The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast

# 477 Ozymandias’ Echo: Biden’s Exit Rumors, Dollar Decline & The Rise of Sociopaths

The Arterburn Radio Transmission

What if the very foundation of our society was built on a lie? Join us as Tony Arterburn delves into the rapid decline of the US dollar, the historical failure of fiat currencies, and the artificial pillars propping up our current economic state. Drawing from Percy Shelley's "Ozymandias" and an analogy from Alice in Chains' "Jar of Flies," Tony explores the consequences of overabundance and the manipulative roots stretching back to 1913 and 1971. Through a compelling mix of historical analysis and contemporary critique, we uncover the unsettling truths behind our financial systems.

In a gripping analysis of political dynamics, we tackle the rumors surrounding Joe Biden's potential exit from the presidential race, comparing his situation to historical figures like LBJ and Truman. Tony and his co-hosts examine the deep state's influence in maintaining Biden's position and explore the potential implications for Donald Trump and future elections. We also shine a light on the rise of sociopathic tendencies within American governance, inspired by Doug Casey's article, dissecting how these traits mirror those seen in totalitarian regimes and the broader implications for our political landscape.

Finally, we explore the seismic geopolitical shifts from the West to the East, spotlighting key organizations like the World Economic Forum and the Trilateral Commission. We discuss the importance of political engagement, especially concerning gun rights and the looming threat of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Wrapping up, Tony shares his excitement for the upcoming Bitcoin conference in Nashville and introduces a new segment called "Truth or Hitting," while expressing heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated audience. Tune in for an episode packed with thought-provoking insights and timely discussions.

Speaker 1:

We have before us the opportunity to forge, for ourselves and for future generations, a new world order. Good evening folks. You're listening to the hour of the time. I'm William Cooper. The chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall. John has a long mustache. John has a long mustache. John has a long mustache. It's 12 o'clock, americans, another day closer to victory. And for all of you out there, on or behind the lines, this is your song I'm weathered, I wait. Veteran of three foreign wars, entrepreneur and warrior, poet Tony Arterburn takes on the issues facing our country, civilization and planet. This is the Arterburn Radio Transmission.

Speaker 2:

I met a traveler from an antique land who said two vast and trunkless legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, half-sunken, shattered vishes lie, whose frown and wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command tell that it sculptor. Well, those passions read, which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things the hand that mocked them and the heart that fed. And on the pedestal these words appear. My name is azamatius, kings of kings. Look at mom, my work, she mighty, in despair. Nothing beside remains round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare. The lone and level sand stretch far away. This is the Arterburn Radio Transmission. Ladies and gentlemen, I am your host, tony Arterburn, broadcasting from the Wise Wolf, gold and Silver Studios, along with my co-pilot and co-host, beans the Brave. We're always broadcasting in defiance of globalist goblins and neocons in the new world order. It is the 18th of July 2024. I thought I'd open up with a little Percy Shelley Ozymandias. It's kind of a. It's a tale about past rulers and kings and those who preside over so much. You know's their. Their reign is complete forever. Except that it's not you know, except it all goes away. There's always a timeline for rise, a timeline for fall and decline and it is an interesting time to be alive, folks. I feel like I've been training for this my whole life. I feel like all of these the past experiences of studying conspiracy and studying parapolitics and just being involved in what I've been involved in being inside the inner mechanisms of the two-party system and running for office and just seeing how everything is colliding all at once. And I took a couple weeks off. I had business, I was traveling, I couldn't make my show last week because of internet outage in North Texas, and so I'm back on the air. Wow, just so much has happened just in that short period of time. It's something that Vladimir Lenin said you have decades where nothing happens and then you have weeks where decades happen, and that's where we are. It's like happening so fast it's hard to keep up. It's hard to keep pace. We'll do our best here on the transmission to try to give you an overview of what is actually happening. You know I was on the David Knight show. Today we're talking about the economic consequences of the past 50 plus years and you know I harp on the David Knight show. Today we're talking about the economic consequences of the past 50-plus years and I harp on this all the time, but it is the biggest story of our time, at least. It's the genesis, it's the ground zero of all the things that are happening, this live, real-life time experiment that we're in the decline of the US dollar. It is an experiment. By the way, it's never really not that really not been tried on this scale. I mean, you know, in history there's it's full of fiat currencies and paper currencies that were backed by nothing. Uh, they all failed, by the way, and the average lifespan of a fiat currency is 26 years. So you know, again, it's an experiment and we're seeing how the experiment plays out. You know it's. Uh, I think there's a.

Speaker 2:

Is what's the cover of the album by Alice in Chains, one of the grunge bands from the 90s? It's called Jar of Flies and there's an interesting backstory to that. Just a random thing that popped in my head. But there's a, there's a backstory, and it talks about as a Jerry Cantrell, who was the lead singer there, or the lead guitarist, and he had this experiment when he was a kid, and what they did was they took two jars of flies. They took a jar of flies and they fed them twice as much food and then they had a jar of flies and they fed them half as much that they usually get, and the jar of flies that got twice as much food. At first they flourished and they became really big and they looked like they were healthy. And then they just started to die. They started to drop off. Their lifespan was much shorter. As a matter of fact, the ones that they gave half amount of the food they lived longer than normal. They went longer. They're much more healthy.

