The Burn Podcast by Ben Newman

Building High Performance Systems with Colton Paulhus

May 20, 2024 Ben Newman Season 6 Episode 20
Building High Performance Systems with Colton Paulhus
The Burn Podcast by Ben Newman
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The Burn Podcast by Ben Newman
Building High Performance Systems with Colton Paulhus
May 20, 2024 Season 6 Episode 20
Ben Newman

This week on The Burn Podcast, I'm fired up to be sitting down with Colton Paulhus for the fourth time this season. Colton has been on an TOUGH journey, and today, we dive into the importance of thinking big and building elite systems to support your growth. If you're striving to elevate your personal and professional life, this episode is a must-listen.

We'll explore Colton's own path to becoming an elite individual, especially in health and mental toughness. We'll also discuss the critical role self-talk plays in your performance and self-confidence.

Ben and Colton will also talk about forming a team to provide accountability and support, including Ben himself and Phil Heath, and how they plan to share their learnings with you in real-time.

Get ready for a conversation packed with actionable insights, from daily habits to the power of connecting with your inner drive—your "BURN 🔥"

**Timestamp Chapters:**

- 0:00 Introduction

- 4:15 Colton’s Road to Elite Health and Mental Toughness

- 10:20 Importance of Self-Talk and Personal Commitments

- 15:30 Making Small Decisions for Big Goals

- 21:00 Forming an Elite Team for personal growth

- 27:45 Colton’s Motivation: Family and Legacy

- 34:00 Tracking and Accountability in Everyday Life

- 40:50 The Impact from Phil Heath’s Guidance

- 48:10 Connecting with Your “Burn”

- 55:25 Building Confidence Through Personal Discipline

- 1:02:00 Conclusion and Upcoming Episodes

Tune in and let's take this journey together. Whether it's fitness, business, or life, this episode has something for everyone looking to take their life to the next level.


Learn about our Upcoming events and programs:

Let’s work TOGETHER

Let's work together to write YOUR next book- BNC Publishing
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Order my latest book The STANDARD: Winning at YOUR Highest Level:

1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

This week on The Burn Podcast, I'm fired up to be sitting down with Colton Paulhus for the fourth time this season. Colton has been on an TOUGH journey, and today, we dive into the importance of thinking big and building elite systems to support your growth. If you're striving to elevate your personal and professional life, this episode is a must-listen.

We'll explore Colton's own path to becoming an elite individual, especially in health and mental toughness. We'll also discuss the critical role self-talk plays in your performance and self-confidence.

Ben and Colton will also talk about forming a team to provide accountability and support, including Ben himself and Phil Heath, and how they plan to share their learnings with you in real-time.

Get ready for a conversation packed with actionable insights, from daily habits to the power of connecting with your inner drive—your "BURN 🔥"

**Timestamp Chapters:**

- 0:00 Introduction

- 4:15 Colton’s Road to Elite Health and Mental Toughness

- 10:20 Importance of Self-Talk and Personal Commitments

- 15:30 Making Small Decisions for Big Goals

- 21:00 Forming an Elite Team for personal growth

- 27:45 Colton’s Motivation: Family and Legacy

- 34:00 Tracking and Accountability in Everyday Life

- 40:50 The Impact from Phil Heath’s Guidance

- 48:10 Connecting with Your “Burn”

- 55:25 Building Confidence Through Personal Discipline

- 1:02:00 Conclusion and Upcoming Episodes

Tune in and let's take this journey together. Whether it's fitness, business, or life, this episode has something for everyone looking to take their life to the next level.


Learn about our Upcoming events and programs:

Let’s work TOGETHER

Let's work together to write YOUR next book- BNC Publishing
Send us a message

Order my latest book The STANDARD: Winning at YOUR Highest Level:

1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

Connect with me everywhere else:





Speaker 1:

If you think that Colton and I are nuts, then we got you thinking big enough, and he and I are starting to think big enough, but we're still not there. That's how we won championships at Alabama. That's how I've been able to help coaches or players from the last six Super Bowl champion teams, because all we do, and all I try to do, is win.

Speaker 2:

Today we have Ben Newman back on the show for episode four. We're going to dive into another layer of mental toughness, but really what we want to talk about today is how do you build your team around you to support you in your goals to take your life to the next level. So I've assembled currently a pretty elite team around me to really help me take my life to the next level and guide me in my process of becoming the highest version of who I believe I was created to be. So we'll do an announcement talk about who has joined the team recently. But, Ben, welcome back, man Excited to have you.

Speaker 1:

Colton, it's great to be back with you, although I feel like we message every day as a result of the blessing of being part of this team now. So I feel like we're never apart, which is a great thing. But I'm just so grateful to be with you and your listeners because I think what's going to happen is because of your courage, not only in how you want to lead as a father and as a husband, not only as a business owner. Now, personally taking yourself to this level, I think it's just going to cause other people to level up in their lives, and this is really special to be a part of. So I get excited for the episodes we do every month.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's right. Yeah, so I think, in real time, what's cool, what I'm realizing is like my goal is to take you guys on a journey that are listening to this of I'm actually in the process of taking my life to the next level. I've done the business thing and, yes, we're on a, you know, a quest to build a billion dollar brand and we're going to do that, and I had the business thing figured out. But you guys know, in my health journey, the mental toughness component, I was slacking in that area, and so I want you guys to see real time what it looks like for a business owner you know someone that's performing in that on that stage to take their health to the next level. Cause I think a lot of times we create excuses and we say, oh, I'm busy building the business, and right, I mean we taught.

