Psychic Babes

Discover how to deprogram the mind and go from Victim to Victor with my Mentor Eve.

Kirsten Rhode Sandefur Season 5 Episode 1

Join myself and my mentor, Eve as we deep dive into deprogramming the mind, moving out of victim mentality and take charge of your life. Learn how to transition from things happening to you to happening for you and through you. Learn how we cast spells on ourselves every day with our speech.  Learn how DMT has changed both of our lives in so many ways and how we use it to help others.

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Speaker 1:

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, all engine running, liftoff. We have a liftoff. We're in the 21st century. Humans that are awake, survive in a self-made penitentiary, seeking truth, honesty, integrity. Stay away from the polarity. It's only one place to turn to. We can't trust singularity. I'll be that babe spreading my cautions Wisdom, because we ain't the one's test subject and we ain't no damn victim. Wake up humanity before it's too late. If you sit where I'm sitting, we gotta checkmate, question everything fairies, aliens or affiliates, or turians or turians, dragons and even our own origins. Psychic bids, we empower humankind. Seek the truth, but don't seek through the mind. This is how we win. Go with it. Stand together, color scan. Divide us, watch our differences. Unite us. Hi guys, welcome to Psychic Bids. I'm your host, as always, kirsten Sandifer, and today I have the amazing Eve on again. This is her second time back. She is my mentor, she is one of my best friends and I love her dearly, so I'm so excited to have her back on.

Speaker 2:

Welcome, queen. Thank you, queen received in gratitude and likewise such a privilege to be here again. I love reoccurring invite.

Speaker 1:

Yes, a lot of. I released on TikTok the thing about the blood. Remember that I showed you about the blood work, how what the empty does to the live blood cells. I released that and there was a lot of questions about it. And then a lot of people were asking because they were tuning back to the podcast. So they were like well, when can we come back on? Like well, perfect timing. So we brought you back on.

Speaker 2:

So can you receive.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. We just did a retreat together in Brazil and it was fabulous. And, yeah, I would like for you to describe kind of what we do on our retreats and why they're so effective.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, so it's a great question. Well, they're effective. Because we're effective right? So because we've circulated so much time through ourselves, bringing conscious awareness to the subconscious, programs that we've been running that allow us to identify as ourselves, with ourselves, by ourselves, and we've played in our dark, we've played in our light, we've played in our positive, we've played in our negative. It allows us to hold a more neutral container. So us existing, or, more often than not, existing through neutrality allows people to more safely play with their duality. So if we're going to go dark, we're going to go dark, and because you and I are not afraid of our darkness, we can effectively hold somebody as they alchemize and process their own and integrate it. We're going to go light, let's go light. We can hold that container without being overly attached to it.

Speaker 2:

So I think the fact that you and I are actively running the program of neutrality, that's one aspect of it. We're both advanced and we have a long running relationship with the molecules that support us in what we do. I think Brazil is such an important character in it the organism that is Brazil, the lungs of the planet that exist within her and just the energetic container that she provides in the womb that holds us in our journeys and our awareness. So thank you, gorgeous country. What a gift it is to be inside you and our dynamics. We have trust with one another, we trust each other and also we play well and we create our own recreationally. So allowing peace and pleasure and play to be a part of the process, I think, really encourages that evolution of an individual through fun. And who doesn't like to have fun? So I think that's another element of it.

Speaker 1:

And the list goes on, but I think that's enough for now. I love that. Thank you for sharing that so beautifully. I would like to segue into the choosing pleasure versus pain, because it is a choice. Can you elaborate on that, sure?

Speaker 2:

So the brain is running pattern recognition software and where attention goes, energy flows. So if I am focused on the negative, and the negative is what feeds my narrative, then the universe is going to continue to reflect back to me negativity, because negativity is what makes me real and it's what I identify with. For example, if there's somebody who's complaining a lot, they're going to continue to create a reality in which they have things to complain about, because complaining helps them identify themselves as themselves. This is why gratitude practice is so effective, because you're programming your brain to see things to be grateful for. And the more that gratitude, more that you being grateful, becomes a grounding mechanism of your identity, then the more the universe is like OK, here's what it's like to be you and here's a bunch of evidence why you get to continue to exist in the frequency of gratitude.