Speaker 2:

So it just kind of goes to show that's really in a nutshell what fiat currency is. First it pumps into the market. You think there's, there's wealth there because things start happening and all the little bells and whistles start going off. It's kind of like on independence day, when the mothership gets close and the the craft that's was left behind in 47 starts starts talking to it. Yeah, you start to see kind of a uh, you know a response.

Speaker 2:

But it really overbuilds. It makes things you know. It brings things into reality that should never have been. It puts people into power that never should have been, creates economic circumstances, geopolitical circumstances, all of that. So we're living in an era of fake and it's hard, you know once you start with the fake that's emanating from our currency. You know, starting in 1913, really ramping up in 1971, whenever you have an origin of fake, everything starts to bleed into that. So the fake is everywhere. Now it's hard to tell what's real. You might watch Twitter. We definitely are in the age of conspiracy, aren't we? Aren't we in the age of parapolitics, folks? I mean this is insane.

Speaker 2:

It reminded me what happened to Trump on Saturday speaking and the assassination attempt on Saturday speaking and the assassination attempt, and if it is to be believed that the trajectory of that bullet and I mean you look at the timeline. I'm going to talk about this with Mr Anderson on Sunday we have a paratroop that we're going to do and just kind of go over the latest political ruminations and the VP pick and all that. But you look at the timeline of everything that had to happen, for that assassination attempt didn't even kick off. And if you know anything about security, if you know anything about having the protocols and what is in place and what you'd have to do to even make that happen, it really is. It defies credibility. It defies credibility so it makes you question everything it's like. Is it incompetence? That's a lot of people say about conspiracy they say. Don't subscribe conspiracy to. Just what is incompetence? Is it both? Because it really isn't. You look at the again, the, the sequence of events that have to line up for that bullet to pass by his ear like that.

Speaker 2:

I had a sergeant in Iraq. It was a good friend of mine that we were in Afghanistan together too, and I'll never forget this. He had his eye almost blinded, but his eye was burned. It was burned by an rpg, a rocket propelled grenade. And you know how it happened. He was driving a humvee in in iraq. By the way, it's like when you're, you think of iraq like this is just wars and all the time. No, there's like people selling stuff and there's traffic, like you're you could be in traffic and luckily his humvee didn't have any air conditioning, so he had his windows down and it's probably like 140 degrees outside or whatever it was. And this guy pulls up to him, right you know, window to window, and just pulls out an RPG and shoots it through the window and it goes right in front of his face. So a rocket propelled grenade goes right through his his window that was open, and then the passenger side window and blows up on the front of his face. So a rocket-propelled grenade goes right through his window that was open and then the passenger side window and blows up on the side of the street. But he was blinded by it. Of course, you can't go after anybody. Those guys pull off and they're gone. But that's how close things happen. Those things do occur. So it really is. It makes you think.

Speaker 2:

I was talking about this on America, unplugged this past week Now before the shooting, and we were, all you know, going over the polls and what's happening with Biden and all that. And I just said, has anybody? Can we just stop for a second and rewind the tape, because that's important to do in these type do, in this environment where we are politically, spiritually, socially, can we just all rewind the tape for a second? Let's go back to post-Trump presidency, going into 2022, with the primaries and everything coming online. Uh, ron DeSantis and we see there was, there was a rise of people in the Republican party.

Speaker 2:

Uh, I think people were just saying well, you know, we're going to go with something a little different. I think there was a, there was a hunger for that. I and I I picked up on that, not that I'm part of that at all. But I picked up, there was, there was you know the hey Trump. We picked up there was, there was you know the hey what trump. We, we would like them. That's fine, but we're kind of want something more of you, uh, more well-spoken, maybe, more of a uniting attitude, whatever it was, you know, maybe we want to hear about more policy, let it less about the you know, less about the personality and all the stuff that's intertwined with what he does, with his politics, and all the things that had to happen for him to become the nominee happened.

Speaker 2:

So it's rolled out, the clearing a path as Nixon talked about. They cleared a path of the wilderness, just for me. So there's this path of the wilderness. You know how they did it. First it was Mar-a-Lago and if you go back to the Mar-a-Lago raid, the FBI going in there with the SWAT team and all that stuff and just the show of force that bumped him in the polls, massive influx of funds because they start seeing him as a martyr. Then they start cracking down all this lawfare. Now I've said for a long time the triangulation for the ruling elite was to continue to do this, which is to continue to push him through the lawfare. It really is this asymmetrical warfare, nonlinear. This is an end run around getting martyr status, and again, I don't agree with it. I'm just saying this is what they did and it's worked because the galvanizing support behind the base of Donald Trump was there.

