The Resonate Podcast with Aideen

Unblocking Your Voice With Jim Doyle - Episode 33

Aideen Ni Riada/ Jim Doyle Season 1 Episode 33

Jim Doyle is an Intuitive Vitality specialist transforming human performance in Mind, Body and Business. He rapidly identifies hidden blocks to performance in all areas and helps you clear them – permanently. His clients include business owners, speakers, coaches, healers and property developers who were facing their unique challenges. By combining his years of deep spiritual insight and energy healing with an electronics engineering background he rapidly makes sense of life and business challenges at all levels. Jim sees every situation from an energy or consciousness viewpoint which provides unique shortcuts to finding solutions to issues including health, limiting beliefs, money blocks, business growth, family dynamics and of course confidence and stage presence.

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0:02  Welcome to The Resonate Podcast with Aideen. I'm here today with Jim Doyle. Jim is an intuitive vitality specialist transforming human formance in mind, body and business. Jim rapidly identifies hidden blocks to performance in all areas and helps you to clear them permanently. Welcome, Jim, thank you so much for being here. I'm so excited because I've spoken with you before, I know you have a lot to say about the voice, and how you discovered yours and where you've taken it. And I really would love our listeners to hear a little bit of that story. So how did you find your voice?
 0:46  Well, first of all, thank you for inviting me Aideen. Well, let's put things in context when I was a teenager and into my 20s. Although I was a very exuberant young Irishman. And I was not at all confident, I was fine in small groups. But in terms of speaking in public, he was an absolute terrifying meltdown experience for me. And that was something I struggled with for, I guess, well into my 30s, even my 40s perhaps, at a decreasing levels, but he was all it was always there. And then some years later, I got into what some would call it a midlife transition. Other was others would call it a crisis. And I ended up going down a very deep personal development path with energy healing, and a lot of associated training, and, and self-discovery. And that was the key thing. Now, sometimes I did that for a while, three to five years, not full time, obviously. And some time later, I joined toast my local club of Toastmasters International over here in Cambridge in the UK. And before very long, one of the long term speakers said to me, Tim, how do you get so relaxed, and I went, pardon what, and then I realized, eventually, the penny dropped as we say, that the work I'd done in terms of being grounded and being more self-aware of where my feelings were coming from, where my stray thoughts were coming from, I was doing this automatically, I the training worked.
 2:29  And that was the root of where I got to. So you're saying that the energy work that you had done and that that kind of healing journey almost had this lovely knock on effect that you were more calm while you were doing the Toastmasters and other people didn't know where that came from?
 2:53  Well, to be fair, the other people had known me before, to put things in context, but they were surprised at the level of
 3:02  relaxation I had the state of relaxation I had when speaking and that was just spontaneously in many cases, where you just put on this put on the spot questions thrown at you, or scenarios thrown at you, and you have to answer straight away.
 3:16  And I was just relaxed about it. Present In other residences is such a beautiful word I and I talk about it to singing students and mentoring students, you know, clients, when you can be in your own skin. And understand that you are enough, you're enough in that moment, you know, that there's nothing missing. And you're not higher or lower than anyone else around you.
 3:43  You're just there.
 3:45  And that gives you a sense of something that it just makes you more in the moment, I guess.
 3:57  Yes, I think that that is the case. I would also add to that, that it's getting into that calmer state means that you are you have let go of the root causes of the random worrying thoughts, the
 4:16  the input you may have taken on board, say from teachers, or from parents or other kids or whatever, or other or bosses or as, as you were employed, where you may have been told, you know, you're not worth it. Nobody's listening to you. Not necessarily in so many words, but the essence of what's being said, and we pick that up and interpret in our own way. And by being able to identify by being able to initially, shall we say, identify where some of these come from, and clear that, let's call it energy, consciousness, whatever it is that block that we have within us by getting rid of that the stray thoughts that we had the pattern that we had can go
 5:00  way, of course, there may be many of them. But by the more the deeper you go, the calmer you get, the more present you are, that's beautiful. And the lovely thing that I've noticed working with people, is when they decide, oh, I'm going to learn to sing a song, that goal is the reason they're start to be willing to look at those things, though. And I'll ask the question, was there a moment when you wanted to saying or it wasn't received? Well, or it didn't go well. And so almost the decision, that to say, I'm ready to do this, I'm ready to stand up and be and saying or speak or take on the next goal. That's a reason then for people to go back and actually do that work that they need to do?
