The Wise Wolf Gold & Crypto Show

INTERVIEW Saudis Abandon Petrodollar?

Wise Wolf Gold & Crypto

Discover the seismic shifts in the global economic landscape and how they might reshape our world. What if the petrodollar agreement between the United States and Saudi Arabia is nearing its end? Join us as we unravel the historical context and explore the potential ramifications of Saudi Arabia's pivot towards digital payment systems with China and their recent inclusion in the BRICS group. We also discuss the broader trend of de-dollarization with nations like Iraq and Turkey moving away from the dollar, signaling a major global financial realignment.

Under Jerome Powell’s leadership, the Federal Reserve has embarked on rapid interest rate hikes, but what are the true economic consequences? From stagflation to the strategic evolution from a gold standard to an oil-backed currency, we provide an in-depth analysis of the current economic strategies and challenges. We also dive into the influence of the World Economic Forum, China’s transformation into an economic powerhouse, and the vulnerabilities of the U.S. economy as it shifts from production to consumption.

For those looking at investment opportunities, this episode offers valuable insights into purchasing gold and silver, particularly the benefits of fractionalized purchases. Learn about the rising trends in gold prices, possible future trajectories, and our personal investment strategies at Wise Wolf. We also discuss the implications of global economic power shifts, the lack of U.S. governmental pressure on Saudi Arabia, and the impact of the green agenda on Western manufacturing. Don't miss out on our comprehensive exploration of these critical economic transformations and investment tips.

Speaker 1:

All right, and we've got Tony Artabanon after that brief break from Wise Wolf Gold. But he has set up DavidKnight Gold to take you to Wise Wolf and of course you can buy gold or silver, small amounts or large amounts. You can also set up a savings program there. With Wolfpack you can determine how much you want to save each month in gold or silver and get a group discount as part of that, and so you can gradually accumulate that and he can also help you if you want to do a metals IRA. He can help you to set that up. Great to have you on, tony. Thank you for joining us today. Thank you for supporting this program.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's an absolute honor, sir. Thank you for having me back. I always enjoy our Thursday chats.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you. Yeah, it's great to have you on, and in the brief time that we were talking during that break, you said you heard the question from somebody about Saudi Arabia in three days. Is there some kind of magic agreement? Were you able to find anything about that?

Speaker 2:

Well, yes and I'm going to be very careful not to break anything here that is unsubstantiated, because there's a whole host of blogs out there and speculation on what's going to happen on the 9th and the United States formed a petrodollar agreement in exchange for military protection, that the brokering and all sales of the crude oil in Saudi Arabia would flow through dollars, and that's where you get the term petrodollar.

Speaker 1:

And so that was 50 years ago today. That's interesting.

Speaker 2:

Yes, d-day too, june 6th Also anniversary of Operation Overlord 1944. And so, yeah, it's expiring on the 9th and so again, there's some disinformation. I don't want to lean too heavily on this. There's some blogs out there and some sub-stacks saying that the Crown Prince in Saudi Arabia has said that they will no longer accept dollars. That's not something I can confirm. What I think is going to happen is, if you look at the, I think the digital currency headlines out there, saudi Arabia and China are creating a cross-border digitized payment system. I think that will kind of start off. What's going to happen to the future is going to be a host of currencies. I don't see any evidence that Saudi Arabia is going to stop all transactions in dollars. I think we would know that. I think that would be, even though it's on a couple of blogs out there. I don't think that that is the true crux of the matter. I think what we're looking at is that Saudi Arabia is going to not renew that agreement. The petrodollar so officially're looking at is that Saudi Arabia is going to not renew that agreement.

Speaker 2:

The petrodollar, so officially. Really, the petrodollar is not necessarily dead, but it's on its deathbed, it's in hospice care because these other currencies and I think it'll probably be more dominated in Chinese yuan. And then the BRICS system itself. Let's not forget that Saudi Arabia recently joined BRICS and I think that made it. I think, really, that really is going to accelerate de-dollarization, david, I mean it's not that it's going to go to zero, that Saudi Arabia is not going to accept it, but they're going to have a completely new payment system set up. So what we've known and what we talked about as the petrodollar, I think, is officially coming to end here on the 9th the petrodollar, I think, is officially coming to an end here on the 9th.

Speaker 1:

Well now am I mistaken? Because I thought that Saudi Arabia had said they're going to start settling contracts with China, for example in the Chinese Yuan. Was I imagining that, or did that really happen, or do you know? Do you remember I thought they'd started doing that, but maybe they didn't.

