Inspiration / Innovation Japan with Nick Luscombe

Nick Luscombe meets Tania Coke from the Osaka-based Flying Carpet Factory


On this edition Nick speaks with Tania Coke, artistic director of Tarinainanika, a physical theatre company she runs with her partner Kentaro Suyama, from their base in Osaka, the Flying Carpet Factory. The company specialises in Corporeal Mime, a theatrical tradition which prioritises the creativity and physical expression of the actor. As well as the company they also run a full time school where they are busy nurturing the next generation of actor-creators. Originally from the UK, Tania began her career as a management consultant working in London and Paris. She is also a qualified mediator and writes regular articles about communication and conflict management. She is the Japan Ambassador for the RSA and a board member of the RSA Japan Fellows’ Network.

For online viewing of past performances:

Tokyo Fugue

The Same Boat

For online classes, performance recordings and more: