The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast

#484 Gold Surges, UN's Pact for the Future CBDC marches on

The Arterburn Radio Transmission

What if the global financial system is being reset right under our noses, without our consent? Join us on the Arterburn Radio Transmission as we explore the dramatic rise in precious metals like gold and silver, and what this means for your financial security. We tackle the geopolitical tensions brewing between Lebanon and the United States, and how these are intricately tied to the global economy. Featuring insights from John W. Whitehead, we dive into the alarming prospects of central bank digital currencies that could redefine the way we understand money and privacy.

Moving on, we shine a spotlight on the UN's newly adopted "Pact for the Future"—a 56-page document that has largely escaped public scrutiny. This pact includes a "global digital compact" and could be the blueprint for a new global order. We dissect this ambitious agenda, drawing historical comparisons to Orwell and Solzhenitsyn, to emphasize the lack of public debate and the potential dangers of such sweeping changes. We also critically examine the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and question the real impact of its lofty goals.

In a world increasingly leaning towards digital currencies, we discuss the potential for increased government surveillance and control. Using China's digital yuan as a case study, we consider what a central bank digital currency could mean for American citizens. The conversation also touches upon the importance of stricter data privacy laws and the need for an electronic bill of rights to shield us from invasive government and corporate surveillance. Don't miss our final thoughts on safeguarding your wealth with precious metals and how you can join our Wolfpack membership to stay one step ahead.

Speaker 1:

We have before us the opportunity to forge, for ourselves and for future generations, a new world order. Good evening folks. You're listening to the Hour of the Time. I'm William Cooper. The chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall. John has a long mustache. John has a long mustache. It's 12 o'clock, americans, another day closer to victory. And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song Time, weather and highway. Veteran of three foreign wars, entrepreneur and warrior, poet Tony Arterburn takes on the issues facing our country, civilization and planet. This is the Arterburn Radio Transmission. So you don't believe me, do you, brad? You know what the poet said Through the travail of ages, it's the pomp and toils of war.

Speaker 1:

Have I fought and strove and perished countless times upon the star and perished countless times on the star, as if through a glass and darkly, the age-old strife. I see where I fought in many guises, many names, but always me. You know who the poet was.

Speaker 2:

Me. Welcome to the Arterburn Radio Transmission. Ladies and gentlemen, I am your host, tony Arterburn, broadcasting in defiance of globalist goblins, the neocons and the new world order. I'm in Denison, texas, today, deep in the heart of Texas, along with Beans the Brave. It is the 26th of September 2024. Yes, I have to glance and see what day it is. I was talking to David Knight before we did our interview this morning. He goes. I didn't even remember it was Thursday until you texted me and I said I have to set a reminder now to see what day it is. Lots happening.

Speaker 2:

We're going to dig into some headlines. The monetary system is being reset. How do you like your great reset? Are you enjoying your reset of the entire global financial system without your consent? By the way, there was a UN resolution that was just passed.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to go over that article that's up on Natural News. You didn't hear about it because you're being force-fed the election. So much to break down. Ladies and gents, yeah, I want to go over that. I want to go over an article by John W Whitehead, too, on central bank digital currency.

Speaker 2:

Let's continue to keep focus on what's actually threatening us and, of course, I opened with a poem from George Patton. It's important to remember our history. Folks Remember where we were, what the last great an ounce since the beginning of the year. I would have never predicted that. That's even too radical for me and I'm telling you, you know straight on, they're resetting the entire system. Silver's up 40% in terms of dollars in the last year. That's not an accident and what's happening, as you see, like this rapid acceleration in the drawing of lines geopolitically for kinetic warfare God forbid, but that's what they're doing. I talked to you last week about the IDF and possibly whatever Mossad operation it was to get those walkie-talkies to blow up and the pagers to blow up. That is a softening maneuver, usually softening up a target, and you only get to use it once They've chosen to use it. So there will be something into Lebanon, possibly dragging the United States into a no-win, unconstitutional war. We haven't done that before. We've drug ourselves into a few of those over the past couple of decades three decades for sure and we'll look at some of that, some of the headlines going on with anti-war as well.

Speaker 2:

Lots to talk about here in the dystopia. All right, let's jump into some articles Now. I wanted to talk a little bit about precious metals and we probably will save that for the end of the show. Just because of the pricing it's again breaking $2,600 in the last week. Futures are already set at $2,700 an ounce on gold Just unprecedented times. And the major banks, according to Reuters, they're not even thinking this is the top of the market or that it's the peak of a bull market or that it's a bubble, and there's massive inflows into the exchange-traded funds. Something's happening, folks, and you need to pay attention to that.

