The Arterburn Radio Transmission Podcast

INTERVIEW Gold Rises as Reset Escalates

The Arterburn Radio Transmission
Speaker 1:

All right, welcome back, and joining us now is Tony Ardaban of Wise Wolf Gold. Tony has set up David Knight, Not Gold, and that'll take you to his site. You can get gold and silver. You know it's starting to really ramp up. We were just talking during the break. It is really starting to ramp up.

Speaker 1:

But you can get gold, silver, large or small amounts and, of course, if you want to gradually accumulate things on a regular basis, on a monthly basis, set up your budget. You can pick a level that you want to contribute each month and if you're part of the Wolfpack, the buying club, you get the advantage of a group buy, as if you're buying a larger quantity, that type of thing. So take a look at that at Wise Wolf Gold and thank you for joining us, Tony, Always great to have you. On One of the things that you always talked about, you said what's going to be difficult is going to be as this mania kicks off. It's going to be difficult to find product and we're seeing that from Goldman Sachs. Their commodity desk is saying that the buying has been relentless and silver is starting to move to. Are you seeing that?

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, and I appreciate you bringing that up because I've been talking about that for a long time. It's not something that made the headlines in the financial networks about the lack of actual physical supply of precious metals because of the ETFs and, as a matter of fact, I was reading an article from Reuters. Major banks are predicting this. This is the beginning of the bull run for uh, for gold, and uh, it's not the end. It's not the bubble, like. They're looking for higher prices into 3000 and so on and for gold, and they were saying that, uh, one of the things that they're counting is not just central bank buying that we've talked about, but the inflows now of ETFs. So what they're doing, they're putting clients into ETFs. But again, that's not physical gold, that's an IOU. If you cash out an exchange traded fund, they don't send you precious metals, they send you fiat currency, so it is driving the price. I mean because there is a massive amount of inflows now after that rate cut.

Speaker 2:

Uh, but what I found, especially being a dealer in uh in two different States, is a supply. It's not what it was, uh when I started this business um, not anywhere near it as a selection. The timing Now we do have. Uh, I think the selection is decent right now. It has somewhat stabilized. But if anybody of any substance came along and started buying up physical silver, for example, like the lady that was a billionaire here in East Texas a couple of years ago that placed a major trade for 90% silver and it took, I think, like 10 dealers across the country just to fill the order and it took six, I think, like 10 dealers across the country just to fill the order and it took six weeks for delivery, so it wasn't instantaneous and they had to source it from several other brokers. So again, I'm seeing the same thing here on the ground, just in supply. And, of course, silver is up 40% in terms of dollars this year. So there's a lot going on in the metals market today. Wow.

Speaker 1:

And gold as well, you know, really going up about that amount, I think from last September. I think last September was around like 1900 or something like that. But you know you're talking about the ETFs and paper gold, and that was a thing that was the eye opener for me. They had pretty much tracked, you know, along with each other. As gold would go up or down, so would the paper gold until 2022. And I talked about this yesterday. And at 2022, what happened is gold starts going up and the ETFs start going down.

Speaker 1:

I did not track, and so that's what they're looking at. They said look at this, it kind of decouples. And when I saw that decoupling I thought why is that? And then I realized what the ETFs were. It's just an IOU, as you point out, for what is supposedly gold that is supposedly being held on the Shanghai Gold Exchange and it's like, oh wait, a minute, this is looking too much like the securitized mortgages of the mid-2000s. I want to get out of the paper gold and paper silver stuff, but now you know they could wind up being a buyer, who knows? But they've used that to manipulate the price.

Speaker 1:

And what he was saying was a couple of different articles. They were saying the central banks have been the ones that have been boosting this up, as you and I have talked about. Every week, the central bank buying, all the central banks are buying gold, except for the United States, and they're not buying any more gold because, again, they're. You know it's an opposition to the dollar, as you've pointed out many times, but that has been driving it along with a little bit more retail trade in India and places like that. But this one guy said hey, look, I'm not, I'm not getting anybody, I'm not getting any taxi drivers or Uber drivers telling me hey, you need to buy gold or silver, so it hasn't hit the retail area yet, right, and even though you get stock tips all the time and you should get this stock and you should get that, nobody's talking about gold or silver. He said when that happens, it's going to explode. And he thought that would happen when it got to like $3,000. And we're getting there pretty quickly, aren't we?