Speaker 2:

What do you think? I believe that they have started doing that, but maybe they didn't. What do you think? I believe that they have started doing that and I think even during this agreement, I think they've been setting that system up. I think that will accelerate now more than anything, but it's not that they won't use dollars At least that's what I'm able to find and we've been talking about this for a while. It's part of the overall de-dollarization, uh, globally that we're seeing, and it really just, I mean it accelerating faster than I think.

Speaker 2:

As you look at the financial, the mainline financial networks aren't even talking about this. This is huge, you know this, this departure away from the petrodollar system. So no, I I'm again, I don't. It's not going to go to zero like they're not going to use dollars, or iraq has done that. By the way, the iraqi, the iraqi parliament, uh has made it illegal to trade in dollars, so that you know that in that part of the world that is happening. Um, but it looks like this is limping along. I mean, there's going to be trade in dollars, but no, it's. There's cross-border payments set up uh, electronic electronic systems, electronic currencies and digitized currencies between Saudi Arabia and China are going on and I think this is going to be part of that. It'll be part of the new payment systems through BRICS.

Speaker 1:

Another stellar victory for the American empire. Our former, the people we rescued, don't want have made it illegal to even take our money anymore. Maybe we should offer a bill like that in Tennessee Make it illegal to accept any, any federal bribery out of Washington DC. That would start things going in the right direction immediately, wouldn't it? They don't even want our money. And, of course, turkey, which is a NATO ally. They have declared that they're going to join BRICS as well. So was there a you mentioned, you know, 50 years ago? Today there's some kind of an agreement. Now what kind of? You know? Is this kind of a handshake between uh, I guess we could call it a handshake between a clown prince and kissinger, uh? Or or was this some kind of a formal agreement that they spelled out there that they can just start to find some wiggle room or just ignore it? I guess, maybe, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Was it some kind of a?

Speaker 1:

formal treaty or something. I believe so Was it Okay, I just thought it was kind of an agreement. You know if you look it up.

Speaker 2:

the petrodollar agreement of 1973 was a deal between the United States and Saudi Arabia. In exchange for military protection and advanced equipment, saudi Arabia agreed to sell oil exclusively in US dollars, and they call it an arrangement established in retro dollar.

Speaker 1:

We're doing a couple of mafia families there. The Ttaglias and the Corleones made an arrangement there and, of course, the reason that we talked about this many times, the reason they had to do that, was because everybody saw the fraud that the dollar was not backing up, not being backed up by gold, as they had promised, and so they had to back it up essentially, you know, with with guns, with with the military equipment for the Saudis, and keep them in power, because you know it's a, it's an organized crime cartel that's in that country. It was a bit of a delayed reaction.

Speaker 2:

You know, august 15th 1971, richard Nixon takes us off the gold standard, closes the gold window and it doesn't again. Not till June 6th 1974, do we have this official agreement. I think that was probably the plan all along, because it'd be more of a floating currency, uh, based off a real-time commodity, in some ways at least. So it's not just because this was. That was a huge departure from the breton woods agreement in 1944 and again the 1970s. That's where you get stagflation, you get high unemployment, uh, inflation and and low economic output, and so that's what you get. Also, you get the gold going up 2,000% during the 1970s. Of course, gold didn't really go up. It's the dollar-loss purchasing power. But all through that, that's the military-backed US currency argument and I've heard that before like what backs us now? Well, it's been a host of things. It's really about money velocity. This is my opinion.

Speaker 2:

But you go and you look at places like iraq, uh, that we invaded, and I I tell this story often like the one of the first places I was called to at the tail end of the invasion, going into mosul, they sent me to the bank. Uh, they said, they put my team to the bank and said, uh, figure out what's going on. Because people were just taking boxes of the Iraqi dinar out of the bank and the people were staying there and they were just basically looting, but they would go out in the street. Nobody wanted any of the currency. I literally got to see a currency die in real time a paper currency and you think about the departure. That was 20 years ago, david. So if you think of the departure 21 years ago and I look at that and how far we are away from that the apex of American power and hegemony post 9-11, going into Iraq, doing that, setting up that interim government, all that with Paul Bremer and all this you look back now and they don't even accept dollars. Yeah, yeah, that's right and this is a swift fall and we talked about this last week. You have to be. This is on purpose that we lose these deals.

Speaker 2:

This was one of the reasons that, if you look at the history of the Cold War in the 1980s, ronald Reagan was able to bankrupt the Soviet Union and there's a lot of moving parts that go into that, but that was one of the things he was able to to work closely with with the house of sod. They were able to, you know, have a massive amount of output of crude oil onto the market. The main export of the Soviet Union was energy, russia and and their natural resources. So a couple with some other things. That was that was deal-making, that was a strategy.

