The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast

INTERVIEW Anarchapulco — Getting Out of the Fed System

The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Tony Arterburn on what he saw (and said as a speaker) at the annual anarchy-capitalist and voluntarist conference in Acapulco, Mexico.  And Tony takes AMA questions about gold, silver, and what's new at

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Speaker 1:

All right, joining us now is Tony Arderman and of Wise Wolf Gold, of course. Tony has set up David Knightgoal to let him to take you to his website. Let him know that you're coming through me. Good to have Tony on, because last week he was in Mexico speaking at a conference. Thanks for joining us, tony. Tell us a little bit about that conference.

Speaker 2:

Well, thanks for having me back, david. I had a great time. It was Anarcapoco in Acapoco, mexico, the dollar vigilante and crypto vigilante crowd. I sponsored the event. I was the only gold sponsor and I got to speak on Crypto Day. So I had 40 minutes on Valentine's Day in the morning to speak and it went really well.

Speaker 2:

You know these are people that and again, the theme to the dollar vigilante is surviving and thriving after the dollar collapse, and that's been Jeff Burwick who's the founder of that. That's been his mantra for years and years, and now we're really seeing, and that's what I spoke about on Crypto Day. I said you know, gold and crypto and silver, precious metals these go together because this is a we're creating a parallel system. You know, you have Gresham's law that states when bad money enters a system, good money goes into hiding, and I think that's coming to fruition. You know the good money's coming out of hiding because the bad money that enters the system is crashing the system itself, and so that's what I spoke about. You know, everywhere you look is de-dollarization, everywhere, and it's accelerating. I was looking at a story this morning, just facts and figures. You know. You look at the Russian economy two years ago, only 1% of financial transactions went on in the Chinese. You want it's 34%, and they've completely abandoned the dollar.

Speaker 2:

When I, when I opened up my talk in Anarcapoco, I said, the first thing I said was when I was 23 years old, I got to see a currency die in real time, at paper currency. You know, in you know Voltaire's Maxim, that all paper currency eventually returns to its natural value state, which is zero. And that's looking at. Something happened to the Iraqi dinar, you know, and we were told. The first mission I had in Mosul when the Iraqi Republican guard fell was to go to the bank and there wasn't any other orders other than try to find some semblance of security, because everybody's running out with boxes of Iraqi dinar with Saddam Hussein's picture on them, but they were worthless. Nobody wanted that.

Speaker 2:

And I said now, now, think about this, folks. 20 plus years later, I'm talking to you and the Iraqi parliament is making it illegal for you to transact in dollars, especially for major Iraqi banks. They are abandoning the dollar. What does that say? Because the only currency that you could use post US invasion in Iraq in 2003, upwards till the last, you know, a couple of years, was American dollars. Yeah, yeah. Think about how far that, how far the US dollar, has fallen in the last 20 plus 20 plus years. It's absolutely amazing. That's amazing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I wonder you know how much one of the Iraqi notes with Saddam Hussein's picture on it is compared to Confederate note with Jefferson Davis's picture on it. What's the exchange rate for those two currencies? They've gone to zero, except for probably the Confederacy's collector's item. So you know it's got some value from that standpoint. But yeah, that's where it always goes. But that truly is amazing because you know, iraq is really still heavily influenced with US troops there and all the rest of that stuff, but they don't want to use the US dollar.

Speaker 2:

I think because of Iran's influence in the region. Now they're Shia based in their governance. You know, saddam Hussein was Sunni and, of course, the Sunni triangle and the Sunni of the minority, and now the Shia are the actual majority in Iraq. And I think that's what's happening is the long term de-dollarization and waning US geopolitical hegemony. You could just it's showing its face right there. Yeah, that's really all you need to know.

Speaker 1:

And that's an important point too, when you talk about the Shias and the Sunnis. And of course, we also got the Wahhabists and Saudi Arabia. Islam is not this monolithic thing. It's got all these different factions and, just like Christianity was in the Middle Ages, these different denominations, if you will, of Islam are politically connected, you know. They have a unification, just like they did at the time in the Middle Ages. There was this, you know, connection politically as well as with a church, and it was really the politics that was more important than it was the religious aspect. And so that's where these Islamic countries are right now. People think of them as monolithic, but they're not and they're fighting each other, not just us.

