us, and you look damn good doing it. Visit the link in our Instagram bio and click the merch tab. And now back to the show. This is it, baby. This is it. Hi guys, we're here. We're here to talk about oh, this is kickflips and kickstands. As the intro said, go buy a shirt if you want. If not, that's cool too. Doesn't make us any difference. Uh, and we're talking about we're loosely talking about the olympics today. At some point we probably will be talking about skateboarding in the Olympics. Today. I'm here with both of the boys. We got Grayson on deck and everyone's favorite, josh Britt. You guys can talk now.

Speaker 2:

We were talking about, not talking over, but you can talk over me.

Speaker 1:

We need like a speaking feather. I'm losing it here.

Speaker 2:

Whoever holds up, the feather gets to talk.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, oh, that'd be tight, and we just don't send Grayson a feather, exactly, okay, I will be, holding a little bit of torch.

Speaker 2:

Hey, buddy, it's good to see you guys.

Speaker 1:

It's good to see you guys, and I'll be for sure, in the same room right now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's a big desk.

Speaker 1:

It's looks the same. All the backgrounds look exactly the same. Anyone watching this on YouTube won't be able to tell the difference, especially people maybe driving right now definitely won't. What's fucking new with you guys? It's been a while.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it has, grayson, you want to go? What do you got? What's new Sure?

Speaker 3:

Things have been alright.

Speaker 1:

That's not a strong start Not a good dismount. Definitely want to get Olympian with it.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm okay. No times have been tough, but it's like having the Olympics come through really made a big difference. That really pulled me out of the dumps.

Speaker 1:

I can't wait to know which part specifically of the Olympics helped you Breakdancing, it was breakdancing, it was breakdancing. It was breakdancing. Yeah, you guys, I, I hey a little foreshadowing. You won't even believe what I was most hyped over this year New sport that I found.

Speaker 3:

Was it breakdancing, was it?

Speaker 1:

archery no, no, no, you guys can keep guessing if you want. I would love Air pistols. No, no, like none of the memed. No, barely any coverage, barely any coverage oh man, it's like but to whoever's into it. I'm sure there's a few countries or a lot of other countries that are super into it. But anyways, back to you, grayson um good, we're making it.

Speaker 3:

Uh, I sold the fusion yesterday, so oh, congratulations yeah, I'm a car, I'm a guy.

Speaker 2:

No longer.

Speaker 3:

It was a harrowing huh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Dude, yeah that car. Oh my God. I couldn't quite pinpoint what that car gave off and it's very much fucking rental for some kind of private investigator.

Speaker 2:

It was a car for a private investigator, that was covered by health insurance. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the lowest, lowest, lowest grade investigator you can get not the cool one, like in the hitman but the drive I had.

Speaker 3:

I took it to carmax. It's been sitting in my parking lot for months now. You drove it after been sitting. Well, that, um, it's because the power steering went out, so that and I had the battery dash indicator. But I recruited our good buddy Matt to just escort me in case I broke down because he's got a hitch, and drove it the two and a half miles to CarMax with no power steering, at five o'clock traffic and my temperature gauge the minute I hit Congress went straight to H and you live on and I was live on congress, yeah, the minute you pulled out onto your main road yeah, but

Speaker 3:

500 feet into this two and a half mile drive I called matt and I was like, hey, I'm, I'm topped out, I'm redlining right now. Um, I was like what's like the worst case scenario. He was like your engine could explode, yeah, and I was like, should we go for it? And I was like he was like should we go for it? And I was like he was like let's just go for it. So I made it, went in I don't have the car's not registered and I was like this story just gets better, dude. I was like is that going to be a problem? And in Texas, no, it's not, it's fine. But I was stressing about it the whole time. They came back with an offer. I was as happy as I could be with it, considering that it redlined the whole way, with no power steering, considering every factor you just told us, and that I zip-tied my taillight on.

Speaker 1:

That's like the most sane thing that was going on in that. Yeah, that was fine.

Speaker 3:

That was just how it was affixed. But they gave me the offer and they're like, yeah, if you could just pull it into the service bay, we'll sign paper. But when I pull it into service bay it's like revving and shit and like the brakes got all squishy all of a sudden and I was like dude, this thing wasn't going to last another minute. So I got it into the bay and I like put it, you brake on. I got out and I was like not mine anymore.

Speaker 2:

you just bought it you idiot.

Speaker 3:

But uh yeah, so now I'm a carless man love that, so you're gonna rely.

Speaker 2:

You're gonna rely on that.

Speaker 1:

Uh, healthy austin public transportation get you around no, our robust, no, I'm gonna rely on these, these fucking long dams that I got right here, chevrolet legs, dude, I have a, I have a um completely straight papers commandeered old bird or not bird scooter, old jump scooter, if you need.

Speaker 3:

I might take you up on that.

Speaker 1:

I it's. It's sitting in my garage. I spray painted it gold. Thank you very much. Um so like the battery is probably only ever going to give you like 60% power and charge at this point. I work right over there. Yeah, keep it outside, it'll get stolen. If you keep it outside, it might burn your apartment down. If you keep it inside, that's okay. It wouldn't be my first time burning an apartment down.

Speaker 1:

The only thing through that whole story that I wish would have happened is you and matt tow that bitch in the car max behind what I'm assuming is the bronco and you're like.

Speaker 2:

Here it is the bronco that might make it there. It'll probably make it.

Speaker 1:

Now it's triple towed, the bronco's hooked up to a hitch, and then on the bronco's hitch is the fusion, and then some chevrolet guy just sees two fords on the back of a fucking. And you guys made day.

Speaker 3:

But, yeah, that's probably the most exciting thing that's happened to me recently. How about you, joshy?

Speaker 2:

Things are good.

Speaker 2:

I've got a lot of things going on at my new work. It's like we're in this weird like there's a it's a slow season, since it's summer, anything that's retail or retail adjacent always kind of slows down. So like the main core of my job is slow. But we've recently kind of started doing these like hotel lobby, gift shop, build out things that are. We've got, you know, a couple locations already locked in and a couple more that are very, very, very prominent, like I'll. I'll fill you guys in later because they're still like super under apps. And then there's, I don't know, there's real estate stuff going on, renovations and all sorts of I don't know what my job is. I love my job. It's just I'm doing that thing I do where I'm just swiss army person and I just can fucking. I just I know how to do everything, so I have to do everything so but, that being said, that's pretty good. I got a new lizard that's sitting next to me hi, what kind of lizard is it?

Speaker 1:

how mobile is this camera?

Speaker 2:

right now. How mobile is the lizard?

Speaker 1:

I didn't even oh my god, I didn't even think about that. The animal could move they're typically very mobile I'm too busy thinking about if he could get a camera. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Lizards have four legs actually.

Speaker 2:

This is my new guy.

Speaker 1:

Dang. What kind of lizard is it?

Speaker 2:

It's a Texas spiny lizard.

Speaker 1:

Nice, how big that thing get.

Speaker 2:

They get like 11, 12 inches long.

Speaker 1:

Damn Couldn't be me.

Speaker 2:

His name's Lazarus. It adds to my collection of weird animals that I found Dogs, cats.

Speaker 1:

Poison frogs.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, poison frogs.

Speaker 1:

Or venomous frogs. Which one is it? It's the poison, it's not the heat, it's the beauty.

Speaker 2:

They be poisonous Because you have to ingest them.

Speaker 1:

Venomous means they put it in your skin.

Speaker 2:

Yes. So, um, that being said, poison frogs are gone. We still have our.

Speaker 1:

Can you put a tiny Pauly Shore and Stevie Baldwin in one of them to see what happens?

Speaker 2:

I'll start a scope in the backyard. I'll see what happens. I'll, um, I'll start scoping the backyard. I'll see what I can find. I can probably just call steven baldwin, because I'm sure and paulie, sure he's not doing anything. Yeah, paulie, sure is probably their schedules.

Speaker 1:

There's a chance steven baldwin's in your backyard right now reading the bible well there's a, there's a ramp in the back, so he's preaching jesus via skateboarding, for sure back from the deck.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, dude to the head dude, that's your loophole.

Speaker 1:

You just start a skate church in your backyard. I mean, I'm trying to start, goodbye taxes or a doomsday cult, but like you know, start as a skate church.

Speaker 2:

That's how you get the youths and you get the tax breaks in the youths yeah yeah, um, yeah, beyond that, what else? Tragically, I sold my motorcycle dang well, you have two. Well, you have one complete and one in part and the one that's complete, I sold to my best friends that's the wrong one. This is still in my garage. But what from selling that one, I got to buy parts to get closer to completing the shovel head.

Speaker 2:

I've been doing a bunch of like fabrication work on it and stuff and it's like getting pretty close, like uh, I need the um the primary, like the belt drive primary, might need to replace the transmission shaft in it because it's a I've got knucklehead cases on the engine and then like a long shaft, shovelhead, ratchet top transmission, you might just have to rebuild it. Put a shorter transmission shaft in it. Yeah, that shit sucks the last.

Speaker 1:

The last couple times I've been working on my bikes, I pull them completely out of the garage so I can at least get like a cross breeze, like I got two fans on the one end pushing all the hot air out and trying to help me, but it's still just a fucking sweat box. So I'm like, fuck this. Yeah, I just pull the car down the driveway and put it in the. Luckily I have a flat enough driveway where it's just like this, almost the same grade as a garage floor, so I can at least catch a crosswind. You're still sweating your ass off, but you get more of a breeze?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you just get sunburned. Yeah, straight off. Yeah, but beyond that I mean that's the bulk of what I've been doing trying to make it out to all the bike nights that we're having now. Those are fun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's been good. I missed the last one we got back from. I was in California for a little bit and we flew back that day and I was like originally I was going to go cause we're supposed to land at seven, so I was like I'll just land and fucking rally some energy and get over there. And then our flight got pushed back like three hours so we didn't get home till like 1130. So I was like we passed by, old pal, and saw lights on and a couple of bikes out even then. So I was like that's rad and I was like I could get on my bike right now and go over there. But I was like I'm going to fucking eat a shitty ham and cheese sandwich and go to sleep and worry about life tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

How far is, how far is your house from? It's what like 10 blocks from old pal. Yeah, it's like no it's like no, it's more than 10 blocks, it's probably 25. If we're being We'll call them blocks.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, small town blocks, but those have been going good. We were in California for a little bit. I got fucking I don't know if you guys have noticed I think I pinched a nerve the day that my bike got a flat and I pushed it up a hill to get it off the road Because, like next morning, I had like batman neck, you know, and I was like, oh, I've been here, we've been here before, that'll be gone like a day and a half. And this is like six weeks later and it's still. And I looked it up and it was just like, yeah, you probably pinched a nerve and I was like, can I go to the doctor for that? And it's like the doctor's just gonna tell you to like stretch it and rest and not sleep on it. Weird, I'm like I could do two out of those three. Yeah, that shit. But before all that new thing with me is that my previous job officially filed for chapter seven liquidation, so they're gone, they're gone yeah, they asked for their car back yeah, yeah, they took the car back.

