The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast

#481 Revelation Realities, Media Manipulation & Economic Whirlwinds

The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Ever wondered how the Book of Revelation might be reflecting our current economic turmoil? Join me, Tony Arterburn, as we connect ancient prophecies with modern economic challenges and dissect mainstream media narratives. From Trump’s Arlington Cemetery controversy to the strategic maneuvers of political heavyweights like Nancy Pelosi, we unravel the often-hidden motivations behind public actions and media portrayals. My personal anecdotes and commitment to uncovering truth will guide you through an insightful discussion on faith, freedom, and the importance of maintaining public decorum.

You'll hear about the 26% plunge in Dollar General shares, revealing the financial strain on its core customers amid inflation and economic instability. We delve into the broader economic implications, including the potential rise of cryptocurrencies and gold as the dollar’s value declines. Our conversation also touches on Pelosi's future election strategies and the pervasive theme of economic inequality, painting a vivid picture of systemic financial challenges faced by many today.

In the final segments, we dive deep into Revelation 6:6's prophecy, examining its relevance to contemporary economic disparities and the potential for hyperinflation. We juxtapose biblical insights with modern pop culture references like Terminator's "Judgment Day" while exploring the complex relationship between geopolitics, war, and morality. Drawing from historical events and philosophical teachings, we contemplate the moral consequences of governance and warfare. Rounding off the episode, we invite you to join our Wolfpack Gold community, where exclusive opportunities in precious metals await.

Speaker 1:

I'm weather and I'm always the best. Veteran of three foreign wars. Entrepreneur and warrior, poet Tony Arterburn takes on the issues facing our country, civilization and planet. This is the Arterburn Radio Transmission. Radio transmission. Do you understand what I'm talking about? What is our common bond? Truly Freedom out. What is our common bond truly freedom. Freedom without freedom. You can't be a christian, no matter what denomination you belong to. You can't be a buddhist, you can't own a donut shop, you can't drive from here to oregon, you can't be an American, because that's what it's all about and that's the only thing that it's all about. Nothing else, nothing else it's about freedom.

Speaker 2:

And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say A measure of wheat for a penny, say a measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny, and see, thou hurt not the oil and the wine. Revelation six, six, welcome. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the arterburn radio transmission. I am your host, tony arterburn, broadcasting in defiance of globalist goblins and neocons, a new world order. The build back better Biden beels above Baphomet, builder Burke, bohemian Grove gangster punch. Well, we had to take out. Well, I guess Biden is still there. But uh, I'll figure out another B we can supplant later. I'm in studio with uh beans the brave. It's August 29th 2024, episode 481. This is really not true. There's a lot more episodes, but I deleted them because I would mispronounce a word or something. I have a whole bunch of stories on the relaunch of this program, but episode 481 officially.

Speaker 2:

I opened up talking about the book of Revelation because I was reminded the other. I was reading the book of Revelation and then I was reminded by a book I read in 2019 by Jim Rickards and of course he's a gold bug and worked for the CIA and does like really deep financial analysis and his book Aftermath in 2019 opened up with that and I remember talking about it on my radio show in San Antonio this very same program and I thought we would open up with it today because, wow, that was a lifetime ago. For me, this is a different Tony, different world. I was very much on the edge of getting a lot of stuff right. Unfortunately, by the way, it's not very popular to get things right Not very popular. The truth is a wonderful, beautiful thing and I absolutely cling to it and that's what I seek. But don't think that that gains you popularity, folks. It's an albatross. I happily wear it, it's fine, but a long time ago I said I'm going to give my best analysis and, again, pretty good track record. My batting average is pretty good, unfortunately, because I don't want to be right about a lot of this stuff. But we're going to talk about this little big biblical analysis of inflation and end times and things like that, and you take it for what you think it's worth. You internalize that. You seek your own truth. What does that mean? What does that prophecy mean? And we'll get into that today.

Speaker 2:

I want to start out the show. We don't usually just delve right into politics, but this is Parapolitics and Precious Metals, and this is something that I want to take on the headline of Drudge. Let's just pull Drudge up. Let's see what Operation Mockingbird wants me to talk about. Let's see what the intelligence agencies what do they really want me to discuss? What do they want you to believe? Let me pull it up on the screen here and let's talk about this, because this is the madness of our election cycle and the ridiculousness of it all the absence of thinking and the absence of decorum, everything. It's just so disgusting. But this is what they.

Speaker 2:

Headline Don of the Dead, d-o-n. And there's a big backlash. Headline drudge at dawn of the dead. You know D O N and uh, there's a big backlash. If you go to NPR, they're writing up uh, trump, uh, without the permission of the family, supposedly of a green beret, took a picture with other families in Arlington cemetery and, uh, this was like some kind of. They're painting it like he was gaining something from this, like it's a stunt. And of course, this the side headlines here trump campaigns with graves, question mark. New york times, phil. It filmed green beret's tombstone without permission from family.

