Citizen Josh (Kornbluth): Film Maker, Mono-linguist, Oboe Player, Red Diaper Baby, and Jungian Psychotherapy Client
Shrinks Rap
Shrinks Rap
Citizen Josh (Kornbluth): Film Maker, Mono-linguist, Oboe Player, Red Diaper Baby, and Jungian Psychotherapy Client
Dec 27, 2021 Season 1 Episode 20
James Bramson, Psy, D & Rafael Cortina, MFT

Josh Kornbluth is a mono-linguist, film maker, humorist, theatre performer, and activist who was raised by Stalinist parents Bunny and Paul in NYC. Josh admits that his oboe- playing likely helped more than his athletic prowess in landing him a scholarship at Princeton.  

A self-described “Red Diaper Baby,” his indoctrination into communism by left-leaning Jewish parents inspired a one-man show and featured film. In this podcast, Josh talks about his film “Haiku Tunnel” and the fanfare around the announcement that the film had made it into Sundance Film Festival (they forgot to call him). Josh jokes about his wife’s anxiety about left turns and neglecting taxes, and how he dedicated a play and movie to her called “Love and Taxes.” Josh explores a doorway metaphor, and its relevance to caring for his mom who suffers from Alzheimer’s and his stint as an “artist in residence” at a hospice, The Zen Hospice Project. 

Because this is ShrinksRap Josh opened up about his connection to psychotherapy, including his feelings of guilt that his long-term Jungian analyst likely retired because of him, and his confusion even today over what Jungian Psychotherapy actually is. 

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