Speaker 2:

All right, let's start us off here, because this John W Whitehead article is pretty long, but it's about the threat of our time, and my friend Charlie Robinson, who's host of Macroaggressions, wrote the Octopus of Global Control. I've had him on my show many, many times. He's my good friend and he and I are in agreeance with the central bank. Digital currency it is the hill to die on. It's the one thing that we can't allow to truly take root, and the answer to it is not just stopping it, but it's decentralization. It's putting the things in place that will again give us an opportunity to be outside of that system without counterparty risk, without the surveillance, disguised as money, that the over the fiat overlords want to shackle you with.

Speaker 2:

This is an article. I want to put this up. Let me stop the screen here. All right, this is an article. I want to put this up. Let me stop the screen here.

Speaker 2:

I was looking for the transcript of that Patton poem. Of course, they shortened it, you know, for the movie, and George C Scott does such a great job. I used to have, back when the Arterburn radio transmission was in San Antonio, I had a clip of that, followed by a Megadeth song, and I blended it. I'm going to redo it. I blended it together, but I used to open the show with that and I just thought we need a poem today and we need something that inspires us, realizes that we're in a loop and this all has meaning. All right, let's put this on. This is natural news. Let's share the screen. Yeah, you didn't know this, did you?

Speaker 2:

The UN just adopted a pact for the future, not back to the future, but a pact to the future, and a pact for the future. Yeah, they're adopting stuff. Did you vote for this? I didn't think you did. It says while everyone was distracted, the global elite got exactly what they wanted. By the way, this is from Michael Schneider, who has the Economic Collapse blog.

Speaker 2:

The UN adopted the Pact for the Future on September 22nd, and the mainstream media in the Western world almost entirely ignored what was happening. Instead, the headlines urged us to keep focusing on Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Sadly, the vast majority of the population has never heard about the quote pact for the future, and so there was very little public debate about whether or not we should be adopting a document which lays the foundations for a new global order, and so you didn't have this discussion. We were talking about the. You know the different camps and personality of the duopoly, of the two-party system and the sameness of the uniparty. The text for the future is available online, but hardly anyone will ever read it, and many of the most important provisions are buried toward the end of the 56-page document.

Speaker 2:

Do you ever notice that anything that starts getting up and up, like as far as how many pages it is or how thick it is, like the less freedom is in it? It's like the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. You just kind of slip in your front pocket in case you need to pull it out and tell people about your. It's like I'm from. You know, I'm from this country. I'm supposed to be in the United States of America. I'm supposed to be in my beloved republic. Here's the set of laws that you know. These are the limitations of what the government cannot do. And then this is easy. But you notice these bills. They keep the higher the stack of bills. What did I say when I ran for Congress? I was like if a bill, if a bill, is thicker than the King James version of the Bible, it should be burned Like there's nothing in it that's any good. And that's what these little, these documents? They just stack them up. There's tons of it, and they do bury it in there. They bury the uh, the tyranny of it, and they do bury it in there, they bury the tyranny.

Speaker 2:

Once the pact for the future was formally adopted, the following was posted on the official UN website. This is the quote from it World leaders today adopted a pact for the future that includes a global digital compact oh wonderful. And a declaration on future generations Vague. This pact is the culmination of an inclusive, years-long process to adapt international cooperation to the realities of today and the challenges of tomorrow. The most wide-ranging international agreement in many years, covering entirely new areas as well as issues on which agreement has not been possible in decade.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I don't know what that is. The pact aims above all is to ensure that international institutions can deliver in the face of a world that has changed dramatically since they were created. And the Secretary General has said we cannot create a future fit for our grandchildren with the system built by our grandparents. Well, that's an interesting observation. What is that that reminds me of Solzhenitsyn. What does he say? If you want to destroy a people, you first sever their roots. That's what all this has been about, like the taking and toppling of statues, the removing of books, the demonization of the past. Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past, to channel Orwell. That's what this is. It's a pact for the future, though right. You would think the most wide-ranging international agreement in many years would make headlines all over the planet, but that did not happen. The UN press release also boldly declares that the pact for the future will lay the foundations for a new global order. Well, you don't say Well.

Speaker 2:

The last global order was at Breton Woods in 1944, right before, supposedly, hitler bit down on the cyanide capsule in the bunker, in the Fuhrer bunker, which I don't—it's possible. He went to South America old system was being replaced by the new system. And how you replace that is the chaos of war inside. And that's what all the old foundations at the beginning of the 20th century, like the Carnegie Foundation around 1910, just after they had had the meeting on Jekyll Island to give you the Federal Reserve, they started, these foundations of the world's richest people, started getting together and say, well, how do we create all this social change? And one of the things they came up with after, you know, getting all these people in a room and creating like these proto think tanks were, oh, the best way to change society is a war. So they all agreed on that. And then the next question was how do we get into one? So that's where you get World War I. A lot of these are just social experiments.

