Shrinks Rap

Male Intimacy: The Benefits of Cultivating Authentic and Fulfilling Connections

James Bramson, Psy, D & Rafael Cortina, MFT

Male Intimacy: The Benefits of Cultivating Authentic and Fulfilling Connections

Hey guys— this one’s for you!

In this episode, Rafael and Jim join forces again to help men discover the rewards of lasting male intimacy and friendships. These connections have been shown to reduce depression, anxiety, and feelings of isolation - - and can even lead to a longer life.

Humor also helps. Comedian, Hunter Duncan, in one of his standup bits, shared that the dating app Bumble has a BFF version where you can just swipe your way into a male friendship. He admitted to trying it out to make new guy friends and confessed it was semi-disastrous: “People are looking at my profile like, I wouldn’t even throw a frisbee with this guy.” Hence, shrinks (including your hosts) stress the importance of men’s groups…. and other activities where men can cultivate authentic connections with other guys.

Don’t give up hope, comrades: turns out men are teachable, and we can

learn to get out of their own way. We can be re-socialized to be less competitive, ego-driven, approval-seeking, inauthentic, and stoic. Men can also learn to stop engaging in “one-upmanship” behavior (except maybe while watching sports, like say a football game between the

Lions and the 49er’s (a random example that may or may be based on a lived experience between Jim and Rafael)).

EBMC Psychology Inc. and WCMI (which sponsor this podcast) can link you to an active Men’s Group (contact Eti Kaminsky if you are interested: or

WCMI networking group
A networking group for mindfulness-focused clinicians dedicated to learning together & collaborating for more information click here