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, and it's interesting because in my business I've been tracking this just on a personal level, like when I started out in San Antonio, I noticed when the price goes up, I get more customers. And when I moved the shop to Branson into the 2020s, I saw the same thing. It's just been strange. I you really can't even track these buying patterns. Now I don't, I can't count on the same kind of volume that I used to for this, for the reasons I used to get the volume. And you're absolutely right when, when, the, when, regular people, when your taxi drivers are just anybody right. Have you? You thought about buying some gold? I was thinking about buying some silver? It's too late. If you're already plugged in or you're a member of Wolfpack and you've been following us for a while, you're like part of the 1%. There's not a lot. That's not a lot of people. I mean, I have great customers and I'm thankful for the people that do come in, but it's not, you know, your standard retail location with a line out the door. That's not how any of this really works. When that does happen, there won't be supply. I mean it'll it'll the price will. It'll be price shock Like we've never seen before, and we're on the edge of that.

Speaker 2:

I really believe we're on the edge of a price shock when it comes to gold because the world's de-dollarizing and, like you and I were saying, off air, we're just surprised it's happening as fast as it is.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I'm usually, you know, very cautious to make predictions like, oh you know it's going to be in six months, we're going to have such and such price, or in two months or whatever is going to happen, and you know there's going to be a, you know, a supply drain. But I really don't know anymore. Just, the headlines continue to build up, especially with BRICS and these cross-border payments and these countries dumping the dollar holdings. The reserve asset of the US dollar in central banks is the lowest it's ever been. It's continuing since 1944. It's declining and we're just seeing the rapid de-dollarization which is going to have a huge impact on the strength and purchasing power of the dollar and our own economy here at home. And so all of this stuff is going to add up when people start running toward the door to get, to get some precious metals or to hedge against inflation. I don't know that the supply is going to be there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know who said that it was. It was, I think it was at the great depression. It was some guy who said you know, when he was getting stock tips from a shoeshine boy, from his barber and from the, uh, the, the guy driving the taxi and everything, he goes directly and sells and gets out of the market. You know, uh, maybe you remember who that was. I couldn't remember who that was yesterday and I forgot to look it up. But yeah, that is the. That is the key thing. It's going to hit some point at which everybody's going to go whoa, and you're going to see all the mainstream articles and talking about de-dollarization, talking about the, the deficit and the debt and all the rest of the stuff, and it's going to be everybody's going to be running to the Wolfpack to try to get their gold and silver, or to Goldman Sachs or whatever, and they're not going to have it. So that's a key thing. Now it's still time for people to be able to get in and look, all the fundamentals are still there. It's just a question of when it's going to happen. Like Gerald Slinty says all the time, he says well, I don't make predictions, I look at trends, and so it's a given that this is going to happen. When it's going to exactly happen, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people are saying 2700 by you know the beginning of the year or whatever, I don't know. It could happen sooner, you know. And so who knows, you've got these psychological barriers. Every time that it goes over, you know. Another goes from 26 to 27 or whatever, that's our 25 to 26. That is a bit of a psychological barrier. People have to get used to that before people buy more, you know. So there's that aspect of it. But if something, if there's some kind of shock that goes to the system, it'll happen incredibly fast. And then, I think, once it gets to a certain point and I really do think that you know, when you start to turn over, it's like turning over the odometer on your car. Y'all sit there and watch when it goes from 99,999 to 100,000 and you tell all the kids watch this. But when something like that happens and all the digits flip and it goes to 3000, I think that's going to be something that's going to wake everybody up.

