The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast

#483 J Powell’s Rate Cuts, Financial Illusions & the Looming Threat of CBDC

The Arterburn Radio Transmission

Is America’s economic stability a mere illusion? This episode pulls back the curtain on the recent dramatic rate cuts by Jerome Powell and their ripple effects on stock markets and gold prices. We revisit pivotal moments in financial history, including the detachment from the gold standard in 1971 and the rise of the World Economic Forum, to unravel the long-term impacts on today’s financial ecosystem. By examining these historical milestones, we reveal how such economic maneuvers create a superficial sense of prosperity while hiding deeper instabilities.

Join me, Tony Arterburn, as we dissect strategic moves in the stock market, the manipulation of stock prices, and profit-taking behaviors that draw eerie parallels to historical figures like the Rothschilds. We also delve into global financial shifts, discussing the implications of the de-dollarization movement and the advent of the petroyuan. With insights from financial experts like Jim Rickards and Zero Hedge, we analyze the potential impact of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), referred to as "Kamala bucks," and assess the looming threat they pose to the American economy.

In this thought-provoking segment, we explore Donald Trump’s vehement opposition to CBDCs and the implications for American financial freedom. Contrasting views within Trump's inner circle, including Jared Kushner's support for CBDCs, are scrutinized to forecast potential policy influences. Reflecting on events like the cash and coin shortages during the COVID-19 pandemic, we question the future of the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Additionally, we highlight the control of government through monetary means, touching on historical events, the role of supranational entities, and the ongoing tug-of-war between centralization forces and the rise of decentralized financial innovations.

Speaker 1:

We have before us the opportunity to forge, for ourselves and for future generations, a new world order.

Speaker 2:

Good evening folks. You're listening to the hour of the time. I'm William Cooper. The chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall. John has a long mustache. John has a long mustache. It's 12 o'clock.

Speaker 3:

Americans, another day closer to victory, and for all of you out there, on or behind the lines, this is your song. Veteran of three foreign wars, entrepreneur and warrior, poet Tony Arterburn takes on the issues facing our country, civilization and planet. This is the Arterburn Radio Transmission.

Speaker 4:

Each setback, each failure is an opportunity for us to more intelligently begin again. See, that's just something I pulled off the top of my head. That's Henry Ford, ladies and gentlemen. It's the man who put the world on wheels. And hey, I'm just doing a podcast, I'm doing a radio show. It's no big deal, I'm just doing a podcast, I'm doing a radio show. It's no big deal.

Speaker 4:

It is the 19th of September 2024, if you can believe that, like the passport found in the rubble, if you can believe it, it is today. Ladies and gents, we're going to go into some headlines. Take you through the dystopia. See if we can decode a little bit of it. I wanted to make an announcement too. I'm going to be broadcasting on 660 K Sky in Dallas. They're going to cover this program and this will broadcast on the weekends. They're on 660 K Sky, a station I've been listening to for 20 years, and we're going to sponsor the Mark Davis show. So that was a fun meeting. Beans got to go. If you follow the social media feed, you see that Beans was there and everybody was more excited to meet her than me. She's with me today and we're broadcasting In Defiance of Globalist Goblins and Neocons, a New World Order and the Build Back Better.

Speaker 4:

Biden, be bls above baphomet bilderberg, bohemian grove bankster bunch, always fun. All right, uh, let's, let's, uh, let's. Take a step back, because I had originally, when I was going to do the show, that wasn't so like in a time machine. If you can go back to, I went. This is a different opening. You're talking to a different tony than you were 10 minutes ago. So I was on on with David Knight earlier today and a lot of things are happening as I had predicted six months ago.

Speaker 4:

You go back to the talk of when, when the Fed was going to lower rates, you know, and everybody's waiting with bated breath to see what Jerome Powell's going to do. Is he going to lower rates? Is he going to if he's going to cut it by 25 basis points? No, he cut it by 50 basis points and it's right before the election. And now happy days are here again and everybody's singing his praises. The stock market is gone, it's doing great, there's so much wealth there. Drudge has a headline that let's see what it was the exact phraseology. Biden beats Trump at the stock market. Okay, well, wonderful. The stock market's doing fantastic.

Speaker 4:

So-called Gold broke its all-time high. That's not something that usually correlates together, so maybe we should just kind of reason that out a bit. If gold's breaking its all-time high again, which you know, that was something that this didn't happen all the time. By the way, I mean, if gold? I've been on the air when gold broke its all-time high for the first time in, like gosh, 10 years, when I was hosting the David Knight show in 2020, that was August 6th of 2020. That's the anniversary of when we dropped the first atomic weapon on Hiroshima, so that came out in August 6th 2020.

