The Burn Podcast by Ben Newman

The Power of 5 Years: Questions and Coaching for those who struggle with consistency

Ben Newman Season 6 Episode 27

What have YOU done for 5 years straight?

Too many people are looking for a shortcut or fast results and quit too soon.
Give up to easily. Talk a big talk until things get tough.

I don't want YOU to be that person.

This week on the podcast we're talking about YOU.

This episode will could inspire you, piss you off, or cause you to take action... I hope it's all 3.



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Speaker 1:

Do you need to answer these questions?

Speaker 1:

What have you done for five straight years? Welcome back to another episode of the Burn. I am Ben Newman and you know how we do this. Every single week, we bring you a story of an athlete, an entertainer, a celebrity, somebody from the business world who's recognized that why and purpose is not enough. There's this underlying burn that actually ignites your why and purpose and causes you to be disciplined on the days you don't feel like it, and especially after you win. And then sometimes you know that we do special episodes where there is no guest. You just get me.

Speaker 1:

But today is a special, special episode where the Burn is actually all about you. So today, every single one of you listening, you are today's guest on the Burn, because we're going to talk about you. We're going to talk about your mindset, we're going to talk about your beliefs, we're going to talk about how you choose to show up every single day, because that's the difference in what you achieve in your life and the story that you write. And all I've ever known is the importance of attacking one day at a time. So if you're a brand new listener to the Burn, welcome to the Burn. You're our guest today If you're a longtime listener. Every single season, every episode, you've been with us and there's many of you and we appreciate you so much. Welcome to the Burn and thank you for being our guest on the show.

Speaker 1:

So let's dive right in. I want to start by asking you this question what have you done for five straight years? What have you done for five straight years? Able to hear your answers, but the important thing, this is going to feel like one-on-one coaching. You need to answer these questions. What have you done for five straight years? Brush your teeth, eat, shower? Many of you probably can't say you've showered for five straight years. Many of you believe it or not. With all the fasting that goes on these days, you probably can't even say that you've had something to eat for five straight years. Hopefully, every single one of you have brushed your teeth for five straight years. But what have you done for five straight years? What have you done consistently? Because we know that discipline wins. If you go back to periods of time in your life when you've driven your highest level of success, I would have to imagine that your level of discipline was off the charts. You probably woke up and you know exactly what you needed to do. You knew exactly where you were going.

Speaker 2:

Have you thought about writing a book but just don't have the time? We would love to help you make that dream come true. This year, introducing BNC Publishing, we offer an in-house three-step process to help you bring your book to life. The whole process only takes 60 to 90 days, compared to 18 months for traditional publishing methods. We work fast to see if we are a good fit to work together on your project. Email our team at info at bennewmannet. That's info at bennewmannet. Now back to the show.

Speaker 1:

You see, part of the problem with society and for us, when we don't hit our goals, is we stare up at the sky and we say we hope something happens. So you have clarity and vision of what you want, but you forget to pull down that vision, put it right in front of your face and identify the daily disciplines that are going to cause you to win. To win, and if you look back on those periods of time when you've won at your highest level, not only did you have clear vision, you knew exactly what you needed to do every day and you did it, probably because you connected to your burn. And if your burn is anything like mine and many of you know it, living one day at a time to honor my mom for all the days that she has not had an opportunity to live. When amyloidosis took my mother's life 11 days before my eighth birthday, she was 38 years old that put a burn inside of me that I will never waste a day. My mom left that journal behind that said beat the statistics, beat the odds, live with the disease that is chronic and fatal, believe in yourself, combat anything, purpose in life. And my mom would write in that journal every single day where she unleashed her positive mental attitude. It's what caused her to have a burn that got her to the dinner table every single night to ask me how my day was at school and to provide an example for me of what standard over feelings really means and how you show up, especially when you don't feel like it. Because you're an example for somebody that has put a burn inside of me. You could probably feel it. That vein just started popping out of my neck and you know that's not me yelling, that's my passion, saying I want the same for you when you connect to your burn, because when I connect to my burn every single day Janet Fishman, newman legacy there's no wasting days because I've been given seven extra years that my mom never got. That is a burn that will not go out. That ignites my why and purpose and causes me to be disciplined on the days I don't feel like it, and especially after I win, because there's no seduction of success.

Speaker 1:

When you show up this way, you just keep attacking with an own it mentality, a never finished mindset, and you know what that feels like because you've been there. Think about that period of time for you. You were performing at your highest level. You were locked in on the disciplines. You woke up every day and maybe your burn was a sacrifice you're making for somebody, or you said I won't waste the sacrifice that somebody made for me. Or maybe it was a short term or a long term. Maybe it was a financial goal that had you so fired up to attack. Or maybe it was pain that provided perspective, like my life and my mother's story has done for me.