Speaker 2:

And then you get this incompetent, incontinent, sniffing, elderly, geriatric, globalist shill, joe Biden. You get him right, joe Biden. You get him right and you get this. You get the son with the laptop and the crack and all this stuff and the Burisma and the dealings with the, with the communist Chinese and everything else right, you get all of that and you get where he can't speak and he's it's vice president Trump. Right, it's vice president, it's vice president Trump. And he's talking about you know, talking that he just spoke with dead people you know the, the Congressman, that were been dead for years and all this stuff. Right, we watch him. This, this massive, uh, slow motion train wreck.

Speaker 2:

But do you guys actually think that they're going to pull Biden now? I mean, this is how far it's gone down the road. This is post debate. Now, how far it's gone down the road. This is post-debate. Now you add the assassination attempt on top of that. It's like it pushed it way into hyperdrive. So all these things. I'm asking a question. I don't know the answer. I'm asking a question, but it's a good question to ask All the things that have to happen for this to be our reality.

Speaker 2:

Where Donald Trump? This is a very unlikely path. It's a it's extremely unlikely. If you rewind the tape, it doesn't make any sense. But here we are, and in this past saturday pushed it way past where I was starting to go. I think this is a fait accompli, because joe biden leaving the race seems very unlikely. You know, it seems very, very unlikely.

Speaker 2:

So we're going to talk a little bit about that today. Just a little bit about Biden. And you know the headlines of Drudge right now. This is funny. He has COVID right. Top Dems believe he will step aside out this weekend and this is as a question mark to it. Let me put it on the screen. I find this highly, highly unlikely. But anything's on the table here in 2024, ladies and gents, but Biden leaving the race, I find highly unlikely. Now, it is interesting. You know we talked about this over the past few weeks.

Speaker 2:

Is there a precedence for this? Yes and uh. Peter seacosh uh, reminded me when I was on america unplugged. It was uh lb. Uh, in going into the 68 election, was the nominee for his party? Um, of course we was a sitting president. Uh, he would have been the nominee. He, he refused the nomination. That that's the closest you could get to anything like this.

Speaker 2:

Uh, even going back, you know, truman could have been the nominee in uh 52. He had won the presidency in his own right in 48. He had been a, basically a two-termer, but he was vice president or FDR elected in 1944. So he hadn't run on his own in his own right. So he could have run it and gone a third time, but he didn't do it because he was presiding over the, the korean war, and his approval rating was, uh, real abysmal. Not as bad as biden's, I don't think. I think the lowest approval rating is basically, it goes uh harry truman, and then, I think, nixon, and then george w bush, uh, during the height of the iraq war and uh, you know the height of the Iraq war and you know the, of course, the poll, the poll, if they're to be believed at all.

Speaker 2:

But Biden certainly is still president. And there's, if you go, if you go into the halls of Congress, if you go and if you've ever been there and you see how the staffs run things, then you'll understand how Biden remains where he is. It's then you'll understand how Biden remains where he is. It serves a certain sect of the deep state and those who actually control this country. It serves those just to have a puppet. I mean, it's not really. This is a figurehead, it's a totem right. It's not actually Joe Biden in control of the country. I think we all see that. It's apparent from the debates. If you're paying attention, do you think that guy's running the country? No, it's the staffs run the country. I think we all see that. It's apparent from the debates. If you're paying attention, do you think that guy's running the country? No, it's the staffs run the country. And I don't see.

Speaker 2:

There may be some political maneuverings going on, but we're so close to the election. You're talking about a massive shift that has to happen. You have to. This is, this has to be a coordinated effort on behalf of the DNC, the white house, the, the, the Obamas. It has to be for him to, to, to leave. I just don't see that. I think they'll try to ride it out and again it clears a path through the wilderness just for Donald Trump. So let that stay in your mind, because that is the question. You know, that's the big overarching question of all of this, and especially in our politics.

Speaker 2:

Now I'm not putting too much stock on this presidential election because you guys already know my opinion about the geopolitical issues that we face, and I'm going to read an article here in a minute by Doug Casey about, you know, the type of people that run this country, the type of people that get to the top. I want to go into that a little bit because we forget as we future project and we try to figure out. You know, what are our leaders going to do next? What are the policies going to be of the United States? It's hard for normal people, people that have a soul, to understand the ruling class, because so many of them don't. So many of them are sociopaths, like Doug Casey talks about. I want to go through a little bit of that article, but you know, I think that we're going to see a lot of the same. That's just my opinion. I could be wrong.

Speaker 2:

When it comes to the election, it is. It seems so scripted, doesn't it? If you really step back, if you really think about it, if you put all the things in order, but you make your own mind up. Don't listen to me. All right, speaking of that, let's jump into this article that's up on Zero Hedge.

