Beliefs of the Heart: Reflections
A reading of Beliefs of the Heart weekly article, followed by a reflection: the reason behind the article, comments from readers, or other versions that were edited out. Live comments by author Sam Williamson. You can find more of Sam's writing at: https://beliefsoftheheart.com/ Special thanks to Keith Medley for his FANTASTIC 27 string guitar background song, Ancestors. You can find more of Keith's music at: http://www.keithmedleymusic.com/
Beliefs of the Heart: Reflections
The Pimps and the Prostitutes Are Closer to Heaven Than We Are
Sam Williamson
Season 2021
Episode 13
We don't let Jesus offend us enough. When he says things like, "The pimps and prostitutes are closer to heaven than you are," we should be shocked. But mostly we just miss his point, or don't even think about it.
But Emmanuel Kant WAS offended, so much so that he completely, 100%, rejected the Gospel of God in favor of the gospel of self-deceit.
A reading and commentary on this article: https://beliefsoftheheart.com/2021/06/30/is-it-dangerous-to-hear-god-outside-of-scripture/ by Sam Williamson.
And very special thanks to Keith Medley for his FANTASTIC 27 string guitar background song, Ancestors. You can find more of Keith's music at: http://www.keithmedleymusic.com/