Making My Friend Listen to Christian Rock

Episode 7 - Heaven in the Real World

MMFLCR Episode 7

This was a toughie. Our boy Stevie C Chapman is one of the most celebrated Christian Rock artists, with a career spanning almost 35 years and over 10 million albums sold.

So where to start? In this episode, we take a look at his sixth album "Heaven in the Real World," released in 1994. Kelly remembers it as a staple in the minivan from that time. John remembers nothing about it, because he had never heard SCC until this podcast.

Strap in friends, there's not much to joke about with this guy. We hate him! We discuss how the album his a perfect example of Christian Rock's ability to launder some of the most sickening elements of Christianity through underhanded lyrics and overwrought production. Even though Kelly is secretly jealous of SCC's hair.

Before we get into it, we also take a look at the latest example of Pitchfork's own revisionist history: A deep dive into Jesus Freak?!

Articles discussed:

Jesus Freak Pitchfork review:

33 1/3 on Jesus Freak by Will Stockton and D. Gilson:

Mother Jones article on Prison Fellowship, "Charles Colson's Jails for Jesus":