Speaker 1:

Well, that was another company that they owed money to that took their car back. It was like a company that owned the fleet, you know, and it did all that um, so they owed them money to that took their car back. It was like a company that owned the fleet, you know, and it did all that. Um, so they owed them money. Before that we were told, um, well, no, we were told to stop using the cars for, um, personal use. This is way before, even before the chat. Let me take you back. Even before the chapter 7 was chapter 11, which, to our uh, listeners and audience on probably a video platform, um, chapter 11 is the moving of funds to kind of fucking shovel your way out of that hole that you've dug. And chapter seven is just liquidated. Baby, like, fucking, blow the doors open, fire sale.

Speaker 1:

Way before all that, we started getting like I think you guys even know like there are certain days that they were like, hey, don't go to work today because your gas card isn't working, and I'm like wait a minute, that's a very important, integral part of our work. And then it went to that was happening on top of and, by the way, I'm not gonna get in trouble, for this company doesn't exist anymore, so I can say whatever the fuck I want after that. It was one of the perks was we can use the company car for, like, personal miles, as long as we logged it and paid for the gas and whatever. But um, then they were like sent an email like, hey, don't use the uh purse, the company vehicle, for personal miles anymore. I'm like, well, that's two of the perks that we took this job for. And then, which was it after that? One of the times with the gas cards, that shit lasted like a week and a half where we didn't work. They paid us, which was cool in retrospect they probably should have held on to that money, probably would have kept the doors open a little longer on the tail end, but it was all the tail end. They paid us for that that idle time. Then it was like, yeah, don't use the card anymore.

Speaker 1:

And then what else? Oh, and then people started reporting that their insurance wasn't paying back their medical bills. I'm like that's when. I like that was the email that I was like, okay, time to refresh the resume. Let's log back into Indeed and LinkedIn and start fucking, just know updating things and uh, maybe looking at like, if anything it catches my interest, job wise sending uh just clicking that button. But then it was that and then it was. They didn't pay us. Like our check was late one pay period and then the next day it hit and then the next pay period. They were like, hey, this one's late too, but that one was, um, that one and the following one were like a month and a half late and in that month and a half was when they broke the news. They're like we're going to chapter 11, this bitch, and figure it all out. And then, like a week and a half later, they're like actually we figured it out. The idea we had is going into chapter seven.

Speaker 2:

They figured out they can't be a business.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, had is going into chapter seven throwing the towel. They can't be a business. Yeah, and we finally got paid, like a month and a half later. We got paid for the previous months like a whole month's salary. They finally paid us because the judge was like you got to pay your people and then you're fucking done, like I'm sure the ceo and like you know the board probably cut out pretty pretty nice.

Speaker 2:

They're safe and they probably walked away with more than yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm, I'm positive they probably planned it. They were just like why don't we just fucking close the doors on this and fucking go on vacation, right?

Speaker 2:

Well, glad, glad you got out. I'm wishing you a speedy finding something new.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's been a couple things, but I'm trying to. Well, I was going to flip some bikes that I have, but I just the other day learned that I cannot get Vermont titles for them anymore. So that was like that one hurt. You know, it was in my lifetime. It was 9-11, Heath Ledger and the Vermont loophole. That really fucking changed a good couple hours of my day. I was like fuck man, I just kept thinking about it again.

Speaker 2:

It was your own private Paul Walker.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, no, he dated a 16-year-old as a 33-year-old. Let's just put that out there. The buster was a weirdo. He's cut, he's's cut. He liked the tuna. No crust man. You know what that means.

Speaker 2:

Like they it was in the movie follow the money, just follow the money yeah, so that's what's been new with me, you know.

Speaker 1:

But no, actually it's been great because right around when all that happened, heather was on a job out of town helping her family out and she was going crazy. So like I was in this like limbo of not knowing what the fuck was going to happen. And then that happened and they paid me and I just told her I'm like I'm going to book a fucking plane ticket because she only had like a week or two left on her gig. So I was like I got to apply for unemployment, brush up my, like you know, update my resumes and start sending them out, and like that whole process of getting a job, as we all know, isn't like there's a help wanted, sign on the window, I'll just go in and give them a firm handshake.

Speaker 2:

It's like weeks of fucking at least two interviews and that's weeks of back and forth between fucking calls and emails so I was like well, I got a few weeks I watched my wife go through it and I mean mean in like you know, upper, like mid-upper corporate level management stuff. I mean some of the interview processes are three to six months long.

Speaker 1:

You're interviewed seven eight times and then ghosted, everything went great, yeah, yeah, that's the other thing.

Speaker 2:

Some places will give you like a whole couple week onboarding with one interview and be like nope, or just a whole like couple week onboarding with one interview and be like nope or just not even fucking hit you up or make, but for two weeks working on some project, and then they're like oh thanks, yeah, we went in another direction, but we're keeping your work yeah, geez that's great yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I was like I got a couple weeks to kill or not to kill, to like just be glued to a laptop and fucking be fielding emails and calls. So I just fucking went out there, kicked it. It was tight. We went to ventura first time officially going in the pacific ocean. Gotta say, not for me kind of sucks too cold like right at the beach.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's very cold it's.

Speaker 1:

It's beautiful, like we were out in uh. We went to Ventura beach and then we went to fuck. There's another one like 30 minutes.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's a little like sleepier town that I'm completely forgetting the name, but that one was more tight. Same thing, though. Water wise, though, just like fucking cold 65 degree water and the ambient air temperature was 75 degrees. So I was like I don't even need to go in the water, I'm not hot, I'm like I'll just hang out outside all day. So, but it was tight, had, uh, probably one of the best fish tacos I've ever had in my life in Ventura. And then, you know, we went and fucking walked the pier. Did the whole like is that SoCal? I can like mid-town? Uh, did you eat a bunch of mexican food while you were out there? Not a bunch, but we went to in her little town, we went to a couple local mexican spots that were pretty good.

Speaker 1:

One of them was way better than the other but it's yeah.

Speaker 2:

I spend several hours a week reading through comment sections of people arguing over mexican food and I don't know why I always find myself there, but it's always texas versus californ versus California and it is the most claws out, absolute, brutal war crimes, person to person, talking about the quality of Mexican food in two different places.

Speaker 1:

I haven't had enough. Well, I need to go further south in California to really.

Speaker 1:

And where I was like I'm not going to speak for it because it was act in california, which is, every time you tell someone act in california, they're like where? And like, yeah, I don't want to explain all this, but it's an hour and change north of la and between, like santa clarita and palmdale, so kind of up there, also on the way like san bernardino, where fucking I believe that's where the hell's angels originated, so up there, and then it's hills, but it's brown hills, it's. I always tell people, if you ever played grand theft auto 5, the top part of the map, that is just brown hills and power lines, it's that, but with real life wildfires okay, cool, no yeah so the, the client, the kitchen staff, isn't the nationality that's cooking the food.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes it is, but not always. But no, it was rad. And then we came back this way and went to Port Aransas for her birthday. So we had another beach, but then it was Port Aransas in August, so we went from pretty chilly outside, super cold water, to hot outside and broth temperature water. So I'm like god damn it, we didn't quite hit that sweet spot. So my plan is for later in the year to go visit the family in florida. We'll go to a beach that's like nice white sand, clear water, and it'll be late enough in the year where it's not like, because if we go now it's just gonna be the same as fucking port a where it's like burning hot, it's gonna smell yeah, smell a little bit better, but yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm somehow sweating inside of the water yeah, underneath we're filling the ocean up right now well, you get the fucking trifecta.

Speaker 1:

Then east coast, west coast, third coast, yeah I just don't know if I it'll still be gulf, but the better tropical end of the gulf but we could go to daytona too. Fuck it when I'm in florida's what like 90 feet wide yeah, people always answer like it probably took forever, like it takes like it the time it takes to drive from austin out of Austin. That's a bigger city, you can get across Florida in less time.

Speaker 2:

Okay, cool, you guys want to talk about the fucking Olympics?

Speaker 1:

Let me gather my notes. Yeah, get your notes.

Speaker 3:

Oh man.

Speaker 1:

Snoop Dogg. Snoop Dogg Dude. Did you guys see how much Snoop? I don't know if it's true, but how much he was allegedly getting paid per day to?

Speaker 3:

be there.

Speaker 1:

No, tell me just true, but how much he was allegedly getting paid per day to be real?

Speaker 3:

tell me half a half a mil a day. What just that's?

Speaker 2:

why I I kind of can't believe that.

Speaker 1:

But knowing how all that shit works, or at least like on a very minuscule level, how things like that work, I kind of do believe it. Because when you think about like certain rappers charge tens of thousands of dollars for like a 16 bar feature on a song, and then you think about Snoop Dogg who's not just certain rappers, you know, and now they're like we need you to be in Paris for two weeks. They were fucking I tell you what I'm backtracking. If he got half a mil a day, good for him, because they were he's like 58 years old they were running that motherfucker every which way.

Speaker 2:

He was at every event. He was just fucking in the stands.

Speaker 1:

He just had a team of people with fucking stopwatches like all, right, now let's go to jousting.

Speaker 2:

Twirling his little fan sword in the crowd.

Speaker 1:

Then he had different fits for every app, every like fucking it athlete from that section or whatever sport he was at. So they were like there was like he was like fucking madonna in that bitch, like wardrobe changes and shit you see a hand come in and just like yeah I hope you know, I hope he got half a million a day same.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't my money like so it'll make up for all those you know, murder accusations he had to face in the 90s that he wasn't a part of. It's fine, yeah, it's reparations for all the accusations that he didn't do. Yeah, what did you got? So what I mean? All right, what are we talking about here? Are we talking about skateboarding in the Olympics?

Speaker 2:

We did it last time. I figured we did an episode on this last three, four years ago, years ago, I can't tell. I can't tell we never do this thing seriously. I can't tell if it got better or worse. I don't know if I was more or less engaged, excited, interested, I mean the interest level in that stuff is minimal is it?

Speaker 1:

now is it with you and being more of a core skateboarder? Is it because it's in the olympics or is it just, uh, contest skateboarding in general a lot of it has to do with contests.

Speaker 2:

I don't like this. You know the, the scoring protocol that's come around in the last like 15 years, I guess, the street league, whatever scoring format, it doesn't make sense because I feel like it takes away a lot of the spirit of even contest skateboarding, because you don't have anybody, just you know, flowing around like ripping super hard and doing like trick, trick, trick. It's like it's a lot slower and a lot more calculated. But you also I feel like you lose a lot because instead of somebody doing a kickflip back tail, they do a nollie backside to 70, uh, like lip slide on something, because that gets more points and it can't put that tail because you rotate 270 instead of just 90.

Speaker 2:

It's a lot of it has to do with that stuff and I feel like it just takes away the spirit of skateboarding a lot. It makes it more, more formulaic and less expressionistic and I think that's kind of my main gripe with it. I don't really give a shit about anybody who's skating in these contests, because when you do get street footage from them it's for lack of a better word just uninteresting. You've got your Nijas and the couple of other guys, yuto. Anytime you get street footage from those guys like it's pretty, it's pretty mind-blowing, but stylistically it just lacks it. Just there's, there's something. There's not enough quirks to it, there's not enough just personality built into it.

Speaker 2:

When you're, when you're watching somebody, like watching ututo do what did he do? Nollie to nollie, back 270, heel lip slide on like an actual straight rail in like tokyo or something like that was gnarly and it was way more interesting to see that than it would be in a contest setting. But you know, for that he had 200 tries and three or four visits. It wasn't. Like I have to. I have to do only what I know. I have a high probability of landing. So I feel like the, the quality, and just the, the uh, the the interesting like style factor of street skateboarding. Core skateboarding is just so much more appealing than modern contest skating. That's not to demean or belittle anybody in those contests their skill levels, anything like that unless they're wearing karyumas, that is completely unforgivable. No matter the case, hard stop right there, fuck those shoes.