Speaker 2:

Msnbc's Joy Reid compares Biden getting COVID to Trump getting shot. Let's go. I got to put this up there. Joy Reed compares Biden getting COVID to Trump getting shot. Let's go. I got to put this up there. This just came out before I went live. This is the kind of buffoonery and you wonder you know at the head casting office where they're coming up with this stuff. But this is the Looney Tunes.

Speaker 2:

Msnbc's Joy Reid ludicrously compared Joe Biden getting COVID to Trump surviving an assassination attempt, asking isn't that exactly the same? Yes, really. The White House announced that Biden, who has supposedly taken every COVID booster shot available, once again contracted the virus and was suffering with mild symptoms. That prompted Reid to go on a bizarre rant in which she first expressed her hostility to Trump's brave fist pump after he was almost killed. You can't really miss it. You know the Babylon big is going to have a hard time moving forward. Uh quote Donald Trump is an elderly man. For whatever reason.

Speaker 2:

Uh was given nine seconds to take an iconic photo op during an active shooter situation weird situation. We'll figure that out one day. She said well, that's another thing, you know, creating iconic photos and a man. That's hard to do, and there was a couple of them from that event that'll be seared into the consciousness moving forward. It's, it's going to be part until the next thing happens, right, but that that'll be one of the takeaways that will be the 2024 election will be that in make no mistake about it, even with an october surprise, let's not forget 2016, folks, for those of you that you know, I look back on that and I remember, uh, james comey coming out reopening the, the investigation into Anthony Weiner's laptop, which reopened the investigation into Clinton's emails because of Uma Abedin.

Speaker 2:

And when he came out and did that, you can go back on my Twitter feed and I said Donald Trump will be president. And he was polling it like the chances of him winning were like 2% or something Like they were just calling it like 98%, 97% and I said no, no, that's. I think that's just enough. I think that's just enough. And I remember I tweeted out two or three tweets. I said and I almost never make predictions like that, but I was confident and those tweets are still up because I went and said that and I said, look, it's going to be president. That is that massive shift in an October surprise of the you know. And of course the Clinton ran a terrible campaign, just thought she was going to get coronated and it didn't happen. Well, you take the momentum coming out of this assassination attempt, you put it forward into even that will carry you even with an October surprise and I don't know.

Speaker 2:

You know I'm going to talk on Paratrooper a little bit more About the VP pick, about JD Vance. Mr Anderson's done a little bit of research there. You know people ask me who I thought the VP pick was going to be. I saw headlines on Drudge talking about Ben Carson, which would have been an excellent pick. I mean, if I woke up tomorrow and Ben Carson was president, that's fine with me, right, but that's not what happened. So we're going to dig into that on Paratruth or a bit. So be sure, and subscribe to the podcast. It should be coming out early next week. I'm going to just spend some time really digging into that because in my experience I would prefer Bob Vance of Vance Refrigeration than JD Vance. But that's fine, you know, it's just politics and you know, again, not the actual issues that we're facing.

Speaker 2:

I got to cover some of this but, folks, it is massive, the shift going on. I mean that this is a transition. The real transition is the wealth that's moving away from the West to the East, the power that's moving away. A lot of it's being given away. You know, you can, as I was telling uh david knight this morning, and is it any coincidence that you know, the same year that we go off the gold standard here in this country, 1971, and we have a free floating fiat currency is the same year as the birth of the world economic forum, you know? And then you open china and then you get the Trilateral Commission in 73. This is really a trilateral commission.

Speaker 2:

Zygmunt Brzezinski and the Rockefellers and others. They believed in transferring American power and manufacturing and wealth. They thought that, you know, the United States was basically in decline at that point anyway. So we're going to reshift power over to to the east, which would be the asian centered sphere. And of course, the rockefellers and the rothschilds uh set up mao se tung in 1949, the communist revolution uh against chiang hai-shek and the nationalists, so that that was something that they already invented. They always do. I mean the banking houses and uh, the uh. You know old dynasty money. You know the? Uh, the multinationals. They always fund communism. That's something that history teaches us. But that's what they wanted to shift it away, and so that's what they built China up. They built all that up. So you can just see that the treasury here is being looted.

Speaker 2:

We go into a trillion dollars every 90 days in debt, which is currency creation. And when you have that accelerating amount as I looked at today there's an article that talked about France France has a debt to gross domestic product ratio. So their debt to their gross domestic, their earnings based off their liabilities 333%. I think. We're at 150%, 160, some. It's going up every month because, again, inside this experiment, it starts off slow and you can kind of manage it, but when it starts compounding, it's like the miracle of compounding interest. That happens too. It happens in the same way where you're seeing you know these massive liabilities and you have the unfunded liabilities. You're talking about a devastating debt bomb. It's going to go off worldwide. There's 52 times more currency on earth today than when I was born.