Speaker 2:

It's developing visit sparks turmoil at america's most sacred cemetery. Army rebukes. Vets are furious. Campaign was warned not to take photos and videos before altercation. Federal law prohibits election related activities. Is this really a look?

Speaker 2:

Um, you guys know me and I don't get into this partisan nonsense, because that's where reason goes to die. But can we discuss this without, I mean, who? First of all, we need more cameras on Arlington Cemetery, and why don't politicians go there? A lot of you politicians voted to send those people to Arlington Cemetery, and why don't politicians go there? A lot of you politicians voted to send those people to Arlington Cemetery. It was your either not trying to find the truth or not doing investigations on whether or not we had to go to war, whether there was a reason, whether it was a constitutional reason to send people to die. So why don't we have more cameras there? Why is that? You think that he's gaining something from that? Does it look like he's going to boost him in the polls because he takes pictures in front of tombstones?

Speaker 2:

One of the best friends I'll ever have in my life is in Arlington cemetery and I know because I escorted his body there and I drove up with him from North Carolina and I was. I guarded his body overnight, you know, uh, it's a very strange thing, and I've wrote about this it's a very strange thing to have to be in your early 20s because you kind of feel like you're somewhat invincible at some level To have that taken away from you. You know that natural progression of the life of the male right, you just have that ripped away, like with no aesthetic right, no antiseptic, no-transcript. Talk about all the other people at Arlington cemetery, these, the mainstream media and these shills for for globalist multinational corporations and to control the narrative and the mind controllers. Controllers. They have no sense of history. They don't even know what arlington cemetery is. Do you realize? It's a snub? It was a snub at the end of the civil war. Uh, robert e lee, that was lee home. Lee home is there. It was. He married the, the granddaughter of george washington. They buried the, the troops, on his land. That was Lee home. That was Robert E Lee's property. That was a way to show like you know, this is again partially your fault or just pushing it out there that all of this was surrounded by the life life of lee and, uh, his decision to join the confederacy. But it's become more than that. It's over time. It is, it's hallowed ground. You could be. You think of all the sacrifice I mean to get into arlington. You know is it's one of the things I asked for when, when they called me and told me David had died, and I said, can we get him into Arlington? And he sure is there. He's in Arlington and they gave him a bronze star, put cameras on it, these politicians and all these again, this mainstream, this hype all around can we stop for a second and just realize that we need to focus?

Speaker 2:

Memorial Day. It used to be called Decoration Day. Do you know why? Because people would go to the cemeteries after the Civil War and they would decorate the the graves and they would have picnics there. And you know, we didn't have a major war in this country from 1865 until really the turn of the century.

Speaker 2:

And it was William McKinley who was president. He was a Civil War veteran. They had to really push him into a nervous breakdown to have the Spanish-American War. It was a bunch of people who had not fought in the Civil War, who had not seen the cost of war, who pushed McKinley into doing that. And it almost broke him psychologically, like he just could not stand the thought of sending people to war because he'd seen it, he lived through it.

Speaker 2:

And decoration day, which turned into memorial day, which turned into, you know, mattress sales and barbecues, and nobody really cares. Put a camera on it. There's a whole lot of people there that shouldn't be in there, and though there's a lot of people in there that you need to talk about because of the heroism and because of what they sacrificed, don't let them be forgotten. What kind of rule is that that you can't photograph it? And this doesn't even become a partisan thing with me. You know I don't care about the election. We got geo. The election is a sideshow.

Speaker 2:

You have a massive geopolitical shakedown, the likes of which has never been seen before. I don't have an historical reference for what is happening. You have $350 trillion in debt worldwide and only about $400 trillion in supposed assets. You're almost reaching parity. It's completely bankrupt and if you look at gold's market cap of $16 trillion, it's nothing. So where are all these other assets? Again, massive historical shifts. And then you have T-shirt man in Ukraine using F-16s to hit targets inside of Russia.

Speaker 2:

Is anybody else watching this? Anybody else watching these psychopaths? Sun Tzu had it best. An evil man will stand over and rule over the ashes of his country. These people are absolute evil. There's that happening. Don't put any cameras on it. We can't really talk about something that is totally needs to be out in the open 1,000%.

Speaker 2:

So there you go, drudge, I didn't take away what you wanted me to take and I didn't join the. Oh, the vets are really mad. No, I'm mad that you didn't take more pictures and talk about individuals. Why are they there? Who put them there? And talk about individuals? Why are they there? Who put them there? This was an original visit to commemorate the troops that were lost during the pullout of Afghanistan. An absolute disgrace to this country. The people that oversaw that all went to work for, you know, the military industrial complex and private contractors, all their little cushy jobs, weak men. We abandoned people in Afghanistan and, by the way, I said, pull out.