Speaker 2:

Oh, absolutely non-monolithic. And it wasn't George W Bush who said there's different types of Muslims, like he couldn't believe it, like that it was actually I think it was Joe Biden. When he maybe a moment of lucidity or a talking point from a think tank, he said, yeah, I mean, this is like 20 plus years ago. He's like, well, maybe Iraq should be divided into three parts, you know, the Kurdish North, the Sunni triangle, the middle and then the rest is Shia. And I thought, well, that might make sense if someone I've lived there for a year and I was, you know, in combat for a year there, so I know, I know a decent amount about Iraqi history and culture. Yeah, so, yeah, it's not monolithic at all. And but I think one of the things that unites them all across the Arab world, whether you're talking about Saudi Arabia or Iran, is de-dollarization. They're moving away from the dollar.

Speaker 2:

The petrodollar is dying. Why this is not headline news all over the? The financial network should be talking about this, not the fang stocks. Yeah, oh, yeah, I mean, what importance is that if the dollar dies? Literally? You know, you have Saudi Arabia is bricks plus. Now that's official. I mean, this was theory a year ago. We're saying well, right now Saudi Arabia is in talks with Brazil, russia, india, china, south Africa, which was already 40% of the world's population. Then you add Saudi Arabia, it's game over. Now we're still. It's funny. We're just, we're in the shadow of the once dominating dollar and it's going away. And I'm that's my really everything I'm talking about lately is leading back to de-dollarization. What happens afterwards? Because I don't think that the horses left the barn, I don't think you can't do anything at this point. Even David, I don't even know if World War three would bring the dollar back to its original dominant. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So we are. You look at Saudi Arabia joining the bricks. I mean, that's it, right there, because they were really the lynchpin. You know we had Saudi Arabia and you had Iran with a Shaw and that was the US power within, you know, the well-produced producing area, and then tying that all to the US dollar and them buying US weapons and that type of thing, when Saudis leave, because we lost Iran a long time ago. But when the Saudis leave, that's it. That's really the petrodollar right there. End of game.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's all she wrote. And then the dollars propped up by something called money velocity, and we spoke about this many times. But money velocity is basically it's like the Ponzi scheme when you quit using it, it's. Or maybe you could liken it to Tinkerbell If you don't clap, tinkerbell dies. And same thing with the dollar you don't use it, it dies.

Speaker 2:

And you've got 80% of all the $100 bills ever made, in physical form or not, in the United States of America. So that's what's being used around the world. And that's when I saw, you know, and as a young soldier, when I saw people just dumping the Iraqi dinar it's went to zero and using the American dollar, I thought, ok, well, this is pretty universal. Now they're not using the dollar. That's slowly going away. You have there's a gold boom going on in China. They're not exporting, as a matter of fact, the Swiss, the six year high on gold exports to India and China. So even in the midst of China's real estate decline, it's massive bubble and recession. They've overbuilt their currencies in real trouble, but they are buying gold and while the rest of the world sleeps. I don't think they realize what's happening.

Speaker 1:

Well, and of course, commercial real estate issue. That's there. But even beyond that, china was way overbuilt and other things and the stock market getting very, very shaky now with these big companies getting shaky like Evergrande. And they imposed they basically just stopped a company that was selling too much stock too quickly because they're afraid that the whole market there is going to collapse. That's how shaky it is in China. So they're putting all kinds of draconian restrictions on their stock market.

Speaker 1:

There's an interesting article from International man, the number one warning sign that capital controls are coming soon. Just like the Chinese are putting controls on the stock market, we can have these capital controls happen here on cash and all the rest of the stuff. And as he points out he said sorry been done in a lot of different countries Argentina, lebanon, venezuela, iceland, greece, cyprus, turkey, russia, ukraine, china, india, south Korea and governments and countless other countries have done these capital controls and done it recently. And so he said so what's, what's the sign that is going to happen here in the United States? He said the warning sign to look out for is when they say it's not going to happen, when they start to talk about it and say well, you know the capital control. Don't worry, it's not going to happen. That's when you got to be concerned that it's going to happen real soon after that, right.

Speaker 2:

It's like the early 70s with price controls. Yeah, you know, it took us off the gold standard in August of 1971 and then that followed with price controls, because they had to figure out how to stop the runaway inflation. Gold went up 2000% in the 1970s, but gold didn't go up in value. So run that through your body. That's what I try to count. It's counterintuitive, folks. The gold gold is not going up, necessarily, it's it's the dollar is going down, it's losing purchasing power.