 5:55  Oh, well, that's right. Because whatever it is, we'll do whatever it is we're doing, whether it's singing, we're going for a new career, or even a new hobby, if it's going to be to a higher level of performance, whatever it is, we're performing. Speaking in public, maybe speaking at the UN or in Parliament or something like that, then it's a whole level a whole new challenge. And as we raise our as we raise the bar for ourselves, we find new levels of insecurity, scariness, frightful flightiness, all of these just appear, and even things that we thought we'd got rid of before can show up again in a slightly different way.
 6:43  So
 6:46  being able to identify those, and is, is being able to know exactly what's behind it. Sometimes simply having that awareness of not what you think it is. But what you actually find it really is. Just having the awareness of that can make it go away, because then you can internally say, oh, it's that silly old occasion when x y Zed happened. And having that truth, the awareness of that in truth, rather than in our imagination simply allows it to go away, like reframing it or seeing it from maybe if your child seeing it from the adults perspective and noticing it's not personal or those kinds of have realizations?
 7:37  Well, I'd say yes, but
 7:40  I'm very cautious about labels. And reframing is often just changing the label, it literally is like changing the label on the box, saying this box contains y, and it used to contain x. And I would I would apply the same analogy to this, that it's seeing or becoming aware of the event or the memory or whatever it is, in, in absolute truth is it really is not just calling it something else. Because if it's something fairly significant to us, obviously, to us.
 8:19  It's ours significant thing, say it's coming up, we don't truly know what it is putting a label on, it doesn't make it any better. It might in some cases, but in many cases it won't.
 8:32  And that's from my experience over 20 ideas. Interesting.
 8:37  So just I don't come from the NLP, the neuro-linguistic programming approach. And I don't always agree with some of the of the I'm not in depth familiar with it, obviously, with some of the principles that I come across are and I've seen this on videos a number of times where
 9:01  practitioner, shall we say, they remove or clear the block that somebody has about a particular behaviour. But then they go along the lines of saying, well, now we have to put something in there to replace that. I totally disagree. That is wrong, because I, frankly, I see that as misinformation or in some cases arrogance on the part of the practitioner, as only the owner of the problem. And that consciousness knows what who they are and what they are. And by putting somebody else in place of that it's a bit like a foreign body. Yeah. So if you took, say, a pyramid of ping pong balls, and there's one little one in there, that's dark gray, they should all be bright orange, shall we say? Yeah. If you help the owner of those to get rid of the gray one than all the others will shuffle into a place into a new relative position to each other, but it's still the same
 10:00  In person without that gray beard in them.
 10:03  So who am I to say what's meant to go in there? I have no idea. How could I know? Nobody knows. And if the if you know, so you're working with somebody who has got stage fright or can't get their voice above a certain level or the breathing to a certain level, it's most likely because they have some kind of emotional block around that particular movement or issue. But if you help them to overcome that, or get rid of the gray ping pong ball, yeah, yeah, then they can reshape themselves and start to
 10:46  reach the high note or the deep breath. Because that gray ping pong ball is no longer there. You don't put somebody in instead of a do. And as you know, I think I understand what you mean, because there's, I've had some experience with NLP. And sometimes it's just felt so false, because it was like I was telling myself to be a certain way, and forcing it into my brain in a way that my soul didn't, didn't really need or want. And I've actually, since doing more my meditation practices and my spiritual practices, very gently, things have changed. But it's never, I am very wary now of trying to force a happy thought back in. If I'm in a different state, you know, I'm more interested, actually, to figure it out the way you're suggesting and finding out what's the truth of this moment. And not to push away the learning that sometimes you receive by seeing something in its entirety and seeing the truth of it. So the goal of maybe singing the song or doing the thing, it's not more important than understanding the truth of who you are.
 12:00  As you go on that journey, to maybe achieving something new.