Speaker 2:

Well, if you look at the global markets and I've said this before gold has a $16 trillion market cap, $16 trillion or so in the face of hundreds of trillions in supposed assets around the globe, whether that traffic in they traffic in fake. I mean we're awash in fiat currency, fake currency, with no backing, full faith and credit of whatever government, and when they inflate their way out of problems. That's what we're doing right now. Just right on the eve of an election, we cut the interest rate by 50 basis points, which is extremely aggressive given the fact that they've been raising interest rates faster than any time in history. So it's a 180 course correction at 50 basis points and they're supposed to cut all the way down to a full point here by the end of the year. So the markets are responding to that and not the way that you would think. A lot of times, when the stock market was proclaimed healthy or the economy was healthy, gold just goes down. I know I've been in this business. It doesn't correlate this way, but now you're seeing the exact opposite and the inflows and the ETFs are up. The central bank gold buying is up. I think just get this, the general mood out there. You see the with Bitcoin. The same thing with Bitcoin people. It's a speculative asset, but it's finite, and I think that's another reason the inflows of the ETFs have been strong there and individual buying and adoption is up there in Bitcoin as well. It's because we're in the throes of a system change, and this we're 80 years on from Breton Woods, and this is a saccharum right. This is the, what the Romans called, and this is the fourth turning. You mention it all the time 80 to 100 years, and we're right at 80 years since Breton Woods, new Hampshire, 1944, the new economic world order, imf, the World Bank, gold at $35 an ounce. We're inside of an experiment too. Since 1971, fiat currency is what we have. We used to have a dollar as good as gold, but now you can be your own bank, thanks to Gerald Ford in 1974, executive order overturning FDR. You can be your own bank and we're outside of that system. So they're going to continue to inflate. They're going to continue to pay for the welfare warfare state. I think it.

Speaker 2:

I kind of chuckle sometimes when people ask me about um, well, are we going to be on a gold standard again? I'm like well, I don't know, I am, I'm on a gold. You should be on a gold standard. I'm on a gold, you should. Everybody should be on a gold. So, whatever the government does, let them do, um, you know.

Speaker 2:

So I, I really think that, uh, so many paradigms are going to change and it looks like David and neither one of us are alarmists, but it's happening faster than either one of us thought. I mean, if you'd have told me at the beginning of the year, hey, gold's going to be up $570 an ounce, no problem, by September, I thought I think that's a bit of a leap. I'm not going to go that far. I wouldn't have gone it that far. I'm not going to go that far. I wouldn't have gone it that far.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, um, I'm usually not that way. I'm like, well, you cause it's. It's been pretty steady, you know, and we remember going back to 2020, um, it, it, it was what 2000, and August 6th it broke like $2,010 or $2,050. And, uh, you know, and they came back down and fell below 1900. And when you and I were talking, uh, not just a, you know, year and a half ago, uh, gold at sixteen hundred dollars an ounce, yeah, now we're at 2600 and climbing. Um, futures, by the way, are pegged at 2700, so really unprecedented moves in the metals markets, oh yeah yeah, as you point out, you know we're at a fourth turning.

Speaker 1:

When you go back and you look at when they. The characteristic of fourth turnings, as Strauss and Howe pointed out, is that there's always a major economic unrest and usually war, right. And so you go back and you look at the previous one World War II and the Great Depression and then we've been under the new worldwide financial system that was created in the wake of that now for about 80 years, and so that's what they're looking at. They all know that the financial system is going to be reset. They've got their ideas of what they would like to do and, of course, there's a limited amount that we can do about that. We can protest it.

Speaker 1:

And of course, in Canada you've got Mark Carney, one of the biggest banker insiders ever. I mean, he's connected to everything but, as I pointed out yesterday, world Economic Forum and the big bankers Goldman Sachs and the Rockefellers, I think maybe the Rothschilds. Anyway, he was the head of the Bank of Canada and then goes to the Bank of England. He was the first person who was not British who was head of the Bank of England. This guy is the ultimate insider and he's saying well, you know we're not going to do the CBDC anymore. I don't think you can believe that. I think that's going to be a part of the new financial system and that's even beyond all of the other stuff that would be pushing gold, all the financial issues. There's that control issue. That's there Because in this fourth turning, we not only have the concern about a world war, but we also have a kind of financial turning, like what was happening with a civil war, both here and in Italy and in many other places.