Speaker 2:

And you read off that list of countries. Most of those economies, I say, are not doing well. We're talking about Venezuela. They're selling off their gold holdings because so much debt has come due. Argentina, same thing, with their currency imploding. So these, those measures don't work. And free floating, free floating fiat currencies there's 52 times more currency on earth today than when I was born 44 years ago. We have a massive systemic, worldwide debt problem as well. These things are coming together and I think it's culminating in what the IMF is even saying at Davos. You know this, the most headwind of of an economy since World War two which, well, it's interesting we're in a fourth turning, isn't that interesting, but 80 80 plus years on.

Speaker 2:

That's, that's where we are and so we're positioning yourself and I see this. Even and this is a this is an open question I asked this at Anarcapoco to the crowd, because these are crypto people. I said, well, most of the time, you know, I look, I'm pretty pessimistic about the ruling class and what their views are. You had Larry Fink come out and say from BlackRock and say that that Bitcoin is now store value and digital gold, which is a long way from where they were five years ago, basically saying that it's only used in illicit activities and money laundering and terrorism. And Warren Buffett said it was rat poison. Jamie Demon Jamie Demons said he'd fire any trader that went.

Speaker 2:

Now they all have ETFs. Yeah, but it's interesting, some things afoot there. You know I had Stuart Anglard on, who wrote the book rigged on the golden silver markets and has dug into this for years and years about how they rigged the golden silver markets. This theory on the Bitcoin ETF was that it was going to be used to suppress the price. But now we see, you know, gold or Bitcoin at 51,000 and some change today, up 30% in the last month. So there's something to that unprecedented historical activity in the currency market. David, you see a big finance moving away buying gold even again, even actors like Larry Fink saying that that Bitcoin is digital gold and a store of value. So there's something there. It's an off ramp perhaps for the elite. We're still looking at that.

Speaker 1:

Well, you know, I guess maybe Bitcoin was too honest for them. They had to come up with some kind of a devious derivative to attach on there before they could really double down on this thing and make it work for them. Maybe that's what it is. They're just waiting to roll out some kind of an ETF on top of it so they could manipulate it in that regard. Yeah, I don't trust these guys, but it is kind of interesting to see how that is going back and forth.

Speaker 1:

You've got Are these any questions? Yeah, we got some. Do we have questions for Tony? Let's see? Yes, because Tony had said if you want to do we're doing, ask me anything questions here. If you want to ask him some questions, he'll take them. On rumble, we have a Spromford says. Even after endless pep talks, my bookcase continues to whimper at the site of Tony's. You got a massive bookcase there. That's great. He likes your bookcase, karim. Thank you for the tip. He said. Tony, they just wanted you to clean up after the Israeli special forces team that already took the Iraqi gold from the vaults. There you go.

Speaker 2:

Good, that's. That's where the Israeli army was. I never saw any Israelis when I was over in the Middle East fighting for a back.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's right, let's see. I don't think these other questions are for Tony, but anybody has any questions for Tony, he certainly is willing to take him. You know, when we look at what happened with Argentina Javier Malai, which I have my I have some concerns about him, especially after he went to Davos, because that always puts a red flag on somebody. For me, you can, you can criticize Davos, you can criticize him to their. I never went to Davos, but I got blocked by Davos, by the World Economic Forum, on social media. I never addressed them directly, but you know, so you can. You can say things that Get their ire up and and that get noticed at least by them, if not by other people, without going there and always worry about people who physically go there.

Speaker 1:

But he has focused. Like he said the central bank in Argentina was awful. He says I don't like any central banks, but some of them are worse than others and so he's shut down the Pretty much there there with anything and pegged it to the dollar. Their inflation, tony has gone from 150 percent to 250 percent. Did he pick the wrong central bank horse to bet on?

Speaker 2:

There was a. There was an article I read on my show about a month or so ago on Lou Rockwell calm, about Malay, and he has ties to the IMF. He has ties to Black Rock, yes, and Argentina was moving into the bricks periphery. So did they there? Was this a coup to keep Argentina out of the bricks, because that seems that's the trend, that's where the energy is going.

Speaker 2:

And you know, like we've talked about many times, you know that the weaponization of the US dollar, our actions, not only that, it's not only just the weaponization, but the the economy. Our economy is weak and we're not making strategic decisions about production or wealth or any of those things. And I think the world knows that, looks at us and says, well, you're not doing well financially. You weaponized your currency. You know there's 40 different sanctions on 36 different countries. We're out, and Argentina was one of those. And now you have this chainsaw wielding guy. Yeah, sounds good, it sounds good on paper. He's an anarcho capitalist. You know. He talks about gold. He supplies the, the anarcho, anarcho capitalist flag. It's gold and black. He's got all of that going for him.