 12:08  Absolutely, I love I love the way you put that in a very succinct way where you, you go in softly, gently, not pushing, pushing the alternative program. Because
 12:23  we as a big, shall we say, blob of consciousness.
 12:28  We are a whole combination of good bits, bad bits, variable bits. Yeah. And so we've got a conflict between some of our parts of consciousness, the gray ping pong ball, you know, the thing that's, that hurts in there. And we just need to rearrange things, or maybe change one of those in our way to suit us. But sometimes we just need that external help to be able to identify that because we may be hiding it from ourselves because it's a little bit painful.
 13:03  And equally, it's not necessarily to go back and rake over the old pain, it's just about identifying how to fix them where it comes from. I do it is when something comes from. So if I'm working with a person, it's I do kinesiology, dowsing or muscle testing. They're all the same as far as I'm concerned. And for that person, and say, Okay, let me just check around this problem, where it comes from, and I just do like 20 tests in two minutes, as aware. And I'll ask a question like, so what happened when you were 17, or 18 years old, as a random example. I don't know their story. And even if they had written it, a great tome of it, they'd probably have left out that little moment. And then we can fine tune it around something that happened at school at home with a friend, whatever. And they have the response, they have the knowledge, and that's all we need to know. And maybe, where did it when they think about that particular moment in their life or period of time? How do they feel about it? Where do they feel it? It might be in the stomach, or that heart area, the throat, or the head of a fingertip doesn't matter, even outside their body somewhere? And then we can just work together and make that feeling related to that stress point back in time. Go away. Bingo. It's gone. Do you think we need more than measuring? Sorry to interrupt you? I was just wondering, do we need to unblock everything to make progress in life? Or, you know, no, no, no, no, no, only when it's a problem only when it's a problem? Because we've all got problems, blocks, crises, etc. Of course we don't need to unblock everything. We only need to
 15:00  unblock the things which are causing us problems. Yeah. And when we have one major problem, when we're going back to where we were at the beginning, when you go into that next level of performance, singing, expression, work, whatever it is,
 15:19  then you are becoming a new person, you are growing in many ways, and the
 15:28  configuration of your mindset or your consciousness that suited you and was good enough up until now isn't good enough anymore. So you if you like, you may be seeing or feeling your consciousness in a somewhat in a different way. So you become more aware of a problem that you didn't know you had before.
 15:51  And then, if you decide is too big enough problem that you can't break through it, you've done what's holding you back, then it's time to do your meditation or get help if you can't do it yourself?
 16:04  And is the process to finding your purpose or like finding your voice? Or, like say, you don't know what that next level is? You don't know what it is you're meant to expand into yet? Do you help people with that as well? And how would you? How would you do that?
 16:23  Ah, no, that's, that is a very big question. That's a very big question. It depends. So
 16:32  just a moment, I think
 16:35  you see, what I what I find. And it's very well, it's quite well known actually in in energy healing, but somewhere I missed it, where I wasn't listening, in my training. And what I found working with women in particular, was that a number of them who had some kind of expression issues, they weren't able, this is not about singing, but just literally about express their voice or their opinion or be heard. It's like almost there in the invisible person. There is sometimes
 17:06  a balance issue between the energy of the throat, the expression, and the creative expression, in around the room or the bladder area, whatever or the sacral chakra if you want to be speak energetic terms. And very often, if you've got a blockage in an energetic blockage in one of them, you have an energetic blockage and the other one, and they're interactive. So sometimes those
 17:37  slight issues that somebody might have had, may be highly relevant to the problem you're trying to overcome. But there is no logical way it is connected to it.
 17:51  Does that? Does that make sense to you?
 17:54  Yeah. Because it's if it's emotional, it might not be illogical.
 18:00  There might not be a logical reason. But there could be an emotional reason or you know, I think we tend to respond
 18:10  from a perception or from a feeling or we're complicated people, aren't we Jim
 18:19  Opsware. We're very complicated beasties absolute
 18:24  wonder wonderful beings, but definitely complicated. And sometimes there are very odd and unusual
 18:36  core background issues that may be holding somebody back and one of the one of the things I did a lot of work on before I did my energy healing was ancestral healing. And
 18:49  we can be affected by people gender, many generations back, we don't worry about it's like the energy of the trauma or whatever happened, war, pestilence, famine, doesn't matter what it was, or simply being bullied or poor relationships or money stuff, going back salaries, say four or five, six generations. You may have no idea of that family history. But quite possibly, in a conversation with me or the way I work, these things come up and become very apparent, and that energy can be cleared. And by clearing that energy from the family line, or the ancestral line, it kind of ripples all the way down and you can feel it.