Speaker 1:

The industrial revolution was created. The Industrial Revolution was created, the nation states were created. Now we've got a technocracy revolution that is coming, as well as a global state that is coming. That's what they're trying to establish and that's what this financial system is going to be a part of. So, yeah, you're right, we've got to have our own personal gold standard to be outside of that as much as we can do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's really the only thing that explains our current situation. If you look at the powers that be not trying to save the current system, they're certainly not trying to prop it up for any long-term usage. It looks like golden parachutes all around, david. I mean, they didn't save the petrodollar, they're printing into oblivion. There is no fiscal sanity or responsibility. There's no fiscal hawks anymore. Nobody talks about the deficit. It just seems to be the elephant in the room that everybody ignores, and that's the only thing I can think. The only thing that explains this is that they know at least the top upper, echelon knows that there will be a new system introduced and the backbone of that system will be a control grid, the central bank digital currency, which is what they want. I mean, if you look at whether you know Davos, world Economic Forum, they were crowing about 97% of countries on board with a CBDC or have some sort of plan for that, and then the Bank of International Settlements figuring out their you know system to distribute and a collection house and all that stuff. And I think that what we're watching happen is the rolling out of central bank digital currency and the plans for that.

Speaker 2:

Luckily, I see so much decentralization and the attitude of adopting things like gold and silver or Bitcoin or crypto.

Speaker 2:

In general, I see a lot of that, the attitude, and maybe it's just my wheelhouse and what I study and all the people that I follow.

Speaker 2:

But I've never before and I've been in this game for a while the energy, the intellect is all on the side of the people with, with the mindset of freedom and decentralization that the, the, the overlords of finance, the fiat overlords they really don't have a lot of heft. I was reading the other day there's like 400 phds that work, uh, at the federal reserve and I thought something about, you know, the, the. There's got to be a joke in there about the collection of brain power, kind of like j JFK talked about with the Nobel laureates that came to the white house and you know he said this is the most uh, uh collection of brainpower and and and uh intellect since Thomas Jefferson dined alone. There's gotta be some kind of a joke there in that, in that line of logic, about all these supposed smart people, all the smart set, and look at the damage that they've done. It's, it's absolutely unforgivable, it's criminal, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Uh, yeah, and uh. And of course you get back to the thing. Is it intentional, Is it a malicious or is it incompetence?

Speaker 2:

I think it's both.

Speaker 1:

Let's hope they're malicious, let's hope that they're incompetent as well. That's, that's where I hope is. And I thought it was funny, you know, when you I laughed and he said golden parachutes, because I thought, you know, nobody ever grabs a Fiat parachute. I got to, I got to use that Nobody, nobody ever jumps out of a plane with a piece of paper.

Speaker 2:

It's because they say so. It inflates because they say it will and it doesn't.

Speaker 1:

Exactly right. I got a question here from a listener, DG8, where he says can you ask Tony if cryptocurrency has played a role in strangely lowering gold and silver prices?

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, I believe if there was no such thing as Bitcoin, then gold would be way over $3,000. I think it has had a role in somewhat of the. It hasn't stalled gold. I think it's just and they sometimes compliment each other. There's room for both folks.

Speaker 2:

I mean, when you hear people say there's an unlimited supply of gold or something, no, there's not. It's like the more steel is poured in one hour than all the gold has ever been mined in history. It's a finite. Finite, even if you, you know they say, well, there's not, that gold could be on asteroids or whatever you know. I mean just these hypothetical things like there's a there's a limited supply of gold and silver. They're very hard to get. It takes a lot of resources to refine them and all the rest.

Speaker 2:

But gold and, I think, crypto, especially since the adoption of Bitcoin. The good thing about Bitcoin is that it's taken a lot of people and the younger generation who might not have gotten into gold or silver or learned about fiat currency or the Federal Reserve. They learned about it through Bitcoin, through what you call orange pilling, which I think is great, because I have Bitcoin too and I deal in it. But I do think that that's a good question. I do think that the rise of cryptocurrency has somewhat taken off a little bit of the monetary gain of precious metals, but there's tons of room out there. Like I said, silver's got a $1.4 trillion market cap, bitcoin has a $1.2 trillion market cap and there's hundreds of trillions in supposed wealth around the world. So we've got a long way to go for real assets.