Speaker 2:

For years I was part of the first army company on the ground in Afghanistan and Kandahar, afghanistan, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, should have got out a long time ago. Should have got out in the first six months possibly and, knowing what I know now, should have never been there in the first place. But we were there, for, you know, in the nineties I ran across people. I remember running across green berets and talking to spec ops, guys like like, oh yeah, I was here in the 90s. We had a guy that was serving with us. He was a Navy SEAL in the 1980s and he was serving in the North Carolina National Guard. He goes, I was here in the 80s, so we've been there a long time arming the Musha Dean, arming Tim Osman, tim Osama bin Laden. Al-qaeda means the database.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, maybe you know, at the end of the day, really reverse engineer, that should never been there. But if you're there and you've got people that you have promised that you would protect, you know, give them a path to get out of there. And you just this this disgraceful, dishonorable exit and you just this this disgraceful, dishonorable exit and you and you can't talk about that or the people that died. You can't put a camera on that. Don't, if you're a veteran, don't reflexively join whatever bandwagon that some group wants you to join. You know, think for yourself. Like what does yourself? Do you not want your friends to Do? You think this is celebratory or something? I don't see that in here. It's people taking pictures.

Speaker 2:

Just another example of how completely out of touch. The mainstream is, and these politicos just a backbiting parasites every single one of them. And then we have to interject this. We all have to be divided. Can we just be united on? Let's talk about every single person that's in New Orleans, why? Why are they there? How'd they get there? What's their story? What'd they sacrifice? Who mourns them? Who mourns them? Can we stop packing these veteran cemeteries full of soldiers? Could we have some peace?

Speaker 2:

My entire life we've been at war, whether it's the cold war. I was talking to someone the other day. I was like you know, I was born the day the Soviets invaded Afghanistan and then, 22 years later, almost to the day, I was in Afghanistan, part of the first Army unit on the ground there. Army Company, food for thought. All right, folks.

Speaker 2:

I'll go to the comments here on the america unplugged channel over on rock fan and rumble. We're streaming on rumble, by the way. I set that up and I've been doing better to uh make sure our rumble stream is up. I want to say hi to all the people over on 9, 30 am the answer in san antonio, and we have a new station coming very soon. I just signed a contract. I'll be announcing it, um, and I'll make sure I say the call letters. It's something I've stationed, I've been listening to, uh, since I got out of the military, uh, 20 years ago, and we'll be announcing that soon.

Speaker 2:

Let's, let's jump into some headlines. Uh, this, you want to do some economics, want to know some real economics? Here's something for you. Uh, this is the stuff I'll talk about. Let's see, this is zero hedge. Just a little headline for you Dollar General. It crashes on record after management. Warns a financially constrained core customer. Warns a financially constrained core customer. Do you get in that you have a financially constrained core customer of Dollar General? You know they build Dollar General Like you can't get lost in the South or anywhere in small rural America anymore, because there will be a Dollar General to save. If you think you've gone too far off the beaten path, just wait till you find the dollar general.

Speaker 2:

The dollar general shares plummeted by as much as 26% as the U? S cash trading session got underway, making it the steepest inter trade day decline ever. It's 26%, as previously mentioned. Dollar General's manager noted that core customers feel financially constrained. By examining locations, we can identify the states where customers are most pressured, said the CEO and you can see, if you're looking at the map here, it's basically everything west of Lubbock, texas, north, over to the entire United States, where all the dollar generals are are, it says. The article goes on to say for the political strategists out there, this might give some understanding, perhaps in swing states where customers are being financially crushed by Bidenomics. Given the map, it appears to be the entire eastern half of the US. Wow, folks, it's bad because especially in a down economy, you'll see some recession-proof businesses. They always call it recession-proof because I've been in the convenience store business, my family's been in the fuel business, alcohol sales, things like that.

Speaker 2:

You get into beer stores. Certain things are recession-proof, like liquor stores they pretty much are and fast food, cheap food. Get a 99-cent taco. Well, I guess you can't find those anymore. Thanks, banksters. No more 99-cent tacos. You don't want that taco. If it's 99 cents you may not want it. It may not be the meat you think it is, but that's usually recession proof.

Speaker 2:

Dollar generals are 99 cent stores. When you don't have those anymore, it's kind of like you used to have five and dimes. Five and dimes were ubiquitous because you get something for a nickel, you get something for a dime. Well, then it moved to 99 cent. You know not 99 cents stores. Then it's not 99 cents, it's just dollar general. Then they have, you know, $5 under $5. Let's, inflation is built into this. Average.

