Psychic Babes

Embracing the Extraordinary: A Journey Through Blue Avian Identity and Paranormal Awakening

Kirsten Rhode Season 5 Episode 2

As I sat down with my daughter Sevin Sandefur, the air was charged with a sense of wonder unmatched by our usual conversations. She recounted her profound journey of self-discovery, a narrative that challenges our perception of reality as she embraced her identity as a Blue Avian. Sevin's memories stretch from the curious events of her childhood to the remarkable instant she recognized her cosmic lineage, reshaping not just her own life but offering a transformative view of humanity's interstellar connections. Her tales of the Blue Avians and their profound wisdom suggest that we, too, share in these alien aspects—a thought that could herald the unlocking of latent healing abilities and a new path to our better selves.

The episode takes a darker turn as I relive an encounter that rattled my skepticism to its core—the chilling presence of a paranormal entity known as the black mist. This menacing specter that haunted my college apartment marks a defining moment in my life, opening my eyes to the unseen world and leading me to a powerful spiritual awakening under the guidance of Archangel Michael. A testament to the strength of the human spirit, this chapter of my life set me on a path of aiding others using my newfound psychic gifts. Our podcast journey culminates in a warm embrace of gratitude as I acknowledge my family's colorful contributions to our discussions and extend my heartfelt thanks to you, our listeners, for embarking on this extraordinary exploration with us.

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Speaker 1:

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, all engine running Liftoff. We have a liftoff. We're in the 21st century. Humans that are awake survive in their self-made penitentiary. If you're seeking truth, honesty, integrity, stay away from the polarity. It's only one place to turn to. We can't trust singularity. I'll be that babe spreading our consciousness Wisdom cause. We ain't the one's test subject and we ain't no damn victim. Wake up humanity before it's too late.

Speaker 2:

If you sit where I'm sitting, you gotta checkmate Question everything fairies, aliens or pillions, or turians or turians, dragons, and even our own origins. Psychic bigs, we empower humankind. Seek the truth, but don't seek through the mind. This is how we win. Go with this, stand together, color scan. Divide us. Watch our differences. Unite us. Hi guys, welcome to Psychic Babes. I'm your host, t'kyrsyn Sandifer, and today I have a long-awaited guest from everybody my daughter Sevin Sandifer. Hi, sevy, Hello. She's so excited to be on and I know a lot of people have been asking for her to talk about her experiences. So we'll see how this goes today and we'll start out with Sevin. Tell them a little bit about what you first remember.

Speaker 1:

So what I first remember is I probably I just remember being born and then, after I was born, I remember waking up and I was just three years old. But I do remember being born. But then, after I was born, I wake up and I was three.

Speaker 2:

Well, for those who don't know, sevin has had some experiences when we lived in Utah where there was things happening in her crib and there were beings in her room, and that's when we first started to notice that something was very different, and it was At first. Mommy was very scared and I know you don't really remember that part, but yes, she's got her blue avian cruise shirt on she don't remember that, and we aren't in-house so, yeah, but she's in the other room so we're doing this.

Speaker 2:

But she doesn't really remember that too much, but I'll have her tell you what. Tell them the day that you came to me and you said who you were, the night, it was evening. So like tell them how, when you were gonna name me or something, no, remember the night that you came to me and you said mommy, and you called me in the bedroom and then you told me I'm not really human. Oh yeah, tell them what you said.

Speaker 1:

My mom was kissing me the night and I was. I said mom, I have to tell you something. And she said what is it? And I said well, I'm not fully human. And she laughed. At first she laughed. She didn't really believe, she didn't really understand what I was saying. She never really believed what I was saying. So then I told her no, I am half human. I'm not human fully, I'm not human at all, I'm blue alien. At first I said blue alien because I didn't know how to say blue alien.

Speaker 2:

And then she said I'm not human at all, I'm not human at all, I'm not human at all, I'm not human at all. I'm not human at all, I'm not human at all, I'm not human at all. And so then, remember when you laughed, or when I laughed, you got really upset and I felt really bad about it, because I remembered how your Omi and Oma treated me. When Come back, I'm just going to be back. I don't believe in the hospital. They didn't believe me either. And then I blamed her for something. Yeah, they said it was the devil.

Speaker 1:

They don't think that anymore. But seven was the one that opened the mouth to it, Basically like her, how my mom said well, I know my grandpa's sick, Sick, and a couple days later he died.

Speaker 2:

No, he didn't. Actually he didn't die. He went into the hospital in Green Bay the day after that. He died several months later.