 19:39  And the point I'm getting at is those unknown on written
 19:46  historical background in your family line can show up in weird and wonderful ways in this life.
 19:56  And you may know nothing about it.
 19:59  Some
 20:00  times it's very subtle. I remember there was English actress Olivia Coleman, who was on, who do you think you our program on the UK TV and UK television. And I just came in the room and it was on and I happened to hear them say, Oh, yes, we're back to I think was her fourth generation ancestors. And they were from India. And she said something like, it was, oh, we always said, we thought we had ancestors from India. So that, to me means that, in that at this level, at this present time, they had this sort of awareness about ancestors from India. And there was the proof that really was true, but they had no evidence up until then.
 20:50  And that's, that, to me is a perfect example of the kind of thing I've come across in many different shapes and forms. Yeah, well, I mean, we talk about genetic memory, our DNA, we're storing information from past generations physically also. So why wouldn't we in other ways?
 21:14  Exactly. It's very interesting. And definitely, I think,
 21:19  you know, a parent will pass on their money worries that they got their grandparents that they got from their grandparents, like, those are very simple example of, of, you know, how we get passed down certain things, but there are more subtle things that that can crop up. I've definitely done some healing. I've worked with a kinesiologist. Before and,
 21:41  and they've had, you know,
 21:45  experiences where, you know, it was almost like being brought back to famine time, or something like that. And that feeling of desperation. And it's, there is no solution. You know, and there's so many situations, I think, in people today, where we have so many choices, actually. And we have so many possibilities, and it's a lot less restrictive, where there's a lot more possibility for expansion. But sometimes people are very, they don't see any of that, because they're holding this energy of, there's no solution, or there's like it's hopeless, that feeling of things are hopeless. And that's a very hard one to hold, because it will create depression. And
 22:31  I don't know if there's very many actual situations that are completely hopeless in this moment on this planet. I don't know. I hope not. I hope there's hope in every situation. But we have to believe in the hope little to take the steps forwards.
 22:51  Don't we?
 22:54  Yes, absolutely. And we can also have things like, I've come across one quite recently, which is not self, it's not self-destruction, self-sabotage, where somebody can actually be self-sabotaging themselves in lots of invisible ways, and not even invisible to others. But it means if you'd like to take three steps forward and half a step backward all the time, so they're limiting their progress. And that, in that particular case, it was coming from quite a few generations back. Goodness knows what happened in that particular case. We don't know. But it was
 23:35  surprising how high the level was actually affecting. Is it possible then to clear that, and I didn't know how to clear it without understanding it fully. Yes, absolutely. Okay. Oh, yeah, absolutely, totally energy. It's simply energy and consciousness. And by going into a place of truth and acceptance and acknowledgement of there is something out of balance here and working with it to get healed to get cleared.
 24:08  Quite often people kind of go overboard and give themselves a shake and go what happened? Oh, I feel different, or that feeling is that tight spot isn't there anymore.
 24:18  It's astonishing. What happened is, I've experienced it myself. And I would encourage anyone listening who hasn't
 24:27  explored this as a as a possible you no way of moving forward to consider it because I think it's important that you always choose a practitioner that you like, or that you've has been recommended, or I think that connection, you know, it's like with, you know, people who want to sing like I'm not the singing teacher for everybody. I think you have to be attracted to the person that you want to work with and is similar and especially important for energy work, I think.
