Joyfully Ever After with Heidi Esther

E075. Grow Your Joyful Life Playshop: The Drama Triangle

Heidi Esther Season 1 Episode 75

Does Drama follow you around and you can't seem to shake it?
Do you ever get in conversations and situations you can't win?
Do you worry a lot about what you said because of what other people will say behind your back?
PRE WORK! If you want out, you're gonna have to practice Letting Go of what other people think and feel about you. I know, you have to be willing to be seen as "the bad guy." But in the end, you will NOT have other people controlling you. Sound liberating? Yes, yes it is.

Here's the A.C.E. Method I talk about in the show!

A - Awareness + Assertiveness. Become aware you're in it and cultivate Assertiveness
C - Cultivate compassion for their side of the story AND your Sanity and listen to and honor what YOU want, first. Let go of how other people think and feel about you.
E - Remember that we are all Equal and we are all trying our best. AND that gives NOONE else the right to control you. Life is calmer and happier outside of the triangle.

Link to the Drama Triangle Graphic
And here's the link to my White Rose Tea!

AND...welcome to a Grow your Joyful Life Foundational Playshop! What are they? Playshops that help you recognize when you are in the circling-fishbowl of negative patterns that keep you from swimming in the free ocean of your Joyful Life!  Patterns like Burnout, Perfectionism, Guilt, and  Regret. These patterns keep us stuck, swimming round-and-round in a fishbowl not of our own making. Each workshop has a true story from me and a strategy that works. No fluff, my friend. Ready to breath the free ocean? GREAT! 🐟

Are you ready to Learn the 5 Steps of Self-Leadership that will help you peel back the layers and Lead you to Joy, on your own terms? Then go to today!

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