Speaker 4:

I'll never forget that, because I interviewed Gerald Salente that day and that was a huge deal. And guess what? It crossed like the $2,015 mark or something like that, and everybody said, wow, gold is really in a bull market. And I thought, no, I think this is just only the beginning. I mean, I don't know, and it's a bubble, all of that stuff. $2,600, folks, is what gold hit after Jerome Powell announced the lowering of interest rates.

Speaker 4:

And well, you can really get caught up in the technical here. Can I make it simple for you? There's really not much technical. They make it seem more complicated than it actually is, but really what it is. The markets are begging for inflation. The markets want cheap liquidity, cheap debt, currency creation to fund all the stuff that really isn't profitable. That's what the casino stock market is all about. My friend, donald Jeffries, who wrote the Survival of the Richest that's what he calls it. 80% of people have to lose, so 20% of people can win, and that's what all this is. And so Jerome Powell lowers rates right before the election. It'll give enough time to have the semblance of healthy going into November 5th. But make no mistake about it this economy is not healthy and it's not something that I want, but it's not based on anything sound and we haven't been healthy for a long, long time. This is a magic trick, folks. This is a magic trick, folks. This is sleight of hand.

Speaker 4:

You go back to the 1970s, a very pivotal timeline for what we're witnessing now. You know, the same year that we went off the gold standard, in 1971, is the formation of the World Economic Forum, and a lot of you are hearing my voice on traditional talk radio and conservative talk radio. You've since been introduced to the World Economic Forum. I was talking about that years and years ago. I was talking about the Great Reset long before COVID-19, long before the lockdowns. Long before we had President Fauci, I was talking about the Great Reset. I was talking about Klaus Schwab.

Speaker 4:

Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, a little radio voice out of San Antonio on my podcast going hey, has anybody noticed that they're taking trillions and dumping them into the market, currency creation and the likes of which has never been seen before. Is anybody else noticing this? And I talked to David Knight. We were noticing it that the Federal Reserve, just our central bank, not counting the central banks around the world were printing trillions to prop up the overnight liquidity markets on the eve that last quarter of 2019 going into 2020. That was a major red flag. Canary in the coal mine. Something's up, something's on the horizon.

Speaker 4:

Well, now you've got, you know the again, a good swath of people who are paying attention. They know what the World Economic Forum is. Well, that comes out of 1971. 72, richard Nixon opens China. We have an official diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China, communist China, mao. And 1973, just by coincidence, folks, by sheer coincidence that 1973, following that successful opening of China, the Trilateral Commission is born. And you know, that's Zygmunt Brzezinski, the Rockefellers, complete internationalism. It's like the Council on Foreign Relations. But better, right, you have to be CFR, you've got to be Council on Foreign Relations, to be trilateral. But trilateral is like, hey, this is the club inside of the club, this is for the cool guys. So then you get all of the technocrats, with the Brzezinski as well, and you get the planners and those, and they start moving our technology and wealth eastward.

Speaker 4:

And this is just something I know. You can find this anywhere. Go do your own research. You can see where the timeline starts really stacking up for what's happening now and things take a long time. You know we're used to instant everything. You know it's like a microwave society everything's instant. You know instagram. We have, uh, everything's. You know 15 minutes of fame. Now it's 15 seconds of fame. You got clips and everybody's got add and all that stuff. But you know there's long-term plans that have been set in place.

Speaker 4:

Because it takes a while, because the united states was a very wealthy nation and still could be. But it takes a while because the United States was a very wealthy nation and still could be, but it was built on manufacturing, built on production and these timelines. What I'm talking about. This is history you won't hear anywhere else. You hit 73, 74,. Guess what happened? That's the last time the United States of America ran a trade surplus. We'd run trade surpluses all through our history. That means that we produced more than we consumed and now that's an inverted thing. So all that wealth has to go somewhere.

Speaker 4:

And yes, I have a point with all this, but it has to do with the stock market and what's happening. So if you stop producing and that's where you have things like the Rust Belt it's rusty for reasons because all of those incentives were given to these multinational corporations to go eastward and put their factories up in a Darwinian contest with the American workers, like this Darwinian survival of the fittest. Well, we have slave labor and we got Foxconn and we have to put nets out so these people don't kill themselves, but there's no workers' rights and there's no unions and there's no environmental oversight. That's what they love, these multinationals. It's so funny it's the same people that fund the Democratic Party, but the Democratic Party has their voter base and they think that they're somehow sticking it to the man and sticking it to international finance or whatever. But they work for them. That's what they do and it's a plan to to cull away and to transfer wealth. It's the largest transfer of wealth in human history that's been going on.

Speaker 4:

So, right around the 1980s you had the head of the Federal Reserve's name was Paul Volcker and he was testifying in Congress and looking at something. It was like weaknesses in the economy. Yeah, there was the Reaganomics and they had. You know it was a go-go era and that's where you get, you know, the kind of the Wall Street culture and Gordon Gekko and all that stuff. You get that same attitude of like you know, we can have wealth and there's trickle down, you get the Laffer curve. Am I throwing out too many old references?