Speaker 1:

And then my Omi, no po, just grandma and grandma in German, grandpa and grandma in German. They said it's all your fault and it was not. She just predicted it. She knew that it was happening, but she tried to help.

Speaker 2:

Let's talk about what happens when. How did you know you were blue Avin? What? How did they tell you that?

Speaker 1:

Um I learned.

Speaker 2:

Like in your sleep or.

Speaker 1:

In my sleep when they took me up.

Speaker 2:

They took you on their ship or on their planet.

Speaker 1:

On their planet and on the ship. And Fracky is a strawman too.

Speaker 2:

Yep, fracky is a Fracky is a strawman. You know, braces, all people are. All humans are aliens. What do you think about that?

Speaker 1:

I believe in reality.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Fracky is creating the reality again.

Speaker 2:

Yep, but Bray says all humans are part alien. What do you think about that?

Speaker 1:

I believe in it, definitely believe in it, and it's true because I've seen it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So what did the Blue Avians teach you?

Speaker 1:

They taught me how to be a better person.

Speaker 2:

And what else.

Speaker 1:

And they taught me how to, how to heal, how to do things that I was capable of doing in the first place. But they said, no, you are very capable of whatever you would like.

Speaker 2:

Wow. And so then I want to backtrack a little bit. When I found out that you were a hairline no, that was, this isn't backtracking. You had already said this to me but you pull you. I had a headache. Remember, I was going to do a removal from somebody who had an entity attachment and I had to close a portal to and I got a really bad headache and you said mommy. You said, mommy, do you want me to fix it? And I said, how? This baby, you can try, but okay, I didn't think you're going to be able to tell, and tell them what you did.

Speaker 1:

I pulled it right out of her nose and threw it out the window.

Speaker 2:

And what did mommy say? You said oh my gosh and I said how did you learn that? And you go, I don't know, and you walk away.

Speaker 1:

I was thinking, mommy, would you like to do a little meditation Sure.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to meet myself, okay, ready.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I am ready. Okay, so we're going to go through and close our eyes. I'm going to take a deep breath in as big as your couch. Take a deep breath out of the mouth. Take a deep breath in through your nose as big as your couch in your bed.

Speaker 2:

Deep breath in as big as Baby, don't do the same one that I just did.

Speaker 1:

Do a different one, okay, or do something else. Take a deep breath in as big as your neighborhood and as your house. Take a deep breath in as big as your neighborhood, as big as your house. Now we're going to take a deep breath in. Take a deep breath out. Now, put the top in and go into our. Please, once you're down there, follow me, connect into my energy and press on that button and follow me. Okay. Once you find me, follow me. Okay.

Speaker 1:

Now we're going to go. We're going to walk, walk, sit on the grass. So if you're not with us yet, it's fine, because we'll just be on the grass Right ahead of you Now we're just going to sit down on that. Look at the beautiful trees, beautiful leaves and the beautiful flowing grass and beautiful flowing flowers and beautiful flowing trees. We're going to think Mother Earth for all this beautifulness in our. We're going to go back up, okay.

Speaker 1:

Now we're going to take a deep breath in as big as your. Now we're going backwards because we got out of that place. We're going to take a deep breath in as big as your universe through the nose and out the mouth. Take a deep breath in as big as your world into the nose and out the mouth, Take a deep breath in as big as your country, in and throughout the mouth. And now we're going to do it as big as your because your neighborhood in through the nose and out through the mouth. Now we're going to take one as big as your house into the mouth and into the nose and out through the mouth. Now we're going to take a deep breath in as big as your couch and bed. Now we're going to take a deep breath in as big as your couch. You may open my eye, you may open your eyes and you can unmute yourself. Now.

Speaker 2:

That was beautiful. Thank you, Leve.

Speaker 1:

Oh, and I have to share something of your meditation. I really loosen my body, like my bones. Thank you, and today as you guys don't know, today is during a girl's night.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we are Okay, so let's go back to. Let's go back to what happens. How often do you go up in your shift?

Speaker 1:

Pretty often.

Speaker 2:

Pretty often, yeah. And does your whole body go up there or does your consciousness go up there?

Speaker 1:

My whole body doesn't get in the shift. My whole energy from my body goes in the shift because that's my energy, and when I'm left down here, I can't move because my energy is what's letting me move, because I'm an alien inside, but my alien is letting my mouth move so I can talk to them.

