ExChange Wales: Social care training & resource

The implications of the study 'Voices of Carers during the COVID-19 Pandemic - ExChange Wales

June 29, 2021 CASCADE Season 1 Episode 5
The implications of the study 'Voices of Carers during the COVID-19 Pandemic - ExChange Wales
ExChange Wales: Social care training & resource
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ExChange Wales: Social care training & resource
The implications of the study 'Voices of Carers during the COVID-19 Pandemic - ExChange Wales
Jun 29, 2021 Season 1 Episode 5

Dr Daniel Burrows is in conversation with Chris Williamson, a social work practice educator  and trainer to talk about the implications of the study 'Voices of Carers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Messages for the future of unpaid caring in Wales' for social work practice. The study has been published by Cardiff University.

Mae Dr Daniel Burrows mewn cysylltiad â Chris Williamson, hyfforddwr ac addysgwr ymarfer gwaith cymdeithasol i drafod goblygiadau’r astudiaeth ‘Lleisiau Gofalwyr yn ystod Pandemig COVID-19: Negeseuon ar gyfer dyfodol rhoi gofal di-dâl yng Nghymru’ i ymarfer gwaith cymdeithasol. Mae’r astudiaeth wedi’i cyhoeddi gan Brifysgol Caerdydd.

Music: The Right Direction by Shane Ivers

Cerddoriaeth: The Right Direction by
Shane Ives

Show Notes

Dr Daniel Burrows is in conversation with Chris Williamson, a social work practice educator  and trainer to talk about the implications of the study 'Voices of Carers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Messages for the future of unpaid caring in Wales' for social work practice. The study has been published by Cardiff University.

Mae Dr Daniel Burrows mewn cysylltiad â Chris Williamson, hyfforddwr ac addysgwr ymarfer gwaith cymdeithasol i drafod goblygiadau’r astudiaeth ‘Lleisiau Gofalwyr yn ystod Pandemig COVID-19: Negeseuon ar gyfer dyfodol rhoi gofal di-dâl yng Nghymru’ i ymarfer gwaith cymdeithasol. Mae’r astudiaeth wedi’i cyhoeddi gan Brifysgol Caerdydd.

Music: The Right Direction by Shane Ivers

Cerddoriaeth: The Right Direction by
Shane Ives