Speaker 2:

Everyday people whose wages did not keep up with the debasement and the criminality of the central bank system. They're hurt right now. They're hurting really bad Now. The school system is not going to teach you about this. It's not going to teach you that every day when you wake up, there is somebody who's going to hit a button that's going to devalue your currency. In a system where the currency is not backed by anything, it's a magic trick. So they couldn't do this. In previous generations there had to be an accounting. Well, now there's no accounting and nobody runs on fiscal responsibility anymore. That's so passe. Balance the budget. How do you balance a budget that goes a trillion dollars in debt every 90 days? The debt service alone is a trillion dollars, and a trillion seconds ago was 32 000 years. That's. That's not a unit of measurement you want to start messing around with economically.

Speaker 2:

I was talking to david knight this this morning on his show and then started mentioning I go, you know the chinese and the russians, like they're doing cross-border payments. All that, like just bypassing the old systems and sanctions. In the dollars, all the BRICS nations Brazil, russia, india, china, south Africa, saudi Arabia they're starting to do cross-border payments with each other, even setting up things, potentially with cryptocurrencies and others, but basically using gold, the dollar system, the petrodollar. That's all coming to an end and you don't think this is in direct correlate? You don't think that the loss of purchasing power has to do with other countries leaving the dollar and de-dollarization? Oh, it has nothing to do with that.

Speaker 2:

Tony, you're an alarmist. We're not going to have you on our podcast. You're such an extremist, which is fun. I've been. I guess I've been labeled. I guess I'm so radical. Did you guys know I was radical? It's so much fun. Um, but yes, this is happening in real time. Uh, I don't enjoy it. Um, but that's what's going on. If you want to like, read between the headlines. Um, so this is not good.

Speaker 2:

The canary in the coal mine, dollar general folks, you know you want to talk about parapolitics, precious metals, want some weapons, great truth. There you go, dollar general, not looking good. But you guys all know this. You're living in the real world. Nobody bails us out. There is no, you know, daddy, a war bucks that comes along and says, here's a check.

Speaker 2:

It didn't work out, but here you go, that doesn't work. We have socialism for the rich. We have free enterprise for the poor, to quote Gore Vidal. All right, here's another fun one. Did you guys see this? And and I'm gonna bounce around a little bit today but did you guys see, uh, nancy pelosi is talking about? Is she doing our job for us now? Uh, we're, are we really doing this? Uh, where she is admitting to what the elites actually are? Let's, let's look at nancy pelosi here. Oh, my goodness, there she is. Uh, lizard chatter. This is naturalnewscom.

Speaker 2:

Nancy pelosi literally says her reptilian, cold-blooded strategies will help kamala harris win election. Flip house back to Democrats. Can I use the word pedestrian? Does politics seem to y'all? Is it just dumb now? It just seems so dumb Like we're going to. We're going to flip the house blue. We're going to flip it red. Can we flip it to Liberty? Can we flip it to the constitution or something.

Speaker 2:

But this is funny, uh, in an interview with PBS at the democratic national convention, nancy Pelosi revealed she plans to secure a White House win for Kamala Harris and turn the House of Representatives back to Democrat control using her own discreet, reptilian, cold-blooded strategies, made headlines for stating that she is still a major force to be reckoned with in holding the country hostage to her own far-left brand of leadership, which is fighting tooth and nail to hold on to power, no matter what the cost. Echoing the sentiments of Rep Jamie Raskin, who spoke earlier this year about the importance of shifting control of the House back to the Democrats, pelosi is willing to take even the most extreme actions to ensure that Donald Trump is not handed another White House term, almost as if her career and life depended on it.

Speaker 2:

Let's see if I can, let's hopefully you guys can hear this.

Speaker 2:

See, if I can play this real quick. Oh, it doesn't, it doesn't come up. Hold on, it may not play on this one. So I'm looking for a trifecta. Pelosi, I'm looking to win the White House Chuck to be the majority leader, hakeem Jeffries to be the Speaker of the House. It must happen that way and this I think January 6th didn't have the gavel Hakeem must have the gavel. That day, kamala will be vice, will be the vice president, but we fully intend to win the white house. Well, there you go, folks. You heard it here. She's using her cold blooded, litter lizard strategies, he says.

Speaker 2:

Speaking with one of the media outlets described as calculated confidence, pelosi dished her prediction that Democrats will see a significant win across the board this fall. I don't know what's going to happen. All well, I don't know what's going to happen, um, but it does feel like they are less and less concerned with tipping us off to what they're actually doing. It's just, you guys get that feeling less and less decorum. They just come right out and say they have reptilian, cold-blooded strategies. Well, that's one way to you know, I thought this election was about joy. Didn't you have joy in your heart, don't you? Um? Don't you like tim walls, isn't he? Um, he's cuddly. What's that? It's so dumbed down. I think we've reached peak fluoride. Does anybody else realize that you, dr Strangelove, had it right. Jack D Ripper, he really got it right. It's the fluoride folks.