Speaker 2:

So pleasure is like positive. It's a. You know, everything has a polarity, duality, positive and negative charge, good, bad, l-i-v-e, e-v-i L. It's all spinning and attracting itself to itself with itself or itself by itself. So there is a way that I like to look at it, and one of the ways that I hold my self accountable came to me recently and I receive it in gratitude is is life happening to me? Is life happening for me? Is life happening through me? So if life is happening to me, then I'm more or less than a victim mentality, right. So that's the wham wham, wham frequency. If life is happening for me, then I'm in power and I'm in positivity. And if life is happening through me, now I'm holding the gaze of neutrality and just allowing the flow, without judgment, and that feedback loop to be really quite fluid, I think the most fluid in nature, when we're existing in a state of neutrality and I play between the three. I used to live in, I mean way back in the day I lived more in life is happening to me.

Speaker 1:

Me too.

Speaker 2:

For a very long while I've existed in, life is happening for me, and now I've been really dancing with. Life is happening through me, and this has my thing used to be I prioritize pleasure, and now it's graduated into I prioritize peace, and pleasure is the extension of that piece. So now we've updated the mantra piece first pleasure, seconds through me for me, all that jazz.

Speaker 1:

Of that beautiful explanation. When people are exhibiting victim mentality, can you explain a little bit how to transform that through the thought process, into the becoming of life? Is not happening to me and happening through me, happening for me, then happening to me?

Speaker 2:

So it's a great question. My follow up question would be, if we're going to use an example patients how do they perceive reality?

Speaker 1:

Probably that new reality is not the way that we see it, like that reality is evil. You know that there's a lot of different things happening and the reason why I ask you from this aspect is because I think this can help a lot of people from this aspect, ok.

Speaker 2:

So if you want to do it, simply, if somebody says it's raining outside and I don't like the rain, then OK, it's raining outside and you're not going to enjoy that because your program that you identify with is I don't like the rain.

Speaker 2:

So when I experience the rain, I'm not as happy. Ok, we get to zoom out or breathe out and say, oh wow, look at the rain, look at how it's feeding the plants, look at how it's cleaning the city, look at how it's cleaning the air Thank you, water for hydrating my greater self and then we get to honor the cleansing element of the rain, see outside of our micro relationship to it and see, breathe out and see the value that it holds. When we expand past our personal categorization of the rain, does that make sense? Yeah, zooming in and seeing more of the benefits of something allow it to play a more elaborate character, a more complex character. And when we breathe out and look past ourselves, now we can start playing with the positive and the negative charge of things. That's probably where I would start if somebody is in a more concrete, separated reality. Now what?

Speaker 1:

about what? About people that have experienced abuse and that, that level of that, of course.

Speaker 2:

Oh, we're just getting right into it, aren't we? Oh really.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's do it.

Speaker 2:

Love it, here we go. All right, give me, let me process. Yeah, okay, I'll go back into pattern recognition software. We'll go back into everything's a program, it's all a program.

Speaker 2:

So this is how the brain programs itself I as my character and the compilation of my nature and my nurture. My nurture is the me that was me before I became myself. It's my character backstory, and this is I am because I was. This is how I exist on a timeline. So I'm going to be very convinced that I was. So I could be more convinced that I am. So that's our DNA, that's our ancestry, that's all of our dispositions, that's the, the bigger character, our ancestral character learning about itself until it becomes embodied in the fragment of the ancestral character, which is me. Right, that's my character. And then my nurture are the lenses of perception that I develop, that I'm still developing through this conversation and together, all of those vibrations and all of those iterations and feedback loops. Those are the programs that I'm running that make me identify me in the worldwide web of everything else. Are you with me so far? Yeah, yeah, totally, you know I'm with you. Okay, so there's that abuse. Okay, so my relationship to an abusive partner may have began before I began. It might be DNA, might be. So, if we're going to look at it through the lens of a woman, it might have to do with the fact that society that is more a patriarchal society.

Speaker 2:

Now again, I'm not going to blame the masculine energy, because I believe everything's a video game and everything is exactly as it's meant to be and it's the balancing of the energies so we can forget about ourselves, so we can remember ourselves within ourselves. So, basically, the masculine reinforces separation. It's the penetrative energy that has to go into something else to create something. The feminine is that dimension that it accepts the illusion of the other within it and from there it creates. So an embodied feminine energy has more awareness of all his self and the masculine energy, more of its purpose, is to enforce separation, which allows for the texture of existence which is this entire experience. So when we're in a masculine lead or run macro part of like our planet experiencing itself, I'm not villainizing it, I'm just saying it comes from a certain perspective, reinforcing separation. So from that belief, there's a level of density that arises through that that, of course, does its job, which is to reinforce separation.

