Joyfully Ever After with Heidi Esther

E077. Mindfulness with Jennifer Erwin

Heidi Esther Season 1 Episode 77

I am back (third time's a charm!) with the brilliant, wise, and compassionate life coach, Jennifer Erwin, to have an honest conversation about Mindfulness. I know, she's getting close to being a co-host now. So, she's an Enneagram 4 (and that's my growth path, as an Enneagram 2...) Oh, sorry. Nerded out there. Back to mindfulness...
Shall we say Mindfulness is the soil from which all other Joy and Goodness in life will sprout? We shall. Join us to see how YOU can nurture the rich soil of Mindfulness in your life. 
Check out more goodness from Jennifer Erwin at!

WHAT ARE Grow your Joyful Life Foundational Playshops? Tips and stories that help you recognize when you are in the circling-fishbowl of negative patterns that keep you from swimming in the free ocean of your Joyful Life!  Patterns like Burnout, Perfectionism, Guilt, and  Regret. These patterns keep us stuck, swimming round-and-round in a fishbowl not of our own making. Each workshop has a true story from me and a strategy that works. No fluff, my friend. Ready to breath the free ocean? GREAT! 🐟

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Are you ready to Learn the 5 Steps of Self-Leadership that will help you peel back the layers and Lead you to Joy, on your own terms? Then go to today!

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