Muddy Boots

Question Time 25!

Keith and Elisabeth

Q&A time again! Who will be this month’s lucky winner of the fabulous prize donated by The Plant Runner?

  • Lemon tree with droopy branches from so much fruit? 4 stakes and lightly tying the branches to support them, could help here. Alternatively, remove some of the fruit
  • Cut flower bed in a raised bed - Keith recommends a wild flower mix. Look at The Seed Collection 
  • Direct or pre-propagate in a greenhouse? Check the seed pack. Peas, beans etc can be sown directly
  • Hibiscus rubra with spots and holes. Could be metallic flea beetle. Treat with ECO Neem and Eco Oil (including the soil and under the leaves), also try Diatomaceous Earth or companion planting with fennel or coriander
  • Ficus stipulata (pumila or minima) is a great choice for covering a fence where the soil depth is minimal
  • Hear about the benefits of Comfrey and the experience at the Garden of St.Earth. Other crops like lucerne, beans, peas and “Clever Clover” also have benefits to the soil.
  • Keith recommends MycoGold - added at time of planting

Thank you for your great questions again!

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