Speaker 2:

What is happening now? I mean I know it's an inside job, but it's pretty incredible I mean they're not even trying anymore that you have Biden's economic advisor, bernstein. He can't explain what currency is like. He was on 60 minutes. He can't explain you know how, how debt is denominated, all this stuff. And he's also arguing he wants to lose this, that these, these are the economic, this is the head economic advisor for Biden wants to lose the world's reserve currency status of the U S dollar, which I don't know how, the how does the dollar survive, david, if it's not being used globally? And again we've. I don't think that these elites understand or maybe they do the consequences.

Speaker 1:

I think the people running the government understand. I think they put in these idiot subordinates who don't. And those are the ones that we look at and we think, oh, our leaders, they don't understand what's going on. Maybe I don't know, maybe they're such traitors that they would do it anyway, maybe they're so stupid they don't understand what's going on. But the people who are setting this whole thing up do understand. The people who are setting this whole thing up, do understand. And and you know, they are deliberately. It's kind of like the failing schools right For the longest time. People say what is the matter with the schools? And I'd say I think they're doing exactly what they intended to do. I think they're deliberately dumbing down the kids and and they this, our government we look at it and it's like what's the matter with it? Don't it doesn't? Can't? They see this doesn't make any sense. No, I think they're deliberately pulling the economies apart in America and in Europe and other places in the West. I think it's a deliberate focus on us to rip everything apart.

Speaker 2:

I agree. I mean, I think it's a plan. America will be the first nation, I think, ever that will be brought down artificially Again. Every nation, every great empire has a rise, a fall, has an apex and a collapse eventually. But this has been accelerated. You go back and just look at the timeline. I get stuck on this. But if you watch the departure of American greatness and American power and accountability, it really just starts again. The acceleration point at least, is 1971.

Speaker 2:

And then that's when we go off the gold standard and I'm thankful for a lot of things that happened post Nixon taking us off the gold standard. For one thing, it's legal for you to own gold. Now you could know it from 1933 to 1974, which is interesting. This is 74 is the year we signed the agreement for the petrodollars. Also the year gerald ford made it legal for you to own gold. So again, it was you couldn't physically, it was you go to prison, you couldn't physically hold it. So now you can, so you can be your own bank.

Speaker 2:

But you got to understand, like everything that's happening with the government and the idea of sound money and Liberty and accountability with with in regards to the monetary system, that's what props up the deep state. That's when we have the problems that we have Uh, there's no, there's absolutely no accountability. And now that they're, they're doing this control, demolition. This is this is the time when you really, folks, you got to pay attention to what this is going to happen. Like David says, it's a gradually, then suddenly right, with Hemingway's quote about the rich going broke, I mean it's gradually and suddenly. I think we're going to see the suddenly part and I I try not to be an alarmist and say, well, tomorrow you're going to wake up and the dollar, the dollar's not going to zero, but it is going to digital. That's something that we need to really focus on.

Speaker 2:

It's this is all these things that are happening I think you know, david, and I talk about. It's like how could you, even, how would you, let this agreement lapse? And when we need it so badly to to to strengthen the dollar as well? It's because they're going to cause, put in the, the environment for you to need or ask for a central bank digital currency. There'll be a run on the dollar, there will be loss of purchasing power, foreign adversaries dumping it, and so they're going to say, well, this is what you need, just sign up. Here's your biometrics and all the rest of that stuff. So that's the at least that's the signposts that I'm reading from all this, because you can't. They have to know that they're going to lose this status, so there might be.

Speaker 2:

And again this Jerome Powell has been raising rates faster than any Fed chair in history and we've noticed that, and they're also very much on the fence about lowering rates now because they have stagflation they have. They have inflation now, but they also have an economy that's failing. But I think you and I have also talked about the Fed. The Fed will choose the strong dollar. So there's a, there's a mixed bag and it's probably a lot of civil war going on in the realm of finance and our dollar, which will work its way out of the general society eventually.

Speaker 1:

You know the Civil War stuff, I agree.