 24:57  Optional. Oh, absolutely. Because if
 25:00  If it doesn't feel right, and by the way, we all make mistakes at different times we make wrong choices or quality life lessons. But it is essential that whatever practitioner, you go to energy or otherwise, that you choose the right one, and but we're always on a learning curve. So we will make mistakes, we will learn. And I would also say that the practitioner, or trainer, or whatever
 25:29  that is relevant now may be good for us for, say, three months or six months or two years. But in a few years’ time, we're at a different level we've been, we have gone through the, to the higher level, we've become that different person, we've become that different resonance or frequency. And if we need help, we need a different person, because they haven't risen with us there at that particular level, which was perfect at the time, thank you for bringing the idea of resonance into the conversation. Of course, that's the, the whole purpose of my podcast.
 26:06  I have learned in the last year and a half to two years, to trust this feeling within me that that recognizes something in common a kind of a, that I like someone or that
 26:21  there's something about them, that feels resonant with me. And then because I've when I've met you, I felt that I was like, That's Jim is someone I want to have on my podcast, you know, it's and that is that that actually is a key learning for me, because previous to that, I would have been more maybe trying to think it through or I'd convinced myself I would be like, Oh, I should be like let's say you're in the business, I should be you know, using a strategist or I should be doing this or I should be doing that. But I will finding people who are telling me the way it should be and saying they could give me what I think I need, but it doesn't feel quite right. And in the last two years, I've stopped following. I've stopped you know, doing it that way and started to work on this bit of like acknowledging that feeling within me that guides me.
 27:22  That's, that's essential. And I feel that the whole pandemic time has been a blessing for Manny, it because it has forced
 27:31  a very large proportion of people to go for a place of being totally in their head, totally logical to have to let's face it, face their fears, their humanity, their
 27:43  I'm not going to not going to push spiritual spirituality, because it's all part of being human. But it's
 27:50  brought a lot of people to a space where they've had to go inside,
 27:55  to actually feel inside to get to that intuitive level, a good feeling. They're happy, they're unhappy. They're terrified, whatever, which is all part of the human condition. And that can only be good. I know, some people listening to this will say how can I say that? But it is because it's self learning and getting to know ourselves? Yeah, it took me decades. It took me decades, many decades till I hit my midlife transition, as I said,
 28:24  to realize that there was so much more to me, and I'd been suppressing so much of me. And frankly, now, quite a few years later, or decades later.
 28:36  I know I'm still suppressing various parts of me, but I'm working on it because it's a work in progress. And that is enough. I'm the same like I there's loads of things, people who can, you know, look at my business or look at the way I promote myself or the photograph or whatever, and they think you've got to mate. And yes, in many ways, I've made lots of progress. And I congratulate myself for that there's a pat on the back for me, because that wasn't always easy. In fact, it was quite difficult in many times. But I did I still feel that pole that it pulled for expansion and what we talked about from the beginning, which was are we levelling up a little bit here and there? How can we, you know,
 29:16  improve ourselves in some way, not thinking of ourselves as deficient, but knowing that every day is an opportunity for more of us to come into the world's
 29:33  apps. Absolutely. And on that on that note.
 29:39  We spoke before the podcast about a conference I I've been to. So a good few years ago after my Toastmasters stint or at the end of Toastmasters International. I had got my distinguished Toastmaster and a friend said you can speak at the European Conference. No, no, no, no and I kept pestering me. last moment I
 30:00  sent in my application, or what do I do stage presence, excellence and stage presence and personal confidence, sent it off next Sunday and it comes back. You haven't seen the video? I've got I haven't got time. Well, let's do Oh, okay, fine, right. Next time that they came back and said, you’ve been selected from a high level of applicants from across Europe, and I went, Oh, my God, what have I done?
 30:23  And so, at the actual conference, which was in Budapest, in Hungary, some years ago,
 30:32  there were about 400 people there from 18 countries or so. And there are two well-known speakers, who's myself and the other person who's an outsider and the other person, I don't know, I ended up with nearly 200 people of the 400 in my workshop.
 30:49  And, you know, it must be it must have been the energy or what I said or something. But I asked for a volunteer, this was more or less spontaneous in the workshop, and I'm in an auditorium. And this lady lives me, me, me, me, me, and several rows back. So she clambers over all the people and comes up on stage. Now, bear in mind that these are experienced Toastmasters, all of them. And I said, introduced her and said, I have a role for you. Great. Its 30 seconds long. What?