Speaker 2:

You know Andy Frisella personally. He did that for a long time. Look when he got healthy and transformed his life. What his business has done over the last I don't know six, seven years. It's insane. And so I want to have a similar story where it's like, hey, this guy made a commitment to say I'm not looking back, I'm going all in in my health so that I can become elite, an elite person, in every area of my life. So I'm excited to dig into that.

Speaker 1:

So I want to touch on something that you just said. I've already seen a difference in you, even in what you say on social media, even in some of the text messages that you share about some things that are now happening in the company.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I saw that with Andy. Yeah, you know I was there. I mean some people you know. Remember I was a former co-host of the MFCEO podcast and that's right, you know. So I know what it was like when he was at his heaviest. I know what those conversations are like. I lifted with him at first form headquarters two weeks ago. I know what it's like to experience him. Now I know the difference because I pay attention to the details and how he communicates and says things.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm already seeing that in you and so for everybody listening, I want you to think about something when you're choosing to not do what you know you need to do. So whether it's nutrition, whether it's hey, I I'm going to get my workout in, and then you come up with whatever excuse to not do it. I want you listening to think about the last time you did that and then, as tough as this is and you might be upset like, why are Colton and Ben doing this to me? I want you to then go back to like what happened in that day, like, if you can clearly remember, oh, it was last week, I skipped my workout. Did you have some self-talk? Did you then start to question yourself and other things throughout the day. Did you start to say, ah, you know what, I skipped my workout. It's just kind of been a bad day, like this work stuff here, like I'll get to it tomorrow.

Speaker 1:

Did you notice how things started to expand because you weren't believing in doing the little things? That becomes the issue, colton, that's right. And it becomes those days where, well, I don't do one thing so that I don't do another because the day was already wasted. And then you get home and you can't even focus on being present with your kids because all you can think about is the fact that you just didn't do all day. And some people, colton, they're living their lives like this, totally yes, and they have an occasional great day, or maybe, out of a week, a couple of great days, but there's too many days of stacking, not doing what you're supposed to do. The self-talk becomes unbearable and to think that's not going to impact your performance is just not being realistic about how human performance works.

Speaker 2:

That's right. And the and it's a self-confidence thing too, right. Ed Milet talks about this. When we don't keep the promises we make to ourself, we lack self-confidence, right, Because we're not doing what we said we're going to do over a long period of time.

Speaker 2:

And I think too many people are like I did this for four years, right, Four and a half years of my health journey. But in multiple areas of their life they just tiptoe right. They're kind of putting one foot in the water and then back and back out, and then they're putting another foot in the water, back and back out, and they might work out twice a week or six times a month, but they never just say I'm going to go all in and I'm going to commit my being to becoming the most elite version of myself and because that's freedom, right, and we talked about this last episode, I don't want to harp on this too much but when you just make a decision to say, hey, I'm going to go all in, what it makes of you to be that person and become that person that can get to that goal is a whole different person. Like you said already early on, like you're seeing the transformation in me, I see it in myself, I'm way more self-confident. I genuinely, like in my soul, believe we're going to get to a billion dollars because I know that I'm becoming the leader that is required for that company to get to a billion dollars and for our businesses to get there. So I think I'm just really excited to say, when you're in this journey of becoming an elite version and you want to take the first step maybe you're already on the journey and you want to go to another level, because there's always another level you just have to make the commitment to say I'm going to go all in and I think too many people are scared to make that jump and we'll announce this in a second but assembling the team around you to help you, to keep you accountable Cause I was honest with you on the call um, with the person we're going to announce that we're doing this with and I said I'm like the last six weeks I haven't been locked in on my uh, my eating habits.

Speaker 2:

I've eaten clean, but it's been about 80, 20 or 70, 30, right. But there's another level that I can go to to take my life to the next level and in the last week I've seen even more freedom, right, Like I've been locked in in my nutrition, eating enough protein, tracking my calories, and it's like there's actual freedom in that, because I know that I'm doing what I said I was gonna do on social media to my family, to my employees and to the people around me.

Speaker 1:

See and there's. It must be such a gratifying feeling for you. You stand in front of the mirror, you're at the gym. You take the picture, you're there getting the workout in and, look, I have self-talk about my workout sometimes, even though I work out every day. But some days you wake up and you're like you just don't feel like doing it, but there's a standard and you do it. I know for a fact, and you don't have to tell me, there's days that you go to the gym you don't want to be there, but you take that picture and you put standard over feelings. How gratifying is that feeling to know, the moment you post, that that wasn't like some people who posted that they were at the gym. That was literally you saying I got it in. That's right, and it was the accountability.

Speaker 1:

And everybody who's watching these episodes and it's been amazing watching your social media take off is that people are starting to realize like we are part of the story with Colton Gosh. He's being vulnerable, he's being transparent, he's telling us what he's been through. That's me. Join Colton on the journey. That's me. Join Colton on the journey. That's what we want. We want you to realize that. We want you to be next. I want you, listening, to feel what Colton feels when he takes that picture in the mirror. That's right, Cause we're not just doing this for Colton. Yes, I love Colton, I want to do it for Colton, but we want a lot of people to come on this journey and say we're changing lives in what we've committed to do together. Yep.