Speaker 1:

You got to connect to that burn. It's the only way. Hundreds of episodes of this show and you've heard story after story after story of how important the burn is. So have you been connecting to yours? Maybe that's what will cause you to show up to do something for 30 straight days. Maybe it'll cause you to finally stop the excuses and do 75 hard. Maybe it will cause you to do something for a year straight, two years straight, five years straight.

Speaker 1:

You know, recently I crossed over 1,825 straight days of doing the unrequired workout. That's a workout that's 10 exercises, takes 45 minutes. Now, last April April of 2023, when I added 500 pushups a day to it. It takes about an hour and five minutes. Push-ups a day to it. It takes about an hour and five minutes. But I've done the core of that workout, the 45 minutes every day for 1,825 straight days.

Speaker 1:

The only time there was a short little gap was 10 days when I had a staph infection removed from my ankle. I was in the hospital. I had my wife bring weights 12 pound weights. I did a thousand curls in the hospital bed. They thought I was crazy. Maybe I am, but maybe driving continual peak performance, staying uncomfortable and never finished mindset, you locking in and saying there are no excuses, there is a standard, because I've been blessed to given this day, will cause you to be a little bit crazy and that's when you'll start to unlock what your very best looks like. And I still feel like I'm chasing mine. But when you're crazy enough to lift those weights, when you've had staff infection surgery, had it removed from your ankle, you're in a hospital bed. You're doing a thousand curls. Then you're on crutches, a thousand curls in the bed. I'd submit to you those 10 days when I couldn't stand were maybe more impressive than the other 1,815 days. So I've never stopped, I've never quit. Why 1,000 curls? Because it took 45 minutes, the same as the rest of the workout, but this regular workout from the planks to the wall sits. Many of you have done this with me regular workout from the planks to the wall sits. Many of you have done this with me, whether it be at a boot camp, whether it be at an event, whether it be a speaking event, or whether I just happened to be in your city and you found out I was speaking there and you met me at the hotel. There's so many of you. We've done this workout together and I say thank you because you know the pain of it and it's all body weight.

Speaker 1:

So you cannot hide. There are no excuses. If you're traveling and the gym hotel is under construction, you just do it in your hotel room. There's no excuses. There's nowhere to hide. It's building in an environment where your feelings cannot take over. It's your standards that cause you to keep showing up, and many people might think I'm crazy for doing that for five straight years, and we'll drop in the show notes all what the exercise entails and we'll put some pictures up within the episode.

Speaker 1:

But here's what I want you to realize this episode is not about me. It's not about what I've done for five years. It's about what maybe you're to decide to commit to, starting today to change your life. You see, I don't play the comparison game of me to other people. I choose to allow that burn to ignite me every day, for me to be my best, one day at a time, and that's the opportunity that I want to share with you. And many of you are already living this life. That's why many of you have joined our standard elite mastermind, because you wanted this type of attack. It's why you come to our boot camps, it's why you're part of Uncommon Live, it's why you've gone through coach to coaches to realize that we all can give more. Or maybe you're part of our academy, which just brought all of our communities together. I'm tired of people choosing to not challenge themselves, to not win. So, even if you don't have the financial budget for a program, we now have the academy. It doesn't cost anything and it connects you to all the members of all of our communities, because I want all of us to win more together. So what have you done for five straight years? Or what have you done for a year? Or what have you done for 30 days?

Speaker 1:

And if you haven't been connecting to your burn, maybe that's where this starts is you start showing up differently just by connecting to your burn and realizing that will be the difference in how you attack your life, that you must connect to that burn to have the fire and passion that ignites why and purpose. Too many coaches think that why and purpose is enough. It's not. I'm not saying those things aren't important, but they're different from the burn. See my why and purpose is to educate, empower and inspire individuals to uncover their passions and desires to seek a greater vision for themselves. I wrote that down in march of 2004 and I've said it every single day since. But that why and purpose is not enough. It's that burn of being the example. It's that burn to be the example for my kids through continuing to leave my mother's legacy to show up to be the best that I can be for my family and for my each of you. That's the burn that ignites the why and purpose and causes me to be disciplined on the days I don't feel like it and especially after I win.

Speaker 1:

And how many stories of individuals have you heard on our show, this show, the Burn, where you're the guest today? So now you've got to answer the question, because if we need to start with you just connecting to your burn, because that's something I've done for far more than five years and that's something I'll do for the rest of my life. Now, as I record this today, we're on day 1,839 straight days. So it's also important for me to tell you, once I got past five years, I didn't stop, I didn't take a rest day. I've not had a single rest day from working out in over five years, and that might combat what a doctor might tell us or whoever might tell us. Then, surround yourself with people who believe in you. You know, dr Gabrielle Lyon is the one who helped me get through the staph infection. Many of you have heard our story of how we met.

