The Automagic Podcast

Startups and corporates can open worlds for each other

BrainCreators Season 1 Episode 10

In this episode, Jasper Wognum, co-founder and CEO of BrainCreators, meets with Marie-José van den Boomgaard, Liaison Manager Startups & Scaleups at KPN.

Marie-José has been closing deals with startups for years. This keeps KPN in the loop on the latest innovations and allows startups to move faster. When startups and corporates work together, new business models can be developed, products and services can be brought to the market faster and innovation can be accelerated. Startups and corporates can open worlds for each other, but they also must be open to each other.

During the podcast, Marie-José explains why KPN has set up this unique program and tells about her experiences. In addition, she gives tips on how corporates can collaborate best with startups.