Speaker 2:

That's exactly right. Yeah, and I did a little video the other day, just a short little reel, but I talked about, like, a lot of people you know I mean you're you have hundreds of thousands of followers, so you probably get comments of people saying stuff. But I've gotten a few where they're like, you know, trying to sell me a course, trying to sell me this, and I'm like, look, I have a business. I genuinely want to help people. Will I never charge for services? Of course not.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to charge for stuff, but the heart behind it and I know your heart is the same thing is you literally want to see people transform their life.

Speaker 2:

I want to see people in a low place, maybe addicted to alcohol, addicted to food, not living up to their full potential, make a decision to change their life and get there Right. Like I don't have to be doing this content and all this different stuff because of the businesses that we've built. I'm doing it from a choice to say I genuinely want to help people and I want to help people take their life to the next level, because I've been the over 400 pound person, I've been the person addicted to alcohol, I've been the person addicted to smoking weed right to alcohol. I've been the person addicted to smoking weed right and I made changes over the course of the last decade in many different areas and the battle that I'm fighting now is the food and the working out battle and being overweight. But I think so many people they don't realize if you just make the decision to change your life, you have that power and you can do that.

Speaker 1:

So it's interesting People pick and choose accountability. Yeah, they pick and choose accountability. Here's what I mean by that. You've done 75 hard. A lot of your listeners have done 75 hard. I've done 75 hard.

Speaker 1:

Don't you find it fascinating that when you're doing 75 hard and on the app there are these little circles and you're like I got to fill the circle. If I don't read the 10 pages and I don't fill that circle, I can't complete the day. I go back to day zero. So because of this app and this environment, you are going to make sure that you do what you cause. You're not going back to day zero. So that forces you into accountability.

Speaker 1:

But how many people choose to not be accountable the moment they finish 75 hard? And I'm not saying it doesn't mean when you're off the program, that you don't have a pizza. Have a beer If you want a beer. Have a glass of wine If you want a glass of wine. I'm not saying you never have to drink, but my point is people then choose to completely become unaccountable.

Speaker 1:

Why does it take the app? Why can't you go through 75 hard and say, wow, here's what I learned. Never again will I go back to the way that I was, and I actually created, after going through 75 hard the first time, what I called a never do it again list, and it's actually a list of things that I read every single morning. It's in my phone as part of what I call a legacy statement, which is in the playbook that you guys have all gotten access to, and if you haven't, we'll make sure that you get the free copy we've given away for going on this journey with us. And so there's this legacy statement, and these never agains are things that I learned and I wrote down going through 75 hard because I wanted to hold myself accountable, because I went through the program to change.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I didn't go through the program for a short-term fix to go back to who I was. I was trying to get better, and then if you want to keep getting better, then you got to say there's things I'm never going to go back to. So I even. One of my never again statements is I will never eat unnecessary foods excessively. That's good. So what that says is, if I'm off the program, it doesn't mean that I wouldn't go have a slice of pizza with you. But like I don't have to eat a whole pizza, I can have a salad and three slices of pizza. That's right. But I'm also not going to have pizza every day, and so I think it's figuring out. What do you learn and how do you change your environment when you're growing so that you continue to choose accountability? Not well, I'm accountable now, but I won't be later. You either do it or you don't. It's a way of life, and that's why I'm excited for you, because this team you're putting together is forcing you into. This is the way that I live my life, that's right.

Speaker 3:

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Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so we'll do the announcement now. So obviously you guys know I'm on this journey with Ben and I've had this desire for a long time to take my life to the next level in every single area, and so I want you guys to understand when you go in this journey, assembling a team is so important, right? When you think of Tom Brady, Michael Jordan, the most elite athletes of all time, nobody criticizes them for having a coach. It's only in the real world Do we be like, oh, you need a coach or you need a marriage therapist? And they look down upon it. Right, it's like, no, like no, anybody.

Speaker 2:

That is absolutely fascinating, the way you just painted that yeah, it's like everybody in sports, they would understand, to be a high performer, I need a coach that's challenging me and making sure I'm checking in and checking all the boxes and doing the right things. But in the real world, we're like, oh my gosh, you have a coach and coaches are evil. It's like like that's ridiculous. So anyway, so I'm forming a team around me. Ben was the first person on this team, but the big announcement we want to make is I'm going on a journey with Phil Heath, seven time Mr Olympia world champion, back to back for seven years. He just had a documentary released I don't know, it was a couple months ago, maybe even less than that. That's number three trending in the world. And so I have now have been Newman and Phil Heath helping coach me to take my life to the next level, and we're going to do it in real time.

Speaker 2:

That's why I'm doing this podcast with you guys, because we're showing you the principles that I'm learning Um and that Ben and that Phil Heath are going to teach me um and teach others, so that you guys can do the same thing. This is free, right? This was my goal for you guys is you're going to get literally what people would spend tens of thousands of dollars on for free. Right and that was my commitment to you guys during this journey is to say, hey, we're going to coach you for free, you're going to do it in real time and we're going to assemble an elite team. So it started with Ben, but now we have Phil Heath to take this to the next level in my fitness journey and I'm going to really dial this thing in. I've done it the last week, but I'm just really excited about it.