Speaker 4:

But he said something was fundamentally unsound about the economy. It had to do with production. Again, we used to be a great creditor, now we're a great debtor. You see, these things are inverted and antithetical to why we were founded, how we were founded. Sorry, my phone just, anytime I get on the air, my phone just rings constantly. It's pretty funny, it's like they know. But it was an inversion, right.

Speaker 4:

And so Paul Volcker said well, the problem with the United States economy is that we consume more than we produce, and this is an issue. Well, now it's just completely off the rails and that's why I'm giving you a foundational reasoning. It's like looking at the Fed and what the Fed's going to do. I mean, this is not something that they did. There wasn't, like this, bated breath, everybody waiting to see what was going to happen with the economy, with the Fed chairman, 40 years ago.

Speaker 4:

50 years ago, they didn't do that because the dollar was as good as gold. It was backed by gold. It was $35 an ounce for gold and it was that way from oh 1933, when Franklin Roosevelt stole your gold and told everybody to turn their gold in and raised it from $20 an ounce to $35. But really, that was our agreement with the world in 1944, bretton Woods the Bretton Woods Conference that set up the economic new world order is that we would be the world's reserve currency. It's $35 an ounce for gold, and that stayed that way.

Speaker 4:

Well, when you go off the gold standard and you start sending your manufacturing and all of the other things that happened away and you debase that currency, everything becomes monetized, in the sense that everything is, instead of being stable, you've got chaos, and that's why this is a new thing on our you know, we've gotten used to it, I think, but it is relatively new that we wait for the Fed chairman to tell us how the economy is going to do. And I'll remind everybody here, because I've been talking about this for years it feels like it's yesterday, but it's been a few years almost and this is something Jerome Powell said. He said, and I quote we don't think that we'll cause a recession and we don't think that we'll have to cause a recession by raising interest rates. Remember, they had to offset everything that they had done by this massive currency creation that they had in 2020. And, by the way, they had it beforehand, like I was saying earlier, it was about $6 trillion that they pulled out of thin air to prop up these overnights known as the repo market. So, fundamentally, I hate to ruin it for you, and I had to set a foundational thing this isn't real.

Speaker 4:

Just so we're clear whatever's happening with oh, the stocks are up and everything's this is a time when those who smell blood are going to start selling. This is when it hits another peak. Now we can do some profit taking. There'll be some selling, and they're going to wait till there's blood in the streets. They're going to come back, just like the Rothschild said, and, of course, they're going to be waiting to buy up all these stocks that they've dumped at pennies on the dollar. And things like that are going to happen post-election. So don't be fooled. And things like that are going to happen post-election. So don't be fooled.

Speaker 4:

If you're paying attention to any of this stuff, continue to keep your head on a swivel, continue to look at this with cold logic. I promise you it's temporary and everything that's happening with gold. These things don't even correlate If you really dig into the numbers. $2,600 an ounce gold wasn't really predicted, not in any mainstream or any even the intelligence outfits. With some of the big banks and goldmans, all these guys. There have been periods where they called for gold bull market. But come on, folks, there's something else happening here. The world is remonetizing their commodities. The dollar is being de-dollarized, which around the world. The Chinese are working directly with the Saudis and they're filling the role that we once filled with the petrodollar. They're going to start the petroyuan through the BRICS system. So there's something that's happening and you need to be aware of it. There's something that's happening and I want you to understand what the next step is.

Speaker 4:

All right, so let's jump into some stories and I appreciate everybody's patience. Today we had that little hiccup at the beginning, but I think we're doing okay. I don't have any audio issues. I need to check the Rockfin chat. Hopefully we got everybody back over there. I see we've got Jason Barker on the Rockfin chat and Melissa's there. Thank you, Melissa, for being there. Appreciate you All right, and I'm broadcasting over on Rumble as well.

Speaker 4:

Always good to see everybody over there. Yeah, I've learned how to check Rumble, by the way, all right. Okay, so let's jump into some stories. I saw this. Jim Rickards put up a story. This is a difference in the two camps when it comes to, uh, the CBDC. It's one of the only issues where you do start to see, at least in rhetoric, a real difference. This is zero hedge. Let's put this up here. This is Jim Rickards Put this as an article up on zero hedge through daily reckoningcom. It says Kamala bucks are coming.

Speaker 4:

We're still trying to process the latest assassination attempt on Donald Trump, which took place on Sunday in West Palm Beach, but while that's important to dissect as the election gets closer, it's important to consider a development I've been warning about for over two years. President Donald Trump has long been an opponent of central bank digital currencies, cbdcs, or, as I call them Biden bucks. Now that Biden is essentially out of the picture, maybe I should rename them Kamala bucks. I called them Biden bucks because I wanted Biden and his partner Kamala to take full credit for what I consider to be crimes against American citizens. This is more on that shortly.