Speaker 1:

Well, you know, I think it's kind of interesting when they put in commodities of oil, but also the other commodity that was implicit in the petrodollar was military power. So those are the two commodities that we control, right, and so we control the oil, we control the military power. Once they put the petrodollar there, that was based on that, then they could let people have the gold, because prior to that it was implicitly tied to gold, at the very least, and so they moved these things along and, as you point out, they're gradually taking everything down. Just like Fauci said, how do we accomplish radical change is basically what that guy was asking him at Milken, and whether you're talking about getting people to take an untested vaccine or they're talking about radical change in terms of our infrastructure and our economic organization, our radical wealth redistribution from the Western governments to a handful of oligarchs, when you're talking about radical change, you do it from the inside, you do it with disruption and you do it iteratively, and that's what we're seeing with all this radical change.

Speaker 2:

Right. And the question is who benefits? Yeah, and certainly not the American people, that's right. And because this system has been in place so long, you're going to develop normalcy bias, and I think that's so dangerous right now because the elites are planning, they've been talking about this, they even have a term for it, you know 2019. I was talking about, talking about the, the language of the great reset, and, uh, and the world economic forum. Uh, by the way, the world economic forum started in 1971. Same year we went off the gold standard. Who knew? You know? So, you know, you see, a lot of that stuff has followed us into our present time.

Speaker 2:

In 1972, we opened china, and then china was, uh, if you read pat buchanan's work on him, following nixon opened china, it was like this backwater, almost like he was like he called it like a moonscape, it was just, it was very quiet. Uh, you know, they had, they had nuclear weapons in 1964, but they were very isolated. You know the, yeah, the, the maoist regime, even though they were set up by the rockefellers and rothschild in 1949, it was a, it was very insulated and they had, you know, cross, cross border fights with skirmishes with the Soviet Union. A lot of that was covered up. But they still had, you know, border disputes between some of the lands that the Russian czars had conquered and, you know, conquered 200 years prior. But there was a lot of tension. So when that opened up.

Speaker 2:

This is where we are now China. We have this most favored trading status given to it by George W Bush on December 11, 2001. And after that we lost 55,000 factories here in the United States, all this wealth transferring to China. But I read a report this morning. David is really interesting. The, the amount of dollars that china now holds is a mystery. There was a going up, the peak was 2014 and then there was this decline since that time and now they just basically papered over it and covered it up. You really don't know how much of the dollars they actually hold. So this is coupled with the fact that China has been stealthily under radar, which is very bizarre, buying gold since the beginning of the century. I think that's also a tell. They're setting themselves up with their economic nationalism, their manufacturing, which production? If you listen to the former Fed chair, paul Volcker, when he talked to Congress back in the late 80s, he was saying well, what's wrong with the economy? You know why is the American?

Speaker 1:

economy. What's wrong with the economy? I am.

Speaker 2:

That's a GK.

Speaker 1:

Chesterton thing on it, right, you know what's wrong with the world? I am, but he definitely was. What was wrong with the world? I am, but he definitely was. What was wrong with the economy, these Fed chairmen.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's exactly right. Well, he pointed to the fact that the United States had departed from a production nation to a consumption nation. You know that's, a consumption economy is not going to be near as strong and productive with overall wealth as a production economy, so we went away from manufacturing. So there's something happening here. The history here is really breathtaking. If you follow finance and you're a gold bug like me and followed, you know, precious metals and it's all happening now. I mean just even the news feeds, it's even. It's hard for me to catch up because so much happening in the realm of digital currency, but just this here. You know we're on the cusp of losing the petrodollar. I didn't think it would be this fast, but there's really no resistance. Even the archive stories, David, if you go back, the United States government isn't putting much pressure on Saudi Arabia to renew it or to create some sort of deal. They don't care.

Speaker 1:

It's truly amazing. I mean, you would think that Biden would go over and at least, you know, do a sword dance with him or something like Trump did. They could pull out the glowing orb and he could put his hands on it. It's like, yeah, all right, we're all together in on this, but they're doing nothing, not even a sword dance.

Speaker 2:

Well, and have you heard anything? I haven't heard anything on the campaign trail from any of these candidates.

Speaker 1:

No, no no, all the all, the truly foundational existential issues. They don't care about it at all. As a matter of fact, you know, when you look at this right, it was energy, oil, it was military power, things like that that they were focusing. This thing on, well, as you were talking about, is to make the transition from a manufacturing economy to a consumer economy. That is a path to poverty and to slavery.

