The Sacred Giggle

Scary Sunday - Your Sadness Is A Current, Not A Wake


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Imagine your emotional state is a calm lake ... all of a sudden, a turbulent series of waves violently disrupts the serene surface of the water.  You come up from underneath the surface to look for the boat that caused this unexpected wake ... but there is nothing to be found.  Only when you travel back down deep under the water do you begin to notice all of the swelling undercurrents of movement that are constantly flowing below the surface, just waiting to cause the next big wave over the surface ....

So often when we feel uncomfortable emotions, we look to the external events in our lives to justify what we are feeling.  While this is sometimes useful, it can also prevent us from fully feeling our feelings because we over conceptualize the mental stories behind them.  By learning to deal with our difficult emotions directly at a somatic level, without needing to conceptually understand why they are there, we can often move through them faster ... and even transform them into tremendous sources of personal vitality and power.