The Sacred Giggle

Announcement! Introducing The Creative Sangha.


JOIN The Creative Sangha today:

Today I am beyond excited to share the launch of my brand new membership community for artists and creatives: The Creative Sangha.

"Sangha" is the Sanskrit word for "community" - a place where like minded souls can gather to support one another in a common purpose.

Here, that purpose is free creative expression. I believe every human being has a unique creative gift that only they can bring forth. However, so many artists feel blocked to share these gifts out of fear of being rejected, abandoned or ridiculed.

This Sangha provides education, tools and resources to help artists heal the limiting beliefs and negative emotional patterns that are holding us back from sharing our unique gifts with the world.

It is a safe space for artists to create and share their work with a group of supportive collaborators. Together, we provide each other encouragement and accountability to keep walking the creative path.

Monthly Group Calls

Each month, we gather and explore how to heal the limiting beliefs and negative emotional patterns that keep us from creating and sharing our work.
This is based on the three pillar approach I use with my private coaching clients...

1. Inner Child Healing (Cleaning Up)

Education on attachment theory, how to build more self-esteem and confidence, and group guided inner child visualizations.

2. Meditation (Waking Up)

Guided meditations and step-by-step instructions on how to meditate to become more aware of your emotional and thinking patterns, and how to replace negative patterns with positive ones. Additionally, I will give you tips and strategies for how to build your own daily meditation practice, based on my 3000+ hours of experience with meditation and 40+ days in silent retreat.

3. Taking Creative Action, Sharing & Feedback (Showing Up)

As creatives, it’s important to be acknowledged and encouraged for the work that we do. This is a monthly opportunity to share your work and bask in the love of a supportive community. Feedback is only given if asked for. If you don’t have anything to share or don’t feel like sharing, no worries. Come anyways and get inspired by what your fellow community members are creating. This is also where I’ll be sharing my musical works in progress, before the rest of the world gets to hear them.
At the end of each call, we will have Q&A and will take a poll of what to cover during future coaching calls.

This is not an online course with an end date, after which the excitement fades and the accountability drops again.

This is an ongoing relationship with ourselves and the creations that we are here to bring into existence, which we will cultivate together.

If you're ready to walk the creative path together, join The Creative Sangha today at the link below:

Sending love,

"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."