Speaker 1:

And yet when you look at the green agenda and you look at the Paris Climate Accord of 2015,. What is that about? That's about making sure that China and India have an insurmountable advantage in terms of manufacturing, because if they've got cheap available energy, nobody can compete with them. And that's why we're seeing a lot of these. We're seeing factory after factory close, they are the last steel plant in the UK closing, and on and on. You see all this stuff why? Because manufacturing is energy intensive, and if it's energy intensive, it's going to be done in the places where energy is cheap. And so this whole green agenda has been about making China the manufacturing king and making it so that we can't manufacture anything, not competitively at least.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's a way to consolidate power too, and you called it a watermelon that's green on the outside and red communism on the inside. That's exactly right. I mean, this is what the plan of the elites in the world economic forum, whatever you want to call it. There's probably a massive amount of influence too, and I I probably need to do a whole show on this where the trilateral commission, the council on foreign relations Relations how much of their hand is in something like BRICS and the foundation of BRICS? We know that they founded the Trilateral Commission in 1973.

Speaker 2:

All these years are very pivotal, beginning of the 1970s, going off the gold standard, opening China. Trilateral Commission. 74 is also a very important year, not only for this agreement, but it's the last year that the United States ever ran a trade surplus. And you got to remember, folks, the trade surplus again. This is what we had for most of our history. There was a reason we were called the arsenal of democracy and the manufacturing marvel of mankind. I mean, it's what we, the, the founding father, especially alexander hamilton set up a tariff system so we would protect our markets and we built things, and so there was always a trade. That's how we even paid. You know David's mentioned this many times that was our taxing system. About 70% of the government, the federal government, was funded through tariffs. So foreign imports you had to pay a tax to enter our home markets. And now you look at that timeline, david, david, the going off, the going on, the petrodollar, but it was the last year we ever ran a trade surplus. Now where does that money go? So if you're running trade deficits, that's that's funds and wealth away from you. And I remember running for, when I was running for Congress, I said, well, we're going to reach a trillion dollar trade deficit and I was laughed at by I think it was the Dallas Morning News, and I thought that's just crazy. Well, we hit that and it was. You know, it wasn't some, it wasn't that much longer after that. It's because we continue to consume, consume and we're based off of debt and the elites push that. That's. You know. We went from a production economy to a consumption economy and so that's where we are.

Speaker 2:

All those dollars, though, as I've mentioned, have to go somewhere. They and so that's where we are All those dollars, though, as I've mentioned, have to go somewhere. They don't just float off in the ether Wealth transfers. So this large transfer of wealth has been happening under your feet for the past 50 years. That's right. And now we're just. I think they're consolidating, that's rearranging the grand chessboard, all of that. And the danger here is all of us just thinking well, you know, tomorrow will be a lot like today. Yeah, that's just so. It's not. It's not going to be.

Speaker 1:

And you go back and you look at it and I remember you had a lot of people who were all about free trade, you know, carrying the water for the multinational corporations, and so this is going to be great. You're going to be able to look, you'll get everything so much cheaper. You know these, these people in China, they've got nothing, they'll work for nothing, and so you're going to get really cheap goods from these people and all this kind of stuff. And it's like, well, you know, is, um, is that a? Is that a good thing that we're going to use these people as slaves to make cheap stuff for us? And then what? Where? What is the long-term picture of this?

Speaker 1:

You know, we're going to get wealthier as a community. Think about that as a community. If we are just doing each other's laundry or cooking for each other with restaurants, and that's really all that's left to us now are these service businesses as individuals. You know, if you're not on not a big multinational corporation on the New York Stock Exchange, what have you got left? Basically, service businesses. Now, if you do a good service business, you can still get rich, but at the same time, your community or the country is getting poorer and poorer. So you're going to be a big fish in a shrinking pond. That's there, and eventually you're going to run out of water in that pond. And so that's the direction that we've been taking as a community and a lot of these people who sold us this open trade stuff.

Speaker 1:

Again, when you go back and you look at how these things got put in, at the same time we went from having taxes at the border to having taxes internally. We also set up the Federal Reserve and we set up the income tax and all the rest of that stuff. That's when we made, you know, essentially the, you know, the guns turned in on us in the same way that the guns are turning in on us now with the surveillance state and the police state and the rest of this. They turned that gun on us economically a long time ago and you're right talking about the 70s, when you had.

Speaker 1:

There's a big new Brzezinski, when he's starting the trilateral thing and you know, and they loved him, they loved his thesis that he wrote a little bit before that and sets up the Trilateral Commission and then, when they switch out Nixon with Jimmy Carter, they put him in charge, take over from Henry Kissinger who's running the show. Then you get Zbigniew Brzezinski running the show for the Trilateral Commission. It truly is amazing to watch this thing unfold over all these different years and how these people are painting us into a corner. And boy, we're in one now and we're in a tight spot now. As they said in that brother war, the barn's on fire and they're shooting inside.

Speaker 2:

It truly is an end game and, as much as I don't like that, the fact that this, this plan, that it's been a long term plan to transfer the wealth and power and the ability to project power away from the United States of America and it's going to wake up. You know that quote that's often attributed to Thomas Jefferson. You wake up, homeless on the continent your forefathers conquered because this was a plan that was implemented. You mentioned the income tax and the Federal Reserve. I mean 1913 is the four horsemen of the political apocalypse. You have the 17th Amendment, the direct election of senators by bankers instead of your state legislator. You get the 16th Amendment, which was the income tax. You get the Federal Reserve legislator. You get the 16th Amendment, which was the income tax. You get the Federal Reserve. But you also get in there in the incubation stage where we start moving away from being economic nationalists to a free trade system.

Speaker 2:

In 1913, with Woodrow Wilson Folks, all that was set up by the elites. This was their plan. The Cecil Rhodes roundtable, internationalist merging of the British Empire, the city of London and the United States and its power, to you know, form a one world government. And that's where you know. You know, years later you get, after the end of World War One. The League of Nations was rejected because we still had somewhat of you know, we still had some people that loved this country that were in the United States Senate and it was rejected. But that's where you get the Council on Foreign Relations. They've been working. It's an inside job, they've been working on this and it's beyond just human intervention. This is a spiritual thing. But they've been working on this since, well, since the beginning of the country, but especially accelerated after World War.

Speaker 2:

I I mean and I'll end with this, david, you know the debt of the US going into World War I, the war to end all wars, was a billion dollars and when we were done with the war it was five. You know, because now we had the Federal Reserve too and they had hijacked the money supply and they've expanded. You know it was five billion. That's pretty quaint compared to where we are now, with a trillion dollars every 90 days. You know, so, totally unsustainable. But you know, watch, watch. This is monumental. They were watching these agreements expire and this is a. This is the passing of an age of of the American empire, american empire, and it's swiftly eroding.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, and of course, when you look at China, they loved China because the communist leaders were nothing but thieves. You know Marxism is essentially a kleptocracy from one regard. You know kleptocracy combined with totalitarianism. So they knew these people were bribable and what they did was they set up a kind of fascist system where you had public-private partnerships. You didn't have a business there unless you had a Communist Party partner there, and so that kind of model that they used. They liked China because they could have their way with it, and you hear the politicians and everybody else saying that all the time oh, I love China, I can do whatever I want to there, because it's a dictatorship, and they want a fascist dictatorship here. That's what the public private partnerships are all about, and they're the ones who are going to that. You know.

Speaker 1:

You asked before where does the money go? Well, we know it goes to these guys. They're the ones who get it. I've got a question for you, tony. This is from Michelle Obama, and thank you for the tip on Rockfin. It said Tony, does the gold you send me that is larger in size have less value because it's not as easy to break down and trade for day-to-day items?

Speaker 2:

no, uh. Well, I think what you're referring to is there's when you get gold that is broken into things like uh half ounce, quarter ounce, uh tenth out, tenth of an ounce, or even gram bars. I gotta put a lot of the gram bars in the wolf pack packages. There's a premium placed on those. Just just getting that, like the, my cost is going to be higher, doesn't? It's not like it's not a cost I'm passing necessarily on to you from the mint that's my. I have to absorb the cost first and then sell it. So there's always a higher premium on fractionalized gold, as there is on fractionalized silver. It's just the way that metals work, the minting process and all of that. There's always going to be a little bit more and sometimes a lot more premium. It's one of the things that's great about wolfpack.

Speaker 2:

We buy the the gram bar sheets and sheets of 100, so 100 grams of gold per sheet, and what I do is we we put, take those little white gloves and we break off the the grams and then repackage them into a coin flip. So instead of you paying like going online and finding one, that's an assay that's through. Like you know, one of the major retailers will save you, you know, 10, 15 dollars a piece on those. So it's not that it's your gold. Your gold's worth less if it's in an ounce form and it's not necessarily that your gold was worth more when it's in a, a fractionalized form. But you end up paying a little bit more and I think there's probably a psychological value placed on that. It's like if you can just trade grams at a time, I think people will like that, by the way, and I think that's a, that's a way that you could, um, handle business, uh, and it gives you the ability to it's. It's you.