Speaker 2:

But there's just something it's almost too good to be true. So you, yeah, I'm skeptical and pegging yourself to that. There's so many other alternatives. You know that you the ways you could go, the dollar, and you know, and you and I have spoken about this, it's just again, it's about usage and the math. The math is not gonna be there for you in the long run. Maybe the short run. There's not many places to go right now. But again, 2001, 75% of all the global transactions and went on in dollars, and now it's 43% and declining rapidly. So that's a true, that's a trend you'd want to pay attention to. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely yeah, that gave me red flags. When the chains are the all of us, the atrix and stuff, it's like, okay, Well, I don't know the country, I know that that works, but I saw these games, these, the atrix, the over-the-top criticism of other people and then coming around, all the stuff same type of thing that Trump did then coming around and making friends with them, just like the world economic form. As you point out, he's got these, these ties to the IMF. He was all over the Pope, who was From Argentina and a Marxist for sure, so he hated him, and it's like, okay, Well, he doesn't like the Pope and and then he converts to Judaism, anything, but then he goes to the Vatican and now they're all buddies there. Yeah, it's like, wait a minute, there's something really phony going on here. I don't know.

Speaker 2:

This is like Trump in 2016,. You know you because, because you'd be in jail and then you fast forward after his inauguration. She's a wonderful person. Yes, good people, you know. I think we, that's just you know.

Speaker 2:

I had, I had the privilege of being on air with Gia were Griffin While I was producing for Don Jeffries about a year ago, and to talk to the wise old sage, I mean, gia had regriffin, the author of the creature from Jekyll Island and such an activist in John Burt society and it's been so. It was so far ahead, yeah, of his time, you know, and he's in his 90s and he's so sharp. And I told him I see, I read the creature from Jekyll Island and that was one of the reasons I'm in the golden silver business and we got that. We got on to series of questions. I said what's the one thing that you would warn the younger activists about and those who are fighting this battle, what would you warn us against?

Speaker 2:

And he thought about it and he said controlled opposition is the number one threat. It's the people that look like they're for you and they're not. So you can guess where he is politically. That was his theme. He's like it was a warning from the old sage and I need to have it back on. I think, why is there? Words would never spoke.

Speaker 1:

I'd love to get him on again. I talked to him once years ago, but he's right about that. And if you go back and you look at, what was it? Somebody like G Edward Griffin, who knows the Marxists and knows how they set this stuff up? It was the Bolsheviks who set up the trust, that's what they called it, and so they had they ran.

Speaker 1:

All the anti-Bolshevik organizations were run by the Bolsheviks so that they would know they funded it they. They did everything they could to promote this so they could draw in all their opponents and know who they were. And we see this happening over and over again. That's why you look at Trump, you look at Javier Malai. It's like, definitely, with Trump, javier Malai, it's still kind of early days, but a lot of some signals that that's really, I think, what is happening there.

Speaker 1:

But getting back to the capital controls thing, I thought it was interesting because he said the first thing is you're going, they're going to say that they're not going to do capital control, so when they actively tonight, they're about to impose it. And so he says so what do you do about this? And so he has a couple of things. He says have a foreign bank account, have real estate in a foreign country. And I looked at these first two things. I thought that's exactly what Pfizer was doing when they went to Brazil and to Argentina and a third Latin American country which was not named by stat news, a pharmaceutical publication. They basically said you're going to hold us harmless, not just for the vaccine itself, but also for negligence and manufacturing and shipping and all these other types of things, which was not anything that anybody else was doing. But we want to have an insurance policy, essentially on foreign assets, bank account assets, land and things like that that Argentina and Brazil and these other countries have in other countries, so that we can get to that stuff, and so, yeah, that is absolutely true. So there's nothing that we can really do about that, most people.

Speaker 1:

But. He mentions then Bitcoin and then he mentions physical gold, bullion coins. These are really the fallbacks that we've got are to, you know, to prepare ourselves against these capital controls, are to have physical gold and to have Bitcoin and things like that. That's really the only thing that we've got in terms of a financial aspect to make preparations for something like capital controls, isn't it? Yeah, not ETFs, that's right. Yeah, not ETFs.

Speaker 2:

They're actual paper, not GLD, not SLV and not whatever ETF is claiming that they're buying Bitcoin. You need to have your wallet, your keys. It's really not hard to learn and you talk about cryptocurrency. Bitcoin is the only crypto I'm buying right now and that's because of its decentralization. It's not run by a company, it's not run by a country and it has lasted. You know that it's still. It's still growing, the network's growing, the adoption is growing, so I'm buying bit.