Speaker 1:

Well, just the fact that Bitcoin talks about it in terms of mining right using that paradigm, and so that helped to get people to understand the difference between something that has intrinsic value, that is real money or whatever, like gold, and that you've got to mine it. What they're saying is that the intrinsic value of the cryptocurrency is the process of, you know, doing the calculations for the transactions. They call that mining, but the bottom line is that it's based on work, and what the governments are trying to do with CBDC is to change it over from, instead of proof of work, which would limit it, they're trying to change it over to proof of what was a stake. Yeah, thank you. Basically, proof of authority, right, it's worth this because I say so. And so what they were trying to do was establish that and say you know, you're limited in these physical assets because you've got to mine it. We're going to limit this because you got to work to get it, and so that's where they came with that paradigm, and that's very useful because it educated the younger generation. I think that has gotten into crypto more than most. It helped educate them about fiat currency and why you don't like that.

Speaker 1:

I think what's going to happen is, you know, most of the people. When I was talking to Aaron Day, he said the older generation values privacy, but they don't like the technology. The younger generation likes the technology, but they don't like privacy and they don't value privacy. Right, and so perhaps Bitcoin has a role there for the younger generation. But also we need to understand that most of the assets are skewed towards the older generation when they get scared and they're not really paying that much attention for the most part, right, and so, like we said before, once it starts, once everybody starts talking about it, once mainstream media starts talking about gold and de-dollarization, then the older generation is going to take the assets that they have more of and they're going to start pouring it into gold. I think it's that's when we're going to start seeing it there.

Speaker 1:

But of course, you know the fact that people who don't trust fiat have a choice of where they can put it. That has siphoned off a lot of wealth that would have gone into gold. I think, yeah, yeah, absolutely. I guess you know, when we talk about the asteroids instead of you know, people used to say I'm waiting till my ship comes in. I guess it could be your spaceship comes in from the asteroid and bring back all of the loot. Maybe that's why Elon Musk wants to go to the stars so badly. There's gold out there Gold.

Speaker 2:

And then there's stars, there's gold and then there's stars Got to get out there. Have a space rush. If you just take a look at the big picture here, we're going through a monetary reset. That's what the planet's doing right now, and the elites came out a long time ago and said, hey, this is what we're going to do. We call it a great reset and that's a conspiracy theory. No, they're resetting the monetary system.

Speaker 2:

There's going to be winners and losers here too, by the way, folks. There's going to be those who who gain and there's going to be those who who gain and there's going to be those who just really get caught flat footed. As I say all the time quoting our Buckminster Fuller, people can't get out of the way of what they don't see coming. You know, people just think it's going to be like. You know tomorrow's going to be like yesterday. That's not how this works. History is unfolding before us and it's. The prices are an indicator of that. I don't think we're just getting started. These are, these are, I think. I mean we'll see some dips, there'll be some pullback in the precious metals markets, but that's only because of sell-offs and things like that and people getting liquidity. But we're on a, we're on a general trend here, with the dollar in decline. David, that's, that's what we're watching.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's, that's it. That's the trend. We can't predict when it's going to happen, but we can see that it is accelerating. As we're laughing about it, you know, it's like this is happening a lot faster than I thought. I find myself saying that all the time, as I get older, everything in life is coming at you faster. But look, we are at the.

Speaker 1:

You talk about a lifespan, right? You know, that's the fourth, turning 70 or 80 years, just like a human lifespan. And when you get to the end of the lifespan of the system that we're in, each time, you know, things start to go pretty fast. They start to fall apart really fast, just like your body when you get to a certain age, and it starts to fall apart really quickly and starts to accelerate as it's about to die. And that's what this system is going to do. As it's about to die, it's going to start accelerating its deconstruction, its decomposition or whatever you know. So it's a dying system and we can all see that it's a dying system. The question is you know how are you going? This is a storm that's coming. What are you going to do to protect for the storm? That's the key thing. Well, tell us a little bit about what's going on at Wise Wolf, other than trying to cover things.

Speaker 2:

Trying to get supply. That's the daily mission. I wake up every day. It's funny. We talked off air. I don't know what day it is. I know it's Thursday. I'm going to talk to David on Thursday. I do my shows. I have to remember that. At least You're right. Just getting supply and we've been real fortunate to the two locations always help. I'm here in North Texas, I'll be back in the Ozarks next week and Branson, but just really just supplying Wolfpack. I mean we just continue to grow that and thanks to your listeners, david and I dot gold.

