Joyfully Ever After with Heidi Esther

E072. Grow your Joyful Life Foundational Playshop: For Women Do it All.

Heidi Esther Season 1 Episode 72

Are you a woman who tries to do it all?  Manage the house and the kids and the cooking and the job and the volunteering and finances? 
Do you ever wonder why your friends and family come to you, all the time? 
Do you ever wonder when you're gonna get just a *wee* bit of a break, to do stuff that you want to do? 

You're reliable. Independent. Loyal. Helpful. A World-Changer. A shoulder to cry on. The Rock.

You're proud of who you are and all you do. 

But sometimes, you're exhausted too. And sometimes, you don't want to make dinner, and not just on your Birthday or Mother's Day! 

Girlfriend, I got you. In this Playshop, I share two eye-opening findings from 100 coffee dates from amazing souls and helpers, just like you. 

I'll share two powerful shifts   - Releasing and Receiving - that will get you to back into the flow of life and ending the cycle of give-give-give-Done. Join me!


Are you ready to Learn the 5 Steps of Self-Leadership that will help you peel back the layers and Lead you to Joy, on your own terms? Then go to today!

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