Speaker 2:

I'm bullish on Bitcoin. I'm not even really in the Bitcoin business anymore. I was some of the first Bitcoin ATMs in this country and I learned a lot from it. But really my mission right now is still precious metals and that's gold and silver. No counterparty risk. That's the main physical gold and silver no counterparty risk and one of the things I was talking with it's very hard to move physical precious metals across boundaries. That's why you can see people getting into jewelry that's just always a good idea, I think ways that you can travel with it. But when you're talking about a significant amount, you're looking at storage and I will be announcing something soon on being able to store for people. I'm looking at a Texas location, possibly within this year, to do some legitimate secured storage for people that especially if they're going to be living outside the country.

Speaker 1:

Okay, well, that's good. Yeah, if they're outside the country. One of the things he cautions about is be careful about bank safe deposit boxes, because it's going to be one of the first places that they go. And we saw that happen in California where they went into that one area and the FBI stole all of this stuff from everybody. I mean, you know there's one or two people that might have been involved in criminal activity, but they got it from everybody by going into these safety deposit boxes. It's just that's. That's a difficult thing. I got a couple of questions here. We'll start out with the with the funny one here. Billy the kid. Part two says I just bought gold for the first time, tony. I spent $3,000 and got me three pairs of Trump sneakers. Is there real gold in Trump's sneakers? I don't think there's anything. There's anything real about those, but I love that question. Here is a more serious question. I like that joke for Tony. Sprunford says Tony, what are your thoughts on silver versus gold? Is silver worth holding?

Speaker 2:

Stack silver, silver long term. It's the price. The word I would use is ridiculous, because if you look at the price history, $1980, $52.50 an ounce Now what's the purchasing power of $52.50 and 1980 versus today? It's what's probably like $250. It's, it's, it's. The disparity there is insane.

Speaker 2:

I'm about to release an interview I had with Peter Kraut, who wrote the great silver bull book, and that we really dove into. Only is the price of silver manipulated. I mean, jp Morgan's been convicted of this. It's counterintuitive because most people don't pay attention, because it's, it's a price manipulation to suppress it. Now, why? Why is that? And who is the largest holder of silver in the world? Oh, it's JP Morgan. So they're buying physical silver and that's the thing is. Is you're? You're talking about hundreds of millions of ounces in deficits now for the demand versus the production. So the recycling we and I've discussed this on my interview with Peter Most of the silver it's in landfills, you know, because it wasn't worth getting out of the electronic components to get thrown away.

Speaker 2:

Only about 20% of the silver that hits the market is from silver mines. The rest of it is just found in either recycling from jewelry and other places or found in gold mining, copper mining and they just well, that's extra, so they set it aside. There is not a lot of silver mining going on, so while the price is suppressed, it's too cheap to even go get it. So there's going to be a reckoning, and I have seen Intel that a lot of the big banks have stopped their shorts on silver, which they normally shorted, and a lot of them are pulling those shorts, and so I think there's going to be in the next year or so. Again not investment advice has nothing to do with investment Watch. This because I think it's going to become less and less available and there's not. There's not even after the market's corrected some and it's stabilized a bit. I still don't even see the amount of availability that I saw in 2019. It's not even close to that.

Speaker 2:

So there's something. If a whale right now there was two or three whales that wanted to come in and buy up the silver, they couldn't place the orders. We know that. So in the physical precious metals business, you can't lock those trades. So I would say get physical silver and stack it for the long term, because it's way out of even the gold and silver ratio. Historically is something that you need to pay attention to as well, because it's always been either 10 to one or, at the highest, 20 to one. We're at 87 to one. This baby during the height of the scandemic, 125 to one at one time in the first quarter of 2020. So that disparity. There's something, there's a reckoning coming from the price of silver. I don't know what, when, but it will happen. Math eventually kicks in.

Speaker 1:

And when you say it's counterintuitive that they're getting this to depress the price. But we've seen that type of thing happen before. I remember when the real estate market started collapsing and it's like so what's their game on this? Well, I remember we had a neighbor who refinanced their house and they got a really, really low interest rate. Their payments went down, they got cash out of it and all the rest of the stuff, and we looked at it and said, well, maybe we should do that. All of a sudden, within a week, the interest rates just jumped and they said, well, it's something that happened in California, now spreading all over the country. And it's like, well, I don't know, but why would they do this? Well, we see why they did it. They depressed the price of housing and they bought into it. And they do this. They create just like the warnings about the creation of the Federal Reserve said, those will create bull and bear markets and they will profit when it goes up and profit when it goes down. And so when they start depressing stuff like this excessively, you know that they're playing a longer game and they're going to do something to. On the other side of it, they are going to artificially increase it probably as well.

