WENTS & Friends

Conception to Mat leave: Pregnancy as a surgeon

WENTS UK Season 1 Episode 6

In our next episode, three surgeon parents discuss the difficulties around getting pregnant and staying pregnant as a surgeon. 

Miss Annabel Kemp, an Obstetrics and Gynaecology consultant with a special interest in fertility and recurrent miscarriage, gives us medical advice while our hosts, Miss Victoria Sinclair and Miss Paula Coyle share anonymous stories, practical solutions and their own experiences.

We are grateful to the surgeons that shared their stories anonymously with us.  Thank you to @UKWENTs who supported our request to address this emotive and difficult subject on the WENTS & Friends,  podcast series. We hope we do so empathetically allowing listeners to feel heard and supported, with advice if you or your colleagues are affected by these issues in any way. 

WENTS & Friends is the official podcast for Women in ENT Surgery UK (entuk.org/wents-uk).
Follow us on Twitter @UKWENTs

Email: wents@entuk.org  with any questions or suggestions on topics you may have for future episodes.

This season’s episodes are hosted by Ekpemi Irune, Emma Stapleton, Nina Mistry, Ravina Tanna and Tanya Ta, Paula Coyle and Victoria Sinclair.
Produced and directed by Heather Pownall of Heather's Media Hub Ltd

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