Speaker 1:

I actually agree with that and to that, speaking of yuto, I think probably the most core thing that happened at the olympics was that he almost lost because he just kept trying his same trick on to speak more of the core and in a way like he still did what he did. Um, but I'm happy that that happened, and even to him, because that's the like it was kind of a window into like no, this isn't just like seven to ten tricks in a run to get the highest score I had. He was like I have to try this trick, I have to keep trying it, and that's like. And he got five tries, which to do that in five tries versus like you say, like for a video part, you might do something like that or even fucking crazier, and it'll take 15, 16, 17 tries, but on an olympic level the audience was like they just have to fucking huck themselves down this shit until it sticks, which is like kind of not on the same level, but like.

Speaker 1:

Then you go watch gymnastics and they're like they gotta do, like they can't. They're kind of not on the same level, but like then you go watch gymnastics and they're like they got to do, like they can't, they're kind of robotic, but they're just doing the same things for the highest score, but then they fall and they're like, fuck, well, I guess I just have to do that again, yeah, and and land it. So I think that was the most like the parallel between what you would see like in a street video part, or the outtakes of a street video part, was yuto almost, because he fucking won gold and it was like hometown fucking territory. And now he's like well, I'm a returning gold medalist about to fucking just literally throw it away because he could have tried something that would probably podium him but, yeah, he was like fuck it at that point everybody needs that.

Speaker 2:

You know you need that hero story and the way it was yeah, you know the the flow of the contest story was also nice in a contest situation to see nija not win.

Speaker 1:

It's always nice to see nija not win in a contest that's.

Speaker 3:

You know. Well it's technically. Uh, you know I've been harsh on nija in the past on our show, but, um, he technically skated more consistently than utope. Yeah, like he demonstrated more. Yeah, he demonstrated better contest skating than utope did, but utope just went.

Speaker 1:

He'd been doing it since he was fucking 10. Like it's all he knows at this point Not all he knows, but you know what I mean. Like it's fucking in his blood. But he wears a little short shorts to fucking let all that heat out.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, josh's point that they all look like they're playing golf is very accurate. I don't know who picked like these nylon camp shirts for Team USA, but it's not very representative, I feel, of skateboarding.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, my friends, don't skate in shorts, especially little shorts.

Speaker 3:

Unless they're like cut-off cargo shorts. I can see that Some Heshnar shorts dude.

Speaker 1:

LA 2020,. I want only hookups or World Industries t-shirts and like the baggiest jeans, yeah, beauty boy jeans.

Speaker 2:

We just have to like, do like a retro, like 30.

Speaker 1:

You have to course correct 30 year retrospective.

Speaker 2:

Everybody just wears Goofy boy jeans airwalks and fucking bobcats.

Speaker 1:

Yep, you know what Theme it Theme it and then it's in LA. So bring back Snoop Dogg and whoever wants it and then, like they can do a concert, they can do a concert, they can do. If I can, snoop dog can play just doggy style the whole album front to back, doggy style, while skateboarding's happening I mean it's what is that? 93? I don't remember when I was told I can't look at that 33, 94, something like that, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Know I was there, I don't. I've done a lot of drugs since then, so I don't remember.

Speaker 1:

The other thing. It's probably fresher in your guys' minds because I watched it not live, but like the day after I was like, all right, I'm going to watch this shit on. Actually, real quick, quick. Two shout outs the biggest MVPs in the Olympics Peacock not sponsored Fucking sponsor. Us Pe sponsored fucking sponsor.

Speaker 2:

As peacock, I don't know how that would work.

Speaker 1:

We can stream this peacock app and the cameramen in all of the women's athletic sports, just always panning to their butts.

Speaker 2:

Thank you cameramen in the game.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah well, it was in france.

Speaker 3:

What did you expect?

Speaker 1:

yeah, but, um, the one thing I like the other takeaway was like the age gap in women's to men's, like all the girls were like girls. They're like fucking early teens. There's a couple, I think, um what poe from florida, she was like 19 or something, and then maybe there's like a like 20 something in the women's field, was like you're geriatric and then you go over to the men. It's like I don't know, cordano was the baby, right, and he's huge. The youngest. The youngest dude is the fucking football player, just fucking having a good old time.

Speaker 2:

That was my favorite thing about, because you know you. You told me this week like hey, watch the, watch what you can in the olympic skateboarding. And I fuck, I gave it, I gave it the college try and uh. The saving grace of all of that, the entertainment factor was cordano, because he just not land something pick up his board and just try it again, land it. Yeah, I was like cool, you get zero points for that and he's just like I did it.

Speaker 2:

I love that he was having a good time he's like the, the pure innocence in this world that we need yeah, he's killing it and especially, well, real quick back to.

Speaker 1:

So I was watching it and like people I was watching with were like, well, the women's skateboarding isn't as technical or as crazy as the men's. I'm like, yes, but these dudes have been doing it since they were these girls age. So like women, women's skateboarding in I don't know, it's just happening so fast, I would say five years, but three, three to five years, like women's, you know, if you're watching, even street parts too, but contest skateboarding is going to be what we're seeing. These fucking dudes hammer out in these runs. Yeah, these fucking dudes hammer out in these runs. Yeah, and I don't think, like I don't think that like men's, contest skateboarding is gonna go. I could be wrong, but like they're just trying to get the smoothest runs with the fucking biggest things that they can put like lined up in one run and they're like I don't think they could throw anything bigger down, fucking the stairs and the rails that they're throwing them on, whereas like girls are going to catch up and then at that point do we just fucking meld it and not separate?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean that's a that's, that's a question that people have been kind of beating into the dirt for 10, 15 years, and usually when they do that they're doing it with some sort of ulterior, you know, conversational point they're trying to yeah, the Olympics gone, there's no men's, women's skateboarding anymore.

Speaker 2:

You don't actually support women if you want them to skate in the same contest and then they'll put some transphobic spin on it or something. Just some sort of hateful, demeaning rhetoric, and that's hurtful. It's sort of hateful, demeaning rhetoric and that's hurtful. Like, in the meantime, you know, like, should women skateboarders be paid more for their contest purses or this thing or that thing? There's a million conversations to have. I'm not the person to make any of those calls or really have like a strong opinion on any of it, because I'm not a, you know, I'm not a woman, I don't skate contests like I have.

Speaker 2:

If you were a, if you were a black woman trying to get into skateboarding in 1998 and there were a few, like few and far between, there were a few of them but like you, I mean you're, you're already you've got two social decks stacked against you right there, you know being both a woman and a minority in the situation, and it's yeah. But now I mean there are so many women that are, you know, samaria Brevard is an absolute beacon for so many people. An absolute beacon for so many people, and I mean just watching like the climb of like Darren Harper and his daughters right now, again, great role models, cause you're watching, you're watching these girls get way better at skateboarding and it's, you know. You know a black girl out there in the world can see that and just be like, whoa, that's really cool, that's what I want to do and it's, it's, it's great, like the, you know, conceptually, with some exceptions, skateboarding's this, you know, grand kind of melting pot of acceptance or it's becoming that over the years. And that's not, you know, that's not anything.

Speaker 3:

There's, there's no politicized agenda behind that when I say it it's, you know, it's great that you want to skate, skate like people yeah, it just is what it is anyway, that's what I think about something well, and like, as I was watching, uh, women's street, like not only is there the big age gap where a lot of the girls were like 14 and then you know the rest of the dudes are 30 plus, yeah, but just even stature wise, like anytime one of the girls would flip onto a rail, I was like that rails, like especially for like little 14 year old, yeah, that's like neck high for them. Yeah, it's amazing that they're like locking into Smith, like flipping into Smith grinds and stuff. That is as far as we talk about degree of difficulty. I'm much less impressed watching Nija do that than a 14 year old girl from Japan.

Speaker 1:

Right, you know what I mean girl from Japan. That's what I'm saying. He's been doing it since he was a 14-year-old girl from.

Speaker 3:

Japan, it's almost a different. This could be true regardless of gender, but just stature-wise it could be a different course for every person. Sure, it always looks to me even I feel this in Street League 2, I don't know if it's in a stadium setting, but the proportions of those obstacles seem ginormous to me. Sometimes I'm like damn those hubbards are way tall.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I was going to say I mean even even like street spots. A lot of times, if you see, you know a skateboarder of smaller stature or a female skateboarder that's smaller, go, you know a skateboarder of smaller stature or a female skateboarder that's smaller, go to go to a spot where you know like, like a good example, have a hideout you. You watch Brian Anderson skate it. Granted, he does amazing stuff on it, but it's waist high on him. Where you know you imagine somebody.

Speaker 1:

Which proportionally that spot?

Speaker 2:

Think about like trying to front blunt. I that spot think about punch a molar like trying to front blunt?

Speaker 3:

I think yeah I was gonna say adrian lopez? Yeah, exactly, but same thing everything looks huge to him.

Speaker 2:

You're dudes who were amazing, but there's, you know a what? 14, 15 inch height difference there. But yeah that's massive. That's, you know, if I was, if I was 15 inches taller, I'd have to, you know, duck to get in a house until baby boy cordano starts getting put on everything because everything's tiny to him.

Speaker 1:

Yes, as soon as he gets that board once he gets that sweet, sweet board that lasts him three weeks or something like that, he's gonna fucking I gotta. I gotta think that that is one of the things that's holding him back mentally. It seems like he'll just try anything, but he knows that he's probably going to break a board. So he's probably like oh, I got to, I got to try and be light on my feet on this. I mean the second he knows he can just stomp shit out. I think it's. I think it might quite possibly be over for a good amount of people for a while.

Speaker 2:

Mike Sinclair and Professor Schmidt have both spoken extensively recently.

Speaker 1:

I saw it and professor schmidt have both spoken extensively recently. I saw that they're working with them.

Speaker 2:

He's got fucking stacks of boards that they're just sending them to experiment with carbon fiber and six plies and eight plies and just anything and everything they can figure out, like how to make a you know change in the molds to have more concave for strength, like that's. That's, that's the kind of innovation that needs to happen, like with with a broader spectrum of people, broader audience. You know, instead of just trying to, like you know, do gimmick marketing, just be like let's actually figure out something that works a little bit better. We can actually make something that's got more strength and rigidity to support a larger skateboarder, or something that's a little bit more lightweight for somebody who's smaller. So I mean, the goal for decades was lighter, lighter, lighter, lighter. People were skating two bolts in each truck and leaving some of their grip tape off and fucking shaving down wheels and I mean, I know the 90s are on an up and up and shorty's had one of the smallest decks.

Speaker 1:

Their xs or their mini logo was like what was it? Like a 27 and a half length by like seven.