Speaker 1:

One thing I love and just congratulations on the choice to bring Phil onto this team and I think the world of Phil he's become a dear, dear friend to this team and I think the world of Phil he's become a dear, dear friend. And you know, when I think about this documentary, the rock, who produced the documentary the rock, really pushed Phil to get vulnerable and to be transparent and I would encourage everybody go watch this documentary breaking Olympia. I think it'll almost cause you to be even more excited to be on this journey with us. Yeah, it'll almost make you feel like you're part of this team with us, as Colton is attacking, because Phil expresses some things and divulges some things and opens up some things that people never would have thought he was going through when he was on that journey of being seven time Mr Olympia, thinking that, like you know, everything is perfect in the world, just like people think that my everything's perfect for me because of the things I do or the people I work with. I still have two coaches every day trying to figure out how I can get better. So we're all in this journey together and, just as Colton has said, just with Phil, the last week has been different.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to continue to push on Colton to remember okay, the last week has been different. Why? Because one day at a time he's thinking differently, for sure, right. So before we hit record, he was actually saying, gosh, every meal that I eat I now think differently because of these beginning conversations and formulating this plan with Phil Totally. And so what you eat, that's every day, that's right. So it's like okay, what did you eat on Wednesday? Okay, tuesday's over Thursday isn't here yet. So, like this next meal, and really starting to live in the details and to scrutinize all the choices that you make, and then, with some of these things that I didn't just say it so you could hear what I do, maybe you create a never do it again list and you say, okay, there are some things I never want to do again. Great, then, if you're listening, start your list now and you start reading your list tomorrow and stop doing those things so that you can change your environment and truly join us as part of this team, on this journey.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's so good and it's because what I've realized right the last week even, and then previously, when I did make the change to get healthy, what you don't track isn't real. So I think a lot of times we're like like me. For the last six weeks I told you I kind of let it slip a little bit in my like dialing, in my nutrition, and what I realized is I told myself I ate healthy, but I actually went back to two days that I remembered every food I put in my mouth and I tracked the calories and one day was 3,100 calories and one day was 3,300 calories. I'm like that is not for me a nutrition deficit or a calorie deficit. So I can lose weight right, like Phil wants me at 2,200 calories, 250 grams of protein, every single day, and so I was having an excess of 900 to a thousand calories every single day. Well, that's literally two pounds a week that I could have lost had I been dialing it into the next level.

Speaker 2:

So I think a lot of people in your life, it may not be fitness, it may not be nutrition, but what you're not tracking. That's why the 75 hard program is so key, because it's 75 days You're tracking. I'm reading 10 pages, I'm drinking a gallon of water, I'm working out twice right, like I'm taking a photo for accountability, and so all of those things add up to you being committed to following a system, a process, and tracking and accountability. So, for me and my nutrition, I just want to challenge you guys. There's areas of your life you're not measuring, you're not tracking your sleep routine, your workout routine, your nutrition, right? There's areas you can say, hey, let's turn up the notch a little bit and let's dial this area of my life in so I can be all that I was created to be.

Speaker 1:

And one thing I want everybody to think about is when Colton says you're not tracking, then you have to ask yourself what are you going to do about it? Yeah, and so let me give you an easy action step and so much of the next level of your success in anything that you do. It's a math problem. You want to lose weight? It's a math problem. You want to take tiny anchored homes to a billion dollars? It's a math problem. And so everything becomes a math problem. And the more math, positive math that you apply to the equation doing things the right way, stacked and compounded, the higher probability you have of success.

Speaker 1:

And so one of the things that I always share, if somebody's wanting to lose weight math problem, problem is to say try what I call the minus one for nutrition, right, so if you're used to eating, exit breakfast, subtract one thing from that breakfast, do it for a week. Then we're going to do one thing from the breakfast, one thing from the lunch. Just think about somebody who eats French fries and a burger for lunch every day. As crazy as this sounds, just to begin the real behaviors to change, let's eliminate the French fries, keep eating the burger. Maybe next week we change the burger to a chicken sandwich, but this week keep eating the burger, just eliminating the fries. Let's call it 300 calories. You do that every single day throughout the course of a month is 9,000 calories. That's pounds, that's right. So you're keeping pounds on your body just from French fries. If we eliminate the French fries, we're taking pounds off of your body. And these are little decisions and choices that we make.

Speaker 1:

And I think where people the self-talk becomes too great is you look at your old pictures and say I was 400 pounds. I can't even start. And the reason why they can't start is because you want to get to 250, but you're not willing to attack the process, one day at a time, to get to 250, until you made the decision to put the team around you to change your mindset and to say I now, one day at a time, I'm going to chop away until I get to 250. And you will. I mean you're getting ready to get into the 200s. When's the last time you saw 200 on the scale?

Speaker 2:

Oh man, Um like six months after being married, six years, six years.

Speaker 1:

And you're about to see it probably Friday of this, like in a couple of days.

Speaker 2:

I'm three oh one this morning, so I skipped three oh two.