Speaker 2:

History is not organic that way. You don't have these major conflicts and major wars and resetting of the global order without some sort of strategy coming from those who control things like the money supply or the resources. I'm sorry, folks, that's how history works. I mean, if you just went on the street and just asked people, why did we fight in World War I? Why did 150,000 Americans die? Why did we have hundreds of thousands wounded. Why did we quintuple the amount of US, our sovereign debt? You know, the debt of the US was $1 billion when we went into World War I. At the end of World War I, it was $5 billion. Right, it's like oh, it was an increase in the money supply too. Yeah, it was an increase in debt.

Speaker 2:

Who got rich? Was it your family? Is there still? You're still lineage of wealth based off of who got into World War I? No, it's just again a way for them to carry out a social change, radical change, through the guise of war. And this is when you have these declarations like this through unelected, supranational, supra not super supranational bodies like the United Nations.

Speaker 2:

The United Nations is the bones for the New World Order. You realize that? Right, like the United Nations, do you think it's a coincidence that the United Nations building of Rockefeller land, by the way, in New York is built on top of what was a slaughterhouse? Did you know that? Is it anything really different? It's so un. Right, the UN is un, unnecessary, unconstitutional, unlawful. It's un. I like it. It's un-everything. I don't want to live in a new global order that includes all peoples and all nations, writes Michael Snyder. I'm sure that most of you feel the exact same way, writes Michael Snyder. I'm sure that most of you feel the exact same way. Another page on the official UN website tells us that UN 2.0 is all about creating modern UN family. Hmm, how's that working out? Did you know the first part of the UN was they had it at the Presidio off the coast of in California, near San Francisco, the old army base there, the Presidio. And you know who was president of the like the mock? Well, it's not a mock UN. It was like the setup, like the initial rollout.

Speaker 2:

It was a man named Alger Hiss who was later found to be a Soviet spy. He was uncovered by Richard Nixon. He passed secrets on. He was a beloved establishment guy. They still loved him even after he was convicted for perjury for lying about not knowing other communists. But he passed secrets over to the Soviet Union union. He was even with the roosevelt in yalta at the uh close of world war ii. So he always has a great lineage for true patriots.

Speaker 2:

It's funny like you can always tell who's real like in, uh, the circles of right wing or republicans. I always ask them. I'm like oh, so do you like if you're? I met a congressman, I'm like, oh so you, you sponsored the bill to get us out of the UN, right? And they're like, no, no, so you haven't even thought about it. And that's the first thing I would do. It has some co-sponsors, but not very many. But that would be the first thing that we would need to do is do you think again. Do you know?

Speaker 2:

The UN has its roots there, in the League of Nations, and that's one of the reasons. At the end of World War I, the United States Senate rejected the League of Nations and the global elite said well, we got to bypass this American Senate system and all this stuff. And they were working on it because they did the 17th Amendment, which was the direct election of senators by the banksters, instead of like the legislatures, like the you know some of the smartest men in history that gave us our constitution set up. So again, they gave us the Council on Foreign Relations to bypass the fact that we didn't get into the League of Nations. You know what the CFR is? Right, it's ties to the City of London and to the British Empire, which is totally different. That's a financial dynasty. And they put in their operatives through the CFR Council on Foreign Relations and infiltrated most of our politics. Like Hillary Clinton said, she goes to the CFR Council on Foreign Relations and infiltrated most of our politics. Like Hillary Clinton said, she goes to the CFR to be told what to think and what the next move is and what's important. But the CFR is really just a training ground for other elitist groups that infiltrate and become your ruling elite, like the Trilateral Commission. But the UN is an offshoot of that and it's the bones of the New World Order.

Speaker 2:

This is a quote from the modern UN family. Halfway through the 2030 agenda, the world is not on track to achieve its sustainable development goals. Oh well, we could do like 10 shows on what that word means sustainable. It is not too late to change our course If we all rethink, refocus and recharge. Well, you forgot reimagine. That's one of the new Orwellian words that I have pushed back against. I don't like that word. It's a reimagined. What does that even mean? Un 2.0 encapsulates the secretary general's vision of a modern UN family, rejuvenated by forward thinking culture and empowered by cutting edge skills for the 21st century to turbocharge our support to people and planet. To turbocharge our support to people and planet. We strive towards this vision with a powerful fusion of innovation, data, digital foresight and behavioral science, skills and culture, a dynamic combination that we call the quintet of change. It is about evolution towards more agile, diverse, responsive and impactful UN organizations.

