Joyfully Ever After with Heidi Esther

E068. Grow your Joyful Life Foundational Playshop: Painless Mistakes!

Heidi Esther

A new friend recently said she learned that it's nearly impossible to learn from your mistakes and we can only learn from everyone else's.

But, is it?
Would we be wired to evolve without any input from the life we are living? I thought about it.

I am here to say IT IS not only POSSIBLE, but easy to learn from one's mistakes, once you have a shift in mindset. This critical shift in mindset will give you the gift of you learning more about yourself AND ENJOYING MORE OF YOUR LIFE, mistakes and all.

You can learn from their mistakes and yours, too!

00:00 How are you taking care of yourself?
06:02 Story, The Missing Keys
12:53 The Dark Side of Mistakes
16:04 Step 1, REFRAME
17:29 Step 2, Adulting
19:13 Step 3, Be like Don Miguel
22:40 Step 4, Engage the Baby
25:45 Step 5, The Coin Flip
30:28 The Snowman of Affirmation has Spoken!

 Want a cheat sheet on the steps? Here you go, beautiful!
1) REFRAME: Insteaad of using the word mistake, reframe it differently. Like a lesson. YES!   Everything on your path is part of a lesson you need to learn to grow more badass. View everything as a new lesson instead of a potential mistake.
2) ADULTING: Disembark the Blame and Shame train. First, take RESPONSIBILITY for your actions and take the focus off of others. Second, PRACTICE RADICAL ACCEPTANCE for what you did. Say "okay, this is what happened" or "Okay, this is what I said" instead of turning on your inner critic.
3) BE LIKE DON MIGUEL RUIZ: Adopt two of his four agreements to implement step 2.  First, be IMPECCABLE WITH YOUR WORD: Make a vow to not talk shit about yourself OR others. Second, ALWAYS DO YOUR BEST: We wake up  different people every day. You will be sick some days. You will have anxiety other days. Breathe compassion into your inner critic. Forgive yourself. You KNOW you are trying your best.
4) ENGAGE THE BABY:  You are too worthy, too precious to beat yourself up. You are worthy of feeling good all the time. Envision a young, precious version of yourself to remind yourself EVERY TIME you are negative, that precious life gets the beat down, too. For more on Engaging the Baby, see my playshop on Guilt at
Side 1: So, this happened...
Side 2: Spot the lesson!
What welds the sides together? Gratitude! Practice gratitude for the lesson.
What makes my coin shiny? (Practice being proud of how you showed up  in that instance. 

AFFIRMATION TIME : Practice saying empowering affirmations to yourself daily so that, when the spaghetti hits the fan, you can lean on them instead of engaging your negative self-talk and blame.

Discover more Playshops to Liberate your Heart and Soul from Self-Defeating Patterns like Guilt and Regret. 

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