Speaker 1:

You've made that coin divisible so that's the whole point of why you're paying a little bit of. I agree, yeah, yeah, when you get something that's bigger, it is that you're going to get a bulk discount type of thing on it, right, and if it's smaller uh, you've got some more utility for it in terms of maybe you know in the future, if you're trying to so those those two things that just kind of there's, they're, you know, different types of uh that you might accumulate. You know you're looking to get a massive amount that you then can't break down and but you can get a quantity discount on it. Or you're going to get something that you know there's more more involved in manufacturing it and more stuff that has to go into it, more processing but it might have a little bit more utility for you in the future. I guess it's just that maybe it's that kind of trade-off, what else.

Speaker 2:

By the way, that's the way I buy a lot of my gold for myself personally, even though I mean, I buy it from people that come here to my shop or to my place in Denison, texas, but I, you know, I try to buy the 10th ounce pieces. So you know the same things. If you call me and you want to buy something, just know that I'm it's like I'm buying for myself. I'd think what would I do with this particular situation. So it's, you know, that's just me projecting my own strategy with my customers and, uh, so I I told that's a great question because I have the same, I have the same thoughts.

Speaker 2:

Like a 10th ounce gold, krugerrand. I love Krugerrands. Um, you know, south African, it's part of the bricks nations, it's probably a good hedge there. You can usually get a good deal on them. They're not, uh, there's the premiums on their mark like, uh, american Eagles. So I like to, I like to save those, those Krugerrands. I like the 10th ounce pieces. Matter of fact, I got one little gold with you just in case, like a backup. You can always do that with jewelry.

Speaker 1:

If you want to go on a plane, the TSA will always steal it from you right? Wait a minute, I had this basket. Where'd that go?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, wear it.

Speaker 1:

Don't put it in your bag, the touch it and steal it. Authority that's what the TSA stands for, I guess. So what's going on? Other things that are happening, any specials or anything?

Speaker 2:

like that that's going on at Wise Wolf you want to let us know about. Well, so we're working on payment systems. I've had a lot of people reach out and I heard you on David Knight talking about the new payment systems, working on that, where you can do ACH it's for some of the larger tiers or one-time purchases and I'm working on being able to accept major crypto. Uh, on wolfpack, so you can go on and get in the shopping cart, use bitcoin or ethereum. We should be announcing probably this time next week when I'm on with you again, hopefully we'll be announcing that. So that'll be really exciting. Oh, yeah, uh, and and we've got a lot of great, great products uh, going out on wolfpack.

Speaker 2:

If you haven't checked out wolfpack, go to davidknightgold and, uh, look at all the things that you can set up and the automatic. You can do one-time purchases and we buy your medals for you. Um, so, the more we've got close to we're getting close to like 1200 people. So we've we've expanded our reach there a bit. I got like 700 five-star reviews. So if you haven't joined wolfpacker, you've been on the fence about it uh, especially with this going off of the petrodollar, uh, save some silver, get some gold, uh, you know, and and with us you're gonna get quality products delivered directly to your door and and all that certified, and I buy free. I buy for you like I buy for me, just so you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what would Tony do? That's what you're thinking when you're making the purchases. Well, you know, as Gerald Slenty will always say, he says I don't predict the future, I predict trends, and we know what the trend is for gold. We don't know when it's going to happen, when the price is going to go up exactly or go down, up exactly or go down, but we know what the trend is for the dollar and we know what the trend is for gold, and so that's all you need to know, to know that you need to start accumulating gold and silver. Thank you so much, tony. It's always great talking to you and you got your show is going to be following.

Speaker 1:

I've got another question here. I think this is from Atomic Dog. He said David, gold has gone up about 32% over the last two years. What does your gut say about the future price increases? Is 3,000 likely within the next two years? I saw something the other day, and I don't remember what the time period was, talking about gold. Maybe it was longer than two years, but it had gone up quite a bit. What is my gut feeling about it? Well, well, let me ask you, tony, what's your gut feeling about it. We're not making predictions here, but we're talking about the trend. You know if we got any. I know that there's a lot of banks that have picked $2,700,. You know, by the end of this year, beginning of next year, several of them have picked $3,000. And, of course, you've got some wild outliers that go really high, just like you see with bitcoin predictions and things like that. What do you think?

Speaker 2:

well, I think just conservatively, go back to 2020 and city bank was expecting three thousand dollar gold. Uh, during that time that I think the second quarter they were talking about 2021, 3000 there's been a lot of disruptions in the natural progression of what gold's value is. You gotta understand. This is warfare, folks. This is yeah is a very you know, this is fourth-dimensional warfare. You've got the United States' central bank is at war with gold. That's why they don't buy it. That's right.

Speaker 1:

The West isn't buying it. It's not simply market forces. You've also got, you know, active manipulation.