Speaker 2:

Oh, what a whole bunch of word salad with hidden meanings and codes. I'm sure it's like a dog whistle for deep state degenerates. That sounds so cozy, doesn't it? That's Michael Snyder, who wouldn't want to be part of a family, right? But the truth is, the agenda they tend to impose on all of us will not be pleasant at all. Well, that's the key word. It's impose, impose without your consent, and that's what these, doesn't it feel like?

Speaker 2:

This is what I talked about with David today. It's like the ship of state, or you will, or the vehicle, whatever it's been put on cruise control and the pilot or the operator bailed out with a golden parachute and we're all just like wait. We're on a burning Viking funeral ship of some kind and no one's who's in charge of the clattering train. At this point, I look around and I say, well, they have decided that the current system is going to be wrecked. And creative destruction. By the way, look up that term, creative destruction. This is a part of that how all of this works and they're going to benefit from the last bit of it. Nobody's trying to. This is the tell. Nobody's trying to save the current system Not really, maybe some of the bureaucrats that work inside of it. But I'm talking about the dollar. Is the world's reserve supreme currency, right?

Speaker 2:

I'm talking about the hegemonic dominance of the American military. All this stuff that's been going on since the end of the Cold War and really since the end of World War II. The setup with even Biden knows all this. He said there's going to be a new world order out there. What he's talking about is the extension of the liberal new world order. That's a real thing. That's what they work on. So that's how they see it. Like America is an unrivaled power and its power again it's able to project that into all facets of all economies boxing in rivals, making sure that nobody ever is able to compete with them on a regional level. That's what the Wolfowitz memorandum in 1992 was all about. From Paul Wolfowitz saying that, boxing in Russia, expanding NATO.

Speaker 2:

Well, they did all that. I mean the elites. They took us to war everywhere. We went on the crusades, we did the you know, the adventure in the Middle East for trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars. And all that blood and treasure, for what? So we, you know, go in there to oust the Taliban, put the Taliban back in power 20 years later, trillions into waste. And then Iraq, you know, we're going to oust Saddam Hussein because he's got these weapons, and if we don't do it, he's going to use his death ray to get us all. Even though they couldn't shoot down one aircraft over 10 years of 40,000 sorties, they couldn't shoot down one aircraft where they're going to take over the world. I mean, that's the kind of logic that was being thrown out there by people that were rational during that time. But I went to that war. And again, trillions of dollars for what? And so we're again leaving. Now you can't even use the US dollar there. The Iraqi parliament is banning the US dollar. So instead you got rid of Saddam Hussein, who had pallets of them, pallets of dollars. And I thought all of this was about the petrodollar, but it's not, because they didn't even try to save the petrodollar.

Speaker 2:

Something else is happening here, and I think my analogy of the driver bailing out of the vehicle is pretty apt, because no one seems to want to prop up this thing. They just kind of leave it on cruise control, autopilot, whatever you want to call it, and they're letting the rest of us fend for ourselves, and right now we're marching off to conflict. As a matter of fact, before I go into this article by John W Whitehead, I want to talk just to give you a headline here. These are serious things and you're not going to hear this on because it's election coverage. I don't even feel like we're in an election. I don't even know. Used to, I would know who was running campaigns, what they were about. You don't see that anymore. It's not substantive issues, it's just not. Let's put this anti-war article. I want to talk about this.

Speaker 2:

Putin orders changes to nuclear doctrine in a major warning to the West. The new doctrine will consider an attack on Russia by a non-nuclear state that's supported by a nuclear armed power a joint attack. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday outlined changes that will be made to Russia's nuclear doctrine as the US and NATO consider supporting long-range Ukrainian strikes inside Russia. Putin said in a meeting with Russian Security Council that under the new doctrine, an attack on Russia by a non-nuclear state that's supported by a nuclear-armed power would be treated as a joint attack, a clear reference to Ukrainian attacks on Russian territory that use NATO weapons and intelligence. Well, there you have it, folks. It's gotten so bad they're literally changed.

Speaker 2:

You realize all of the work done by previous generations. And that same article you know about the UN saying we don't want to live in a future that was set up by our grandparents. Well, guess what? Our grandparents and the people that preceded us kept us from being in a nuclear exchange. And it wasn't perfect and a lot of it was corrupt and a lot of it was ugly, but at least they tried.

Speaker 2:

And this new generation? They just think there's no consequences. It reminds me a lot of the lead-up, because we've got soft feet. These people walk between the raindrops and for some reason they just can't. You know, like the ruling families and the overlords in finance and politics, they all go to the same schools. They all know each other, like Gore Vidal said. You know, it's not a conspiracy if they all think alike. They certainly do.