Speaker 2:

Things were fucking tiny workshop was doing josh calis boards that were 7.4s. They were doing Kalis and then Habitat was doing winning boards and it was right around the launch of Habitat 99. And I was skating those Kalis boards. Yeah, and I fuck, I would get so hurt skating those things because they were so small and you've got, you know, you think a 7.4 to an 8.5 isn't that big of a jump, but like oh would I would get so worked skating those things because just landing back on them was hard.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what that is. That's like you literally just pulled the handlebars off of a scooter and you're like skate this. I'm like all right so it's fine truck. Small enough for that board was a challenge so it's crazy that it's gonna at least technology wise in skateboards. 14 year old girls from Japan, or Donald Russell and Anthony Anderson are, who are pushing board shapes and technology the furthest right now that's where we are, that's our, that's our grand DEI initiative we got anime girls, football players and a fucking kook just pushing the sport to new limits, limits, man, we are cool.

Speaker 2:

So so woke, now we became kook you wanted inclusivity.

Speaker 1:

World skateboarding gave it to you, that's the end right there. 48 minutes in. That's the end we can peak.

Speaker 2:

No higher, so anyway uh um how long do you? Think skateboarding is going to last in the Olympics.

Speaker 1:

Longer than breakdancing. It's got to at least be in LA, right, it's got to at least also be in LA Skateboarding, not breakdancing. They have already said that shit ain't happening. They were like no 2028, no 2032. Listen, besides Crocodile Dundee, let's OK. So like where what Yuto did with his best trick showed people what skateboarding is most of the time, where it's just like I just got to try this one thing until it works. It might not work, but like if he hadn't made it on the last run again like such a hero story, like so poetic, you know, if he hadn't have done that, I got to believe because, like you were saying, like Cordano was just trying shit to have fun, I got to believe that they would have at least let him keep trying, maybe afterwards, just to make it, because that's what it is. They almost did, you guys hear?

Speaker 2:

that he probably laid it 10 times in practice over the week, or whatever they were skating the course yeah it's like a fucking did.

Speaker 1:

You see that tony hawk almost well got kicked off?

Speaker 2:

of the course that was. That was one of my favorite things. He was. He was too. I think they said he was too present well, well, that, and he was.

Speaker 1:

he was just like on his phone skating the course and he didn't have any broadcast rights, he just had so many people.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure he got paid to be there too, but he was just like skating around the course, filming the course, and people and the fucking Olympics were like hey, man, I know Like someone came up to him and we're like I really hate to do this right now, but can you, tony Hawk, please get off the street course. And he was like all right. But they were like no, it's nothing against you. You just cannot be broadcasting this right now, because it was. I think it was like during and before. He was just being a dad at the olympics and hyped on everything it was like so good.

Speaker 2:

I did see the photo.

Speaker 1:

There's a photo of him and gone sock or something on the uh, on the park course right that's the fucking coolest thing that happens at the olympic yeah, the park was, the park course was pretty dope, but yeah, you were talking about I mean, I know cordano's, originally from, I think, canada, but the one that threw me for the loop was alex sorgente road for italy. And I'm like, yeah, they were like they announced that and I'm like that motherfucker from florida is riding for italy and I guess his dad. They were like they announced that and I'm like that motherfucker from florida is riding for italy and I guess his dad is from italy or whatever. So kind of cool that they let him do that. Yeah, it made me wonder if I ever made it to that stage, if I would ride for cuba, but they never did anything for me, you've got um.

Speaker 2:

Andy mcdonald was skating for great britain. Sky brown, great britain okay um, yeah, who else? There was a, there was another, another standout. Well, there's cordano in canada. Um, he's from what? Huntington beach or something no, he's from ontario but where does he? Where did he grow up live?

Speaker 1:

oh well, they all live in southern california. Now you know, I mean like they're all um, but yeah, no, it was rob dyrdick. You know where is he from and where where is he podcasting right now?

Speaker 2:

la dude, he's in la with his olympics for ohio, yeah katerina yeah oh man, speaking of ohio, our boy muska, he's doing great things. There was a. He just posted a picture yesterday or today of him and bam like oh, I saw him and bam were hanging out so good, so good. I'm so hyped on that. But he's petitioning to get a skate park built in this town and he's been like working really hard and stuff so you know every episode. We have to do it at least once. Shout out chad muska also in this episode.

Speaker 1:

I'm down. If you guys want to start a gofundme to either buy chad muska a cadillac escalade listen audience we send that same, whatever amount of money towards his skate park in his hometown to help fund that you guys choose. The pot goes to either only goes to Chad Muska in the form of a Cadillac Escalade or money for the skate park. Whatever the audience wants, we'll do once we reach that goal.

Speaker 2:

Cadillac, make a tractor, there's way no but don't they make.

Speaker 1:

He's in a prius now. Don't they make an electric escalade?

Speaker 2:

maybe the hummer it's gonna count for something the hummer is pretty.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it is. It is gm. No, it's gotta be a cadillac, though. Gotta be a chat like musk, and we'll even fucking do the. The emblem on the grill in the back. You guys, at least. What is this at least sixty thousand dollar idea here that we can? You want to help fund a skate park for kids or an escalate for chad muska? It's a win-win. Give them the escalate, give them the escalate so they can concrete it into the park as a feature yeah, I don't care.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, if you give people the option.

Speaker 2:

Uh, looks like musk is getting a new cadillac yeah, maybe, regardless if we can get one from like a scrapyard and just cut the roof off, put it on a pallet and send it to him and just be like, hey, put this in a pyramid so I can talk to your boy. Bam, he knows how to concrete cars into kicker ramps, like yeah look, we'll set a 60.

Speaker 1:

We'll set a 60 000 goal with five to ten thousand dollars of it. We'll buy him a shit box farm truck escalade that he needs for the farm to get around to dig, dug in all the chickens and then the rest we will give to his skate park. Yeah, that's the best I can do for you and I think that's it's a great idea. I think that right now, honestly, there are people trying to raise money for like shittier causes. I know that sounds weird, but like there's people that put gofundmes up for their fucking vacation and shit. Yeah, so I don't know, that's my idea, I'm sticking to it. Look out for that link.

Speaker 2:

We'll put it up. We'll set it up. Yeah, uh, uh, what else Great?

Speaker 1:

I think you have the most notes on the Olympics. So if you have anything, I just review my notes. Should I rapid fire? Yeah, it's real quick.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, my takeaways from the Olympics Skateboarding we haven't even gotten the break dancing, or okay but uh, I watched all the street men and women.

Speaker 2:

I skimmed park men and women but I actually think I like watching park more and I.

Speaker 1:

I'm not a transition guy, it's not my thing, but because you have to actually like josh was saying earlier, sorry, you have to actually blow a yeah you have to. You have to look good in park and it's more high-flying action.

Speaker 3:

You know what I mean it's yeah, I like people watching people blast out of a corner, but men's street final. My takeaway is I hate that kelvin hough tucks his fucking ears into his hat. What is that? Don't do that, buddy. That doesn't look good I mean deduct points for that yeah, looks like voldemort is that brazil are the worst shoes I've ever seen they don't even look good.

Speaker 3:

Still, they look like those big Walmart clunky. They look like Skechers. That's what they look like. I just wrote down who are some of these people because we were talking about with contest skating. There's a whole world around it. I've seen Nyjah Street parts. I've even seen Jagger Eaton skate parts, but I've never seen those other guys.

Speaker 1:

I don't know I will say the new unknown to me, that maybe I was sleeping on, was sora shirai yes he's absolutely killed it like probably one of the best look as far as style goes in a contest. Super, I'm actually surprised didn't podium, but yeah, like cleanest style overall in the street yeah, I agree.

Speaker 3:

I posed the question do they get to pick their song that they skate to? Because there was some interesting choices like yuto had uh, do you like pina coladas playing?

Speaker 1:

he might have picked that yeah, do you have a problem with jimmy buffett that we don't know how much baja men can we fit into two weeks?

Speaker 2:

who did let them like? You have a problem with Jimmy Buffett that we don't know how much Baja men can we fit into two weeks. Who did let those dogs out?

Speaker 3:

You have to pick different songs. I'm like I want to let the dogs out, that's it. I wrote about Sora Shirai. He did a sugar cane and a. Is it a? I was going to ask you, Josh, Is it a Gons grind An alley-oop front 180, switch nose grind.

Speaker 2:

Front 180.

Speaker 3:

Front 180.

Speaker 1:

Alley-ooped onto the. Was that the rail?

Speaker 2:

or the hub.

Speaker 1:

Do it to 50-50.

Speaker 2:

I know Gons did one of those in video days where he did an alley-oop front 50-50 to switch backside, or alley-oop front 180 to switch backside 50-50. As far as doing it to like a fakie 50, I couldn't really tell you because it just depends but, more importantly, who has done it at the olympics, while baja men played in the background?

Speaker 1:

who did that first?

Speaker 2:

I mean, we're breaking ground every day. Look at us, we're just leaps and bounds.

Speaker 1:

As far as taking other people's NBDs at the Olympics, someone's done this at this spot before, so I can't. But at the Olympics to Jimmy Buffett in Paris, it's no holds barred.

Speaker 2:

This is another milestone.

Speaker 1:

The loophole.

Speaker 2:

The loophole and a milestone. We've made it guys. We've arrived Skateboarding's officially here.

Speaker 3:

I also just wrote down snoop dog, yeah yeah um and then okay, so this is on me, but I was watching it kind of a low volume, and I heard them mention ryan sheckler like three times, not realizing that he was one of the like announcers or whatever, and I was being driven mad. I was like why the fuck do they keep talking about ryan sheckler? Not only is he not here, but he's never been in the olympics, so what are you talking about? But he is. He's announcing and he did. Okay, he was fine.

Speaker 1:

I guess he does, yeah, a little I mean, I get that what he had to do, but a little too over. He like really was hammering in how difficult switch tricks are.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he was always like explaining to the audience what switch is and like I'm sure the skateboarders people were like just shut the fuck up. Yeah, but he did a good job at like explaining. He was like you know, pitching with your right hand your whole life and then being told to pitch just as good a game with your left hand and I was like all right, that's probably the quickest and easiest way analogy for that, but just say it once, dude, just say it once I did hear the other guy call something civilians I call.

Speaker 2:

I heard the other guy call something a heel kickflip.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I heard that too, but immediately I like that you brought that up, because immediately I don't think the other guy was, I think it was a skateboarder and like news anchor type shit. Yeah, because even when people would, when people would, um, miss a trick, fall or whatever, the other guy was like didn't quite get that maneuver, type shit. He was like that's when. I was like okay, so they got one in one, which is fine, you know at least because I think last olympics it was two people that were just announcers, like they weren't skateboarders, right, like the announcers at the last skateboarding olympics were in charge of also like, but yeah that heel kickflip was like a fucking wrong note, like I heard that and I was like, oh, don't like that, let's not do that in four years.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we always know. I mean, I get it. You do have to kick that flip out with your heel, you know. But who calls it that?

Speaker 2:

you know when we're talking about trying to make it more street, like I don't say the commentator solution is always called by just hiring tim o'connor, because he's yeah, he's just gonna talk shit on anyone and everyone and everything happening.

Speaker 1:

I have the perfect duo for LA 2028. You guys ready for this. Chris Cole, whitney Cummings, whether they're together or not. So we got a betting pool on the relationship and it's again maybe a win-win.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're going to have a fucking.

Speaker 3:

No, I got nothing for that yeah, I was like let's just run away speechless you know, what they're speechless, I think.

Speaker 2:

I think that says everything we need to talk about that subject extensively with people for the last week or so. It's yeah, hey, it's cool they're. They're our neighbors now they live here, so that's our problem.