Speaker 4:

For now, let's focus on Trump. At a New Hampshire campaign rally early this year, donald Trump reiterated what he's been saying for months CBDCs are dangerous and he would never allow it if elected, and this is something that Trump said. For too long, the average American has been squeezed by the big banks and financial elites. It's time we take a stand together. This would be a dangerous threat to freedom and I will stop it from coming to America. Such a currency would give a federal government absolute control over your money. They could take your money and you wouldn't even know it was gone. In fact, trump recently pledged to ban CBDC's, the promotion, to create of a national crypto reserve and guarantee that the government will not sell crypto obtained through law enforcement seizures.

Speaker 4:

Well, I would only say to Jim Rickards the reason that I'm skeptical of any of this left rightright paradigm stuff and again, I've studied the Trump administration from 2017 to 2021 very closely and that is the presence of Jared Kushner. Jared Kushner, he owns 666 Fifth Avenue. That's that, jared Kushner. He owns 666 Fifth Avenue. That's that Jared Kushner. Jared was very much a proponent of central bank digital currencies a proponent, not an opponent and this is somebody who worked very closely and does work very closely with Donald Trump. So again, I'm glad that I see this kind of rhetoric coming out of at least one camp.

Speaker 4:

You know, because a lot like you know, in the past when you've had like a Romney versus Obama, when you have the Obama's reelection campaign, you had Romney care because he had. You know that was what was on the ballot, was is you know? Are we going to pass this Obamacare? Is this going to stand? Will the Supreme Court continue to uphold the mandate and all the rest? But if you really dug into the election, the powers that be had covered their bases because, no matter what, you're going to get some sort of socialized medicine, some sort of top down control over that, whether Romney wins or whether Obama wins, control over that, whether Romney wins or whether Obama wins this is one of those things that I think is a clear indicator. There is some difference, at least in the factions that are fighting over the power and the control of the levers of power here in the United States of America. So you know, again, we're going to continue to dig into this and I'm glad that it's being called out.

Speaker 4:

But you should not really. Even if Trump is elected and reelected in or selected in November, you're still going to have to watch out for this. This is still going to be a fight. This isn't going to go away, even with the Trump victory, and that's because of people like Jared Kushner and the people that are going to be in the periphery of power. In fact, trump recently pledged to ban CBDCs, promote the creation of a national crypto reserve. Yeah, we went over that. President Trump is right. Biden bucks are dangerous threat to freedom. They're a threat to our constitutional liberties and give the government total control over private financial information. A change in leadership is probably our last hope in stopping this madness from continuing.

Speaker 4:

Maybe you're a new reader who's not familiar with Biden bucks, or maybe you're an existing reader who hasn't thought about them for a while. To catch up, here are some of the basics they want to replace cash with a new electronic currency. These Biden bucks would have the full backing of the US Federal Reserve. To be clear, they won't just be a complement to cash. They will entirely, or very nearly entirely, replace the cash fiat dollar that we have now. In other words, the dollar will be strictly digital. This dollar will be the sole mandatory currency of the United States. It would put your money under direct control. As President Trump has said, you could use it only at the government's discretion. We're already seeing how many retailers are no longer accepting cash across America.

Speaker 4:

What happens when physical cash is eliminated from any payment transactions? Well, let's just start from there too. I want to talk about that A lot of people forget in the run-up to COVID-1984 and all the stuff that was happening I was covering this really closely because that's my wheelhouse in currencies they were stopping cash from re-entering the United States because it had been to China. It's got the virus on it, whatever right, and I started talking about this.

Speaker 4:

Then there was a coin shortage, and the reason there was a coin shortage is because they shut down all these small businesses. They said, hey, you're not essential. President Fauci says go home, you have to go collect your $1,200 once quarterly or whatever. Go bankrupt, because there's Lowe's and they're essential, and there's Walmart, and they're essential. And there's big retailers, a big box they're essential, but you're not. So there's all these small and medium-sized businesses that were locked down and they were not allowed to make those deposits. So that's one of the reasons they had a coin shortage, and I could have told you that that was so stupid. They're like why is there a shortage of coins? Do we need to make new coins? It's because they aren't flowing through the economy. It's because these small businesses aren't making deposits. And if you ever run a small business, you know about deposits and overnight drops and all the stuff you have to do.

Speaker 4:

As a matter of fact, I think I've got somebody paid the other day at Wise Wolf in Denison Texas. I think I've got like fifteen hundred of those Sacagawea dollars and I forgot about that. It just reminded myself here doing the show, but there's something with this. So if you don't know what to look for, then all this seems kind of far-fetched. But let's say and right now there's a controlled demolition of the United States dollar. Folks, it's a controlled demolition. There's a controlled demolition of the United States dollar across the world, and the powers that be here, the United States, they're not fighting to keep the world's reserve currency status at any level. They're not fighting to keep the petrodollar at any level, they just let the agreement lapse, as I mentioned earlier. But there's some key factors in here that you know Jim doesn't mention, and I don't think it's on purpose, he omitted them, it's just me. I think about this kind of stuff when you realize that the world has used the dollar for so long, and 80 percent again.