Speaker 2:

So all of that devalues everything. So you work harder and harder and harder to make less and less and less. And that's exactly the that. The hamster wheel that they want you on, uh, is doing that, you know. And again, saving their currency, spending their currency, uh, and always constantly losing value. That is the purpose of it. The rich get richer. I'm talking about the true, not the 1% of the 1%. This isn't millionaires. I'm talking about trillionaires. That's what. That's the game. That's rigged against you. That's what's changing the world.

Speaker 2:

And so when I cover politics, yeah, I'll give you a little bit of inside scoop, I'll give you my, I'll give you my take. You know, uh, having studied politics since I was a kid, but almost as a sideshow, they're really not talking about the issues that we're facing. I mean, you look at the infrastructure in this country, you look at the defense of this country. All the things that we're losing rapidly is deteriorating. You have the border. It's on purpose. I mean it's something that bad, it's something.

Speaker 2:

Look, when you go and look at history, history doesn't teach you that there's just a series of accidents, unless you're reading court historians. But I mean, if you really read, like, if you pay attention more than five minutes, history doesn't teach you that everybody was just dumb and then they walked right into it. No, things are planned. Fdr said that. He said if something happens in politics, you can bet it was planned. Fdr said that he said if something happens in politics, you can bet it was planned. Okay, when it hits reality, it's planned. There's always a black swan possible, right? Because of all the plans of mice and men you look at. Most things, though, are the byproduct of planning. Though, are the byproduct of planning.

Speaker 2:

So when we lose as we're losing, the petrodollar, as we're losing the status, the world's reserve currency, as we're giving more and more aid to taiwan and inflaming our situation in relationship with china, after we've, for decades, have, on record in writing, given that away, as we continue to ramp up hostilities, still continuing, uh, with nato and russia, with ukraine, dangerous times they're laying the groundwork, uh, for a reset. Imagine that. Imagine that. Imagine that the elites tell you they always do. I think that's part of the revelation of the method. Whatever it is, they got to tell you something, they have to tell you what they're doing next, and then you kind of acquiesce and say okay, but we'll distract you first. We'll give you politics, we'll give you bread and circus, we'll give you all these things and you can take part in and you can grab it, get on your team and all the rest. And you guys know that I do think that things matter.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's not all meaningless. I mean things matter. I mean you can policy matters. Uh, you know, getting involved matters. You know, especially right now with with gun rights, you know that's a we're going to get blindsided by that. I think people need to start stepping up and, um, you know the, the organizations like gun owners of America and other things, uh, lobbyist groups. Those are the people that are standing up and and holding lawmakers accountable. Those are things that we need to support. I've not been, I have not done enough for the second amendment. I think that's going to be the next shoe to drop. So don't get complacent with whatever happens with this presidential election. I'm telling you and you look at Trump and he did gun control by executive order. He set that precedent with the bump stop. So I think the next shoe to drop is going to be that. So it's going to matter. Your activism matters in what you do and paying attention, but most of it is a show. It's kind of like Trump being for cryptocurrency now.

Speaker 2:

Well, if anybody's old enough, 20 years ago, john Kerry's running against George W Bush and back then it seems quaint. But they had an $87 billion funding for the national defense and, uh, uh, carrie was against the funding of it for whatever reason it had to do with iraq and then he voted for it. You know, um, and then so or vote, voted against it. So he was for it before, he was against it, right, and so he had to change that, and that was a big line. He's like. Well, I actually voted, uh, for the before I voted for the 87 billion dollars, before I was against it, and that was one of the. That was a big line he's like. Well, I actually voted for the before I voted for the eighty seven billion dollars before I was against it, and that was one of the. That was one of the lines New systems being created, new commodity systems being created, the wealth transferring away, and then what?

Speaker 2:

The CBDC. It's a fight that we're going to have moving forward. Then they'll bring, they'll have reasons for it. You got to remember. History always gets a nudge from these people. They see the river of history. They try to bend it. They want to bend it to their will or bend it for their benefit. That's what you had to understand. Never let a good crisis go to waste. In. In the aftermath of what's going to happen in the collapse of the dollar, in the global great reset, there will be a vacuum that will be created. That will push people into CBDC, into central bank digital currency. That's the game. People aren't going to opt for it just voluntarily, for fun. It's going to be a way for you to get food, a way for you to recoup debts, to survive. That's what they want to push anyway. Even Vladimir Putin is talking about the energy cost of crypto. He's talking about Bitcoin and he ordered the Russian national government and the treasury to ramp up central bank digital currency.

Speaker 2:

And again, it's not just the United States, it's not just the West, it's everywhere and all leading back to places like the Bank of International Settlements and the international monetary fund, who has a unicoin. You know we get it. We have to do a better job of learning what counterparty risk is we? I have to do a better job of explaining what money is, because money is not what we use today. That's currency. They can be the same thing, but it's not. It's not the same thing today used to be, but it's not, and that's the. That's currency. They can be the same thing, but it's not. It's not the same thing today. It used to be, but it's not, and that's the that's.