Speaker 1:

Just two more californias, in texas huh uh.

Speaker 3:

Something else I noted about ryan sheckler's announcing skills is in one of the women women's park things he was like what really comes through in her skating is that, uh, that she brings a lot of love and hope. I was like what the fuck does that mean, ryan?

Speaker 2:

what are you?

Speaker 3:

I was like dude, that was you started talking, you didn't know where you were going so you said that her skating is very loving and hopeful. Fuck off, yeah, hey really quick.

Speaker 1:

What the fuck are you doing?

Speaker 3:

god, that's the course geez um, liz akama is my favorite. She ripped, she didn't. Well, she got silver right, I think uh, yeah she's got mad style and she was trying really hard shit, she was trying, she never got it, but she's doing front feeble, front 180 out yeah not like, not the flashiest of tricks, but that shit's really hard yeah, it looked good too like when it was. Yeah I love that australian girl kept trying the 50, 50 kickflip out on the rail I think that's fun um dog shit, ugly trick.

Speaker 1:

But uh, it was just trying to huh uh no, I was just saying poe pinson was trying that 540, a little street, 540 off the quarter pipe into the bank. Then after it was like, well, that was, that was the one thing too. I noticed um more so, I think, in women's because they're younger, so I feel like they're trying to prove a little more. But in the men's too, three countries, three totally different styles, to how much they look like they give a fuck on the course.

Speaker 1:

US, brazil, japan, Japan, especially like, because they're like again 14, 15 year old girls. They just before each of their runs they look like they're about to have a mental breakdown, because they're just like, so focused yeah and then brazil is just like this cool like it's fucking, are always waving their flag. You know they're just like. And then the us is like can you believe we're fucking?

Speaker 2:

doing this here like yeah, they just don't.

Speaker 1:

They look like they care the least and it's. I think there's a little bit of a I don't know, it's their sport. So they're like it's weird to see in the Olympics and even they're like we're just going to fucking kick it. Dude, we're just going to have a good time. And Cordano, but he technically is Southern Californian, so he's in the Mecca. But he made his family move there.

Speaker 1:

You saw that Thrasher part, his Thrasher part, he basically told his family, the entire industry is in Southern California and his dad was like well, looks like I gotta move my family to Southern California.

Speaker 2:

Maybe I thought he was from Ontario, california, instead.

Speaker 3:

of maybe is that a it could be, I've been to hollywood, florida before, not the same paris, texas not the same same homeless people but different vibes. Yeah, um the only other note I had is in, uh, women's street I forget who it was, but they threw a barley grind, which is a nice display of not necessarily a flashy trick but a shout out to, I think, the core of everyone.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just a good, definitely know like in their head they were like fucking Eastern Exposure Green. So good. Barley's part.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and then the only note that I have for Park because I did kind of skim it is I love that when they're showing the men's Park dudes, in the final they go through everyone. And then the last dude is the brazilian guy that was juggling. He like brought his juggling stuff, josh, so you didn't see that yeah, he's juggling and I was like get the fuck out of town. And then he was first run, goes into the bowl, blasts a huge kickflip indie and just throws his board away, run over juggling now, don't you?

Speaker 2:

toss him two more skateboards, he would have been fine. Just fucking shuffle him around under his feet as he was knee sliding out of that.

Speaker 3:

He was like I shouldn't have juggled, that was too much. He's like now I just look like a fool, oh my god that's my note for the.

Speaker 1:

Olympics. So what was your favorite thing? What all did you guys watch besides that and breakdancing?

Speaker 2:

nothing that wasn't mandatory to talk to you two about man, you missed out so much everything I know about this year's olympics is all from memes which, yes like same. The yeah, that's the glory of internet comedy is.

Speaker 1:

That's what makes all of this worthwhile, yeah, so yeah, I didn't really watch this year, dude, I got I mean, I got pretty sucked into it, mostly because it was going down right after my job filed for bankruptcy. So I was just like, well, I got some time to kill. Well, if I can apply to jobs and if I can try and get some government money, it's my money. I paid into it. I watched it, not a lot, but like obviously, gymnastics, men and women's, what the fuck else? Obviously, gymnastics, yeah, men and women's, what the fuck else? Rugby rugby was pretty tight. I didn't know that rugby was so tight, dude, it's fucking sick. Yeah, rugby is sick. I didn't really fuck with the swimming too much because I mean phenomenal athletes, but it's swimming. But sleeper, hit to me, handball you guys ever heard of handball?

Speaker 2:

I mean it's, it's a jail sport, you know it's. You guys ever heard of handball?

Speaker 1:

I mean it's a jail sport, but it's evolved. But what do you think? When I say handball, what do you think I'm talking about?

Speaker 2:

I mean, it's like racquetball, but with hands. No, I was going to say pickleball.

Speaker 1:

Wrong Paddle. You're both wrong. It's like hockey, soccer, basketball, slash water polo just on a court. So it's like I think it's 5v5 or 6v6 with goals and goalies and they have to dribble, but not quite as much as basketball, like you could fucking get some speed before you gotta just like have the ball touch. And it's like not quite the size of a kickball or a basketball and not it's like in the middle and probably a little soft. I don't know all the regulations yet.

Speaker 1:

I'm not in to the sport quite as much as because I thought I saw like handball live. I'm like this is that everyone watches the olympics and like if tomorrow, right now, in your current physical state, you had to compete for the olympics, what sport are you picking that? You that you think that you're like I could probably figure this out, and at first I'm like air pistol because you just gotta shoot. You know what I mean, like something like that. And then I saw handball. I'm like clearly handball is the one that I'd probably just try. Dude, these dudes are fucking jump, running as fast as they can, jumping as high as they can and then talk all the way back and throwing this shit dodgeball style towards the goal and just like blocking it and fucking doing, fucking sneak passes. It's insane. Was this check?

Speaker 2:

it out, it's a thing. Before they got there, did they like make it up?

Speaker 1:

I think it's. I think it's big.

Speaker 2:

I think it's big in some other countries there's like give me five dudes, every country give me five dudes. I have an idea.

Speaker 1:

What about the grapefruit, let's they have olympic. Yeah, it's a, it's a little bit bigger than like a pretty big grapefruit. But thinking like olympic race walking, not polycharged, not that race, like actual walking as fast as you can, that's just ridiculous. So then I see something called handball and I'm like this is that's what I thought. I'm like they're playing preschool games at the Olympics now. Like hold the phone on a whole. Yeah, hold on what they've done with break dancing in the Olympics. They got a handball. And then I turned it on and it's this shit. And I'm like this shit goes extremely hard. It's so fun to watch. I saw extremely hard. It's so fun to watch. I saw one of the goalies get hit in the face with like a fully cocked back thrown ball multiple times in just one match, like it's just constantly happening I have no idea where your graphic design is going to be in the next olympics it's a graphic design all

Speaker 2:

right, I'm shooting for bronze. It's so good if it's uh, if I can lie my way into it like the breakdancer, or if I can sleep sleep my way to the podium for graphic no, she, dude she.

Speaker 1:

She won competitions and qualifiers to get there from the academic that studies breakdance culture.

Speaker 3:

She's a professional yeah.

Speaker 2:

But like I mean, is this in like a bennington kind of like I have a degree in that sort of way?

Speaker 1:

I paid 475 000 to major in fry but look you guys, we have to be careful because we're three men talking about a woman fine, this is true but that aside, fuck that shit.

Speaker 1:

She knew what she was doing because, as grayson said, she's got a phd in body movement and I think part of it is break dancing. She studied break dancing. I saw a video on youtube of her judging a red bull competition in australia. Her you know speak your truth, queen, dance your dance and move your moves, but do, if yeah, like come on, what are we doing here? What are we?

Speaker 3:

doing what is kangaroo thing?

Speaker 1:

and then when I heard that she on the ground, dude heather got obsessed with that and started doing like, started trying to mimic her and was doing the exact moves that she was doing and I was like, babe, you're an olympian I'm so proud of you for what it's worth.

Speaker 2:

I've never seen a breakdancer and been like that looks cool never will. That's what I wanted upside down twirly shits you're doing and like how much, fucking jump behind you and land on one wrist like I've never seen break dancing. You know I grew up listening to hip-hop and you know east coast hip-hop, culture and stuff and uh, a nobody I knew fucking break dance and b anytime. I saw it like it's just, I was. I'm just so fucking detached from that and it's I.

Speaker 1:

I mean as a, as a child of hip hop and it being one of the four elements, I respect the game, but I will say, much like skateboarding, what it opened people's eyes to was like. When you see a cool clip of break dancing on the internet, do you see the entire battle or do you just see 10 seconds of someone spinning on their head while their legs are like fucking almost a swastika because they're in that many fucking different positions? You know what I mean. That is cool in that moment. But then you watch a whole back and forth and you're like, oh so one of them just stands around while the other one dances for a little bit, Even like fucking, what's that movie you Got Served? What's the one with Julia Child?

Speaker 2:

So I can save the last dance 65 year old english woman holding a fucking pot of just melted butter it's julia, something dude, it's too early in the day.

Speaker 1:

Julia styles, julia child. Julia styles. What's the difference really? Yeah, what's the difference really.

Speaker 2:

What, what's the difference really. You know what I'd watch that I'd watch that the the best, even like fucking eight mile.

Speaker 1:

If someone's like you want to watch the entirety of eight, mom, like no, and they're like do you want to watch the very last little bit of the rap battle at the end? I'm like sure, show me that. But yeah, I don't know what she I mean. Again, it wasn't me, so props to her but I wasn't.

Speaker 1:

I have no dog in that fight it just when you, when you do a dance routine, and then the person that goes after you does an immediate like, pin drop, head spin type of maneuver and it's just like, well, like, and that's the best that apparently it's not the best that australia has to offer. That's the whole fucking deep dive on the internet was like people more worthy of the challenge didn't go.

Speaker 3:

But that's politics, baby did you see the next sport that's coming to the olympics?

Speaker 1:

what's that? Esports esports is coming to the olympics, I mean like podcast I get it.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, like video games you guys want to join the podcasting olympic team?

Speaker 3:

gold medal bronze, all the way.

Speaker 1:

Graphic design is coming if we there's, they did. They did studies in that people that get bronze are more hyped about it than people that get silver. Like there's like when you bronze, you're like fuck it, I did this. And then silver is like god damn it, I didn't get gold yeah, fuck, I lost dude, if we get bronze at the podcasting olympics, it's gonna be what's that podium? Look like us at bronze probably insufferable whitney cummings at silver and joe rogan gold.

Speaker 1:

I think that's the podium right there not a bad, not a bad one, two, three you know, but we, we just share. We just share the one medal. They have to break it into like a best friends necklace, into, like into into a thirds of a circle we don't each get a medal. Eating mine immediately that's like uh basketball, like men's basketball. They all got a medal but like some dudes were just like, I just rode the bench, baby, all the way to like, but yeah, I'll probably try out next, next time all right, we'll see if we can.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, talk to the committee. Yeah, see how we get on.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to try for freestyle skateboarding. Freestyle, you know what?

Speaker 1:

Do you guys think? To go back to what this is technically supposed to be about, how long do you guys think Do you think Vert's going to be in the next Olympics?

Speaker 2:

Nah. That's got an up and up now Is it, though it would just be Jimmy Wilkins and whoever is in a distant second and third.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, tom Schar, jimmy Wilkins.