Speaker 3:

I went from three Don't eat until tomorrow morning. That's what I told them. I'm like should I?

Speaker 2:

just fast today and get to 299 tomorrow.

Speaker 1:

Actually you should go find a steam room or something and just sit in there for like 20 minutes.

Speaker 1:

And then, just like I'd be so hungry to see that, like I cannot wait for you to send me that picture. And here's what I'll tell you Did you guys just see an energy shift for me? Like I'm I want this so bad for Colton, cause I know, like these phases that he gets to cause I'm watching it change his business, I'm seeing the things that are happening in his business, cause I'm seeing the whole picture when he's communicating and sharing these victories. And so, just how you saw that flip of switch for energy guys, we want you to share it. Tag me, tag Colton. Like put us in the stands, let us be part of your team. Like put it on the journey.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like I can't wait to see that picture of you at two 99, because it's literally going to hit this next switch. Like Holy cow, I'm in the two hundreds. I got Phil Heath. Now we're going to attack the hell out of this 250 and I'm going to look the best I ever have in my life. That's right. You're going to feel like you want to go back to college and say how much you know? How much eligibility do I have left? Give me a pair of pads.

Speaker 2:

That's right. That's right. And at the end of the day, what I want to hit on your math equation thing you talked about right or math problem because what I'm realizing it's only been a week that Phil's been coaching with you, ben, for I don't know, it's been four or five months now but what I'm realizing with Phil on the health side of things and this can apply to any area of your life Phil didn't like completely revamp everything I was doing. It's not like he said you're jacking everything up to be a high performer, you need to do this, this, this and this. We got to change everything. He got me on a few supplements. He added a lot of protein to my daily intake. We cut down carbohydrates and we cut down the calories to 2200 calories a day. It wasn't like he's like dude, you're effing the whole thing up. We're sticking to my exact workout plan. He's like you know, in a few weeks we might change up a few things, add some cardio. See how you respond.

Speaker 2:

But I think what people think when they're going down a journey and they want to achieve, you know, great things in their life. You talk about this a ton. They think it's this drastic thing, they have to do differently. A lot of times it's a couple small tweaks that gets you that math equation that you're talking about and I think that's what I want people to realize from this is you talk about this so much. It's every day doing what you said you were going to do, but it's not doing a lot or a drastic amount. It's just stacking days over and over again to get you to the result you want. It's not a drastic change, it's just continually sticking with the process and following that process through.

Speaker 1:

You know, and one of the things I want to connect people back to something we talked about in our first episode together and for those that are, you know, joining us on the journey you know we share on our podcast, the burn right. This is how badly Colton and I want this is. This goes on Colton show, it goes on the visionaries table, it comes on the burn podcast, right, we want to get this, as I mean, on the burn podcast, right, we want to get this, as I mean, we want to get this message out. Is the importance of that burn? Yeah, you see, when you go back to why did Colton finally choose to do this? Cause he's got beautiful kids at home.

Speaker 1:

Yes, he's got a beautiful wife. God has blessed him with a gorgeous family and he got tired of his family seeing the example that he was setting. That was not the example that he wanted to be. What that does is it creates this burn inside of him. Where all colton has to think about is the beautiful eyes of one of his girls looking up at him and him going back to 400. Like colton has now made a decision there's's no going. Am I? Am I saying this? Right? I mean?

Speaker 2:

you now think about those little eyes.

Speaker 1:

There's no going back Ever, yes, ever. And so what it's caused is see people talk about why and purpose, and this is I want to revisit this for those that are starting to join on the journey yeah, people talk about why and purpose. It's not enough. Everybody has an underlying burn, and the underlying burn is what ignites the why and purpose and then causes you to be disciplined on the days you don't want to do it, and especially after you win. That's right. So now what's happened for Colton is he sees his baby girl's eyes. That's the why. That. That's the burn that then lights the why on fire to say I'm taking this company to a billion dollars, that's right. I'm going to provide for my family in ways that they never thought possible. I'm going to leave a legacy. That's the why and purpose, but without the burn igniting that every single day, the self-talk takes over. That's right. You put on another 30 pounds. You say screw it.

Speaker 1:

I did it for a while, but you know what? I wasn't so bad before and you start believing the old talk. That's right deep I go and I have the blessing of working with individuals like you. Every time you post a date night with your little girl or you're with one of your kids like I, literally I'm thinking like, oh my gosh, she is so proud and she, they're so young. They're not expressing this to you, but you know they're sitting going. I'm so proud of my daddy, however, however, they say that to themselves. You know they're thinking it totally because, colton, you don't look the same as you used to.

Speaker 2:

That's right. That's right, it's a hundred percent true. And I think I love how you talk about the burn, because I believe why and purpose are like yeah, I think there's a layer deeper, and I think what you're what you always talk about, is the burn. Is that layer deeper? That ignites the why and purpose. Right, the why and purpose you can write on a piece of paper, but it doesn't change anything because you don't have the burn.

Speaker 1:

Bingo. Yeah, I mean my. My burn is to continue to write my mother's story. I mean my mother passed away 11 days before my eighth birthday. Single mom fighting to make ends meet parents divorced at six months old. My mom's coming to the dinner table with an IV stand, with 24 hour nursing care in the house before she passed away to ask me how my day was at school.