Speaker 4:

Let's just throw out some figures. I learned this during, you know, just four or five years ago that I was picking up all these little factoids. 80 percent of all of the $100 bills that have ever been made are not in this country. They're outside. And if you take all, the 65% of all the paper currency is outside. So if those currency units repatriated, we would have something akin to hyperinflation. And that's just if the paper currency. That's not counting all the electronics and the bonds and everything else that is in the debt that is owned, and the sovereign debt, those funds, if those come home. That's something that's called Triffin's dilemma. So if you wanted to, if you really wanted to stop, if you really wanted to stop the power and the hegemonic dominance of the dollar, what you would do is you would send those currency units back to the United States.

Speaker 4:

Now that's maybe why they're thinking about completely going cashless. That's one way to wipe that off. Longer used as legal tender. If you say, well, you've got so much time to repatriate, then it just leaves those currency units free, floating forever without any sort of reimbursement. Do you understand? Are we tracking together? I think that's what I'm talking about. Is that there is this notion that a central bank digital currency wipes away a lot of their sins, at least in the short term, because then they can control and they can expand and contract the money supply in real time. And that's just the beginning, because it's really surveillance disguised as money. So they get all of their fun stuff with that, which is the biometrics and I'm going to go into that here in a second but it's, you know, the ability to make currency expire. So you can't do that really with cash. You can't do that when you have decentralized banking or if people have, you know, notes and other things that are tied to that it goes and talks about. He says, declined.

Speaker 4:

Imagine this to further advance the Biden-Harris green news scam. What if the Dems and their deep state enablers decided that gasoline needs to be rationed. Your Biden-Kamala bucks could be rendered useless at the gas pump once you've purchased a certain amount of gasoline. In a week you want gas, but all you get is a one-word message declined. How's that for control, he asked. Message declined How's that for control, he asked. That's just one example.

Speaker 4:

Biden bucks would create new ways for the government to control how much you can buy of an item or even restrict purchases. They would keep score of every financial decision you make. In a world of Biden bucks, the government would even know your physical whereabouts and the point of purchase. It's a short step from there to putting you under FBI investigation if you vote for the wrong candidate or give donations to the wrong political party. It's as if any of this sounds extreme, fantastical or otherwise far-fetched. I promise you it's not. By the way, this is Jim Rickards, and if you know anything about Jim Rickards, he's been in the game for a long time and worked for the Central Intelligence Agency as a financial analysis analyst on worldwide geopolitical you know, fourth dimensional, nonlinear warfare stuff with finance and gold and commodities and currency and all this stuff. Like he wrote the book Currency Wars and so on. It is an insider and he's telling you this Kamala would be even worse.

Speaker 4:

I don't want to exaggerate, but the US is moving closer and closer to an authoritarian style government. We're not there yet, well, sort of, but things are trending in that direction. If you thought it was bad under Biden, it would be even worse under Kamala. Biden was basically a puppet of top Democratic insiders, mostly holdovers from the Obama administration. He never had any real core beliefs. He just did what he was told. That's exactly right. And I called that back in 2020 when, you know, the election was nearing, kind of like this same time, and the Hunter Biden laptop dropped and the Trump camp didn't use it, the media didn't cover it and I thought, oh, I know what this is going to be used for. The Democrats will use it, and they did. And I think they used all of that as leverage to they can use Joe and they can dispose of Joe, and they did. They did think they used all of that as leverage to they can use Joe and they can dispose of Joe, and they did. They did it in front of everybody and there was a. You witnessed a soft coup d'etat in the United States of America where the president was basically who was running for reelection was told no, was running for re-election was told no, and they came in and did that. I think there was leverage used from the prosecution of Hunter Biden and what was in the laptop and 10% to the big guy was never used by the so-called enemies of the Democratic Party. You never see the Republicans ever using any of that. They'll do hearings, but not like the leverage that was used to oust Joe Biden.

Speaker 4:

Jim goes on to say you can fight back, but we can fight back against Biden-Kamala bucks by adopting a variety of alternative currencies, including cash, while it lasts, gold coins, silver coins and commodity barter. That's one reason the government is trying to eliminate cash and kill crypto. It may come down to gold and silver. I urge you to get yours while you can. The bottom line is the federal government is coming after our money and rights Again. That's not hyperbole or some conspiracy theory. We can already see it happening. Well, that's exactly what's happening. Theory we can already see it happening. Well, that's exactly what's happening. Folks, you have to understand that this has always been the game.