Speaker 2:

But it reminds me a lot of the Civil War. This same thing happened during the Civil war. Uh, like the first part of the kickoff of the civil war. I mean, those people had never seen conflict. So a lot of people went out and said we're gonna have a picnic. You know, in the high society people go out there with their ladies and their nice dresses and they would go and they'd set up to watch the battle because it's gonna be a show. And then there's a cannonball that runs through and, just you know, cuts people's legs off and there's boys screaming out there and there's blood everywhere.

Speaker 2:

That's called war and a lot of people have never seen it. They just think, well, it's some abstract thing that happens over there. That's not that, that's arrogance, that's lack of wisdom and that's what the ruling elite have here. They've never seen it, don't know what it is, never suffered and they're going to send your sons and daughters off to pay for it. And they'll wave the flag and remember patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel, to quote samuel johnson.

Speaker 2:

That's where these people will hide. They'll wrap themselves in and say look, we know we got to support X, y and Z or you don't love America and the reason. They're going to hide behind it at least the elites. You know Teddy Roosevelt would go and fight and die with you if he had to. Let me say what he was. He was a warmonger, but he would say follow me. He didn't say charge, warmonger, but he would say follow me. He didn't say charge. You're gonna get anthony blinken over there to who's in, really in charge, right, and then did you. It's funny, it's like um, if biden's not in charge, then who is like, did you vote for that person? Like I want to see. We should have like real deep state elections. They should get out and you know, see which deep stater is going to rule over us. Just make it authentic. Show me the guy with just black eyes. He has to tuck in his mask and stuff. But that's what this reminds me of.

Speaker 2:

They're changing Cold War doctrine, folks. They're changing Cold War doctrine, folks. They're changing Cold War doctrine. This has been foundational, so they're just throwing it away. Do you realize how many summits and treaties were signed, from the time Khrushchev rode in an open car with Eisenhower to the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis? And you know Khrushchev going to the UN and banging his shoe on the podium and said we're going to bury you. You realize like how much stuff happened, how many things happened. And you know the opening of China and Brezhnev and Nixon with the SALT Treaty and Reagan with SDI, the Strategic Defense Initiative, and Star Wars and all that, the Reykjavik, then there's nothing. Now they're just literally watching Putin with 10,000 ICBMs saying we're changing the doctrine and we're giving T-shirt man hundreds of billions of dollars.

Speaker 2:

This little worm of a man, an evil man, an evil man. Zelensky is an evil man because an evil man will preside over the ashes of his country. I didn't say that Sun Tzu did in the Art of War. He's an evil man. That cause is evil. You understand that? Like it's not just bad, it's pure evil man. That cause is evil. You understand that? Like, it's not just bad, it's pure satanic. I will never support that, ever, ever. I know what that tracks back to. I know what all of the history about what Ukraine was and is a prize to NATO and all this stuff, stuff.

Speaker 2:

After we gave our promise to Gorbachev verbally James Baker was the Secretary of State that if they withdrew their troops and let the Soviet Union peacefully collapse and they withdrew them into their borders, we would not expand NATO, we did, and that's about keeping them agitated to provoke. We had all the opportunity in the world to merge economies and do trade and set up a foundation for the next century of peace and these idiots blew it on purpose because peace isn't profitable. We have to put people in graves. We have to, we have to, you know, incinerate children and do all this stuff. We have to do that right. We have to have all these bombs going off all the time. So you know, northwood Grumman can make money and Lockheed Martin and you don't get your returns on your whatever investments. And these politicians, can you know, preside over that. It's all warmongering. And this cause is not just If you know anything about you know, so don't just scream about it that you know about Putin or what. I'm not on the side. I'm not a Russophile. I've never been to Russia, but I've worked with the Russian paratroopers on the border of Ukraine or the border of Ukraine on the border of Kosovo when I was a kid. I wouldn't want to fight them. Sounds like a suicide mission to me.

Speaker 2:

All right, I don't even have time to go to the chat. Let me go check out the rockfin chat. If you want to watch the art of burn radio transmission on video, then you can go to rockfincom on the america unplugged channel and go subscribe to that channel. Every saturday we do a show with don jeffries and the great billy ray valentine, with Don Jeffries and the great Billy Ray Valentine, america Unplugged. It's like the McLaughlin group, but with tinfoil hats. So go check that out.