Speaker 2:

All right, I'm going to go to the Rockfin chat say hi to you guys. Again, thanks for being here. We'll go over gold and silver prices as well, and then I want to talk a little bit about the book of revelation and hyperinflation. Let's go. Let's go take a look at the rock fin chat, and I don't know if I will have to see. Oh, I've got a comments over on rumble harps, a, three, three, eight LMS. Good day, tony. It was good day to you too, harps. I'm glad. I'm glad you exist on uh, rumble and uh, he said very well, said. Hats off to you, sir. Well, thank you, my friend. I appreciate you. Let's go to the rockfin chat and I don't want to forget you guys. Over there it looks like nancy chambers is in the chat. Says hi, tony, good to see you, nancy, little john. And uh, greg talent's there. He says hey, there, truthers. Maybe that's what got, maybe, maybe that I'm a paratrooper, former paratrooper, maybe that is what keeps me from getting back on mainstream shows. Well, I mean that you know I I like where I'm at, but maybe that's what it is. Uh, dustinm. Good to see you, sir. I've got an active chat over on Rockfin. Yeah, any guys, if you want to see me, you can follow me at Tony Arterburn on Twitter.

Speaker 2:

The America Unplugged channels is where I share a program with Billy Ray Valentine and the legendary Donald Jeffries. Every Saturday we do America Unplugged and that's a great roundtable. I always wanted to be part of the McLaughlin group. When I was a kid with Pat Buchanan. I used to just watch him and think, wow, what an intellect. I mean he just could pull history out of nowhere and I just thought that was so beautiful to watch and great analysis too, if you watch the McLaughlin group especially in the nineties and the early 2000,. What a great show. Still, it was a great show all the way to the end. And, uh, now I get to do my own version of the McLaughlin group every Saturday, uh, over on Rockfin and we just broadcast it anywhere we can. But it's a good show. You guys should tune in.

Speaker 2:

Um, I have fair analysis. Nobody, we don't all agree all the time. It's not an echo chamber. Billy's got his own unique perspective. I think he brings the old school conspiracy researcher skeptic just really grounded in rationality and I'm like this is one of the. This is probably the with the most integrity outside of, like David Knight, I mean, I'm surrounded by people with integrity. But Billy Ray Valentine is right. I mean just so far up there. The guy never he doesn't have any of those like a waffling moments, he just is what it is, just enjoy his commentary. You know you don't have to agree with him on everything. I love having him there and I think we have a great show and then just bringing Don on. What a magnificent combo, bringing Don Jeffries in Absolute legend.

Speaker 2:

All right, let's talk about the book of Revelation. I read that to you earlier about uh, the passage in there about uh, do no harm to the oil and the wine. It's revelation 6 6 and I I looked around on the web. Let's see if I can take this, stop my screen and put a new one up. I looked and I saw this website that explained it and it was kind of what I was thinking. It's gotquestionsorg and your questions biblical answers. What does it mean in Revelation 6, 6 where the voice says do not harm the oil and the wine says the.

Speaker 2:

The command do not harm the oil and the wine is revelation 6 6 comes during the tribulation period between revelation 4 through 19. This period is characterized by god's wrath being poured out in a sinful world. In fact, there are three sets of judgments that will occur during this tribulation One, seven seal judgments, two, seven trumpet judgments and three, seven bowl judgments. The heavenly command do not harm the oil and wine is issued after the third seal judgment. That's when famine begins. The judgment is pictured as a rider on a black horse and it follows the third seal judgment, that's when famine begins. The judgment is pictured as a rider on a black horse and it follows the second seal widespread warfare.

Speaker 2:

During the famine that follows the war, food prices are inflated beyond all reason and this is from the passage a quart of wheat for a day's wages and three quarts of barley for a day's wages. At the same time, the heavenly voice proclaims do not damage the oil in the wine. So food staples are scarce. One quart of wheat will cost an entire day's wages, but other food items, secondary source of nutrition, are still available. The prophecy concerns the time when the Antichrist, symbolized by the first horseman Revelation 6, 1-2, is rising to power.

Speaker 2:

The famine and hyperinflation resulting from the war will force people into a minimum sustenance diet. They will barely have enough food to survive, but why would the oil and the wine be preserved? This is the question. This could be an example of God extending mercy and judgment. The famine would be much worse but for God's limiting of the judgment. God confines the scarcity and limits its impact. Or we could view Revelation 6.6 this way Oil and wine are less crucial supplies than wheat and barley and could be considered minor luxuries. The command do not harm the oil and the wine might indicate that wealthy people will not suffer as much as the poor in the future economic collapse. The lack of grain during the third seal judgment is accompanied by an abundance of oil and wine. Scarcity amid plenty and study of the tribulation could cause us to make sure we are part of God's family. Well, that's true. Yeah, I just I saw that this morning and you know just reading.