Speaker 2:

All right, so now that we as a planet are at the place of, which probably leads into a galaxy which is into okay, I'm just going to micro as cells on the organism that is Earth. Earth itself is now in these, goes into the you guys and all that jazzy jazz. Earth itself is now remembering itself. So this is why we're seeing this rising of the feminine energy. This is also why we're seeing the rising of melanated communities because, like, the final tip of the sun's ray is photo melanin. So the more melanin we are, the more able we are to receive the information coming from the sun. So the suppression of melanin, all right, which goes into sunscreen, that goes into all of that. That I really don't have much an opinion about. It, just connected for me as I'm in this thought flow.

Speaker 1:

Don't use some period of story.

Speaker 2:

Now we get to go into abuse.

Speaker 2:

So basically, if my relationship to abuse started before I became myself now, this is an ancestral narrative that I needed or was born with, so it might seem bigger than me, which is great, until it becomes not bigger than me, which is the realm of responsibility, where everything is me, so when I exist within the framework that I'm experiencing myself within myself, nothing is too big for me anymore, because size is me playing the character of size. So this is one of the ways to approach, like something ancestral and real, intense is kind of be your own ancestor. That's one part of it.

Speaker 2:

The circle, around, the circle, around, circle and circle and circle around the circle, around the circle, and then nothing's bigger than you. The other one is okay. Also, what else feeds the program of abuse? Negative self talk, which comes also, is another program that actually has a lot to do with a macro program of society functioning exactly as it's been meaning, as exactly as it's meant to function Like. I don't believe there's any such thing as the other.

Speaker 2:

That being said, if we take a look at society, part of what it did was keep us externally motivated.

Speaker 2:

So you got to do, you got to provide, you got to make, you got to spend, you got to miss. So it keeps the mind outward focused as opposed to inward, where all the answers lie, because it's a feedback loop. And so then, if I'm distracted by all of these external responsibilities and I'm attaching my value to those external responsibilities, now I'm living in a state of co dependence where my value is dependent upon the external approval how well I provide, how much I make, how good of a partner I am. And because my value is now given to someone else, I have empowered them, I've outsourced my power. So I've elongated the feedback loop of my relationship to love. And if my relationship to love is attached to being good enough for the other, my external audience. That means that I don't have permission to fluidly and always love myself exactly as I am, because if I behave badly or disappoint somebody, I'm no longer deserving of that level of love, and so because of that then we get into.

Speaker 2:

Basically, it's a micro version of a macro abuse program which part of society, how it behaves and treats us as low key, abusive and, again, radical responsibility. We created this for ourselves. So, on a micro level in relationship, if I believe that I only get love if I've earned it, then I'm going to accept the consequences of me not actively working and earning the love that I seek. We seek a love that's familiar, not necessarily a love that we deserve, because, again, love is a program. So I will attract and magnetize the love. My definition of love in relationship to me and that's how I call in those characters.

Speaker 1:

Wow, fucking beautifully said, like fucking beautifully said, Queen, Amazing.

Speaker 2:

Okay, amazing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, radical responsibility.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Queening up your magic.

Speaker 2:

Queen, up your magic.

Speaker 1:

And this leads into the next question Magic and witchcraft has been super misunderstood and demonized. Can you elaborate?

Speaker 2:

I think you can, you know more historically, I can say it real basic.

Speaker 1:

No, I'd like to hear your.

Speaker 2:

My take on it.

Speaker 1:

Uh huh.

Speaker 2:

Well, I think it's a good question.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Come on, yeah Well, okay, I find it comical because, like, when you're making, you're in a dead animal, you're putting in spices, you're putting in this and that's very much a cauldron. So I it's so simple Um, we're casting spells on ourselves, uh, through recipes, and we're casting spells on ourselves. And we're casting spells on ourselves, and we're casting spells on ourselves. And we're casting spells on ourselves Even more simply, as languages magic.

Speaker 2:

So we're casting spells on ourselves with the words that we say Um it's life is one big spell. That's why it's called spelling. That's why Perceive it's. The clues are really in the words that we're using. So, um.

Speaker 1:

What we speak into existence, we create. We create a magic spell and we're using magic spells. So we're casting spells on ourselves, and we're casting spells on ourselves with the words that we say Um, it's the magic spell, and we're casting spells on ourselves.

Speaker 2:

Um, I'm going to ask you um Someone about, is this somebody in cleaning up their? Cleaning up their? Yeah, yeah, yeah, whether you think it's funny, it's not funny, it's not funny, it's funny, it's funny, it's funny. And she's the very powerful witch and she's not Actively aware that she's casting spells on ourselves, because she's not Um Going to look into that information, because she's afraid to look into that Information, because she feels it might challenge her relationship to God or Jesus and her Christianity, and so they're structures in place that create walls of fear, because if you even explore this, you're in the wrong direction and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Speaker 2:

That's not OK.