Speaker 2:

That makes sense. So you're saying this is why is this? Why I have such a hard time waking you up, like if you're going on your shift and stuff, because I've literally, amber, I've told you I'm like baby, I couldn't wake you up so many times. Like there's no waking her up. It's crazy. Yeah, and mommy.

Speaker 1:

Why does it say four minutes? Right? I'm not outside of my screen.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. It's fine, it's okay, we'll figure it out in a minute, Okay, so so the next question I have is what kind of technology do you guys use up there?

Speaker 1:

It's pretty important and pretty stuff that you guys probably want to understand, because it's mostly stuff for us.

Speaker 2:

Okay, well, can you talk about the do?

Speaker 1:

our master. He uses the biggest computer ever. He uses then the most like helpful computer, and that one is because it's very hard to use. He knows it's like the easiest thing ever.

Speaker 2:

Wow, and what do these computers do?

Speaker 1:

They help us find out things we could also find out with our energy, but we need those things too.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and they also. They also did. They help you like build realities and stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yes, excuse to go to the bathroom. Of course, love. Thank you oh.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so we were talking about what those computers do. Can you also now talk about the green goo that they give people when they come up to your planet? Oh wait, did you say no, talk about it no, no, I said, can we talk about it?

Speaker 1:

Yes, definitely, green goo helps a lot of people, um, even the aliens. I needed a lot because we use that. Okay, so we go, how we charge our power if we go in a tank and the green goo falls out and we just stand there. So wait, mom, can you tell me a bit of a bit a story about when you were younger, about what you were experiencing?

Speaker 2:

Um, you mean with my psychic stuff, because I didn't have any experience with aliens until you, until you were born now. So, um, I had visions a lot of the times, like and I would actually see things in my room, I would see energies and I would talk to what only called imaginary friends. But Imaginary friends, but but they were real, they're real spirits and things like that and I could see them and I could talk to them and I could see things that would happen. Before that they would happen. And I kind of put it away for a while because after only came into my bedroom and told me that that was demonic, because my, because I may know, but were Catholic, you know, I stopped.

Speaker 2:

And I, because I was scared of it, because I thought I made that happen to my grandpa and so I didn't want to do anything like that again. So then it was in college, when I first started. I took a class at TCU called parapsychology, which is all about like ghosts and things like that, and that's after that, that's when I got attacked by that that one entity and almost died the black mist.

Speaker 1:

Can we tell them the story about how that happened?

Speaker 2:

I got attacked by something called the black mist in my room?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was laying in my room.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay. I was in my room and in Texas, in my apartment, and I Could start. I started seeing tracers out of the corner of my eyes which was very like what the heck is this? And then, all of a sudden, I was laying on a tempura pedic bed. Something jumped onto my chest and, I'm not kidding, it felt like a hundred pounds. It jumped onto my chest and I jumped up really quickly and normally I'm like a hundred pounds. Okay, so I leave like a little indentation in the bed. But there was a huge indentation in the bed and I was so terrified I booked it out of there and I was studying psychology at TCU, so I was doing all these kind of checks like I'm like crazy, you know, and I all of that. I put my, put my, I had my pajamas on and I didn't even put my clothes on. I grabbed my keys and got in the car, so I was gonna go to my mom and dad's, which was about a 30-minute drive. So I got to the house and they we time.

Speaker 1:

You know how you said that. It even happened when you drove to your mom and dad's house, right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So in the car I kept feeling like there was something in my back seat and I knew it was back there. So I was really afraid to look back. And when I rang the doorbell, my mom was out of town. My dad was there and he said I looked white as a ghost. And I told him something's after me and his first response is what are you on? And I said I'm not on anything. I said I'm being attacked by something. I don't know what it is. This was my first experience with anything like that. So he said okay, come on in and lay down.

Speaker 1:

Those foods exist, but they don't. They still now. They're not trying to attack humans, they're trying to attack the bullrogens.

Speaker 2:

The black mist. Wow, so the black mist. My dad was reading a book and he was saying, just lay down next to me. And every time he would put his book up like this, the black mist would come up over the bed and I would be like dad, dad, dad, dad, and he'd put his book down and it would go back into the floorbar.

Speaker 1:

Well, we were with your dad, like not by herself, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yep, yep, and that's what saved me, I think, because I knew so anyway. And this is before I knew that I could absorb everything. Hold on, no, let me say something. This is before I knew that I could absorb everything into myself.

Speaker 1:

I really don't think I was trying to hurt you. I think I was trying to warn you about something.