 31:24  And it's a non-speaking role. What do you want me to do? It's okay, don't worry. All he wants you to do is to stand in the center of the stage, connect to the audience, just scanning around from side to side, or whatever way you normally do. Pay attention to what's going on in your mind and your body. And don't do anything about it. Just pay attention to it. And I stepped off stage. And there was a sea of horror on the faces in the audience, because they were projecting what they might feel in that particular situation.
 31:58  And we talked, we talked about it afterwards. And she's an international coach, she's now over in California, I think. And she said, every time after that, that she got into a challenging situation, she literally went straight back to that moment on stage of what it felt like being there being grounded being fully present, and everything was fine. Wow, that's a phenomenal exercise to do. Like, how often do we sit like that in in the moment with and not try to, to organize the energy and to input in?
 32:39  I love that.
 32:43  You Yeah, I do that quite a lot, obviously, is my own meditation time and paying attention to what's going on. And EEG especially when I'm working with
 32:55  distant clients around the world, you know, I'm, I may be talking to them on screen or, and at the same time tuning into what a feeling what I sense. And so doing the healing work with him. So to quit for me, it's a question of being, okay, the phrase isn't strictly true, but the best way I can describe it is extremely present or fully present
 33:19  in the situation where I am now. And it's dynamic, and it's changing. And I never know what's coming next. Because there is no script. There is no plan. I'm working with a person. They have a situation and I am aware of my feelings. I'm aware of that often aware of theirs, because I'm a deep empath as well. And sometimes it appears that I actually pick up what they're feeling before they've picked it up, because then may not have that self-awareness. It's beautiful. It's about that connection. That sounds.
 33:57  Yeah, that's right. Yeah. And
 34:01  I equally
 34:03  I work with sometimes I work with so called inanimate objects. I work with properties as well, this is what I was going to ask you, how's your stone? Because I was thinking, we've talked a lot about relating ourselves to others or to a group or to one on one. And a lot of people would are not interested in speaking or singing. Maybe they're artists or they want to relate to something they do on their own. So I think this next tell us about relating to an inanimate object as a property tell us more.
 34:35  Well, it's if you speak, I don't know about all the world but various parts of the world I'd say, not the UK and not particularly Western Europe, but more Eastern Europe and Mediterranean countries. Some people will say that your house chooses you. Your home chooses you.
 34:56  Not the other way around. There is a conscious
 35:00  interaction and a property, or let's call it a home. Yeah, or an industrial unit for that matter, can contain can hold an energy or a consciousness. Now, most likely, there have been one of some incidents in your life, you've gone to a place and went, Oh, I don't like this place. Like we said earlier on, you didn't, you weren't comfortable around some people and you were more comfortable around others. And it's the same with places
 35:31  you can have, say, in a home, you can have a divorce home where several couples in a row have divorced. Yeah, and it seems to be the house has that energy, that's an extreme case, you can have others where people get sick, or the neighbours keep getting sick. And you can also have houses that people can't sell. They're stuck on the market, perfectly good price. And, you know, they should sell properly. And they don't. And some of the ones that I've worked with, in that case,
 36:07  at what some point, maybe the owner doesn't want to fully sell. But sometimes the house doesn't want to be sold. It's like it likes to people there. Or it's sick and tired of people and it doesn't want new people in.
 36:21  Does that make sense? You know, I was watching a show on Netflix. And it's about a house. It's like it's a very scary house. But the woman is an architect. And she said that she felt that the House has bones and the pipes are like veins and that it's that it's a living. She described it in this in this. It's called Hill House. And it's I wouldn't recommend it if you're a scaredy-cat, because my husband Mike loves scary stuff. So that's why I was watching it. But I thought it was lovely. Because so much happens. Like there's so much movement within the walls of a house or within the pipes. And there's it's got it's got it's got something it's it has a certain aliveness. Possibly that you could say,
 37:05  I know not everyone will subscribe to this idea. But I'm interested to hear how energy work can work with that.