Speaker 2:

The underlying issue is education. If you can find out, if you can have discernment, it's just like the book of revelations I'm talking about. The mark of the beast is let let he who has wisdom discern. It's not really necessarily about the number, it's just about being able to know what the number is or to recognize the number. And that's what I try to do with this show recognizing what's ahead, what's five steps ahead. It's going to have to do with the currency. It won't be about the politics. The politics will change. All right, I'm going to go to the Rockfin chat and check on. It's been a while and I uh appreciate everybody being here today I see we got a full house today.

Speaker 2:

Uh, hope, hope and despair. Uh, steve, thanks for for joining I. Little john says hello, tony. Well, it's good to see you, little john. Uh, greg, talent. Hey, greg, thanks for all all the great feedback and comments on the channel. I appreciate you. I see Soundwave. There's Randy over at Soundwave. Good morning Tony, good to see you, randy. Little John says this is a comedy show and it's not funny. No, it's not funny, but it is getting weirder. I'm glad I have all the training that I have, which is basically just, you know, it's funny. I watched a clip.

Speaker 2:

You know, if you live long enough, you see some crazy stuff. Maybe, maybe that I always feel like uh, I'm just so, I'm, I'm not on the same timeline as everyone else and by the time people catch up, it's like well, it doesn't really matter that you were talking about these Me running on ending the Fed and bringing the troops home and talking about tariffs and ending NAFTA, all this stuff way back before Trump and being this America first candidate in a sea of GOP. You know, like I saw that nationalism, america first would was a very appealing thing I did. I didn't just use it as a campaign structure. I used it because I believe it. I didn't have to to think about what I you know what my answer was going to be. You just I love question time. When I was running for office, just put me in a room full of people and ask me as many questions as I can, as you can. I'm happy to answer them, and all these things. I felt like I was ahead of the ball in so many ways. And it's kind of lonely because you're out front and it never really matters and you're out front. Well, now it feels like stuff's kind of catching up. It's like the Stephen King novel, the one called the Langoliers, where they are flying this plane and they're just behind, where time is catching up. So they're still in reality, but not quite so time's catching up with them. I feel like time's kind of catching up with me. I was watching a clip and Tucker Carlson was interviewing somebody on the Schofield Bible. Now, if you know anything about that I mean I was talking about that on tinfoil hat, was with my friend, sam Tripoli, and but I, this is stuff I went over years ago. We're in a new. This isn't. It's an exciting time, but it's also a very weird time.

Speaker 2:

You know, if you need to be the Japanese, have a word for it. It's called Mushin, and Mushin means a mind like water, like you just got to be really flexible of. You know it's the 48th law in the 48th law of power Assume formlessness. We have to be a lot more fluid, a lot more open to ideas and a lot more skeptical at the same time, like holding two opposing thoughts at the same time. You have to do this. In this world it's like the stuff that gets passed around and it's like almost as soon as an event happens. Capturing the actual high ground on what the hell's going on is almost impossible. I mean, look at all the disinformation. And this is coordinated. You know it's to completely disassociate you with the truth. So you're going to have and there's ops going inside of ops. You know the White House was a couple years ago I've joked about this, but this was true they put a memorandum out to all the offices associated with the executive branch and said please report back on what psyops you're running. Nobody really knows what's real. That happened. They're trying to figure out what PSYOP was running simultaneously.

Speaker 2:

All right, did you guys like the poem at the beginning of the show I like in this day and age you're going to read some classical, something called Rudyard Kipling or something like that. Uh, some William Butler Yates, I need to bring that back. I used to read some poems before, but Asimati is really stuck out in my mind because these, uh, these psychopaths, they really think that their reign lasts forever. But you know that's a real story. You know the uh, the trunk, trunkless, broken giants. You know statue in the in the desert in egypt. You know supposed to rain for all time, but no, uh, it doesn't. Things pass away. Only god is eternal.

Speaker 2:

All right, I want to read a little bit of this article from Doug Casey and then we'll do some gold and silver prices and get you guys out of here. This is an interesting article. Lewrockwellcom the Ascendance of Sociopaths and US Governance. Doug Casey, international man, and I'm going to skip around down here a little further into the article, so we'll have time to read it.

Speaker 2:

He says the reason is that a certain class of people, sociopaths, are now fully in control of major American institutions. Their beliefs and attitudes are insinuated throughout the economic, political, intellectual and psychological spiritual fabric of the US. What does this mean to you as an individual? It depends on your character. Are you the kind of person who supports my country right or wrong, as did most Germans in the 1930s and 40s? Or the kind of that who dodges the duty to be a helpmate to murderers? The type of passenger who goes down with the ship? Or the type who puts on his vest and looks for a lifeboat? The type of passenger who goes down with the ship or the type who puts on his vest and looks for a lifeboat? The type of individual who supports the merchants who offer the fairest deal, or the type who is gulled by splashy TV commercials?

