Muddy Boots

Question Time 28!

Keith and Elisabeth

Q&A time again! Who will be this month’s lucky winner of the fabulous prize donated by The Plant Runner?

  • Organic Weed Killers - follow the directions precisely! Keith recommends Slasher, Bioweed or Slayer
  • Banksia’s not flowering? Banksia’s prefer a sandy soil and may take several years to flower
  • Prune lavender after they’ve finished flowering. Lightly trim back to 4-6 leaves of new growth
  • Lawn vs gravel between garden beds - Keith explains why he has opted for grass.
  • Raised beds - timber or colorbond? Keith recommends ModBOX beds (timber). Corrugated iron or colorbond can be good in cooler months but attracts to much heat in summer and can burn roots. Henley's Rustics have wonderful corrugated iron wicking beds for those who prefer metal look
  • Using charcoal from your fire? Breakdown with Gogo Juice to create an activated biochar.
  • Potting mix - does it have a shelf life? Store unopened in cool place and it should last approximately 12 months
  • Manure best left out on the ground for a month or so before use 
  • Hydrangeas - only cut back to the nearest node. If cut back to far, you can risk either killing the plant or no flowers the following summer

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