Speaker 2:

Active manipulation. Again, there's a revaluation of commodities, even things being denominated in dollars, and I think one day we'll look back and wonder what does that even mean, that we were denominating all this stuff in dollars? It is crazy, you know. Gold is really. If you step back from it, gold is the world's reserve currency. It's supplanted the dollar already, you know, and I think the final nail in the coffin was 2022, with the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the sanctions that were placed to blow back from that, and so I think that gold, it really is the world's reserve currency now.

Speaker 2:

So what happens with it being denominated in dollars? That's a great question and I think, if I'm betting on something I think, easy three thousand dollar gold in the next 24 months, I don't think that's really a problem. It could be much higher. I mean, honestly, would anybody blink at five thousand dollar? You know, an ounce gold? Probably not.

Speaker 2:

But if I'm understanding what happens when the price goes up, it really slows down all the things that I do. You would think it would speed it up and there would be like some windfall, but it really doesn't. It's a really crazy time, like it takes me about two weeks now to get paid on a certain type of items, especially the larger gold items, even though the price is up, I usually have to sell them to the trading house. It's taking a long time for that to be evaluated, to be paid for, so everything is slowed down and I think it's like choking out some of the because you know you're dealing with more dollars. There's more risk that happens if you're holding that much more. So you've got to understand all the factors that will happen. So I don't pray for higher prices.

Speaker 2:

By the way, I don't think that's a good thing right now. I think it's right. I mean right. Where we are is crazy. So this is the you know it's hit its all time. Gold hit its all time high in the last five times or something like the last four months. So we are we are on a trajectory of a bull market for gold. But I don't think it's just a bull market. I really think it's a generational shift for the world's reserve currency of the dollar status moving away, de-dollarization and revaluation.

Speaker 1:

Well, you know, we've talked about Zimbabwe, for example. You know the Bax case in modern times, a trillion dollar Zimbabwe note and all the rest of the stuff, trillion Zimbabwe dollars. They did the Ziggy, the Zimbabwe gold thing, and it's actually gaining against the US dollar. How bad is that? When the US dollar is falling against Zimbabwe's currency, it's up 2% over the US dollar. So I said it's having some problems in the country because there is a big black market there competing in a lot of different ways with the government's currency. But internationally, you know, people are liking it again because they supposedly tied it to gold. I guess maybe internally people don't believe that it's tied to gold. This is the big lie. How do we know that they're telling us the truth? You know, it's like when they always tell us a lie. So but yeah, I think it's going to be there. It's the. It's a safe play.

Speaker 1:

I'm, you know, when you've um, we reach a certain point in time and you've been on roller coasters of investments. I'm not interested in any roller coasters at this point in time. I'm too old to ride them, you know. So I'm looking for something's going to be kind of slow and steady and stable and physical and all the rest of these things that gold and silver are. That's just my personal opinion.

Speaker 1:

I you know the stock market is doing really well, but it's like you know just a couple of stocks that are doing it. You know, first it was seven, Now it's only about four stocks, and it's focused on AI and it's focused on NVIDIA and things like that. These are things that are kind of fads, and I've seen a lot of fads come and go. You know, as these people are setting up their global conquest, what were we doing back in the 70s? You know people were dancing to disco and wearing bell bottoms. You know it's like what do we know? It's kind of crazy, Uh, and how uninformed we are about what these movers and shakers are doing in the background. Um, so, uh, you've got a program that is coming up following this one. Is that correct? Oh, yes, sir.

Speaker 2:

Uh, just at 11 AM central time. Arterburn radio transmission. I'll be live on a rock fin on the america unplugged channel and my twitter at 20 r tony arterburn and a couple other places. Free worldfm as well.

Speaker 1:

Yes yes, good, yes, and I think we still need to get there um on free someday. Yeah, someday we'll get our tech uh changes done. It's so much stuff on a regular basis it's hard to get something. I understand. Uh, all right. Well, uh, always great. Talking to you, tony. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you so much for your support of the show and everybody. Check out his program immediately following this and you can find him on Twitter on let's see at Rockfin.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, at Rockfin and also at give me the address again the FM At freeworldfm.

Speaker 2:

You can listen to a lot of great hosts there live and, uh, uh, shout out to jason barker, who's been doing an amazing job. He's streaming your show right now on free worldfm.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's great. Yeah, I would do. We have a link to that on our website. We need to make sure we got at least a link to that. Uh, so that's great. I'm glad that he's streaming that there. Well, again, thank you, t Tony, and we're going to take a quick break, folks, and we will be right back. Thank you, making sense common. Again. You're listening to the David Knight Show.