Speaker 1:

We got another couple of questions here, I think for you, Tony. What states can your paper goldbacks be used in?

Speaker 2:

Well, there's even in states where they're not used officially. In those states there's locations. You can find that on the Goldback websites, but there's Idaho, there's Wyoming, new Hampshire, utah, just to name a few, and there's others. We're getting more access to those in the coming months. You can actually find locations. Like me, I accept Goldbacks. You can use Goldbacks at Wise Wolf or both in my Texas location and Branson. There's individuals you can go on their website and there's a list of companies and locations. It's really all over the country, not just those states.

Speaker 1:

Somebody asked me that question the other day and I said well, you know, when I was talking to Aaron Day, he wrote a book about CBDC and he's talking about that. He's very heavily into Bitcoin, gold and Silver. He said I give people these gold paper notes and I'll give them a little sheet and leave it as a tip. When I'm at a restaurant, I'll give them a little sheet and tell them what this is. That's the key thing. Whatever it is, it's a medium of exchange For the most part other people. If they buy into it, you're good. It doesn't have to be something that is officially recognized at the state level. It just has to be recognized by the person that you want to buy something from. If they understand what this is, then you may need to educate them on that. If they understand what it is, you're fine with that. That's the key thing about all of this stuff we have. They're going to try to pull on the other side.

Speaker 1:

You're already starting to see some trends like we see in the UK and other countries would say we're not going to accept cash, we're not going to accept paper money from the Federal Reserve, even though it says on it this is legal tender for all debts, public and private, that type of thing. They can just say, no, I don't want to take it. Well, legally they have to take that. I believe they don't legally have to take anything else from you. You could have a gold bar there that you want to give them for a stick of gum. They don't have to take that like they would have to take the paper money.

Speaker 1:

But if they know what the value of it is, they would certainly accept something that is way out of a lot more valuable than what it is that you're trying to exchange from. It's just that there has to be a give and take there in terms of making it legal tender. Even though a gold and silver is recognized in the Constitution and referenced still have people that might say, well, I don't want to take the gold, or I don't want to take the silver or whatever. So it's just one of those things. But I think that what I like about it is the fact that it breaks down the gold in terms of a small enough unit that you can actually do something with it, and if things hit, then it'll really get popular, I think.

Speaker 2:

I have watched them grow in popularity. It surprised me over the last five years. When I started my business six years ago, I almost had no business done in Goldbacks and nobody asked for them. I get requests all the time. I finally just said, every membership level in Wolfpack even the WolfCup every month gets Goldbacks.

Speaker 2:

Everybody gets Goldbacks because people like them and I think, right, they're divisible, they're recognizable, they're 24-carat gold. You can't go wrong with them. I just, even if you can't spend them right now, I promise you eventually you will be able to. There's more and more adoption every single day and people and we've talked about this because of inflation, people are starting to pay attention to the currency again and it's not getting better. It's not going to get better.

Speaker 2:

The price of groceries is through the roof. They even had an article a couple of weeks ago on MSNBC or something like that, and they said well, people, the price of TVs is stabilizing, the price of electronics is going down somewhat and used cars is going down, but food keeps going up and we can't figure out why. Well, the economy's bad and people are buying the TVs or the electronics as much. There isn't as much demand as economics 101, but people still need to eat. So that's where all the inflation is at right now, and this is something that's not going to get better. So goldbacks, fractional silver, fractional gold these are all really great things to have in the parallel economy that's forming itself. I mean, really it's becoming, it's organic, it's building itself at this point, that's right. That's right Because of the dollar.

Speaker 1:

They got a comment along those lines from the dude 7781. He said when the shelves of the store are empty, a can of tuna then becomes worth far more than any lump of gold or paper with some dead guy's picture on it. And that's really when we look at it, it's relative to whatever the current situation is. If you get to those kind of a dire straits where people are starving, then it's going to come back down to the can of food. It's going to come down to the lead that you've accumulated in terms of ammunition and things like that. That's what it's going to evolve to.

Speaker 1:

But we're looking at a situation where, if we go in something that you've been through as well, what we saw in the 1970s the disruption that comes from inflation is just so incredibly difficult and to live through and I've seen that happen. I've seen what it does to everything when inflation picks up like that. So that's one aspect of it. The second aspect of it, of course, is the de-dollarization. We've never gone through anything like that in our lifetime. We've always had the dollar be the king of all currencies, so we've never seen what that's going to look like.