Speaker 2:

I have two sets of biblical reading that I'll do One. I have a physical Bible that a very good friend gave to me before I went off to boot camp and that went with me through all my foreign wars and I've kept that with me. But when I don't have that uh on me, I have the uh kindle and so I'll read different books. So I was on the uh revelation and, uh, I read that pad. I remembered it was jim rickards who set that in motion. I remember that from the book Aftermath back in 2019. It was really interesting. Just kind of putting that in context of what we're seeing today and some of you in the audience might get the reference to that if you're into pop culture. But does anybody remember what August 29th was supposed to be? And I remember it's going back when I was a kid. It's from the movie Terminator and that was August 29th 1997, was supposed to be the day of the judgment right, the what they call judgment day. So it just kind of seemed apropos, like I was thinking about the date today. It was August 29th 1997. Of course it never came to pass, but when I was a kid we had a mock powerlifting competition when I was 17. And we called it judgment day because we had it on August 29th and I had to get some pictures of that sometime. That was one of my favorite, favorite meets. I just had to unlock the door for my crew. A lot of people forget I'm on the air sometimes.

Speaker 2:

All right, let's go over some headlines together. I really want to delve into this last article too, but there's some headlines. I want to go over that really. I think just looking at the macroeconomic picture, going back to that again, let's really think about this. Where we are, I mean again, gold is at $2,500 plus an ounce. I'll give you the exact price per ounce right now $25.23 per ounce. Silver is at $29.49 per ounce. Silver's at 29, 49 per ounce. And as I was talking to David Knight this morning, I was mentioning I said, look, gold was $35 an ounce in 1971, august 15th, and we removed it from the gold standard and closed the gold window by the end of the 1970s. Gold is close to $800 an ounce. And now you say, well, now it's $2,500 plus an ounce, tony.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, $800 an ounce $800 in 1980, do you realize what that is today? I mean, don't go by some online calculation for inflation, but you guys know. I mean, if you've been around, if you're my age or if you're a little bit older, you guys know. I mean, if you've been around, if you're my age or if you're a little bit older, you certainly know $800 in 1980 goes a long way further than $2,500 does today. So I still think we're seeing cheap gold, but the world is moving away from the dollar system.

Speaker 2:

And it's not that people are just. I mean, even the markets aren't just pouring money into gold ETFs, they're not really doing that. It's not a massive amount of inflows, it's central bank gold buying and the waning money velocity and use of the dollar itself. The same thing with silver. Silver is not only a monetary metal but it's an industrial metal. It's the most thermoconductive metal on earth. I've mentioned this many, many times. But you've got, you know, 500 ounces of silver in a Tomahawk missile. This cheap, physical silver is in demand by the overlords and those in the control markets, the military industrial complex. You have to understand. Cheap silver is the order of the day. 30 bucks, I mean even just. We're under $30 right now for silver on spot price, but that's just insane. It was $52.50 an ounce in 1980.

Speaker 2:

And I was looking at just some of the headlines on Kitco, not only just about crypto too. Bitcoin spikes to $61,000. Markets, markets rallies, investors turn bullish following nvidia earnings and there's problems, and jim rickards has a article out about nvidia. Um, there's a whole host of issues for earnings and and what it constitutes, earnings inside of the wall street casino. Gold prices dip closer to 2500 after weekly jobless claims dropped to 231,000. Does anybody believe any of these charts with jobless claims? And I go back to you know they had this. They thought the number was supposed to be X and then it turned out to be way lower.

Speaker 2:

But I always just say you know they thought that there was jobs being added during the mandates under Biden for Operation Warp Speed. They thought that that was like, and almost nobody called it. I said does anybody realize that they're putting? They're showing, you know, job openings available. They're showing job openings available for jobs that were lost by people who refused to take part in that and refused the injection and that's not like a healthy economy. But they're doing that again so long way around saying you guys really this, this economic outlook, this picture geopolitically? I'm watching it really close.

Speaker 2:

Every day you can see more and more trend of de-dollarization. I'm going to get into this in the in the the month, weeks and months ahead. I promise you this will be more and more of the theme. Just, smaller countries beta testing digital currencies backed by gold uh, zimbabwe, n, nigeria, just to start. 96% of countries have this is the World Economic Forum that's been crowing about this, but 96% of countries have a plan drawn up for central bank digital currency. Russia is testing cryptocurrency for cross-border payments. The era of dollar supremacy is coming to an end.