Speaker 2:

He is fucking bird skating right now.

Speaker 1:

Bucky Lastic skating for a Subaru and Black Rifle Coffee.

Speaker 2:

Company? Sure, but like Jimmy Wilkins, that's fucking bird skating.

Speaker 1:

Sure, but I'm saying if we're taking sports out that maybe don't look the best on olympic stage and adding some just for like a runtime with, with the resurgence in vert skating like I could like, it's not fucking. The biggest contest. Skateboarding back in the 90s wave was fucking vert. That's like all people people wanted to watch.

Speaker 2:

They didn't have any sort of like mega ramp element at the Olympics, did they?

Speaker 1:

No, oh, interesting, fuck it. Yeah, replace Park with mega ramp and vert.

Speaker 2:

Let's go full. Boom, boom, huck jam.

Speaker 1:

Nitro Circus. That bitch. Who was it back in the like? Let's get a fucking opening ceremony. Is the fucking helicopter into the vert ramp?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's what I was going to say. Much like Hunger Games, catch the Fire. They should have a legacy round where they have a bunch of old guys come out of retirement. They should have Bob Bernquist and Bucky Lassick and Tony Hawk. And Tony Hawk has to. Instead of tapping that thing three times like they did, he has to. We can't start until he lands a 900. While holding the torch. While holding the torch is the torch fair. I've always been waiting for tony hogg to like get like a mid to three quarters life crisis and be like you know what? 1440. I'm coming back and he just that died.

Speaker 1:

That's his red Corvette and new balances?

Speaker 3:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

What I do know. No, actually it was pretty rad, it was honestly rad.

Speaker 3:

I think long term I get it. I'm split on how I feel about the Olympics but I will say, for the longevity of skateboarding, voice crack For the longevity of skateboarding. I think the Olympics is going to keep it around longer.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, it's only going to make, like you were saying, only more little kids want to buy skateboards, and you know most of them are probably going to put the hobby down, but some of them will keep to it.

Speaker 3:

You're going to get kicked out of places, probably a little bit less. You're probably going to have more supportive parents towards doing that well, I think the secret is you just have to show up at the skate spot with the little shorts on. Yeah, does it look like an olympic?

Speaker 1:

you should be wearing show up yeah show up in the olympic as like a 10 year old. Show up to the skate park dressed up like you want to compete in the olympics one day.

Speaker 2:

So people know yeah, they'll help you out, they'll join your journey.

Speaker 1:

I promise you'll climb that ladder. No weed or partying for me. I'm going the health route.

Speaker 3:

Wrist brace, knee brace and ankle brace. Cortical injections there's so many joint braces in that. I was like fucking skate or don't, dude, take all the braces off, don't be a put, I'm just like watching it.

Speaker 1:

What do you think will be? What do you think be brought back to olympics or not brought back? Do you think break dancing or scooter park scooter in the olympics.

Speaker 2:

Better chance. At this point, rollerblading has a fucking better chance than then yeah, freestyle motocross, I don't know yeah is bmx in the olympics?

Speaker 1:

sorry it is yeah, they have park yeah they have park. I don't think. I think the dirt is just racing. But I don't even think it's bmx. I could be wrong. I know there's. I know fucking um, mountain biking is insane in the olympics. They're like I watch a little bit of that and they're like the course is like here's the side of a mountain, watch a little bit of that and they're like the course is like here's the side of a mountain, get down it faster than everyone else. And they're all like here we go.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if you guys have seen the progression of mountain biking in the last 10 years. It is Because I'll get the little fucking bird's eye view or whatever handlebar camera of mountain bike racing. Now they do GP style through ancient Italian cities and shit Ripping down 60 stairs to a fucking tight wood. Berm Dude, it is that shit is over.

Speaker 3:

It kind of makes me want a mountain bike Not me.

Speaker 1:

Think of the falls.

Speaker 3:

Grayson, Think of the falls I don't want to over speak, but I could do all of that, yeah yes, you're sounding like an olympian break dancer right now. I bought I bought a bmx bike from josh one time because I thought my scooter skills one time.

Speaker 1:

How many bmx bikes have you bought from josh?

Speaker 3:

there was one of the times I bought a bmx bike from josh I I was like I'm gonna fucking rip at this because I thought my scooter skills from the job that danny and I had at the scooter place which I was very good at that I thought it'd totally translate it. I saw you throw a couple threes flat ground 360s on electric scooters and I was like how much different could a tiny little bike way different way yeah, yeah you have to pedal. What is that, uh?

Speaker 1:

it's, it's between your legs, not under. You can't really. You have to. The one thing like like bmx, you have to commit, like you could throw it away, sure, but a board under your feet or like a aluminum or steel frame between your legs.

Speaker 1:

It's like I gotta kick this shit, the fuck, away from me, unless you're high enough to get it all the way out from under you like it's gonna yeah, yeah, I mean most of those dudes are fucking tall and lanky, but so I'm saying the the shorter dudes and girls are fucking working harder to get that bike away from them on a bail. Yeah, so you're just all in on what scoot Scootering, that's your sport. If today you had to compete LA 2028, someone was like what are you picking it's scooter, if it were going to be in there.

Speaker 3:

Besides being in e-sports and playing support for the team yeah, probably scootering, I'd also have a crack at diving. My favorite Olympic sports are gymnastics, gym. Well, gymnastics is obviously really fun to watch, um, and then like diving, but that's more so about, like, the sexual tension.

Speaker 2:

okay, well that was archery this year. Everybody I knew who saw any archery clips were like why didn't anybody?

Speaker 3:

tell me about this. They're glorious amazing so I thought you meant that they there was also sexual tension.

Speaker 2:

No, that's what I'm saying. There was, because everybody who's watching this, oh, there was also sexual tension in archery. No, that's what I'm saying there was Because everybody who was watching was oh, there was, yeah, yeah. Go back and watch the archery clips. There's some flat honey in there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what I'm saying MVPs are Olympic cameramen and women.

Speaker 2:

You know it's a good thing.

Speaker 1:

Camera them.

Speaker 3:

It's fine.

Speaker 1:

It's the camera thems. Yeah, I'm gonna go run a bath and then watch archery after this, okay, after, after. No, it was, it was tight skateboarding. Wise though I don't know it's. It's there. I don't think it's gonna go anywhere. No, um, because of, like it, it's starting to mean something to the youths. People are like there's probably so many people that are getting into it just because of that and have that in mind, so it's gonna help shops for sure and people talking about it in the wild like they're like too much olympic skateboarding.

Speaker 3:

I was like yeah that guy's wearing dockers yeah do.

Speaker 1:

I wish that they only all had to wear lakais and fucking like if they're. If we're gonna and we want to keep it, core, just get. I'm tired of seeing perry yuma fucking plastered all over the skate park of tampa every contest. Like get just core brands to sponsor the olympic athletes, which I know it gets weird because some of them have sponsors.

Speaker 2:

If you get the core brands to sponsor all the skateboarders, they're gonna be hitchhiking to the fucking olympics.

Speaker 1:

That's the problem but listen, snoop dogg's getting half a mil. Do you think you think the athletes are paying for the nikes or the carumas that they're skating in? No, have the olympic committee buy the both. They'll probably keep fucking core brands floating for fucking the three years because they're like we're gonna buy all this merch for this at full price. Fuck it, charge them double. And then we're like this is more than what you sell it at the locals for. I'm like you gave snoop dogg half a mil a day, I think you could give us a hundred bucks per shoe and fucking these, these baker three jerseys are gonna cost you 150 god, I can't wait for that.

Speaker 2:

Just the baker, baker. Three olympics. Is that what we're talking about?

Speaker 1:

yeah, just have it. Have them reenact all of baker three front to back, while snoop dog, while snoop dog does doggy style front to back. And then, yeah, the podium is a bronze silver and gold uh, muska silhouette day, signed by muska, and the podium is cadillac escalade truck. So like the hood's lower than the back and then the top is the highest. That's cool. So like muska rolls up, all three are already on the podium holding their their different reflective decks.

Speaker 2:

So it's I support right at the end.

Speaker 1:

So again, now follow me, folks, let's go down this rabbit hole. The whole procession is a baker three reenactment get to the end. Muska pulls up when a vista social club starts playing. Now we're getting into fulfill the dream. And that's just a demo afterwards and it's a full shorties reunion I'm so there for that la 2028. You want ratings olympics. We just gave you a gold medal idea. While again, again, Whitney Cummings and Chris Cole are announcing with Ryan Sheckler. I'll throw Ryan Sheckler in there.

Speaker 2:

I'm out.

Speaker 1:

Okay, ryan, sheckler and Bam. That's the best I can do. Sheckler and Bam.

Speaker 2:

All right, I'm in Okay.

Speaker 3:

Okay, we're going to the Olympics. Fuck, that's it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, because we're going to be there for podcasting. As long as we can schedule the podcasting before or after the skateboarding so we can watch it all, I'm fine.

Speaker 2:

Or during, which is live commentary, during. How long are those events actually Like without editing and cuts? Oh I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I mean I watched on the Peacock app Not a sponsor, but if you'd like to. It was like an hour and a half for the finals and that had and that, going back to Cordano that I mentioned to you guys that pissed me off because his two like street scored runs didn't make it and then made the tricks afterwards but he had three back-to-back like I guess the Olympic scores. They're nines. You got three, nine clubs technically, cause there were nine in the nineties, but the cutaway and back to were after the first two. Like the camera would cut away and do that fucking Olympics windows 97 screensaver. And then it would cut back to Cordano row, rolling away from like some fucking hammer that the crowds on their feet on and I'm like what the fuck dude? The the gymnastics is like a five hour uninterrupted feed. Like when the camera cuts away from athletes it cuts up to the stands and shit, but skateboarding was getting shafted with fucking. It wasn't even cutting away to commercials, it was just like here's a little screensaver. In the meantime we'll get back to this.

Speaker 3:

I was like that fucking sucks, dude, here's the best version of how they can do the olympics for skateboarding is you just basically like remake el toro and then you have a. You give them half an hour and do a buster bail. Just there's no runs or whatever, and just have people hook and then you accumulate points that would be that.

Speaker 2:

That would be geared to like three people. Yeah, so you would have.

Speaker 3:

Yeah you can do a tech one too. You can have a mani pad out there, I guess you know.

Speaker 1:

But I like where your head's at with what if they make the park just an amalgamation of like six to seven, like el toro hubba, hideout, like the fucking new york blubba, like like big spots, and then it's like kind of jam session where it's like everyone, it's like golf, where, like you're rotating from spot to spot, yeah, and it's like that, where it's like I think jam session.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's the way, instead of like timed runs or five attempts right because then you could actually, at least from a television watching perspective you would see crazier stuff go down more often than if you put all this tension on five tries. Then they just start getting weird with it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

If we take away the run format. We don't have to see Jagger Eaton pull his phone out to start 30 seconds of the same song over and over again.

Speaker 3:

That made me so mad. I will say I do think, jagger, jagger, jagger.

Speaker 1:

Is it a soft or a hard? J? The world wants to know.

Speaker 3:

It's such an odd name, but he kind of got robbed at the end Because, do you see, he went Nija after he was done. He yelled up at him he's like wax the hubba.