 37:15  What consciousness and energy are one in the same thing? So you we are all conscious beings? And how do you describe consciousness? Well, I'm sure if we ask some of the AI programs that are around writing text and give us some fascinating, some fascinating answers. I've tried it with what is love. And it's very boring when it comes out with
 37:39  with a person with a property, think about her house. So you have say, the living room, couple of bedrooms, whatever it is, maybe in one particular room in the house, somebody has been very depressed for a long period of time, or there have been a couple who've been arguing a lot of really strained relationships. What happens in from my perception is that that energy, that emotion, remains in that space. So it's you can go into a house and it feels okay, except for that one particular room
 38:17  where maybe there was a lot of arguments going on a lot of stress, you know, depression, whatever. Because that consciousness that energy remains there. Yeah. Does that make sense?
 38:30  Yeah, so it remains that and that is yeah, it's just like a person can have depression energy or some kind of consciousness that is that they're uncomfortable with and that can be cleared and that can be changed and can be changed remotely. Now, 
 38:47  I live the best. I've worked with property developers who have, in some cases, loans being blocked, where their financial agent said, yeah, absolutely fine. Go with this. You know, financier should be fine. Last minute blocked. They go to another one. Yep, should be fine. Blocked again. When I did some work, some energy work identifying and clearing the blocks, either with them and or the property. Bingo. It came straight through. Yeah. 100 100 150,000 200,000 pounds
 39:22  came through in a few days. I worked with another property where, again, it was an experienced property developer there were remortgaging their own home, and exactly that situation was happening. And I sat in meditation, chatting to the owner at length, and who fully understood what I was talking about. And I tuned into this house and I'm getting that. They don't own it. But I've lived there 10 years.
 39:51  And it didn't make sense and I'm thinking it looks like a sort of a counselor state or something like that. And I'll go
 40:00  I went back to him and said this, like you don't own it, there's something really strange from back there. And they said, Oh, it was an ex-police house, which was sold off in the UK 25 years or so ago. Yeah. And what I was getting was that the police authority, I guess it was still energetically owned that property, all the paperwork was done, all the legal stuff was done, obviously, but energetically, possibly somewhere in the loans department, somebody was picking this up, like, we pick up the bad vibe in the house, and marking them down instead of marking them up under clear data. And again, there were a few of the things needed to be done to be sorted out in that situation. And again, the loan came through in a very short period of time. That's phenomenal.
 40:48  Jim, it's been absolutely as the second mode, businesses, businesses, relationships, oh, you know, it's all the same thing. Well, I let I'm encouraging any of the listeners to connect with you on any energetic block, where the frequency needs to be realigned. And unfortunately, we're coming to the end of the time that we've got allocated for our chat. I know that we could keep chatting for a very long time, and you've got so much to offer.
 41:18  Thank you, thank you, we certainly, I would say it's just when life is out of balance, rather than the frequencies not right or whatever. A lot of people wouldn't get that. But live when life is out of balance, life hurts. And things
 41:33  like hitting your head against an invisible glass wall, you're trying to do something and move forward in some way. And it's like, bang, you keep hitting this limit. There's something there that's stopping you. Conventionally. Everything should be okay. But in your case is not happening. So that may well be something that's out of balance there that needs a man for the job is Jim Doyle.
 41:58  Absolutely, yeah, just on that, guys. Yeah,
 42:03  exactly. Try. If, if you look, if you look at my website, or YouTube channel, and you don't like the look of me, that's perfectly okay. Find somebody. Exactly. Well, Jim, it's been a pleasure. Is there anything else you'd like to say to the listeners before we sign off?
 42:21  Yes, he says spontaneous ego, yes, what's going to come?
 42:28  Which is
 42:31  learn to trust yourself. Because most cases, we are conditioned to respond to what we're told to do in general in general. But we're not taught to trust ourselves. We might be taught in a specific way about sports or something like that. Learn to trust yourself, trust to good feeling. You know, if you're going to do something everybody says is right. And it doesn't feel right. Why isn't it right? Feel into it. Make your own decisions, beautiful. And some people won't like it.
 43:09  Just remember, some people won't like it. But that's it. That's your process of growing and moving forward. So just thank you so much for joining us on the resume podcast. Jim. It's been a really beautiful conversation. And I definitely recommend Jim so he put them on the consideration list if you're looking for someone to help you to overcome some issue, and we look forward to having you're listening again to the podcast very soon. Bye. Bye.