Speaker 2:

You have to ask yourself what does that mean for you, what does that mean for all of us? What does that mean? Well, it means that you need to take this as a warning sign, as a signpost up on the road ahead to be your own bank and do things that are again. Don't just trust me. Go do your own research, be your own bank, have something that is physical in the real world or something that you completely control. Look at the was it?

Speaker 2:

Binance Froze millions of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency belonging to Palestinians on behalf of a request by the Israeli government. Don't ever leave your coins on an exchange. And even with Wise Wolf brokering Bitcoin in the future and I will do more of that, I will tell people don't leave it with me. I don't want it. I want you to have your own, your keys, your wallet, your code, your coin, not your keys, not your coin. Remember that. That goes for everything, goes for gold and silver. If it's not, if you own paper, who owns the contract on that paper? You need to own it yourself.

Speaker 2:

All right, and that really just stems from a place of evil, all right. So we've done. We've done. We've done the book of revelation, we've done hyperinflation. We've done economic collapse. Let's just keep. Continue down that line of logic. Let's talk about the source.

Speaker 2:

I saw this article today, you know, and especially opening up what we talked about with Arlington Cemetery. I think this was apropos. Let me put this up on the screen. It's about evil, unmistakable presence of evil. Presence of evil. It causes some doctors to stop performing abortions.

Speaker 2:

Dr Catherine Wheeler, a former abortionist turned pro-life advocate, has felt an unmistakable presence of evil around her while performing an abortion. She never performed another one after that. She said I was about to begin an abortion procedure on a teenager. When the room darkened and time seemed to slow down, there was an unmistakable presence of evil, and I was the only one who seemed to notice it. Wheeler recounted what scared me most was my awareness of pure evil in the operating room related to abortion I was performing. That moment proved crucial in her life as God revealed to her the horror and destruction of abortion. I thought I was helping women. The life and value of the pre-born were lost in the abortion conversation. I bought the feminist lie that women needed to have access to an abortion in order to pursue their dreams and be fulfilled, she admitted. Wheeler finally decided to publicly speak as a pro-life advocate in 2020.

Speaker 2:

Well, this is an opening of a conversation that I'd like to have with all of you about evil and can tell you, especially when we opened up, what we talked about with veterans and war and politicians. And then I see headlines about Zelensky Bragging about using f-16s, and this is about the timeline. We've I've been following this story, but it gets exhausted. Oh, we did world war three. It never happened. Hey, things, uh, I don't want them to happen, by the way, I don't want to be right, uh, but these things take on a life of their own. You know, sometimes even their simulations and whatever. These so-called smart set, these people that walk between the raindrops, these establishment overlords, sometimes they get it wrong. They get it dead wrong. The established trust, the science How'd that go Right? So I've been talking about this for a while, but it was a way out and it was like a huge timeline of training and had to, you know, to get the equipment there and do all that stuff.

Speaker 2:

That's why I mentioned, you know, an evil man, according to Sun Tzu, will rule over the ashes of his country instead of, you know, suing for peace or having a summit. We don't have those anymore. You know, as somebody who's and I'm an you know I'm a paratrooper who likes books and I study geopolitics and I'm telling you, like there's no precedence for what we're watching today, you can find a lot of value reading the book of Revelation. There's value there. Believe the prophecy or not, there's things that are happening that are beyond explanation. They're not grounded in reality, they're not grounded in history. I promise you you give me any sort of historical example over the last 150 years of geopolitics and foreign policy and I'll show you where they tried to sue for peace. There was always something on the table. They've taken that all off. There's no summits, there's nothing there. They're just literally trying to kick something off.

Speaker 2:

It's almost like it's a ritual ritual William Butler Yeats talks about in the poem the Second Coming. All the ceremonies of innocence is lost, and this was about the lead up to World War I kind of a similar time. But even then I mean even then, the Kaiser, if you know, if you know your history of war one, he's having a nervous breakdown, crying, trying to get on the phone to stop the von Schlieffen plan, like he realized it was out of his control. And now these treaties are being enacted and you know, borders are being crossed and we're running through trains, through Belgium and all this other stuff and creating a domino effect. All these treaties and all these, you know old guys that set up in the end of the 19th century, you know like Metternich and Bismarck, you know like setting up the realpolitik and all that stuff. Well, you add modern weapons and new tactics and nobody knew what to do, and so the whole thing. They tried to stop it but they couldn't.

Speaker 2:

Something else that William Butler Yates said, in that he said the best lacked all conviction and the worst were full of passion and intensity. Well, that's what we have today the best lack all conviction and the worst are full of passion and intensity. That's what we have today the best lack all conviction and the worst are full of passion. You've seen the spirit of our age, the zeitgeist. You've seen that. You've seen the presence. You guys been around it. You know like there's people that are just so, they're so angry about whatever you know political puppet or their perceived injury from you having a thought. That's the spirit of the age and it has to culminate somewhere. And it's something I told my son. And go back to the argument on life how to tell if something is good, and this is what I've been at. I've said this on my radio show for many, many years and I haven't said it in a while, so it bears repeating.