Speaker 2:

So it's a way of us keeping ourselves to sleep, which is, again, if I believe, everything's a video game. We keep ourselves to sleep Strategically so we can wake ourselves. We have a new level to Basically if, whether you want to admit it or not, you're a witch, you're a wizard, you're casting spells on yourself all the time. And I mean, if you don't believe me, try it. Try saying things repeatedly for about a week and then see how your reality changes. It will. So that's one of the main things. It's change your language, change your life Really.

Speaker 2:

OK we create a time structure, our time structure, our relationship to time. Time is a malleable character and it behaves how we ask it to. So if we're late, then we're somebody that's always running late. Then we'll create a reality and we'll step into the character that we're somebody that's always running late. Again, if we're somebody, that thing, life is happening to me if I continue to speak my victim mentality into existence, because then the universe, like the universe, doesn't really give a fuck.

Speaker 2:

Ok, it's not opinionated, it's energy. Yeah, yeah, totally. You don't need to earn it with the universe, because the universe is like earning, is me playing the role of earning? Ok, for you to be real, you earn things, great. Here's a reality in which you earn things and you're rewarded, right, oh, for me, everything comes easily. Universe is like OK, great. So then for you to be real, everything comes easily. Here is a reality that reinforces that narrative for you and that's how we play those characters. So, if you're not enjoying the character you're playing, try a different character, and to do that slowly, shift yourself into new programs and repeat them, because consistency is key and it's self hypnosis.

Speaker 1:

Also. This is where DMT comes in.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, DMT is great for this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it changed my program. It do completely not existing, first of all, not not exist, and then, in order to not exist, and then recreate the person that I would like to become in the fashion that I would like to become, and tweak it in such ways. Sure, you're caring. Yes, that is more pleasurable to me and, as such, I bring in and invite things into my life that are pleasurable, that are fun and and that are exciting. That's queen, yeah, yeah. So that is what we mean when we say queening up your energy.

Speaker 2:

It's, it's commanding, so I don't, actually I don't ask the universe permission and a universe is a very small way to talk about God or like the giant brain or any language that makes you feel comfortable around this. Use that language. I totally support it. There is a comedian that it was. He quoted it and it's so good and it's from the road. I'm pulling it up because I'm not going to butcher it. Ok, it's from. It's a quote from Barry Taylor, the road manager of ACDC, and it's God is the name of the blanket we put over the mystery to give it a shape.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's so good, that's just so right there. So the big giant blanket or the big giant mind, I used to ask it. First I prayed to it, then I asked Now I command it. That's clean energy. I say this is happening now. This is my reality and I receive it Respectfully.

Speaker 2:

This is our life now and I receive everything that I create, so everything is my creation. There's no exception. So there's some glitches that are not glitches, and there are little lessons that I created for myself, and I receive them in gratitude, and then I release them respectfully Once I've Gardnered the information of the situation, but none of them is like, none of them are not me.

Speaker 1:

Everything I create for myself, I create for myself, and there's no exception to that, and so what I have brought into your life is the awareness through seven Of extraterrestrials, okay, and I would like for you to Speak on what they are to you and also what you've learned through seven and the evolution of our friendship. So I'm definitely going to go ahead and talk about the evolution of our friendship.

Speaker 2:

So I'm definitely a lot more open to it. I know that For us, if you ever see an Instagram video of zooming out from earth on the galaxy, it is a great way to balance your own Self importance. There's no fucking way that we're the only ones. That being said, we are the only ones. So there's no such thing as the other. However far you zoom out and remember, spatial awareness only exists once you've created polarity, because how are you going to measure yourself against yourself? Because you're infinite.

Speaker 2:

So I believe in the holographic nature of reality and what it's like, the double slit experiment, right? So it can simultaneously be a particle and a wave, and it's a Wave and it becomes a particle when you view it. That's because I need myself to, and then it begins separate of me. I'm not a part of that way, because then I lose my own identity. So that's how we can view things in different states at the same time, and it's their being is partially affected by our perception of their being. But our perception of their being is not their entire character. It's just a fragment of how their character is, experiences itself, collectively created perception of reality. So I think that if I look at it as a video game. It makes perfect sense that earth is like let's go into galactic. So Because we're prepared for that Now, we'll magnetize that evidence to us and the holographic reality is happy to play because it doesn't have an opinion or any bias around it. So the majority, it's like a, it's like a mental democracy.

Speaker 2:

If enough of us are like, let it be, then it becomes, and I feel like it's probably becoming yeah, and then if you dissolve a linear timeline, well, part of it is how we see it now affects how it was and how it will be.