Speaker 4:

The reason that the banksters want to control the money supply is they found out a long time ago. That's how you control governments. That's why the United States government was hijacked by these people. You go back to the 19th century. Mayor Amschel Rothschild said I care not who sits on the British throne. The person who controls the British empire is the person who controls the British money supply. And I control the British money supply. Didn't have to be on the throne and that's why, in 1910, on Jekyll Island, 53 years to the day, the deep state murdered JFK.

Speaker 4:

They came up with a plan for a federal reserve. It was November 22nd 1910. It wasn't to help you, it wasn't altruistic and, by the way, there was strong opposition from the American public. Because of Andrew Jackson and the populism he wanted, I killed the bank on his tombstone. He killed the second bank of the United States, and it was from 1836 to 1913. We didn't have one.

Speaker 4:

So it was like private institutions. The government could coin money. You know. You could coin it right, which was what Congress is legally authorized to do, constitutionally authorized to do, and it has to be gold and silver specie, right. But that's not what the Federal Reserve is. They hijack the money supply.

Speaker 4:

So central bank digital currency is coming, folks. I'm optimistic because I see the states are making their own gold and silver depositories making gold and silver legal tender. There's huge breakthroughs in some of the states with crypto and things like Bitcoin. Deregulation is amping up. I love that. Decentralization is growing, while these world economic forum types and the globalists they very much want centralization. They're fighting history and the battle is not over. I promise you they will implement this stuff, regardless of the election like this is coming.

Speaker 4:

They've got the World Economic Forum and that's who you need to be paying attention to. Don't pay the political parties. It's not really what the issue is anymore. The issue is it's we, the people, versus the plutocrats, which is again the small cabal. You know the cult that David Icke talks about, the top of the pyramid. They want to control, they want to farm you. They use these supranational entities to infiltrate.

Speaker 4:

Klaus Schwab said. He said we penetrate the cabinets. We penetrate the cabinets. Well, they get inside, they work their way in, they weasel their way in, just like again. I talked about the Council on Foreign Relations. What do you think that is? What do you think the CFR is? They don't even believe in borders. They don't even believe in the nation state. A lot of the same people that get into the state departments and the diplomatic areas of the United States government. They don't believe in borders. You think I'm making this stuff up, but the Council on Foreign Relations comes in direct response to the United States not joining the League of Nations.

Speaker 4:

After World War I the United States Senate was still very much in line with how it was supposed to be. The founding fathers had set the Senate up as a separate entity that was supposed to thwart the executive branch and the popular will. It was supposed to be like a preservation. This is Alexanderilton's vision. If you read uh, uh ron chernow, if you read um his books on lyndon johnson, uh that, you get a lot of that same. Or russell carroll, you get the same kind of blueprint there from hamilton. He was supposed to set that up. The Senate did that. So anyway you go back to post-World War I. We threw off the League of Nations. It didn't happen. It was like the prototype for the one world government, for what the UN would later become. So they set up in 1920, they set up the Council on Foreign Relations and my friend James Perloff was probably like the original you know breakdown of. He wrote a book in the late 1980s called Shadows of Power and if you can go out and get that book. You should, but that that's just part of it, right, that's just.

Speaker 4:

I'm giving you, you know, things to watch for CFR, trilateral Commission, world Economic Forum. These are the entities to watch because they tell you Again, like I was saying, with the World Economic Forum, they were, they were crowing that you know, 96 percent of all countries had adopted a blueprint for central bank digital currency and they thought that was wonderful. So that is coming right. And the Bank of International Settlements in Basel, switzerland, has their own setup for it. The IMF calls it the Unicoin. They want to process all things through one centralized hub, control it from the top down. But the cool thing is that centralization is coming, or decentralization is coming, rather, all right, right.

Speaker 4:

So let's go back and look at the headlines of drudge, you guys. Uh, you know we follow the what's happening and it definitely is a softening up of targets in the middle east. I want to jump over to antiwarcom. Let's check out this story really quick. This is something to watch. Just giving you my thoughts.

Speaker 4:

Israel detonates thousands of Hezbollah walkie-talkies, killing at least 20. The walkie-talkie attack came a day after Israel detonated pagers in Lebanon, killing at least 12, including two children? Yeah, there's never any. They call them smart bombs. I've seen what smart bombs do. People try to sanitize war. No, you kill kids, you kill women, you kill families. You bomb wedding parties. People are trying to live their life and you're carrying out some cold-hearted geopolitical game. Some cold-hearted geopolitical game. You know a very dangerous resetting of the chessboard for your whatever ends of the ruling class and people die. On Wednesday, israel blew up thousands of two-way radios used by Hezbollah in Lebanon, killing at least 20 people and wounding 450. Lebanon's official news agency also reported that solar energy systems blew up in Beirut and in the south, wounding one girl. The walkie-talkie attack came after Israel blew up Hezbollah's pagers in Lebanon, killing at least 12, including two children and four health care workers. The pager attack also wounded around 2,800 people, and about two-thirds of them require surgery to their face, hands or eyes, according to Lebanese Health Minister, firas Abiyad.