Speaker 1:

But then the third thing is the CBDC and the CBDC types of controls could be put there without a completely grid down. You know apocalyptic scenario where we're all fighting over food. The CBDC scenario could be imposed before that happens and to me, that's really what setting some money aside in gold and silver and people want to do it Bitcoin that's what that's really about is a hedge against the CBDC types of surveillance and control, where they still have the ability to get food but they're just going to keep you out of the system and you've got to have some kind of a parallel underground economy, gray market or even black market. That's where these things are going to come into play, I think.

Speaker 2:

Well, I agree with the assessment on the can of tuna. Robert Kiyosaki tweeted that out a year ago saying you know, again, you can't eat golden silver. Even he said that you can't eat golden silver and I can't eat tuna.

Speaker 1:

I can't. It's going to have to be something else besides tuna for me.

Speaker 2:

What golden, silver and Bitcoin are, or is this a bet that civilization will continue? Yeah, and without civilization, you know, monetary exchange units aren't relevant. Food is relevant. Food is relevant. The way to protect yourself is more relevant. So it really just depends on the degree of what kind of dystopia we're walking into. So, you know, would that surprise me if there was no economy? Probably not, for everything I know about history, but I think that you know, you're right that this, any sort of pause in what we deem as normal we have normalcy bias any sort of pause or disruption in that, will be where they insert the central bank digital currency.

Speaker 2:

That threat has not gone away. It still trickles down into our news feeds. They're still working on it, whether it's the IMF with their unicoin, or the Bank of International Settlements, the unified system. They want to create the top-down CBDC control system that's being implemented. So it's something. They just need a crisis and it'll be. Oh, by the way, we've got your wallet. We've already got you 50. You know, just do a Hail Satan and scan your biometrics and we'll give you your central bank digital currency. You can go buy groceries again and you're an approved citizen and you're essential. All this language will be used again, so that hasn't gone away. So the fight for us to create parallel systems are like Catherine Austin Fitz has been talking about, with sovereign state banks, and you know we have so much on the horizon. That's good news. But you know, don't for a second think that they have stopped their plans to create that top-down totalitarian control grid with the CBDC.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, as you point out, they've got all these different ones unicoin, world coin, I mean and all these different central banks have got all their different coins and, as you see them saying, with world economic form, what we got to end at the EU, we got to have these things interoperable with each other. That's the key. They're all designing all their own unique things and they'll be out there, just like you can get a one ounce gold coin and it'll have. You know, maybe you get a V&A's coin, it's got, you know, an orchestra with a stuff on there. You got an American Gold Eagle or a Krugerrand or whatever. They've all got their little stamp on it, but it's all essentially the same thing.

Speaker 1:

So they're going to have their, just like they got different gold coins that they meant. They're going to have these different CBDCs, but they're all going to be interoperable with each other, and so they're just they're creating this infrastructure. It's pretty much already in place. They just got to pull the trigger and unify it all. That's what we got to be concerned about. Another couple of questions here. Actually, this is a comment and a tip. Thank you, gard, appreciate that. He says not that the cold weather here and in the New Hampshire studio inspires my thought, but I wonder if Tony got info in Mexico regarding freedom lovers who are trying to leave the US and where they're headed if so?

Speaker 2:

What about lots of expats? And they had a whole system there at NARCAPOCO and through the dollar vigilante. You can go check out their website. They've got people that can help you relocate. You're looking at other countries that are possibly friendly to former US citizens or dual citizens, whether it's Mexico or Panama or Nicaragua. I've met a lot of people there that had moved out and they're spending most of their time in South America and other places. So do that research for yourself. It's funny almost everywhere I go, I meet people that know Gard too, and I was in NARCAPOCO and I was like a mutual friend now and I said I'm talking to Carla, he goes oh, tell Carla. I said hi, from New Hampshire, and so it's interesting. You just meet people and people know Gard. His reputation is magnificent Internationally, gard, I meet people, he's absolutely one of the greatest guys. So smart, yes, well-deserved.

Speaker 1:

He definitely deserves that recognition and they're wise to listen to him. Yeah, I had that experience. Karen and I went, and I think it was 1998. My mom had died, she'd had a stroke, we were taking care of her and after she died we thought, well, we need to think about, and I'd been thinking about leaving the country ever since there was the Ruby Ridge in Waco. I thought, yeah, I think we've crossed the Rubicon here for sure.