Speaker 2:

Folks, go check that out and you can hit the tab. Join Wolfpack start as little as $50 a month. And we're about to add I can't really announce it yet or what it's going to be, but we're coming up with something called Wolf picks and it's going to be on the wolfpackgold site and what we're doing is every day we're going to set the price for an ounce of silver or an ounce of gold. Now, you don't know what it's going to be. It could be a coin, could be around, could be a bar, and I'm going to set that as the most competitive price I can. It's going to be like from noon to six, like every day, and then we're going to stop it, like every day, at the end of the close of business. I'll stop it when I can't lock a trade.

Speaker 2:

So you could check that out. We'll. We'll have no fees on that as well. Um, no, no credit card fees. We're just going to take a bank ACH and then we're going to have a have blocks of 500 and a thousand for just gold or silver and it's like first come, first serve, best deal. You can lock that in all silver or all gold through Wolfpix at the at the beginning of the day, and then we'll give you a detailed invoice and let let us shop and it could be anything that comes in. So it's just going to be from what we're buying and putting over the counter and then we build your invoice. So we're looking forward to that. That's great.

Speaker 1:

So so look out for the blue light there and the blue light special, limited time. Each day. You're going to have a special that's going to be there so people can can take a look at. And again, uh, it is wise wolf gold and you can get there through a David night dot goal. Let Tony know that you're coming through us and you've got a program that's following immediately after this one noon eastern time, 11 central time. Tell everybody where they can find your program and what's coming out.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, please, please come over, uh, we'll be over. Uh, on rockfin, on the america unplugged channel, my uh, my ex at at tony arterburn. I'll be broadcasting there and rumble america unplugged channel. Uh, arterburn radio transmission. We'll, uh, we'll have some fun. Go join the stream.

Speaker 1:

That's great, and I got another comment here. Actually, this is a thank you on Rumble from Atomic Dog. He said, david, thanks to Tony for insisting silver was going to be a solid investment. I increased my position last month and it has paid off Very good. Yeah, I know you saw that coming and you called it and so good. I'm glad that worked out for you.

Speaker 2:

Uh, atomic when you're when you're up, when the market's up, you look like a genius, and then, when you have a sell-off and you know correction, uh, I don't look so great.

Speaker 1:

But uh, thank you so much for that well, we know what the long-term trend is going to be. That's the key thing, and there's going to be a lot of noise up and down. Uh, it's not going to be, I don't think, as much of a roller coaster ride as the Bitcoin has been, but it's going to vary. You know it's going to go around, so it's not going to be just always straight up and to the right. You know all of this stuff jumps around and there's many things that affect it, but we know what the fundamentals are. We know what's going on with the deficit.

Speaker 1:

We know that the financial system is at its natural end of life and these people have got grand designs of what they want to build. And what they want to build is going to be very tyrannical. We don't want to have that dominating us. We want to have something that is going to be outside of that. So, for all those reasons, have some wealth insurance and have some tyranny insurance as well. I don't think that these people like I said yesterday, I don't believe them for a moment that Canada is going to pull back from the CBDC. I think that's just a head fake before an election.

Speaker 2:

That's all that's happening with that.

Speaker 1:

That's the long-term plan. They're in lockstep with the World Economic Forum and all the rest of these things. I mean, look at this picture of Chrystia Freeland. I'm looking at it while I got the article pulled up. She looks just like Herman Munster's wife. I mean, she looks like Lily Munster in black and white. I mean it truly is amazing. Except that Lily Munster was nice. Right, she had life in her life. Chryst, or Freeland, is not nice. So we're going to take a quick break. Thank you so much, tony, for supporting the program and for all that you do, and it is. It's great to have somebody that we can trust. I would hate to have to be buying my gold and silver from Goldman Sachs. Oh so it's great to have you there.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.

Speaker 1:

This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.

Speaker 2:

This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.

Speaker 1:

This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.

Speaker 2:

This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.

Speaker 1:

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