Speaker 4:

All right, so this is well the reason I bring this up, and you guys all know my thoughts on what stage is being set here. But I want to bring everybody's attention. So let's go back in time, and these type of attacks are generally what precedes a much larger operation. These are meant to take out, you know, through mass surprise and through skullduggery and subterfuge and all this stuff, right, cunning Machiavellian lying in wait. You know, revenge is a dish best served cold. All that stuff, it gets thrown into this. They can't really use it again. So this is a chip that they've put on the table, probably worked out for years and years and years, like how do we, if we could, just, you know, distribute these pagers, walkie talkies, all this stuff that they're doing? How do they do it in a coordinated fashion? Boom, boom, boom. Take out as many people that are close to the head networks as possible.

Speaker 4:

And I want to remind everybody there was and it's a long forgotten thing that happened right before September 11th 2001. And I remember because I noticed it. I was 21, and I was staying in a hotel in Sofia, bulgaria, with my dad and I talked about this. I was representing the United States at the World Championships for Powerlifting and I was 21. I was watching CNN International and right before the attacks, they went after several of the leaders of the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan. Now, the Northern Alliance would have been those who would have been most active in opposing, or who were active in opposing, the Taliban. Now, if you think about it, it's like, well, who actually went after him? Was it Al Qaeda? Because what it you know they can? They blew them up. They blew up these leaders, especially the head of the Northern Alliance. They blew him up with the, with the camera crew. So it's kind of that same ilk where they're using everyday things, softening up targets. That would have been a different reality post 9-11. So that was probably always on the table. We're going to hit Afghanistan.

Speaker 4:

And then there's the ties with al-Qaeda, because we knew we set up the al-qaeda in the late 1970s, 1979. That's where you get. You know al-qaeda is officially put into um use, but it means the database. Um robin cook from the, the british ministry, taught us that. Uh, he later died, you know real suddenly. But he was saying there is no thing, as Al-Qaeda doesn't mean the base, it means a database. It's a collection of names and that's the holy warriors, the Musha Dean and those in the Wahhabi. The Wahhabis, the Muslim Brotherhood, that was the British, used to run. They were turned over to us to go kill Russians. So that's again, that's what happened.

Speaker 4:

So if you fast forward to 2001 and that critical time, which is, you know, we're just past the anniversary. But if you go back and you rewind the tape, that's what they did. They, somebody was trying to reset who would be the leadership in a post, whatever, right, so the Taliban doesn't stand a chance. But also then you get the Northern Alliance, which never was and, by the way, all these years later, the Taliban rules again there. So all that for what? But this is what always happens right before you have a major operation. Do you think this is a? I mean, this is a major look. If you step back and look at this and how many people they've taken out and how many people were wounded, like in the message that it sends, they can't do it again and you only get.

Speaker 4:

These are like creative ways to kill, to maim, to disrupt Very creative, and you only get one shot at it. It's like a trick play. It's always used before something else. So pay attention. All right, let's jump around a little bit more. So as we close the show. We've got about 10 minutes. I've got to turn the show in. We're doing the with the new radio contract. I can't go over anymore. They just get. They tell me I've been, they've tolerated me for years and years over at Salem and they're like, hey, you've got this new station and Dallas is really, they really need you to have it in at 52 minutes. Okay, well, I won't do any commercial breaks, I won't do anything, I won't even do bumpers. I'll do the intro and we can get to it.

Speaker 4:

Because there's so much to cover, let's talk for a minute about, let's do a fact check. So supposedly you know Crooks, the first Trump shooter, right, the would-be assassin, back from July 13th he was in a BlackRock commercial and everybody went, wow, that's real, he was in a BlackRock commercial. This supposedly a kid with no social media. He was really so passionate. Right, he's in a BlackRock commercial. I didn't think that was that weird. I mean, it's kind of like in the periphery of high finance and intelligence or MKUltra, all these little things that happen. I mean you just kind of pay attention to who funds what, right? Well, the next would be Trump shooter Ryan Ruth, suspected.

Speaker 4:

Right, this is an article up on Natural News. I'm going to get to this in a second. It says he masterminded a scheme to traffic Afghan refugees into Ukraine to fight for zielinski using forged pakistani passports. Well, we're going to get into the article. But the thing that was funny is because a lot of people started talking about how this guy, ryan ruth, was also in a black rock commercial. So they jump in to say, oh, no, no, that's not true Fact check. Well, it's in the periphery of one. They can use a technicality and say that it's not a BlackRock commercial and we didn't produce it in a pro-Ukrainian ad that BlackRock again, these same movements that BlackRock supported. So is it a fact check that it's, oh, it's absolutely a conspiracy theory? Or was he in these same circles? And, by the way, let me pull this up. So this article again. By the way, who are these people Like this guy masterminding something? Who does he work for? There's no such thing as a lone nut. All right, it says it come to light that the latest suspected Donald Trump shooter, ryan Ruth, masterminded a scheme to traffic Afghan refugees to Ukraine to fight for Zelensky and the globalist deep state, and he used forged Pakistani passports, in violation of the law, to do it. The new Indian report on Ruth's alleged crimes back in April 1st 2023, revealing that he funneled Afghan refugees into Zelensky's meat grinder to fight Vladimir Putin in Russia, which, as the world knows, has been engaged in a special military operation in Ukraine since early 2022.