Speaker 2:

What the ascendance of sociopaths means isn't an academic question. Throughout history, the question has been a matter of life and death. That's one reason america grew. Every american or ex-colonial has forebearers who confronted the issue and decided to uproot themselves to go somewhere with better prospects. The losers were those who delayed thinking about the question until the last minute, as I have often described myself as those I prefer to associate with as gamma rats, you may call the ethologist characterization of the social interaction of rats being between a few alpha rats and beta rats, the alpha rats being dominant and the beta rats submissive, the alpha rats being dominant and the beta rats submissive. In addition, a small percentage of gamma rats that stake out the prime territory and mates like the alphas but are not interested in dominating the betas. The people most inclined to leave for the wide world outside and seek fortune elsewhere are typically gamma personalities.

Speaker 2:

You may be thinking that what happened in places like Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, mao's China, pol Pot's Cambodia and scores of other countries in recent history could not, for some reason, happen in the US. Actually, there's no reason it won't. At this point, all the institutions that made America exceptional, including a belief in capitalism, individualism, self-reliance and the restraints of the Constitution, are now only historical artifacts. Isn't that true? On the other hand, the distribution of sociopaths is completely uniform across both space and time. Per capita, there were no more evil people in stalin's russia, hitler's germany, mao's china, uh or pol pot's cambodia than there are today in the us. All you need is favorable conditions for them to bloom, much as mushrooms do after a rainstorm. Conditions for them in the US are becoming quite favorable.

Speaker 2:

Have you ever wondered where the 50,000 people employed by the TSA to inspect and degrade you came from? Most of them are middle-aged. Did they have jobs before they started doing something that any normal person would consider demeaning. Most did, but they were attracted to, not repelled by, a job where they wear a costume and abuse their fellow citizens all day. It is interesting. Or totalitarian countries, too, where there's places they're a communist or people just even they have. What little power they have? They just have to because they're under the thumb of a totalitarian state. When they get a little power, they lash out at people. So the more that we become what we are becoming, unfortunately, the more these type of people come out of the woodwork. Becoming unfortunately, uh, the more these type of people come out of the woodwork for them. A few of them can imagine that they are shepherding in a police state as they play roles in security theater.

Speaker 2:

A reinforced door on the pilot's cabin is probably all that's actually needed, although the most effective solution would be to hold each airline responsible for its own security and for the harm done if it fails to protect passengers and third parties. I had this idea years ago. I was like, let's just do testosterone airlines. Um, if you agree just to get on the plane, then you just have to show you know, know that your ticket. I'd be fine with that. I'd let that fly. I think we'd be okay, because you don't know who's got what. So I would be fine with that, but that. But that's because I I you know come from a military background. You know it's just more you know more guns, more ubiquitous they are, the less that they're a threat to you. It's the lack of them, not the proliferation.

Speaker 2:

What's going on here is an instance in Partial's law, that's the 80-20 rule. That tells us, for example, that 80% of your sales come from 20% of your salesmen, or the 20% of the population are responsible for 80% of the crime. As I see it, 80% of the people are basically decent. Their basic instincts are to live by the Boy Scouts virtues. 20% of people, however, are what you might call potential trouble sources, inclined toward doing the wrong thing when the opportunity presents itself. They might now be shoe clerks, mailmen or waitresses. They seem perfectly benign in normal times. They play baseball on weekends and they pet the family dog. However, given the chance, they will sign up for the Gestapo, the Stasi, the KGB, the TSA, homeland Security or whatever Gestapo, the Stasi, the KGB, the TSA, homeland Security or whatever. Many of them seem well-intentioned but are likely to favor force for the solution to any problem. But it doesn't end there, because 20% of that 20% are really bad actors. They are drawn to government and other positions where they can work their full will on other people. And because they're enthusiastic about government, they rise to leadership positions, government and other positions where they can work their full will on other people. And because they're enthusiastic about government, they rise to leadership positions. They remake the culture of the organizations they run in their own image. Gradually, non-sociopaths can no longer stand being there. They leave Soon. The whole barrel is full of bad apples. That's what's happening in the US today. That's so spot on.

Speaker 2:

Politics have always been a way for people with massive ego. Even Plato talked about this. He said those who want to ignore politics will end up getting governed by their inferiors. Because a lot of people, even George Washington, didn't want anything to do with politics. He didn't want to run for a second term. He decided beneath him he wanted to go back to Mount Vernon. But that's exactly right though. But that's exactly right though.

Speaker 2:

We have seen this transition where I remember you used to you could have some like in politics. Politics has changed. 70% of the Congress back in 1970, about 70, 75% were made up of military veterans. It's just working class, that kind of rose up and got into law or whatever. But they're mostly veterans and it wasn't like a completely controlled by the rich. Now it's like 15 percent veterans and I'm not saying don't put me in that box. I'm not saying I'm not just saying well, if it has to be veterans, it'd be good. I'm saying is that that's a weird shift away from where America's talking about America's service.