Speaker 1:

When I think of the sacrifice she made and my mother dying far too soon, at 38 years old and me being 45, I wake up with a burn inside of me. It will not go out and I will not waste a day. That's right. And people say why have you worked out 1,778 straight days? Cause I ain't going to waste one. That's right, I'm not going to waste one. And people may think I'm nuts. Well, you know what? If you think that Colton and I are nuts, then we got you thinking big enough and he and I are starting to think big enough, but we're still not there and that's what you have to consider is like you're crazy because you decide to take a hold of your life.

Speaker 1:

You're crazy because I decide I'm not going to waste days anymore when my mother never got the seven extra years that I've been given. So that's a fire inside of me. Those little eyes are a fire for you. So I want everybody listening. If you haven't joined us on this part of the journey yet, you connect to your burn every day, because Colton's not the only one with a comeback story. I'm not the only one who's lost a mother that wants to make sure that I maximize every day. So when she watches me from heaven, I'm making her proud. I'm not the only one. You've been through challenge and adversity. Connect on that deeper level, that burn, and watch how it changes your life and how you make decisions.

Speaker 2:

That's right. And I think the decisions to take your life to the next level, coaching, getting Phil Heath involved all of this starts with a burn that says I want to take my life to the next level. So I think step one for you guys, like he's mentioning, is figure out what your burn is. What is the ignition for you to wake up every single day and say I'm going after what I want to go after and I'm going to commit to becoming the highest version of who I was created to be, because everyone around me deserves that right. My family deserves that, my employees deserve that, my loved ones, if, even if you don't have a family yet, your parents deserve that right, like the people around you deserve you becoming who you were created to become.

Speaker 2:

And I think a lot of times people don't realize the parable of the talents. Go read Matthew 25, not to get too spiritual here, but Matthew 25 talks about he gave every person talents, right. Some he gave five, some he gave two, some he gave one. And he talks about multiplying your talents. Right, if we don't multiply our talents, he literally says get away from me, you wicked and lazy servant, and that's pretty harsh for people to hear.

Speaker 2:

That's the God of the universe saying that, but that's because he's wanting us to understand. He's given us the ability to multiply what he's given us. But we have to go do it right. Like he didn't make me 435 pounds, I made decisions to get my life there. I wasn't connected to my burn. Every single day I was telling the story of I'm building a business and this is my mission and this is my calling. It wasn't my mission and calling to be 435 pounds. Nobody wanted that for me Not my wife, my kids, god nobody. But I had to make a decision to connect to my burn and say enough is enough, my kids deserve better.

Speaker 1:

So this is so important? I want to just reiterate something that you said earlier. Your business was successful at 435 pounds, is that correct? So this is what drives me crazy. Some people hear these conversations because I will share with you.

Speaker 1:

Take me to somebody who's successful who lacks serious discipline in some area of their life. They drink too much, they eat too much, they don't spend enough time with their kids. That becomes a bad discipline. Right, I do other things because I say I don't have time. Those things become poor disciplines. You can achieve all the things you want to achieve. We talked about that last month.

Speaker 1:

It becomes a fallacy that people try to teach that you can't do multiple things. Take me to that person who has stopped working out. They're sloppy with their nutrition and it's because they have a great business. I promise you work with me for six months. Work with me for 12.

Speaker 1:

I will change your thinking. You will get so dialed in physically you will show up and connect differently in your life, and not only physically will you look different. Your business will grow to the next level. So, colton, has your business grown? Yes, hands down From 435 down to 301.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, and at 250, he's literally going to look in the mirror, taking a picture of standard over feelings, and feel this confidence where he can look in the mirror and this is not a bad thing. And he's going to say this is not a bad thing and he'll can. And he's gonna say this is gonna do this making me emotional. He's gonna look in that mirror and he's gonna say, damn it, I love that person that I see, yeah. And he's gonna say I'm, I'm proud of that person that I see, yeah. And he's gonna say, man, I don't know why I let myself get to 435 and I had to have my kids see that. But you know what, like, I'm fucking proud of me and I love me and I will never go back there. And that is how Andy for selling now shows up in life Colton.

Speaker 3:

I see it.

Speaker 1:

There's just, there's a way that Andy just shows when you talk to him. It's different than when I talked to him eight, nine years ago. It's just different. I receive his energy differently, totally. And that's what's happening with you and you. You stopped making the excuse that well, like I, I I can't work out or I can't eat well Cause I'm growing a business. You're growing a business at a faster pace now, eating well, and you're still and this is where I'm proud of you hiring Phil Heath to say let's level it up even more. And you almost become obsessed, like how far can I push this envelope? Because if you were given those talents that come out of that parable, then who are?

Speaker 2:

we to not use them. That's exactly right. And the other thing to elaborate on that is the lie is that you can't do it all. I just don't believe that. I believe I can be great spiritually, great physically, build a great business, be a great husband and father and create this whole package. Because what's the reality is it's not different buckets I think that's what people tell themselves is it's all different. Business is different. My physical fitness is different. My health is different. My marriage is different. Yes, are they different relationships and different strategy? And you got to approach things differently? Yes, but becoming all you were created to be, it's all connected, all of it is connected and if you let one area of your life down, I guarantee you it's affecting the other areas. I was not as great of a husband. I was not as great of a father. I was not as great of a leader in the business. I just focused on what I knew I could do to move the needle in the business. But now I'm taking everything to the next level with strategy and ideas and vision and leadership right, and the podcast and all the things we're doing.

