Fan Fiction Media Presents

The New Vanguard: Chapter 4- Rising tensions in the Tower

Bill The Conquerer Season 1 Episode 4

I owe so much to each of the contributors to my project. Here is everyone who helped me.
Narrator/Titan: BBWolfe, Twitter: @BBWolfeVox
Spoken Titan: GymRose, Twitter: @GymRoseVol1
Ikora Rey: Nhea Durousseau, Twitter: @NheaVox
Zavala:  Damon Alums, Twitter: @UrbanLegendVO
Saint-14:  Norman Bradley, Twitter: @NormanBradleyVA
Ghost: Nuggy Souls, Twitter: @NuggySouls
Amanda Holliday: CrzyT, Twitter: @ItsCrzyT
Glint, Hawthorne, Ada-1: CxeeFoxx, Twitter: @CxeeFoxx
Lord Shaxx: Spud, Twitter: @McSpuddington
Drifter: xPantico, Twitter: @xPantico
Uldren: Poddy

Sound Engineer: Matias Torraca

Contributing sound editors: Zanatos555, Boardman

Chapter music: Destiny 2 soundtrack as found on YouTube

Lore Consultant- Unhappy Quasar

Writer, Director, Producer- Bill The Conquerer

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Transcribed by: Sara Bankemper

Narrator: Thank the Traveler that Lord Shaxx was in the middle of it all.

Lord Shaxx: [authoritatively] "Guardians! This is a non-combat zone. Stow your weapons immediately!"

Narrator: He looked sternly at the crowd...

Lord Shaxx: "Immediately means, NOW!"

Narrator: Saint stepped forward to Lord Shaxx.

Saint: "Thank you my friend. I wasn't planning on fighting everyone today."

Lord Shaxx: "You're welcome. I'm sure everyone here would love an explanation. Wouldn't you agree, Zavala?"

Zavala: [growling] "Indeed."

Narrator: Came Zavala's reply through clenched teeth.

Zavala: "Please. Enlighten us, Saint."

Narrator: Saint stepped forward and away from Uldren who had remained surprisingly calm throughout this entire ordeal. Maybe it was his innocent nature shining through again. I couldn't tell through the sound of the blood pounding behind my eyes. After hearing Shaxx control a mob of unruly Guardians with just his voice, I started reassessing his standing offer to trade punches.

Saint: "My fellow guardians. We know what is coming. We see the escalating conflict on Io, Mercury, Titan, and Mars. We feel the Darkness creeping into our souls. It comes to take our Light, and our hope. It comes for us at our very core, seeding through our thoughts with doubt and fear. It knows what we dread, and our very weaknesses. The Darkness seeks to exploit the uncertainty of our journey with the Light by answering the questions we have with sweeping asurity. We also know what this man did to us."

Narrator: He pointed at Uldren.

Saint: "He took our hope and our peace. He stole some of our innocence from us. All of us know it. Every Guardian, every citizen who walks, every creature that breathes knows what happened in the Tangled Shore that day. Everyone, except him."

Narrator: Saint paused and looked around at the group. He looked back at Shaxx and over to Zavala. Zavala held the crushed helmet in one hand at his side as he took in Saints words.

Saint: "He's of the Light now. He's chosen by the Traveler just as we are. He doesn't yet know why or how, but he's chosen to wield the Light just like all of us and find out for himself why the Traveler brought him to this place at this time."

Narrator: I glanced over my shoulder to see Holiday standing at the top of the stairs that led to the Hangar. Word had spread quickly, and everyone came out to find what had captivated the Tower today.

Saint: "We need all the guardians we can bring together to fight the coming battle. We need all who are willing to stand for the Light against the Darkness. So I, Saint-14, do stand with this Guardian and I call on all Guardians to stand with me this day united for our common goal."

Narrator: The silence resounded around the courtyard like a bolt of thunder. There were no whispers, no chatting, nothing. Not even the birds were fluttering about. Just the silence of the Traveler hovering voiceless above us all. I looked around at my fellow Guardians to gauge their reaction to Saint's speech. It was a rousing passionate one because Saint knew no other way to be. I guess that's why we all adored him so much. I watched a few Hunters call their ships into transmat range and quickly depart. Not sure what that meant, but most Hunters were more about the Crucible than anything else. Perhaps they didn't wish to incur the anger of Lord Shaxx any more than they already had. Besides, if Uldren's presence didn't interfere with the amount of loot they could gain, most likely this would be the last I saw of 'em. The few Warlocks in the crowd put away their weapons and looked on with deep intent, almost as if they were internally reciting lore in an attempt to reconcile this whole event in some cosmic, intellectual way. My fellow Titans stood silent, mostly nodding at me as they walked away. Of all the Guardians I knew my brothers and sisters would be the ones most likely to understand my actions. Some may not like what I had done, but there was a respect among us that action always engendered. I'm certain there would be many conversations to be had, but at a much later date. Zavala broke the silence with his calm diplomatic demeanor.

Zavala: "Saint, could I have a word? In private?"

Saint: "Of course, of course. Lord Shaxx, would you escort my friend and the Guardian to a... shall we say... less public place?"

Lord Shaxx: "Of course."

Narrator: Shaxx raised his hand waving over the group of Redjacks that routinely helped him administer Crucible matches from his spot in the Tower. Seven of them made their way through the dispersing crowd and formed a circle around Shaxx, Uldren and myself. I watched Saint walk towards Zavala and take him by the hip. Zavala threw me a glare just before turning and walking with Saint to his standard perch overlooking the city.