Joyfully Ever After with Heidi Esther

E064. Grow your Joyful Life PlayShop: What's so bad about not needing help?

Season 1 Episode 64

"I got this."
"I can figure it out myself, no problem."
"I'm gonna Hulk through this and get it done."
"They are so lucky I'm here to help."
"I'm totally the rock of our (workplace/family/friend group/church)."
"I would 100% rather GIVE help than RECEIVE it. And HEAVEN FORBID I should have to ASK for any. "

I've LIVED ALL of the above, how about you?  Because, why not?

Contributing Citizens

It's what every parent dreams they instill in their kids. So we can be productive, helpful members of society with full medical benefits. Because, so we're taught, noone wants to be living at home when they could be living by themselves. Or do we?

What are the downfalls of this "I don't want or need help" mindset? What are we missing by adopting this way of thinking? What harm are we causing ourselves and our children?  

  • We communicate that we're not worthy of needing help. We break the cycle of giving and receiving.
  • We value ourselves by what we can do and we don't explore who we are. This keeps us out of discovering our true, divine Joy.
  • We communicate that others are better than us (SPOILER ALERT: You are just as wonderful as everyone else!) 
  • We close ourselves off to rich, authentic relationships. We build walls  "we're fine and perfect." BAD NEWS: Then our kids don't ask for help either and the vicious cycle perpetuates. 
  • We put feeling needed above ofeeling good. 

Join me and listen how to unburden yourself from the Helper-and-never-Helped mantle TO unlock your Genius and Joy! 

How can we let down the mantle and let in support?
1) Practice Shoes: mindset that everything is practice; no black/white right/wrong thinking.
2) Let the crutch go: letting go of what others think; building up from within
3) Take baby steps: practice gratefully receiving
4) Power Voice: asking for help
5)  Power Pants: positive reframe on asking for help

Discover more Playshops to Liberate your Heart and Soul from Self-Defeating Patterns like Guilt and Regret

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