Speaker 2:

I would have never done this at 435 pounds because I was ashamed of myself. I was doubtful that people would want to listen because I wasn't performing at a high level. So I pushed that off for four years because my physical fitness was not where I wanted it to be. So I think when you make a decision to change your life, you're lying to yourself to say you can let one area slack. You can't so, even spiritually. If you grew up in a Christian home and you know you've kind of walked away from the Lord and you're not reading the word every day. Just make the change. Get back connected with God. Get back connected in your physical fitness journey right. Do the things you know you need to do, because it does affect everything else and you need to stop lying to yourself and saying it doesn't. I lived it. I was that person. I was 435 pounds, locked into my business, still growing a business, but not to the heights it's going to get to now.

Speaker 1:

And you just said it. You would walk into a room knowing that you couldn't hold people accountable. That's right, because you can only hold somebody accountable to the level of discipline in which you live. That's good. You. You can't hold somebody to a level of discipline that you're not willing to maintain yourself. That's right. And somebody who tries to talk about discipline when you were in your old state? People are not going to listen, so more than likely you're not even going to try because you know they're not going to let doesn't mean that you can't grow a business. Doesn't mean that you can't be successful. But you'll never understand if you're listening to what colton's saying. Yeah, how successful you can be. Yep, and coach saban used to say you know what practices. You know me spending five years at Alabama. I heard him say this so many times. I had probably over a hundred visits in five years to Alabama.

Speaker 1:

The way you do one thing is the way you do everything, and so it's not well. These three areas over here like. I once believed in God, but I don't believe anymore. I just don't have time for God, I don't have time for nutrition, and then you think that you're going to perform at your highest level in your business. It's not possible. No, so for those of you that are successful, that we're having the self-talk that Colton once had. Join us on this journey, because we just want you to experience what your real high level of performance looks like. I want you to feel it, I want you to taste it, I want you to smell it, I want you to be able to take the picture looking in the mirror, going damn it, this feels good. I love that guy. That I see that girl. I see I love that girl that I see that's right, and be proud of the person that you are.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, and I think, going back to what you just said about you know, holding people accountable to the level of your discipline, I just heard a story the other day. I don't know where Patrick Mahomes was, but it was at like some event, right, and Travis Kelsey was there, a few of the teammates on the Chiefs, and everybody was like where's Patrick? I don't understand where he is. Like we're at this event, we're trying to hang out. Nobody could find him and Travis Kelsey went to the car and Patrick was watching film.

Speaker 2:

This is I mean, we're talking this is April of you know literally like in the off season and he's watching film. He's like I don't have time to go to this event and socialize. I need to get better. So it's like everybody understands, okay, patrick is a little bit psycho. So obviously he can hold me accountable because he's going to put in way more work than I'm willing to put in. He's way more disciplined, so he helps enable his teammates to take their life and their team to the next level because of his level of discipline.

Speaker 2:

So I think what Ben's talking about is so true. You don't think people saw that wow, this, you know Colton's overeating and not disciplined, whether they saw it, consciously or subconsciously. They saw it and they understood I was not disciplined in my life and they maybe had doubts about following me the way they should, and so I want you guys to understand getting disciplined and staying focused enables you to be a better leader in your marriage, with your kids, in your business, with your friends. If you stay disciplined, I promise you people are going to admire and look up to you because you commit to what you said you were going to commit to.

Speaker 1:

So my my crazy workout that I do, the unrequired workout which I've sent to you, and I think the more that Phil gets you ramped up, I think you'll start doing it more and more and more and more and I look forward to us doing it in person together. Yes, but me having done that literally today was the 1778 straight day doing that. It takes 45 minutes. Now I add 500 pushups a day to it, so it takes me a little bit over an hour to do this workout. I do it every single day. Most people, just the 45 minute, couldn't even do it one time.

Speaker 1:

I do not say that to impress all of you. Here's why I'm bringing this up again. If I do that to your point, I will lead differently, I will speak differently. I can have a conversation with you, colton, about accountability and discipline. That's completely different than, let's say, if I were to say to you today hey, colton, 10 years ago I went on this amazing string where I worked out for 1,778 straight days and then I stopped. But man, it was a great run 10 years ago, but the person you're looking at in the Zoom screen is not me fit. It's me 100 pounds heavier. Telling you about how, 10 years ago I worked out for 1,778 straight years.

Speaker 2:

That's right, that's true. What are you going to think, yeah, you're going to think you lost it. What are you going to think? You're not focused anymore? Like, why is this guy teaching me?

Speaker 1:

Right. And so we know these things to be logical and they're so simple. Yet we trick ourselves to thinking it's not that way, when there's little eyes that are watching you in your home. So if you could give me that easy switch, you just flat out said so I'm helping you with these things, I'm helping you with discipline. You flat out just said if I wasn't working out, I wouldn't be listening to this guy, if he was a hundred pounds heavier. Yet we look at ourselves in the mirror, knowing that these kids are in the house or you're an example to your colleagues at work, and we choose to listen to the self-talk and say it doesn't matter, it matters. And so, even though some of you are like my god, these guys are really going in on it. It's because we want you in this fight with us, yeah, and we want you to know that we're being fair, because we're not having anybody call in, we're not showing pictures of people. We, we're just welcoming you. That's right To figure out how we all can get better together.

