BraveCo Podcast

129: Why Men Need To Face Pain with Jason Vallotton & Bethel Church’s Transformation Center


Hey BraveCo Men! Tune in as Jay is interviewed on Bethel Church's Transformation Center's podcast: It's Time for Breakthrough.

In this compelling episode, Jason Vallotton takes us on a journey through the often-avoided territory of pain and emotional processing. As men, we're frequently taught to run from pain, to downplay it, or to stuff it down, believing that life is about avoiding discomfort at all costs. But what if the key to true healing and growth lies in doing the exact opposite?

Jason challenges the cultural narrative around pain, explaining the importance of making room for our emotions—whether it’s anger, sadness, grief, guilt, or shame—and how embracing these emotions can lead to profound inner healing.

This episode will dive into the nuances of different types of pain and offer practical steps on how to unpack and process them effectively. True strength isn’t about avoiding pain but about facing it head-on, understanding it, and allowing it to shape us into better, more whole individuals.

Join us as we explore what it means to embrace the unseen parts of our emotional lives and discover the freedom that comes from processing pain with intention and grace. This is an essential conversation for anyone seeking deeper emotional and spiritual health.

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We live in a time where men are hunting for the truth and looking for the codebook to manhood. At BraveCo, we are on a mission to heal the narrative of masculinity across a generation; fighting the good fight together because every man should feel confident and capable of facing his pain, loving deeply, and leading a life that impacts the world around him.