Speaker 1:

I couldn't be doing what I'm doing and performing this level without her. I couldn't be doing what I'm doing and performing this level without my dear friends at First Form Andy Frisella, sal Frisella, all of you that push and challenge me. I couldn't be doing this at this level without all the individuals that transcend Phil Heath and all of the amazing individuals Len Legati, every single one of you and, most importantly, I couldn't do it with the crazy, unwavering support of Amy and Isaac and Kennedy family. So is your environment set up for you to win? Are you connecting to your burn and are you listening to the naysayers who tell you that your goals are crazy? Are you surrounding yourself with the people who love you and support you and help you grow, who say it's possible, because some of these workouts have not been convenient and I did them, some of them impeded on the family, but I got it done.

Speaker 1:

There will never be a replacement for the hard work that your highest level of greatness requires of you. You know, I recently started reading a book by Arnold Schwarzenegger called Be Useful Seven Tools for Life, and on the back of the book I want to read something to you which is really powerful as we continue in your interview of the Burn today. If there's one unavoidable truth in this world, it's that there's no substitute for putting in the work. There's no shortcut or growth hack or magic pill that can get you around the hard work of doing your job well, of winning something you care about or of making your dreams come true. People have tried to cut corners and skip steps in the process for as long as hard work has been hard. Eventually, those people either fall behind or get left in our dust, because working your ass off is the only thing that works 100% of the time for 100% of the things worth achieving.

Speaker 1:

If you haven't started yet, start today. What have you not given yourself permission for yet? Is it running that 5K, running that marathon, writing that book, putting your head in the Bible every day? I certainly hope it's the brushing the teeth, the showering and eating unless you're on a fast, but it's the brushing the teeth, the showering and eating. Maybe your streak starts right now. Maybe the self-talk dies right now. Maybe your limiting beliefs end now and you lean into this opportunity to get uncomfortable, knowing that the burn will fuel you through it. Knowing that the burn will fuel you through it, knowing that you don't have to be five years past like I am right now and still going and compare yourself to me. No, you start at your day one. If day one needs to start now. If you're on day 1000, go to 1001. If you're on day 456, you just make sure that you dominate today and go to 457 tomorrow, but don't let anybody or anything and don't let yourself hold you back from being your best. So I encourage you to find that one thing that you say yes to today. Many of you have heard me talk about a never do it again.

Speaker 1:

List as you learn about yourself by challenging yourself. Start keeping a list of the things you're going to stop doing so that you can keep doing the things that challenge you, push you and make you uncomfortable. Create the environment with the four Ps of the standard. If you're not part of the Academy, make sure you join the Academy. We're going to put a link in the show notes. The Academy is free. There's an entire one-hour course on the four Ps of the standard. If you have my book the Standard, the Wall Street Journal bestseller, on page 24, coaches, leaders, some of the highest level leaders and coaches in the world are saying thank you for writing the book the Standard, because there's now a manual that tells us exactly what the standard is. On page 24, you will see the four Ps of the standard. This is a two minute process that walks you through the problem, the planning, the performance and the payoff. When you learn what those four P's are, if you join the Academy, you'll get free access to that webinar.

Speaker 1:

That two-minute process, once you connect to your burn, will place you in a mindset that you will not quit. You will have a desire to keep stacking days. You will understand what an own-it mentality feels like, and you will drive a never-finished mindset to understand what continual peak performance can mean for you. Are you in? If you're in, throw it up on your social media, tag me in it, tell me that you're in or keep it to yourself. But if you want the accountability, tag me and I'll support you. If you want the accountability, join the Academy. Our team, our community will love you and support you.

Speaker 1:

Stop listening to the politics that try to tell us how to live. Stop listening to the media that tries to confuse us. Stop listening to the naysayers who say it's not possible, and come join us to get the love and the support that you deserve. Because I believe in you. And if I'm crazy enough to do this workout for over five years and still going, then you know that any big goal you share with me will not be met with somebody telling you how crazy you are. I'll say I love you, I support you and maybe we even get you to think bigger, because you will never get another shot at living your best life.

Speaker 1:

My mom is not getting any of her days back, but now, with my connection to my burn through her, I get to live for her and be an example for those little eyes that watch me in our house. Be an example. Be the best you can be, just one day at a time. Continue to challenge yourself. Take the questions I've asked you Today in your episode of the Burn you being the guest take them serious, answer them and put action behind your answers, because those who pay attention to the Burn, those who live to the burn, those who live that uncommon life, we are not and this is not for everybody we are not those individuals who tell you how great we want to be.

Speaker 1:

We're the ones who, when you have a conversation with our action, you figure out how bad we really want it. You know I still have two coaches. I'm reading books every day, journaling my burn every day, connecting to the pain of how my father beat me down with his words every day to now recognize there's a little boy inside of me that's strong, locking the gates and bringing the right people into my life on a daily basis, connecting to those four P's of the standard. Come join us so that we can do the same together. Challenge yourself to start today. If you'd already challenged yourself, then keep going. We're together in this fight. Love and appreciation, one day at a time. Let's keep stacking days. Please share this episode with somebody who needs to hear this message. Please subscribe to the Burn. Please make sure we remain in this fight together. Now we go and we are coming for everything.

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