Speaker 1:

And he went and started waxing the hubba in an olympic oh, and the committee or someone came out in a little fucking vest and was like you can't do that and they got in a little like just verbal altercation yeah, and then he went, yeah, bailed his trick and I was like that probably got in his head a little bit.

Speaker 3:

I was like if they did just left him alone and let him do his madness, he might have gotten that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that's like a core thing of the psychology well, even like it's, it's park skateboarding, somebody's gonna wax something. Yes, okay, yeah you have. They have to wax everything wax your board.

Speaker 3:

I'm like, yeah, where is it?

Speaker 1:

where do you? Where's that line drawn at? Like what are they? And then they that was a concrete park that they made. Like what are they donating that? Are they tearing that shit down?

Speaker 2:

turn it down immediately. That's how they do it for all of the traveling parks, yeah, olympics.

Speaker 3:

Outdoor or Street League? Don't they leave the parks.

Speaker 2:

Street League.

Speaker 3:

No, no, are they always Not the stadium ones, but the outdoor ones, right, am I making that up? I think you're making that up.

Speaker 2:

No, because I have friends that are park builders for the.

Speaker 1:

X Games and stuff.

Speaker 2:

a lot of what they do is they'll do styrofoam like forms under it with shotcrete on it for, like, big parks and stuff, and then yeah they kill it in like a week because the liability is way too high to leave something like that there.

Speaker 2:

So they basically to cover everyone's like the event organizer and everybody's own asses. They have to demolish parks. That's not. There's not exceptions to the rule. Maybe street have to demolish parks that's not, there's not exceptions to the rule. Maybe street league has done outdoor parks that they left behind at some point, but sure it's. Yeah, more more often than not, like I said with all my friends that work for park builders and stuff who do like big events, yeah, you, you kill it afterwards, which is tragic.

Speaker 2:

I mean what are you going to do? Get mad about it. It's corporate, it's fucking corporate entertainment Swampfest in Florida.

Speaker 1:

Do you think they leave those?

Speaker 2:

ramps up, everything catches on fire every year.

Speaker 1:

At least they're recycling it. They're just giving the trees carbon after haphazardly slapping the carcasses of their bodies together. So they go out into the forest, so they cut down a whole bunch of trees, make them into plywood and, two-by-fours, erect them in the middle of a swamp next to other trees and then just burn it all down and the trees are like what the fuck, dude?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

It's still the Olympics if they did it at Skatopia.

Speaker 2:

Is Skatopia still there? It's got to be right. I don't know. I haven't heard anything about fucking Bruce or Skatopia in 10 years.

Speaker 3:

Wow, crazy why did the Olympic Committee scout that place out?

Speaker 1:

Wait a minute, I think you're getting it, if we get so. Checkler's out Skatopia is the course. Checkers out katopia is the the course and it's fucking bam.

Speaker 3:

And who else for?

Speaker 1:

announcers. That's katopia. We need another one.

Speaker 3:

People see youth who's yeah sure, dude, get the boss out there, get reynolds out there.

Speaker 1:

He would do that really good I don't know he's on new balance.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, probably I don't know who would be good. Let's get somebody who's just I don't know. I who would be good? Let's get somebody who's just I don't know I'd have to think on that one. Dustin Dolan. I don't want to listen to that guy talk.

Speaker 1:

The Delfino siblings, sure Pedro and his sister. Yeah, adriana, judging people's downhill bombs.

Speaker 3:

You know who genuinely would be very good at it and I think has done it before isick mccrank.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'd love to listen to rick mccrank yeah, he would kill it.

Speaker 1:

He would do, he would kill it. And then bonus round. It's just san francisco hill, bombing everyone switch. Only that's if you make it like line everyone up on top of the hill and who the first, second and third down to the bottom, but like fucking find the table cloth under the fine china, like score them all in their runs and be like actually now you have to do this first three down win I just have gary rogers just screaming at you the whole time bam and gary rogers people didn't want him saying anything about jinwoo's socks and ponytail, yeah, so yeah, I think he uh oh I mean, but he's gary rogers gonna roast when he gets the opportunity

Speaker 1:

and that's also core skateboarding like, that's what we need and most of the time, like when people roast people, it's out of love, mostly, mostly yeah, I think, unless it's, unless it's, unless it's someone wearing carry humans, there's no love in that I think they should have you do your runs you do best trick, and then you have to FaceTime with Steve Barra.

Speaker 2:

Whoever can make it Hold on, did you?

Speaker 3:

say you survived the FaceTime I was going to say.

Speaker 1:

did you say FaceTime or FaceTime? You got to do a 30-day sentence in the cell with Steve Barra, Whoever comes out the most sane gold that you know I might not be able to beat the the tricks part but I could. I could handle it, based on steve barrow just just you know, could you handle 30 days in a cell with steve barrow just you and him.

Speaker 1:

You play mind games on him and him, thinking that he's doing it back to you yeah, you would come out and be like I had no idea about all that xenu stuff or that's valid points instead of facetime him, you have to comment section, battle him for 30 minutes 30 minutes of an instagram, of someone else's instagram reel of their trick, where you're arguing with stevera and whoever wins the argument gets the gold medal. You might actually win the medal, but he's going to think he won the medal.

Speaker 2:

He'll argue it and in a lot of ways he did.

Speaker 1:

You see, Gary.

Speaker 2:

Umair everywhere.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's true.

Speaker 3:

Steve Barra's laughing his way to the bank.

Speaker 1:

They got that big ass.

Speaker 2:

They do chapter sevens at the bank now.

Speaker 1:

Listen, Scientology isn't chapter seven.

Speaker 2:

What about that invite-only private skate park in LA?

Speaker 3:

I was going to say the barracks does get a religious tax exemption.

Speaker 1:

I thought you were talking about P-Rods. They got a. Is that a fucking big ass, blue Chris.

Speaker 2:

Cole's fucking ride or die P-Rod Check the comment sections.

Speaker 3:

Actually, I saw that. I saw that actually.

Speaker 2:

Smoking cigars and fucking my boy 100%. Got your back. It's a Sorry about you A little weird one, hey you find camaraderie wherever you can get it right. Life is the way it is.

Speaker 1:

Wait, but is LA where that big ass blue Church of Scientology is?

Speaker 2:

It looks like the fucking grand budapest hotel. What is that all about? It looks like a fucking wes anderson, I don't know. Talk to talk to that one guy who fucking gave him a million dollars.

Speaker 1:

Um had the youtube close to. He's just a professional skateboarder from the san francisco bay area. Okay, and it was close to a million dollars, not quite a million dollars it was aaron cai. Million dollars, not quite a million dollars. It was Aaron Cairo. We're talking about Aaron Cairo everyone.

Speaker 3:

I thought you were talking about Elizabeth Moss.

Speaker 1:

No. Kate Moss, LA 2028, sponsored by the Church of Scientology Yep. Your announcers are Snoop Dogg and Aaron Cairo.

Speaker 3:

When you see that something's sponsored by Karayuma, that is, it being sponsored by the Church of Scientology.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Just consider that.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I said it before, it should be either LaCaise or IPAF. Put them all on hemp Rasta cats.

Speaker 2:

That's what I want to see Everyone's going to be so comfortable. Just relax. Everyone's growing dreadlocks. Everybody's doing those wall rides where you like bonk out off the nose. Everyone's doing fucking wallies and pole jams. Like let's make, yeah, let's make. 1998, 1899, fucking san francisco, white rasta skateboarding great again and then special performance by fucking andy sandberg oh my god, yeah and followed by okay, now we. Okay, now we're speaking my language again. I'm back in, followed by.

Speaker 1:

Sublime hey, sublime. Hell of a live show. You know, hell of a live show, or no, sorry, not Sublime 311. They're the same thing, they're practically the same thing, I don't want anything to do with 311. No, not at all, but LA Olympics.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's suitable.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you have to choose. Josh Either 311 performs or Chris Cole and Whitney Cummings.

Speaker 2:

Why not both? I won't be there, so why not both?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'll watch that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I like it.

Speaker 3:

I like it.

Speaker 1:

You won't watch either. You'll just say, yeah, exactly I'm sure somebody's.

Speaker 2:

There's a new. There's a new black label video that's got two people in it. That is fantastic. I'll watch that three more times like that's great I'll just watch cordano's thrasher part and cry again. I'm laughing because I cried.

Speaker 1:

I think I commented on that. I was like give him and his dad Sodi for making us all cry that same day I was commenting everywhere Fody His father, yeah, that dude wins.

Speaker 2:

He's the best, the best dad that none of us ever had.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it did. I watched that video and I did. It did make me stop and think about my relationship with my father watching like a skateboard video and I was like this doesn't make sense. But I'm happy that it's making me feel these feelings like also happy to report not a terrible relationship, not super close, not very distant, you know, pretty regular relationship with my dad and I thought about that over a fucking thrasher video part.

Speaker 1:

Give him the gold medal. Give him sody and father of the year like fucking cordono russell. La 2028 he's gonna be what. 22, no 23 24, close to 24, 23, hopefully, with the board that he needs under his feet. He's about 6 five 240 pounds.

Speaker 2:

He's like a actual football player, like he actually played football and was like I'm gonna go skateboard and said I feel like we're oddly gonna find out that, like the zip zinger has just been the perfect board the whole time and he's gonna be skating zip zingers, he's with like you know you know and gone there yeah backing him, right that's for crooked now, he'd fit great on crooked accidentally through happenstance.

Speaker 1:

Best board for cordano, anthony anderson's best wheels, those fucking, oj fucking shark wheels of the legally off the no, the off-road fucking oj, fucking giant orange ones that everyone just bombs.

Speaker 1:

Dirt hills road rider, that's gonna be. That's gonna be his setup 2028, and he's gonna kill it. Not every. The biggest hubba is gonna look like a fucking shin high curb. He's just looked like he's skating slappies all day. Did you see those clips of him at poods ollieing up to like the top of the benches and no, sliding them? Yeah, like he gets nothing like proportionally. It just looks like a, like a way. Well it is. It's like a fucking upper thigh high ledge to him. But it's the top part of where people sit down, like the backrest of where people sit in a skate park. He's like I'm gonna go no, slide that yeah, that's as high as my face.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for everybody out there in the audience who doesn't know me, I'm four foot nine, four foot eight and same same as simone biles same as wolverine wolverine of uh skateboard podcasting people always mix up you and simone biles I mean, that is something there's

Speaker 1:

like a lot of we same vibes, same vibes for sure is that josh brit, or the goat of women's gymnastics, simone biles, walking down south congress right now?

Speaker 2:

simone biles, all gymnastics Simone Biles.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You guys want to talk about motorcycles.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I might be biased, but I don't have much to contribute.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, who got bronze in choppers this year?

Speaker 1:

Well, off-podium completely is Harley-Davidson as a company apparently because, they just went woke.

Speaker 1:

They woke up too much. So to that I will say we here at kickflips and kickstands have a very generous rehoming for harleys that some of our listeners may not want to support anymore. So if you would like to donate your bikes to us and I'll either we'll just keep them for ourselves or donate them to people that want them. Go for it. Instead of shooting them with machine guns on YouTube and blowing them up, just give them to someone who wants it.

Speaker 1:

We're gonna give them all to Chad Muska yeah, no, but seriously, if you think that getting back at Harley is destroying your Harley, just take your Harley and give it to like a veteran or like a 17 year old kid, and you're doing better with it than what you're. They already got your money. So if you don't support them, cool, hey, free country, do whatever you want.