Speaker 2:

My friend, congressman Ralph Hall, passed in in 2019. My good friend, I remember he was. He. He could run a campaign and spend, you know, a fraction of what these guys spend and he just personally knew how to work. He knew he knew that art that's a lost art, like talking to people, uh, networking with people. He people networking with people. He was not a sociopath. You know, I knew him very well.

Speaker 2:

We talk history for hours. You know, talk about his life and you know, talk about the people that he knew. And he was, you know, the oldest living congressman ever cast a vote and you think like, oh, was he like Joe Biden? No, like you know, and I have a picture here on my desk. You know we would go into some deep conference stuff that I could. I can't imagine talking to you know, but deep historical and and recalling things and all of that. But I go that I go into that to saying that that's not the new way. If you go to washington dc and I haven't been there in 10 years, thank god I haven't needed to go. I don't want to go um, that seems like a dead space, bad vibes For somebody like me. I pick up on that stuff and I could feel it. It's very slimy. But he's absolutely right. The 20% of the 20% are really bad actors.

Speaker 2:

It's a pity that Bush, when he was in office, made such a big deal of evil. He discredited the concept. He made boobus Americanus think it only existed in a distant axis, in places like North Korea, iraq and Iran, which were all still irrelevant backwaters and arbitrarily chosen enemies. Bush trivialized the concept of evil and made it seem banal because he was such a fool. All the while, real evil, very immediate and powerful, was growing right around him and he lacked the awareness to see what was fertilizing it by turning the US into a national security state after 9-11. Now I believe it's out of control. The US is already in a truly major depression and on the edge of a financial chaos and currency meltdown, the sociopaths in government will react by redoubling the pace towards a police state domestically and starting a major war abroad. To me, this is completely predictable. It's what sociopaths do.

Speaker 2:

That's Doug Casey, ladies and gentlemen. That in a nutshell, just what we talk about every week. I don't like it, but this is the best analysis. You want the best analysis. We're being primed for world war. We're being primed to accept central bank digital currency. We're being primed to accept the economic collapse of what we understood for decades has been our system. The current system is being primed and they're pushing it on us Like, hey, just accept this. You know, because no one's doing anything to stop it.

Speaker 2:

You know it's James Forrestal telling Joe McCarthy you know, if they were stupid, then every once in a while they err in our favor, but they don't. And then that's how you know it's a conspiracy. None dare call it a conspiracy. Well, I do, because all these things the loss of the petrodollar, how are standing geopolitically If you know anything about foreign policy? But you don't have to be an expert to know that something's wrong and we're being primed for that and it's always going to be like, think about that. Think about how dumb the axis of evil sounds. If you really think about it, if you really rewind the tape, you know how dumb that sounds.

Speaker 2:

I remember that because I was being sent off into these wars by George W Bush and I remember hearing that and going that doesn't make much sense. What does North Korea have to do with Iraq? And, by the way, iran and Iraq were mortal enemies and we supplied Iraq in the eighties. And so Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam Hussein we gave him. I remember Ron Paul telling Sean Hannity his shocked face during the 2008 primaries. That was one of the funniest things ever. You know he's talking about. Uh, how do you know that? Um, and he goes don't you want to remove the, the weapons of mass destruction? What about the gas that Saddam Hussein had? And Ron Paul said we gave him the gas and that's a cut to commercial. It doesn't make any sense. All these things are external bogeymen. This is what I want to say as I close out.

Speaker 2:

It's the external bogeyman right, it's never internal, but that's the narrative. It always is, it almost always is, and Abraham Lincoln said that best. I mean I don't often quote Lincoln, but he said that. He said you know, if destruction be our lot, we alone must be its author and finisher. As a free people, we either survive for all time or we die by suicide. Well, you know, that's what sociopaths. That's the path they put us on right, the sociopath path.

Speaker 2:

All right, folks, don't forget about Wolfpack. If you're interested in precious metals subscription, please go to wolfpackgold. I made a program where as little as 50 bucks it's direct, delivered directly to your door, real physical precious metals and we save you money. To give you a detailed invoice goes all the way up to 5,000 a month. You can buy direct. You can do one time. You can sign up for memberships. We even have one for kids called wolf cub, wolf pack, dot gold. If you use the promo code 1776, I'll throw in some free constitutional silver guys. Thanks in some free constitutional silver Guys. Thanks for being back and watching the show.

Speaker 2:

I know I had a couple of weeks off. I'll try to just be a lot more consistent. I've been traveling. Next week I'm going to be in Nashville for the Bitcoin conference, so that's going to be a madhouse because Trump's going to be there too, so I will report there to you. I'll hit the stream, maybe do a show We'll see how the timeline gets out but I'll definitely have something up on the feed this next week and we have a new pair of truth or hitting. So do support the podcast. You can give us a review, share the links and thank you so much for being here today, and from the crew and Beans, the Brave and myself and the Wise Wolf family. You guys take care of each other. Okay, have a great weekend.

Speaker 1:

End of transmission.