Speaker 1:

So we went to New Zealand to take a look at living there. I actually set up a bank account temporarily there for a while. I'll close that now, but I looked at it seriously. And of course I met with some people that were there, that were also Lyrie lovers, and so we had this discussion about who had it the worst. I think they convinced me that America wasn't as far along as New Zealand was. But just even then you know, when I was 30 something it was still I was too attached to America really to leave it. So I thought, well, might as well just fight it out here. So that's why I'm not an expat. Another question for Tony here from Sprunford on Rumble he says thanks, tony, for the silver advice. Any preference for large bars versus American Eagles, other than it's obviously a better deal to buy bars.

Speaker 2:

My advice to my customers is always get the amount of ounces closer to how much the dollar units you have. American Eagles are the premiums on them. I don't agree with those premiums. Now you're still getting silver cheap. I mean it's probably $31 an ounce for an American Eagle today and I haven't checked. That's probably retail around 30, 31. Well, you could stack, you know, 100 ounce silver bars for around 25, 25 and a half. So you really to take a look at how many ounces you're going to get, because that's what's going to be most important Now in your trading ability.

Speaker 2:

Fractional pre-1965 silver is a really good thing to have. If you join Wolfpack we do a lot of the 10,000 pieces. I was actually putting 10,000 sovereign silver Britannias that'll be coming up in the next series of Wolfpack packages. I just bought about 5,000 of those. So we're going to be putting those in the orders soon. So we do a lot of fractional there. So if you've got tradable silver, that's the first thing you're going to want is tradable silver. American Eagles are fine if you can get a good deal. But after that, when you've reached a point where I've got all my tradable silver that I'm probably going to need for an emergency or for a while to spend. You know, if there's a problem with the dollar or a currency run on the dollar or currency collapse, after that, stack the ounces and one of the best ways to do that is just get a recognizable bullion bar. Kilo and up is probably the best deal. Kilogram bars are a good deal all the way up to 100 ounce bars Always a good deal.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've got the money for a 100 ounce bar. That's a good. You're doing pretty good there. That's good to know. It's been great to have you on. I don't have any more questions here for you from the listeners, but and I know you've got to get going because I usually do about a half hour or about one and a half times that. Thanks so much for coming on, tony. Always interesting to talk to you and before we go anything else, you want to tell people about what is happening at Wolfpack and with Wise Wolf.

Speaker 2:

Well, first of all, always a pleasure to talk to you, david, and it's an honor to sponsor this program and I know how. I heard the first part of the show and you talked about radio and you and I will talk soon. We've got free worldfm. We're still working on launching and I want to include you on that and I know that it's tough. It's tough to broadcast. I know I run your broadcast. It's short, short burst and it's exhausting. I love doing it but I know how much it takes out of you and how much you're giving to the audience. So we'll definitely discuss that.

Speaker 2:

Wolfpack is growing. We're doing our best to find interesting products and find good deals. I looked at the latest invoices. If you look at your savings, I want people to pay it when you get the new invoices in. Check out the savings because I'm meticulously going through product when I buy it to see what I can do to save people money, especially with shipping and credit card fees and all that, and it's generally significant.

Speaker 2:

I have bought in the last couple of weeks close to 5,000 ounces of Canadian silver maple leaves that are brilliant uncirculated with still the boxes isn't opened yet. So you're getting a lot of great stuff in Wolfpack and saving money that helps support David. You can go to David Knightgoal, check out the tab that says join Wolfpack and the deals that are coming. We're working on the website all that good stuff and my two physical locations are there to serve people. You can do one-time purchases, 401k rollovers, iras, all that stuff, and we're just working on faster shipments and better customer services always and thank you again for having me on Well, thank you, and thank you for supporting us, and it really is a great idea.

Speaker 1:

what you've got in terms of group buying and being able to do it in small quantities and on a regular basis. That is something that is a very unique service and you do a great job with that. Thank you so much, tony. Again, tony Artiman of Wise Wolf Gold, and you can find his website and let him know that you're coming through us. If you go to David Knightgoal, all the connections are there to take you right there. Thank you, tony. David Knight Show.

Speaker 3:

The David Knight Show is a critical thinking super spreader. If you've been exposed to logic by listening to the David Knight Show, please do your part and try not to spread it. Financial support or simply telling others about the show causes this dangerous information to spread farther. People have to trust me, trust the science, wear your mask, take your vaccine, don't ask questions.

Speaker 1:

Bring free speech to free minds. It's the David Knight Show.