Speaker 2:

Amanda King says just saw a new paratroother. Thank you for feeding my addiction. Now I have even more. Well, that's very sweet. Thank you for that. I appreciate you. And Anne Christ is in the chat. Rhonda Tate, jason Barker the usual suspects over there. Good to see you guys. Yeah, jason asked where is everybody? They might be on Rumble. Let's see if anybody's on Rumble. We have some. We have Harps over on Rumble. We also have the Rumble channel America Unplugged on Rumble. All right, I forget how long I have these shows burn up anymore. I got 52 minutes to do each show because the radio we're carried on 930 AM, the Answer San Antonio now on 660 K Sky in Dallas and I never plug enough.

Speaker 2:

It's hard to cover all the headlines, but I want to go over this one. Let's just jump into this right now. This is an important article about the central bank digital currency. Do my best to get through it. Hidden agendas Beware of the government's push for a digital currency by John and Nisha Whitehead, the Rutherford Institute.

Speaker 2:

He opens up with a quote from Thomas Paine the greatest tyrannies are always perpetuated in the name of the noblest causes, isn't that true? And one of the reasons I've been talking about this so much is that they use the cover of a crisis. They'll use the cover of the greater good and all this stuff to get you to be boxed into this system, which, again, is surveillance disguised as money. The government wants your money. It will beg, steal or borrow if necessary, but it wants your money any way it can get it.

Speaker 2:

The government's schemes to swindle, cheat, scam and generally defraud taxpayers of their hard-earned dollars have run the gamut from wasteful pork barrel legislation, cronyism and graft to asset forfeiture, costly stimulus packages and a national security complex that continues to undermine our freedoms while failing to make us any safer. Americans have also been made to pay through the nose for the government's endless wars, subsidization of foreign nations, military empire welfare, state roads to nowhere, bloated workforce, secret agencies, fusion centers, private prisons, biometric databases, invasive technologies, arsenal of weapons and every other budgetary line that is contributing to the fast-growing wealth of the corporate elite at the expense of those who barely are making ends meet we, the taxpayer. That's a great breakdown. This is what comes of those $1.2 trillion spending bills? Someone's got to fit the bill.

Speaker 2:

Because the government's voracious appetite for money, power and control has grown out of control. Its agents have devised other means of funding its excesses and adding to its largesse through taxes disguised as fines, taxes disguised as fees, and taxes disguised as tolls, tickets and penalties. Oh yes, we are. Don't get me started on toll roads. No matter how much money the government pulls in, it's never enough. Case in point, the endless stopgap funding deals that are constant ratcheting up of the debt ceiling. So the government has to keep introducing new plans to empower its agents to seize Americans' bank accounts.

Speaker 2:

John says make way for the digital dollar. For the digital dollar, he says. Whether it's the central bank digital currency favored by President Biden or the cryptocurrency being hawked by former President Trump, the end result will be a form of digital money that makes it easier to track, control and punish the citizenry. For instance, weeks before the Biden administration made headlines with its support for a government-issued digital currency, the FBI and Justice Department quietly moved ahead with plans for a cryptocurrency enforcement team, translation digital money cops, a virtual asset exploitation unit tasked with investigating crypto crimes and seizing virtual assets, and a crypto czar to oversee it all. You know what czar means. Right, we shouldn't have czars in this country. I mean seriously, czar is Caesar. That's where you get Kaiser. I thought we were supposed to be against that. And then the Russians are Emperor. No surprises here, of course.

Speaker 2:

This is how the government operates, by giving us tools to make our lives quote easier, and the process making it easier for the government to crack down. Indeed, the shift to a digital currency is a global trend. More than 100 other countries are considering introducing their own digital currencies. China has already adopted a government-issued digital currency which not only allows us to surveil and seize people's financial transactions, but also can work in tandem with its social credit score system to punish individuals for moral lapses and social transgressions and reward them for adhering to a government-sanctioned behavior. As China expert Akram Karam wrote in the Washington Post, with digital yuan, the CCP, the Chinese Communist Party, will have direct control over and access to the financial lives of individuals, without the need to strong-arm intermediary financial entities. In a digital yuan-consumed society, the government easily could suspend the digital wallets of dissidents and human rights activists. Where China goes, the United States eventually follows.

Speaker 2:

Well, let's just talk about China's biggest fan, which is people like Justin Trudeau. One of those people, again, like Klaus Schwab, said they were going to penetrate the cabinets with the World Economic Forum. They certainly you know again, he's a good candidate for that, mr Trudeau. He loves China, oh, so does American Psycho. So does Gavin Newsom, over there at the French Laundry with his mask off, really enjoying Xi Jinping. That's what you'll find, folks. That's what this is about. You've literally been abandoned. They took the manufacturing, they took the currency, they took it starting in the 70s, right, they just said we're going to transfer all this. Here's the congratulations. Meet the technocracy and they're going to move things to China.