Speaker 4:

The following video and this is a video up here. I don't know if I can show it on how long it is, maybe we can. Let's just know if I can show. I don't know how long it is, maybe we can. Let's just see if we can put this up. I don't know how this, we'll make sure it's not too long. I'm doing this all on the fly, but we should put it up just to see if we can get this for the record. All right, hold on, stand by. The following video shows the article in question, along with an analysis of its contents. You also get to see and hear from Ruth himself as he spoke to the mainstream media about his pro-Zelensky, pro-ukraine agenda Officials in Kiev simply aren't interested in recruiting them. Ukraine is reluctant to be cooperative.

Speaker 2:

That's Ryan Ruth, a US citizen who set up the International Volunteer Center in Ukraine to help connect foreigners to Ukrainian military units.

Speaker 1:

I'm talking to over 100 soldiers every day, pretty much everybody, all of my contacts in Ukraine, this is an operator. She yelled at me every time that I suggested that we bring in Afghans.

Speaker 2:

The Ukrainian government didn't respond to our request for comment, but a source close to the officials in Kiev told Semaphore that their top concern is the question of loyalty in the thick fog of war. Those concerns aren't completely unfounded.

Speaker 4:

Well, there you go, folks, the plot thickens. Well, there you go, folks, the plot thickens. And just because he's not in an official BlackRock commercial, you do understand the international order of things. It's monolithic in the sense that it has its international green lit. For all of those and that same mindset coming down from high finance, the international banking consortiums and combines, Russia is not a friend to them. So these are extensions of their policies by other means. And then you have these periphery people. These operators just happen to be on the side of those who would like to see assassinated Two in a row.

Speaker 4:

Very bizarre, it says Big Tech trying to erase all evidence of Ruth's ties to Ukraine. The deep state. According to an ex-user who tried to search for more information about Ruth, big Tech is rapidly scrubbing as much information about Ruth's sordid past from the internet as possible. The powers that be do not want people to know that Ruth was a media darling who basically devoted his entire elderly life to fighting for Ukraine. Oh yeah, and there's a spirit around. If you watch the people that are really like the super devoted pro-Uukrainian people here in the united states, there's a spirit about them that it's disturbing. I mean they want especially those who are kind of in the social movement side of it, like the rainbow flag side of it, that that's some scary stuff. You see, like that's a that French Revolution, jacobin kind of mindset, bolshevik Revolution. You know blood in the streets, great. You know the great terror as they called it during the French Revolution. They got that look in their eye and it's just like nothing will do but blood. They love it. They love war. It's my one of my favorite memes now is Kamala Harris and it says forward and somebody just cut out and just says for war, like that's, that's what this is. You got to understand it's the health of the state, folks. Well, there's something, something to think about. That little article here just shining some light on what are we actually watching transpire here. And these two figures do actually touch. I don't care what they said in the fact check. Maybe it's not an official thing, but you understand these things flow together Like finds, like in this life. So pay attention to that.

Speaker 4:

All right, let's go over a gold and silver price. I haven't done this in forever. We should do this. History's happened, folks. Gold 2,592. Luciferian Bankster notes make a troy ounce 2,592. Gosh, I remember telling you it was $1,400 an ounce and you should really take a look at that. There's something going on with the dollar. I mean, we're in another universe. That's very quaint, an old Tony broadcast for sure.

Speaker 4:

Silver $3,111 per troy ounce for the white metal and the gold and silver ratio completely skewed. Let's not forget, folks, that the actual market cap for gold and silver 16 to 1, that Alexander Hamilton had it right, that's what it was here in the United States. 16 to 1 in the market cap for wealth of the world, in geological terms it's 17 to 1. That's what's estimated 17 ounces of silver for every one ounce of gold in the earth. But somehow in this market it's 85 to 1. So you do the math on that and do your own research.

Speaker 4:

But I think silver's got a lot of upside. You can get that through wolfpack and you can dollar cost average. You can take, take fiat currency, luciferian Banks, chinoise, turn them into actual money as low as $50 a month. Go to wolfpackgold, promo code 1776, to get some free silver, free constitutional silver. But to you guys I'm running up on here on a hard break and I appreciate each and every one of you, from Beans to Brave myself, the entire crew. You guys have a great weekend. Take care of each other. End of transmission.