Speaker 2:

So be careful when you're playing in your path. And if you're playing in your path, you're going to be able to see it and how it will be. So be careful when you're playing in your past and be careful in how you're playing with your future, cause you're affecting the experience of your past self and the experience of your future self. This is why I would like us to all turn down the volume on the word trauma. We're not. If we continue to say that our parents traumatized us, then we're actually creating a dramatic childhood for our young kids. So let's clean up our, clean up our magic on that one. And basically, because the universe is holographic, through how I experienced it, then of course, we can very easily give ourselves evidence as to why something has already been there, which is why now we're like discovering lost history and older civilizations, and it all just makes sense. I'm like okay, here we go.

Speaker 1:

So, so, so everybody wants to know and you described it so perfectly, so I hope you're going to not have. I know you're going to describe perfectly. Is the earth flat or round?

Speaker 2:

Okay. So jeez yes and Uh huh yes. And so A friend of mine recently brought to my conscious awareness that a perfect object deletes itself. So if an object is perfect, then it doesn't exist. So if Earth was a perfect fear, then Earth wouldn't be so the screen just went.

Speaker 1:

brr, it agrees If all the cells or little perspectives of Earth.

Speaker 2:

All were in agreement that the Earth was round. Then the Earth would cease to exist. So some of us believe it isn't. So it can be, and I think both answers are correct. Like there are, there's like kinks in the sphere, so there's parts of the sphere that aren't round, they're flat, and then those cells that are really embodying that. That's how they experience it and that's their belief system, and we get to thank them for allowing the object of the Earth, of the planet that we live on, to be imperfect enough that we actually get to experience living on it.

Speaker 1:

And this is exactly what Seven said to me as well. Yes, she said, the both are true, and she said that. I mean not not as eloquently she said in her in her own way yes, it's flat and also it's ramp at the same time, and so for you two. So now I think you delivered it in the perfect way that people can understand or not understand. We're okay with either one. You can stand up or anything if you don't want.

Speaker 2:

And that includes my opinions and my beliefs.

Speaker 1:

That's fine, Absolutely Seven's eloquent. No, I know she's. She's very eloquent. I haven't. I haven't released a video of her speaking about it because so many people want to know. So I'm waiting for the wanting to disappear, Okay.

Speaker 2:

And then, oh, hey, we can expand upon that quickly. So like, yeah, I play this game. Kirsten knows this game. I play this game with those. I love when they like, oh, I want you to do this. I'm like, oh, do you? Well, then you're going to keep wanting me to do that because that's the spell that you've cast and I won't do it. I'm like, okay, am I doing it? I receive a gratitude, you're doing that. And I was like, okay, well, great, now I'm doing it, given the pleasure. So I love the fact that you're playing with.

Speaker 1:

All right, if you guys keep wanting it, then you're going to create a reality in which you're wanting it Totally and also because if you feel, if you can tune into energy of want and need I need. It's a very low vibrational frequency. So the reward mechanism I'm not going to enforce that reward mechanism in that fashion. So when everybody stops wanting it and needing it to happen, then magically it'll happen and receive a gratitude.

Speaker 2:

And the student becomes the master. How down, queen. I am impressed. I have full chills. That is just. That is on brand. I am proud of you. You're fabulous, so are you fucking? I wouldn't be here without you, as you would. Yeah, I would.

Speaker 1:

But in you've blessed my life in so many ways and you know that. So on this note we are going to end. I'm sure she will be on again, as I'm sure people will have so many questions If they would like to contact you. How did they do so? Email?

Speaker 2:

Okay, so please reach me at the elevator group at gmailcom. Perfect.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for coming on. I know this is going to be an amazing. Can't wait to release this and, yeah, can't wait to see you soon on our next adventure.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, you guys, we are. Yes, we are doing. We're doing some tight container retreats on a private island, so we're curating them. They're Fuck so good. That being said, you get to work with us before you're invited, so you get to be a part of the group, you get to have a relationship with you, trust gets to be built and a level of awareness gets to be had and held. Then you get invited to the island. We're going to be there for seven days together and we curate which of our clients will vibe, vibe, vibe and thrive and have the most fun with each other. And it's a higher price point of a retreat and um, oh, it's fabulous, like it's, it's a great thing. I mean, it's a great thing. I mean it's a great thing. I mean it's a great thing, oh, it's fabulous, like it's.

Speaker 1:

It's really, really sexy. So yeah, that's a little plug on that Cool, absolutely All right. Love you guys, I queen.

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