Speaker 2:

They don't like our pesky bill of rights and our tradition of self-governance and pride of ownership, private property. They don't like any of that. I mean, that's only for people that are in the upper echelon. So you're just a ewer of wood and a drawer of water. You're not supposed to be pushing back, you just work the machinery, don't ask questions. This is.

Speaker 2:

Combine the surveillance that with the ESG environmental Initiatives that are tantamount to social media credit scores for corporations, and you will find that we're traveling the same road as China, towards digital authoritarianism. As says a journalist, john Brooklyn warns, a digital currency issued by a central bank can be used for a tool of government surveillance of citizens and control over their financial transactions. I'm so glad that we're talking about this. It felt like I was a madman, you realize, like three years ago. More, more, more than that, gosh, it's 2024. So, more than that, I've been saying, hey, they're creating these blueprints for the central bank digital currency and, at the same time, I'm also like I'm a proponent for things like Bitcoin or decentralized cryptocurrency.

Speaker 2:

I think that those are great technologies. Peer to peer. I love it. I don't think the technology is bad. I think that when you take something that could be used for good and put it in the hands of soulless automatons for Satan, then I think, yeah, we got a problem. It's surveillance disguised as money. They can increase the money supply and they can contract it in real time. They can make it expire. They can keep you from buying at certain vendors. It's the mark of the beast system. That's what this is.

Speaker 2:

If you don't resist, resist it, then what's wrong with you? Like who? Who wants this? Honestly, besides the, I mean, the extreme left will want it because they love control. I don't. It's like some kind of weird fetish they have or something that they want to be like. They don't want to have any autonomy over their own lives. Um, something weird where they fight against the same people that fund them. There's a a weird love-hate relationship. They need a lot of self-exploration. The progressive left I don't know what's wrong with them. I just want to have an intervention and be like. You realize the things that you are mad at. You're funded by the people that you're mad at. Right, the calls are coming from inside the house, kid. All right, let's keep going. I, I got a little. I got 10 minutes. Let's see if we can get to this article. Thanks for bearing with.

Speaker 2:

This was a long article by john w y, but there's so much in it. Oh, and it talks about the war on cash, because in recent years, just the mere possession of significant amounts of cash would implicate you in a suspicious activity and label you a criminal. The rationale by police is that cash is the currency for illegal transactions, given that it's harder to track, can be used to pay illegal immigrants and denies the government its share of the take. So doing away with paper money will help law enforcement fight crime and help the government realize more revenue. According to economist Steve Forbes, the real reason for this war on cash start with the big bills and then work your way down. It's an ugly power grab by big government. People will have less privacy.

Speaker 2:

Electronic commerce makes it easier for Big Brother to see what we're doing, thereby making it simpler to bar activities it doesn't like, such as purchasing salt, sugar, big bottles of soda and Big Macs yeah well, it's true. Or donating to a campaign for someone who loves the constitution or, you know, likes Jesus, or just, you know, not being a total, terrible psychopathic person. So that would be one thing. That would be a no, no. Or just donating towards a group that you know it was about education, that teaches people about money and what money is, and not to let this elite group of banksters rob you of all your energy and all your things that you do through constantly expanding the money supply to give it to T-shirt man An evil man.

Speaker 2:

Can I say that again? Zelensky is an evil man. Will you quote me on that? Can we put that on a shirt? A detestable human being, the worst. I see people supporting it. I see like supposed conservatives. I'm on the same station with them. They're like what is wrong with you. These kind of people are going to drag us into a cataclysm of the highest order. But okay, this is how a cashless society the easily monitored, control, manipulated, weaponized and locked down plays right into the hands of the government and its corporate partners.

Speaker 2:

In this he talks about the. Despite what we know about the government, it's a history of corruption, bumbling, fumbling and data breach, is not to mention how easy technology can be used against us. The shift to a cashless society is not really a hard sell for a society increasingly dependent on technology. Yeah, so they make us more. You know, what I started doing recently is I'm in a not a majority cash business, but we buy jewelry and we buy coins and other things and then give you cash for it. We always keep a certain amount of cash on hand, but I found myself not following my own guidelines and so I made sure, like I got a money clip, so I make sure I got cash and I try to pay with cash as much as I can Because, yeah, you swipe the card, it's easy. You do the chip. It's do the chip, do the chip. And again, not against that in totality. Sometimes it's really easy, especially if you're traveling and you don't want to have a bunch of cash, but have some cash on you. Tips and cash, all that kind of good stuff. Let's see if we can get into. Oh my God, just a little bit of time.