Speaker 2:

That's right. And the other thing, too, is like we're speaking from. Ben is speaking from years and decades of experience of being a high performer. Right, I was a high performer in business, but for the last six months, I've been a high performer in my physical fitness and getting my life in order in that area. So I'm speaking from like a desire for you, because I want it so bad for you to feel what I'm feeling by getting the freedom in my life and taking my life to the next level and getting control of my physical fitness and my health journey, because I know what it's like to be the overweight person.

Speaker 2:

I know that looking in the mirror and taking off my shirt, I mean literally we were filming a video. You know these guys were putting together a video for me on a reel of my transformation story. I couldn't find videos of me overweight. I was so ashamed I wouldn't let people film me. I wouldn't let people take photos of me. So and that wasn't even consciously, that was subconsciously I wouldn't let people take photos of me so and that wasn't even consciously, that was subconsciously I would kind of hide out of the camera, step outside, because I was ashamed of where I was and so I what I'm saying is is I know what that's like and then I know what the other side of being disciplined feels like, and this side is a hundred times better. This side is freedom and fulfillment and joy and vision and purpose and all the things you want in your life. I can guarantee you your life will be better if you get disciplined.

Speaker 1:

Let me create a vulnerable opportunity, if you're willing to walk through this door with me. You and your wife just celebrated your anniversary, yep, and you all went on a beautiful trip to California, yep, and multiple times on your story you put the walks that you were going on. Yeah, what were those walks like for you now?

Speaker 2:

Super easy, fulfilling, talking, able to breathe right Like they were. Just that was the best part of our morning All four days we were there is going on that you know two, three mile walk along the beach.

Speaker 1:

So that's what I want you all to think about. Yeah, you know, I mean, you talk about the freedom. It's the freedom that, like you, can now enjoy that with your wife. Yeah, you know, you can chase your kids in the backyard. Yeah, 435 pounds, you couldn't chase your kids in the backyard.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

When I was in Hawaii on the beach, we would go on a walk in the morning. It was a drag to get through it, it was a grind right and my wife was enjoying it. She was in great shape. I was just thinking about when is this over so we can go get breakfast? You know what I mean. But that was literally the thought process right, and it's like the feeling of being in California on the beach on that walk. That was a connection point. We were able to talk about things in our life and and connect at a much deeper level than when I was just thinking about getting through to the other side.

Speaker 1:

So let me a couple of follow-up. Things is uh, I know, uh, I know we want to leave people with some action steps. You and I have gotten really excited, very energetic today bringing Phil Heath on to the team. I know there's some people right now at home they're still saying to themselves gosh, it just seems too big. Colton, I'm proud of you, but man, this just seems too big. How am I going to do this? So I want you to answer a few questions for me.

Speaker 1:

Once you started thinking about that burn and those little eyes watching you in your home, how often do you have to do that? Is it? Is it? It's just one day at a time? Right, just one day at a time? And when it comes to your workouts now, has has Phil said to you hey, we need to do seven days of workouts in one day? Or did he say one day at a time, time, one day at a time? In all the amazing things that you're now doing in the growth of your business new revenue buckets, literally taking and living in the details of your business, finding other ways you can help existing clients in your model build even more and make them even better, yep, are you doing a week's worth of work at a time, or how often are you doing it?

Speaker 2:

One day at a time.

Speaker 1:

So I want everybody to remember the reason why we're doing this and we're pouring into you with love. But directness is because it's just one day at a time, that's right. And we want you to remember that you now have support with us. One day at a time, that's right. And so don't try to not eat four days worth of calories. Eat your calories.

Speaker 1:

Listen to what Phil and Colton devise. Colton is not on a 72-hour fast, and then Phil's going to let him eat for a day and put him on another 72-hour fast no. And then Phil's going to let him eat for a day and put him on another 72-hour fast no. Phil is teaching him that when you take it one day at a time, when you mentally take it one day at a time, you build the framework and the confidence to establish standards that become stronger than your feelings, standard over feelings and you stop living to your feelings and you live to your standards one day at a time, and that is how winning is done. That's how we won championships at Alabama. That's how I've been able to help coaches or players from the last six Super Bowl champion teams. It's why I have corporate clients that I've had contracts with for over 10 years, because all we do and all I try to do is, one day at a time, show up to be my best.

Speaker 2:

So good, we'll end on that, man. I don't think I could top that. So, ben, it's been a pleasure man. Episode four you guys will link some stuff in the description. If you'd liked this episode, please like, subscribe, share. We want this to reach as many people as humanly possible to help you take your life to the next level. So we'll see you back next month for episode five with Ben Newman and Colton Paula.

Building Mental Toughness and Elite Performance
Committing to Self-Improvement Journey
Choosing Accountability for Personal Transformation
Elevating Life With Elite Coaching Team
Achieving Success Through Small Changes
The Power of Discipline and Growth
Embracing One Day at a Time

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