ExChange Wales: Social care training & resource

Motivational Interviewing for working with children and families - ExChange Wales

July 27, 2021 CASCADE Season 1 Episode 6
Motivational Interviewing for working with children and families - ExChange Wales
ExChange Wales: Social care training & resource
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ExChange Wales: Social care training & resource
Motivational Interviewing for working with children and families - ExChange Wales
Jul 27, 2021 Season 1 Episode 6

MI is now widely used in services for children, playing a key part in innovations such as Family Drug and Alcohol Courts, the Family Safeguarding model and Intensive Family Support Teams. In this session Steve Rollnick (co-creator of Motivational Interviewing) talks with Donald Forrester, David Wilkins and Charlie Whittaker about their forthcoming book on this topic. Discussion will cover the contribution that MI can make to child and family work and how to respond to key problems or challenges such as how to have difficult conversations and applying MI principles in the context of child protection - plus wherever else the conversation goes! There will be opportunities for those attending to ask questions, share experiences and be involved in the discussion.

Bellach, mae MI (Cyfweld Ysgogiadol) yn cael ei ddefnyddio'n helaeth mewn gwasanaethau plant, gan chwarae rhan allweddol mewn ymyriadau megis Llysoedd Cyffuriau ac Alcohol Teulu, y model Diogelu Teuluol a Thimau Cefnogi Teuluoedd Dwys. Yn y sesiwn hon bydd Steve Rollnick (cyd-grëwr Cyfweld Ysgogiadol) yn siarad â Donald Forrester, David Wilkins a Charlie Whittaker am eu llyfr sydd ar ddod ar y pwnc hwn. Bydd trafodaeth yn cwmpasu'r cyfraniad y gall MI ei wneud at waith plant a theuluoedd a sut i ymateb i broblemau neu heriau allweddol megis sut i gael sgyrsiau anodd a chymhwyso egwyddorion MI yng nghyd-destun amddiffyn plant - a ble bynnag arall mae'r sgwrs yn mynd! Bydd cyfleoedd i'r rhai sy'n mynychu ofyn cwestiynau, rhannu profiadau a chymryd rhan yn y drafodaeth. 

Show Notes

MI is now widely used in services for children, playing a key part in innovations such as Family Drug and Alcohol Courts, the Family Safeguarding model and Intensive Family Support Teams. In this session Steve Rollnick (co-creator of Motivational Interviewing) talks with Donald Forrester, David Wilkins and Charlie Whittaker about their forthcoming book on this topic. Discussion will cover the contribution that MI can make to child and family work and how to respond to key problems or challenges such as how to have difficult conversations and applying MI principles in the context of child protection - plus wherever else the conversation goes! There will be opportunities for those attending to ask questions, share experiences and be involved in the discussion.

Bellach, mae MI (Cyfweld Ysgogiadol) yn cael ei ddefnyddio'n helaeth mewn gwasanaethau plant, gan chwarae rhan allweddol mewn ymyriadau megis Llysoedd Cyffuriau ac Alcohol Teulu, y model Diogelu Teuluol a Thimau Cefnogi Teuluoedd Dwys. Yn y sesiwn hon bydd Steve Rollnick (cyd-grëwr Cyfweld Ysgogiadol) yn siarad â Donald Forrester, David Wilkins a Charlie Whittaker am eu llyfr sydd ar ddod ar y pwnc hwn. Bydd trafodaeth yn cwmpasu'r cyfraniad y gall MI ei wneud at waith plant a theuluoedd a sut i ymateb i broblemau neu heriau allweddol megis sut i gael sgyrsiau anodd a chymhwyso egwyddorion MI yng nghyd-destun amddiffyn plant - a ble bynnag arall mae'r sgwrs yn mynd! Bydd cyfleoedd i'r rhai sy'n mynychu ofyn cwestiynau, rhannu profiadau a chymryd rhan yn y drafodaeth.