Speaker 2:

If you want to find out if something is worth you supporting, follow the logic back, like Aristotle, you know, like Aristotelian logic. Follow it back to see if it supports life. Is it lifeward? Does it support more life and the flourishing of life? If it does not, that support life. Yes, that supports rule of law. It supports order, not exactly order ab chaos, order out of chaos. It supports order. First, you know, you look at the death that happens because people are allowed to be trafficked, and not only just the drugs, but the human cost and the smuggling, and you know the death and things that happen on the other side of the border because of the lawlessness. It's a trickle-down effect, like when you tolerate something even small, like a broken window theory, it adds up, it goes all the way up to the top. So even the smallest lack of discipline or smallest lack of enforcement of something that, oh you, it's humanitarians, you know we haven't opened freedom and all that, no, it doesn't support life, it's chaos and chaos brings death. So you have to have rule of law, you have to have some semblance of governance, it has to be some kind of checks and balances, the same thing with life, you know, and just jumping to that. But so this lady has a revelation that what she was doing was evil and something.

Speaker 2:

A conversation I was having with my son and I just happened to think about it. We were coming back from the gym yesterday and I said we were listening to Will Durant. He asked me about what book should I listen to and I said, hey, you, number one, let's start out with some stuff from Will Durant. You know the? Uh, the general philosopher he was a historian wrote the story of civilization, the story of philosophy, but he had his. One book is 99 pages and it's called the lessons of history. It's a great audio book. I mean, the guy died when, I think, I was one years old, but uh, one or two, and he was just amazing. And I've listened to that book.

Speaker 2:

It's read by Grover Gardner and it's full of insight, and one of the passages was talking about Robespierre. And Robespierre was, of course, this you know, french politician, very popular, you know, pushing the French revolution and off with their heads and promoting the guillotine, and I mean just energized by how many people they were going to execute, I mean as a traitor to the state. This is a turncoat, this is. You know, I mean they almost killed Thomas Paine during the French. That's how satanic that was. And they got. Of course they go after the churches, right, they take care, take out the churches. And it was Robespierre who said I don't completely take out the churches, we'll put up the church of the Supreme being new. You know it's a new era for France. And of course, again, my emphasis on talking to Houston about it was Robespierre was the number one advocate of people getting their heads chopped off. And I said you know what's funny, At the end of the French Revolution there was one last guillotine, so one last person lost his head. It was Robespierre, and Robespierre had been shot in the jaw. Now I read this in a book called Talisman from Graham Hancock 20 years ago and I just happened to think about it with my son, but I was like they shot him in the jaw and they said he sounded like a dying tiger because he tried to address the audience. He tried one more time to appease the crowd. He tried to enunciate and plead his case about why he shouldn't have his head chopped off. But he couldn't, because he was immobilized and unable to speak. But his damage had already been done.

Speaker 2:

You provoke the mob. As you sow, so shall you reap. So be careful.

Speaker 2:

Evil exists. I've smelt it, I've looked at it. I understand it well, to the best of my ability. I understand it's real, but it is not the most powerful force on planet earth. It's just not. It's. This is god's world. But you got to figure out. What are you promoting? Are you promoting life? Are you promoting the furtherance, you know? Are you furthering family? Are you furthering peace, honest discord, honest, transact friendship, you know? Or what are you on the side of? I do it every day. Am I doing enough? Because evil's real and it feeds on all this stuff, like the headlines of Drudge.

Speaker 2:

We have real problems in the country and we should be there at those cemeteries, we should talk about every single one of those headstones. That's a person. That's somebody's son or daughter. That's somebody's father, that's somebody's brother, that's somebody's best friend. They ain't never coming home and they're worth talking about. Shouldn't be off limits. Don't be afraid to look at the evil folks. It exists, but it doesn't win. I'll see you guys next time. Okay, beans the brave and I, uh, we're going to go work on some precious metals and, uh, get some subscriptions at wolfpackgold. Uh, go to wolfpackgold. Uh, promo code 1776 for some free constitutional silver. We definitely want you to join wolfpack because the more people join, the better off everybody does. I'm. I got some crazy stuff going in there in the next week or two, uh, and I'm about to order some, some coins I think I want for myself okay I might just keep them.

Speaker 2:

So you guys go join wolfpack and keep me from buying my own coins. Okay and uh, new pair of truth are coming out this week and I'll make an announcement. We, we may do a pair of truth or live on Sunday, myself and Mr Anderson, but you guys take care of each other. End of transmission.