Speaker 1:

Just give your bike away people that are in the comments they're like I'm never buying another harley again I've got a I was never gonna buy. They're like, yeah, I'm never gonna buy a again. I was like I'm never going to buy a new one to begin with no, never, never. Regardless of what they think or who they support.

Speaker 2:

If the year on the Harley starts with the two, I'm out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm only ever buying 1997 Sports or 1200 Customs from here on out.

Speaker 2:

It's the best bike ever made. And then that exact year, 1200 C, XL 1200 C is yeah, the C, you get the 21-inch front.

Speaker 1:

It's not spool-less, that's close.

Speaker 2:

It's fine. Single disc it's fine.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Single disc Take the one disc off, just take it off. We lost Grayson, hey Grayson.

Speaker 3:

We lost Grayson. I thought about just being like.

Speaker 1:

No, I mean when to talk about bikes. I have been riding the shit out of the tw and the little honda again. I finally got those running right. I was dude. I was wrestling with cleaning the old shitty, probably like chinese clone carbs that were on there and it just weren't.

Speaker 1:

I couldn't. I mean single carb, super easy to tune, but just probably so chutted with like an old gas and I don't have an ultrasonic or anything, I'll just do in that fucking dip, can that? You know you get at the auto parts place. It was doing a fine enough job but they just weren't quite running how I wanted to. And then I remembered josh was actually helped me pick up the tw I before work one day. I was like hey, can I borrow your truck real quick? And he's like I mean I don't go to work for like another hour so I can.

Speaker 1:

And it was right up the road and we got it back to my house and I hooked it up to the Harley battery and it popped on. So I was like stoked but it never really. Even she sold it to me with like some weird carb that some people run on TWs. That like is some apparently good but it wasn't. And she also gave me in the box the replica of like the stock tw carb and it's just always been sitting in that box and my ego wouldn't just put that carb on for the longest time I was trying to clean the other one. I was like I know how to do this. I've done it a million times, but I couldn't quite get the fucking. Either it clean enough or maybe just one of the fucking the air to fuel passages were just fucked because the casings on those like little replica carbs kind of.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the tolerances are so out that like they yeah. So I finally going down the road a lot of times, but like you can't get yeah, just ran like shit exactly getting a package.

Speaker 1:

But, um yeah, I finally just was like, fuck it. I took that carb out of that box that it was still in, popped it onto the bike, put the air filter back on and ran the uh throttle cable and started it and it's been running fucking beautifully. So I was like, oh good, all those hours of frustration could have ended, but I have been fucking ripping that thing around town and it's been great, perfect, perfect little bike to rip around town on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just before this I went and did a coffee run on it and I was like I don't have a cup holder on this thing, but I'll figure it out and I just jammed it between the headlight and the handlebars. I mean, 50 miles an hour on that thing is fast for it and it's not fast normally, but when you're on essentially a bicycle that could shake apart any minute, it's a thrill in a different way. For sure, that's the one that you're going to learn on, by the way, Grace, the bike that we're going to teach you the bicycle one the one yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean it feels like it's so light and tiny that it feels like a bicycle.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that actually makes sense, because I can ride a bicycle.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, baby steps, if you can ride a bike, you can dodge a ball. Exactly that's what they say but yeah that's my motor pickle news.

Speaker 2:

Cool, all right. Well, I'm building a bike. You're riding your bikes, grayson you have a bmx a bmx bike that I sold you yeah I just gotta get. Now I'm all my bikes legal no, that's gonna be a tricky one I've to. We'll talk about that at another time with my not recording it Literally.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean for, for, for all purposes. All my bikes are legal, the one especially the one I did a coffee run on this morning. A hundred percent, yeah, For professional.

Speaker 1:

That one has a title. It's got a title for sure Clean Texas title. For sure, clean texas title. Not asking any more questions about that. That's no the tw. I got it that. I got that thing when you have 600 bucks not running with a title. Got it home and put a battery to it and it was running. I was like winning. You ever heard of fucking charlie scene?

Speaker 2:

tiger blood rip did he die.

Speaker 1:

No, certainly Hold on.

Speaker 2:

I know what you're thinking, but he didn't die You're thinking about.

Speaker 1:

Matthew Perry, you guys are. Why is Charlie Sheen dead? Trending from 2023?.

Speaker 2:

Okay, well, not dead yet. Why is Charlie Sheen still alive, Trending on Google?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I'm sure it's not the most far-fetched Google fucking we're going to hear from his people. Search query.

Speaker 2:

His fucking, his attorney and his accountant are going to reach out to us.

Speaker 3:

We could probably get him on here. I mean he's not doing much Probably.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's a guy that talks.

Speaker 3:

We could probably get a few Sheens on here which one talks. We could probably get a few sheens on which one which is I got a lot of martin, emilio the fucking minnesota miracle man, if, if we get, if we get gordon bombay on this bitch yeah yeah

Speaker 1:

geek, it's over, it's over. I'm. I'm full pivoting to the youtube. You guys, this is on youtube also. We're going to start posting more bike-related shit on YouTube. The first one that went up some pretty good love, I think. It's sitting at almost 800 views, which doesn't sound like a lot. That's great, but for just slapping it together and throwing it up, not bad. I got another one yesterday in the can that I have to edit with Mike from Red Rabbit, who will have his podcast episode coming out this season too. So yeah, find us on YouTube. We're on there now too. We're already getting some love and that's cool. Shout out to Woody and the boys at Prism. Woody ordered a shirt and confirmed that the homies over at Prism are listening, so shout out to y'all Thank you very much for that.

Speaker 2:

Feeling the love, are listening, so shout out to y'all. Thank you very much for that feeling congregation and everyone else. Early october congregation show in charlotte, north carolina absolutely beautiful.

Speaker 1:

That show's been running for years now yeah, I want to make it out there, one year probably, if we can't get out this year, I'd love to go, maybe next year.

Speaker 1:

Well, my mom's is moving up to tennessee, so I'll have a little like landing pad closer to that shit. And Another reason we're not going this year I've already committed and we're going to be at Burnouts in Denton. That's September 21st. If you're in the fucking Texas, fuck it. Even if you're not in Texas, come out. Denton, texas is a cool little spot. They're going on. I think it's the third year now. Fucking Rickshaw Billies is going to be there playing some music. You know it's going to be everything that you people like.

Speaker 1:

You people you know, choppers, vendors, beer, music, probably some kind of barbecue and smash burgers I'm assuming that's that's hot in the streets, these days.

Speaker 2:

I've got one that we need to promote. Uh, if anybody finds themselves in the area of west texas at the end of uh october, I've got some good friends that are doing a festival called flying Island. Oh yeah, I saw that inaugural year, so this is the launch of the whole thing.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of short notice, but now my main question when I saw that is the mushrooms. Are they given out? Do we bring our own mushrooms? What's that?

Speaker 2:

Put any of that information on the flyer.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, but like knowing it is just like show up. Fine, If you just went things are places. Right, Bring some party favors. Get some maybe like a. Bring some, get some like a little trades. These are the party favorites.

Speaker 2:

Bill Callahan's playing OS Mutantes is playing, there's yeah.

Speaker 1:

A there's, yeah, a lot of good music happening. Cactus Lee, I think I saw you. I was going to say Cactus Lee is on there. It's a good amount of like the flyer is pretty stacked.

Speaker 2:

There's a lot of music going on. It's really good and there's more artists to be announced, so I will say that and I will say, what I was curious about was ticket prices. They're actually quite reasonable.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Grayson, we've never heard what you feel about Marfa and we don't have that on recording, so tell us now.

Speaker 3:

Here's what I think about Marfa. I'm very excited for Flying Islands and I think that's going to be a fun event. We should go, Regardless of where it is.

Speaker 1:

We should go and then take a bi-week, and then you know what episode we release while we're there Grayson's.

Speaker 2:

Mar Marvel Halloween special Literally.

Speaker 3:

I have that file.

Speaker 1:

I have the file. I'll send it to you guys.

Speaker 3:

If you've ever seen the movie Mother with Jennifer Lawrence and. Michio Del Toro. I'd be like the baby at the end of Mother.

Speaker 1:

If you don't know what I'm talking about, just go watch it and you'll be like oh, I see I haven't seen that, but I saw a TikTok of someone that thought they were cutesy getting an Airbnb somewhere and they pull up to the actual house from Barbarian. They Airbnb'd the house from the movie about Airbnb gone wrong.

Speaker 1:

And like because they're like pulling down the block and it's like quintessential, like everything on one side of the block is like burnt down, haunted home, crack houses, and then the camera pans over and it's just their Airbnb that that they're pulling into and it's the house from barbarian. And I was just like, oh, you should watch that movie. You should watch that movie while you're there, you should watch.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, in there, perfect I support that well shit, grayson, what do you have to plug any take backs, apologies, anything that we've said this episode that we might want to just proactively I do like to preemptively apologize, just for pretty much safe the only thing I have to plug is uh, just please don't be mad at me.

Speaker 3:

I always feel like everyone's mad at me.

Speaker 1:

Please don't be it's a good one also, I'm just I'd like to. I'd like to apologize to the country of australia. Yeah, you're getting a lot of flack right now, you guys some of it maybe some of it may be warranted. Most of it, you know they're real hateful shit. Probably not. Yeah, that's probably the only one. No, nothing towards this church, the church of scientology, or karayuma that. Everything that we said about that we can keep in I'll stand, I'm fine.

Speaker 1:

with that I I feel comfortable. And then I am pretty serious about starting to GoFundMe for Muska's skate park or Escalade, and also if, like legit, if you're actually mad at Harley Davidson and want to give away your bike to someone that might want it, if I can put that on the internet.

Speaker 2:

We'll rehome it, we'll paint it rainbow flags, we'll do whatever We'll get its shots, vaccinate your bike for you spay and neuter your bikes.

Speaker 1:

You always spay and neuter your, your bikes, otherwise they go everywhere. If you're cold, they're cold, bring them inside it's not spay or neuter. You should always do both do both just to be safe. Good safe 2024. Good safe, thanks. You don't know that bike's gender, do both yeah just cover your bases.

Speaker 2:

you're in a gas and oil tank. It's fine, it's called inclusion.

Speaker 1:

Read a book, all right, is that it for that? I mean I'm down to just stay on the cameras with you guys. I could just end recording.

Speaker 3:

We could fucking talk all day if you guys want. Was it like 30 minutes?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's two, hey you guys listen to the podcast. Follow us at Kickflips and Kickstands podcast on Instagram. Follow us on YouTube. Follow all the homies at their prospective ones, you know on their Instagrams. If you want, do whatever you want. Don't be a dick to people and we'll see you LA 2028 at the Olympics when we here's the big reveal. We are the announcers. I've been joking a lot about it. I'm brokering a deal. It's going to be us three and Sheckler John.

Speaker 1:

Peacock just sent us an email. Us three Sheckler Bam, gary Rogers, whitney Cummings, chris Cobra Cole all in the announcer studio.

Speaker 3:

We'll catch you on the next one.

Speaker 2:

L Ron Hubbard.

Speaker 1:

L Ron Hubbard. What was it? The Tupac Coachella? A fucking hologram of L Ron Hubbard and Aaron Cairo.