Speaker 2:

No, that's what I was just going to say. I know now. It was trying to wake me up because it wanted me to use my gifts again. It took me a long time to realize that. But the next part of the story is that kept happening for like 20 different times and my dad was so frustrated with me that I was like okay, well, if it just comes over me again, I'm not going to say anything. And I didn't. And the next thing I know, I woke up in the hospital and my dad told me you stop breathing. I had to do CPR and call 911. I looked over and your lips were blue and so I went to the Catholic church and I said please help me. And the priest was like we don't know what to do, and I was like this is your job. I was so angry. I was like what do you mean? You don't know what to do. And he was like I don't know what to tell you. He was like pray and I was like I've been praying, what's that going to?

Speaker 1:

do Not trying to be rude, but sometimes those people could be cuckoo.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. So anyway, that's when I learned I was kind of on my own and I got on my knees and I did pray, like when I went back to my parents' house, and I didn't expect to get an answer. But I heard Archangel Michael come through and he said okay, I will help you all, make sure this never happens again. But you have to help people with your gifts. And ever since that day I kind of started on this path and then I had you and then my whole world, the whole house.

Speaker 1:

It is pretty Like. It looks like somewhere where it could have. There's a could have been somebody that could have been that could have.

Speaker 2:

Now I think it was actually it came from the apartment. It came from the apartment I was in, because there was a lot of dark things that happened in Irving, in Irving, Texas. So I think it started there and I think it was. I think it was after me. But then later on I realized, like my guides told me, Did you ever think Omi and Opus House was? Haunted? No? No, I don't think it is at all.

Speaker 1:

Some people's house, that people, they they're very haunted. No one knows Eve and the people actually went in the real laundry house.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, okay. I have one more question, because I don't want to keep seven on here too long, because I know it's it's. I'm excited because this is fun for you, because I know a lot of people have wanted you to come on podcasts, but but I also know you get impatient sometimes, so I wanted to wait till you wanted to do this.

Speaker 1:

I know that it's mother, daughter and I and I wanted to see if you guys were wondering what we're going to do. Mom, would you like to tell them what we're going to do? We're going to go to a special movie theater where you can order food and relax, and I think we're either Well, you sit in the chair and you press the button and you can order whatever you want, and then I'm going to go to my friend's house and have a sleepover there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's going to be really fun. So the last, the last question is I have is what? What do you think is in store for humanity? Like is it going to be good?

Speaker 1:

But things definitely can happen, but I really hope it's going to be good, definitely.

Speaker 2:

What is it? Aren't we moving to a higher frequency now, like what you said, like we got on a live kind of what happened on New Year's? So we're moving to a higher frequency, so doesn't that mean things are going to be better?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I have a favor for you guys Try to start eating healthier than how.

Speaker 2:

Healthier first eating, because I know I'm eating healthier.

Speaker 1:

Because I'm starting to eat healthier than I ever did.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because your guides told you that.

Speaker 1:

And if I eat anything unhealthy it messes with my bowers.

Speaker 2:

So I'm eating an orange, yeah, and if you guys want to buy merch, you can buy it on our website. I know there's been some glitches with it, yes, but but now those are all sorted out. This is one of our copies. Yeah, it says Blue Avian crew here to change the world and that's seven. What she looks like as a blue avian?

Speaker 1:

Yes, so I'm, I'm, I'm. Sometimes we don't well the boys. So the girls have long hair like this, right, I just like this, okay, but the boys have the hair that are like that, you know.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

That makes a picture of my iPad screen.

Speaker 2:

And then last question I want to know is I know people want to know when are you going to be doing your healings again?

Speaker 1:

Um, I don't, I don't, I don't know Um can I take a month, can take a week, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so what we'll tell people will stay tuned Right.

Speaker 1:

So what you guys know, I want to show you what the boys look like. So, um, we are back, just to be able to show you.

Speaker 2:

Okay, oh no, I can. I can put it in at the bottom, at the end of the podcast.

Speaker 1:

I can, I can. It's the same iPad screen that I have. Remember that.

Speaker 2:

I know, yeah, so I can. I can put it in at the end so you don't have to go get it. Okay, I love you baby. Thank you so much for doing this and thank you so much, I know everybody.

Speaker 1:

I know, I know, and if you want to do anything on your phone, I know what I'm doing. You know that's fun, very fun yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's fun Because I call only. This is how we should talk more often on the phone, even though we're in the same house. All right, we love you guys. Thanks, thanks for joining my family.

Speaker 1:

Okay, bye-bye, okay.

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