Speaker 2:

Despite all the advantages that go along with living in a digital age, namely convenience, it's hard to imagine how a cashless world, navigated by a way of digital wallet, doesn't signal the beginning of the end. For what little privacy we have left. Data hackers and all-knowing, all-seeing, orwellian corpo government state yeah, that would be it, he says. You know? First, he says when I say privacy, I'm not referring to the things that you don't want people to know about, those little things you do behind closed doors that are neither illegal or harmful, but embarrassing or intimate. I'm also referring to the things that are deeply personal and which no one needs to know about, certainly not the government and its constabulary of busybodies, nannies, peeping toms, jail wardens and petty bureaucrats. And he says secondly, it's easy for the government to manipulate digital wallets. Yeah, I mean.

Speaker 2:

There's the people that compare Bitcoin to what the CBDC we're talking about. I mean, the introduction of Bitcoin has not helped. By the way, this is my opinion it has not furthered the cause of a centralized digital currency by a central bank. It's actually derailed the cause, because if people get into Bitcoin especially the younger people they start to talk about that there's only 21 million of them. You can't make more of them, that's finite, that you have to have proof of work, that takes energy to get it and that it's a scarce resource. And again, they learn about fiat currency. They learn about the unlimited supply, they learn about the expansion of the money supply and that really I think that has been a positive. A lot of those people come and do business with me and buy precious metals too. They just get into the. They would have never gotten into that mode, so that's good. And those kind of wallets and those kind of things and your own keys and all that. Those are important things to learn.

Speaker 2:

I think that's a part of our future, but they want to use that as a bridge. It's a bad bridge, by the way, it's a really bad bridge if they built it. It's really stupid. Third, a government-issued digital currency would give the government the ultimate control over the economy. It's a really bad bridge if they built it. It's really stupid. Third, a government-issued digital currency would give the government the ultimate control over the economy and complete access to Citizens' Reads pocketbook. That's true, and this is what I can.

Speaker 2:

I give you facts and figures about, like how 80% of all the $100 bills the actual physical ones that have been printed are not in this country and 65% of all the paper currency is not in this country. Then you get into something called Triffin's dilemma. So not only the currency units that are electronic that get repatriated, or T-bills or sovereign debt that these other countries want to cash in, it crashes the dollar. What happens when those dollar bills come home? Is that a way, is the cashless way, a way for them to cut their losses and say, well, we don't accept these, and therefore deleting them off the balance sheet? Now, this is a great article.

Speaker 2:

At a minimum, before any kind of digital currency is adopted, we need stricter laws on data privacy and electronic bill of rights that protects we, the people, from a predatory surveillance and data mining business practices by the government and its corporate partners. I couldn't agree more. There has to be pushback on this. This is the fight of our time, ladies and gents. It's beyond politics and it's I think you're going to see more and more of this heat up as they try to. And again there's you're talking about a top-down push from places like the Bank of International Settlements, the World Economic Forum. They want these control grids all linking up into one. I mean, it's beyond physical, it's a spiritual battle at this point, but the best way to push back on that is to share information. So please share my show. Give me a review, if you can, on Apple Podcasts or wherever podcasters serve. It really would help. It helps the algorithms.

Speaker 2:

A lot of people can't even find the show. It gets buried so deep. They're like who, what? Where is your show? I'm like it's right there. You just have to keep typing in, look for it. It will eventually find you, I guess. But yeah, but help us out with that. You're hearing my voice and you've thought about getting out of. You know hedging your bets against the current system and haven't made the leap yet.

Speaker 2:

I created something that nobody else has not in the way that we have it, and that's a monthly membership for precious metals. Revolutionary is called Wolfpack and you can start as low as $50 a month. It goes direct to your door. We don't hold it. We don't send you a certificate. We send you real precious metals detailed invoice. You even get stickers and cool pins, like the one I'm holding with my dog Beans on it, and again, we even do a comparison price. So go to wolfpackgold, promo code 1776.

Speaker 2:

And you can see all the other stuff we do there. I mean you need to. There's no minimums. I just did the exact opposite of like the big companies. There's no minimums there. We love your business one way or the other, even if it's just a one time. But there's more and more people joining the Wolfpack almost 1300 people and all over the nation and we love to have them.

Speaker 2:

It's my. It's one of the funnest things to do. Every week is like just find stuff and get the invoices built. I got a great crew. We get those packages out really fast. So help us out, join and make the pack stronger so I can buy even cooler stuff in bulk. And it certainly supports the show, keeps it streaming. I really appreciate each and every one of you. I know Beans is in here somewhere. I got to get her back on the show. People have been asking about Beans. But yeah, go check out too. The latest Paratroother has just dropped. You can go find Paratroother anywhere, podcast or serve. Give us a review. It was a great show on Nixon and Watergate and some of the hidden history there. You guys take care of each other. End of transmission.