ExChange Wales: Social care training & resource

Supporting Care Experienced Parents Transition to University - ExChange Wales

October 27, 2021 Season 1 Episode 8
Supporting Care Experienced Parents Transition to University - ExChange Wales
ExChange Wales: Social care training & resource
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ExChange Wales: Social care training & resource
Supporting Care Experienced Parents Transition to University - ExChange Wales
Oct 27, 2021 Season 1 Episode 8

Care experienced people may face numerous transitions throughout their lives, many of them relating to education. Whether it’s moving schools due to moving placements, transitioning to post-16 education, or making the jump to university, every transition has its own challenges – and opportunities. Here, CASCADE’s Hannah Bayfield (who researches care experienced young people’s experiences of higher education) and Lorna Stabler (who has lived experience of being a care experienced student as well as being a fellow CASCADE researcher) discuss Lorna’s own journey, sources of support and tips for transitions into HE.

Gall pobl â phrofiad gofal wynebu nifer o drosglwyddiadau drwy gydol eu bywydau, llawer ohonynt yn ymwneud ag addysg. P'un a yw'n symud ysgolion oherwydd symud lleoliadau, pontio i addysg ôl-16, neu wneud y naid i'r brifysgol, mae gan bob cyfnod pontio ei heriau ei hun – a’i gyfleoedd. Yma, mae Hannah Bayfield CASCADE (sy'n ymchwilio i brofiadau pobl ifanc o addysg uwch) a Lorna Stabler (sydd â phrofiad byw o fod yn fyfyriwr profiadol gofal yn ogystal â bod yn gyd-ymchwilydd CASCADE) yn trafod taith Lorna ei hun, ffynonellau cymorth ac awgrymiadau ar gyfer trosglwyddo i addysg uwch.

Show Notes

Care experienced people may face numerous transitions throughout their lives, many of them relating to education. Whether it’s moving schools due to moving placements, transitioning to post-16 education, or making the jump to university, every transition has its own challenges – and opportunities. Here, CASCADE’s Hannah Bayfield (who researches care experienced young people’s experiences of higher education) and Lorna Stabler (who has lived experience of being a care experienced student as well as being a fellow CASCADE researcher) discuss Lorna’s own journey, sources of support and tips for transitions into HE.

Gall pobl â phrofiad gofal wynebu nifer o drosglwyddiadau drwy gydol eu bywydau, llawer ohonynt yn ymwneud ag addysg. P'un a yw'n symud ysgolion oherwydd symud lleoliadau, pontio i addysg ôl-16, neu wneud y naid i'r brifysgol, mae gan bob cyfnod pontio ei heriau ei hun – a’i gyfleoedd. Yma, mae Hannah Bayfield CASCADE (sy'n ymchwilio i brofiadau pobl ifanc o addysg uwch) a Lorna Stabler (sydd â phrofiad byw o fod yn fyfyriwr profiadol gofal yn ogystal â bod yn gyd-ymchwilydd CASCADE) yn trafod taith Lorna ei hun, ffynonellau cymorth ac awgrymiadau ar gyfer trosglwyddo i addysg uwch.