Fan Fiction Media Presents

The New Vanguard: Chapter 7- Get out of my sight!!!

Bill The Conquerer Season 1 Episode 7

I owe so much to each of the contributors to my project. Here is everyone who helped me.
Narrator/Titan: BBWolfe, Twitter: @BBWolfeVox
Spoken Titan: GymRose, Twitter: @GymRoseVol1
Ikora Rey: Nhea Durousseau, Twitter: @NheaVox
Zavala:  Damon Alums, Twitter: @UrbanLegendVO
Saint-14:  Norman Bradley, Twitter: @NormanBradleyVA
Ghost: Nuggy Souls, Twitter: @NuggySouls
Amanda Holliday: CrzyT, Twitter: @ItsCrzyT
Glint, Hawthorne, Ada-1: CxeeFoxx, Twitter: @CxeeFoxx
Lord Shaxx: Spud, Twitter: @McSpuddington
Drifter: xPantico, Twitter: @xPantico
Uldren: Poddy

Sound Engineer: Matias Torraca

Contributing sound editors: Zanatos555, Boardman

Chapter music: Destiny 2 soundtrack as found on YouTube

Lore Consultant- Unhappy Quasar

Writer, Director, Producer- Bill The Conquerer

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Transcript of Destiny 2 Fan fiction- Chapter 7

Transcribed by: Sara Bankemper

Narrator: The door to Zavala's office was cracked open and a sliver of light spilled onto the dark path in front of me. I could hear murmuring from inside the room between Ikora and Zavala. No clear words, but the tone was subdued. I didn't knock. I just pushed the door open and walked right in. They both stood near the window that looked out to the city. Ikora held her papers close to her chest with both arms, and Zavala was in his usual official looking posture with his hands behind his back. They turned when I entered.

Ikora: "Guardian."

Titan: [to Ikora] "Could I have a word with Zavala, please?"

Narrator: She raised her eyebrows and looked back at Zavala who nodded to her.

Ikora: "Goodnight, to both of you."

Narrator: She gave me a sideways look and grinned as she exited the room. The door clicked shut and I turned back to Zavala. He was not happy.

Zavala: [sounding irritated] "I suppose you think you've done something brave and bold here today."

Titan: "No, I did what I thought was right. There's a difference."

Zavala: "I told you not to follow up on this. I told you we have more pressing matters."

Titan: "You told me you couldn't authorize any official strikes. That's exactly what came outta your mouth."

Narrator: I could tell this insubordination was starting to irk him.

Titan: "Don't even pretend that I don't know about your rotating black ops crew. Your off-the-record strikes in the Dreaming City."

Narrator: He stood up straighter as the frustration grew into anger. I stepped closer to his desk as he pointed his finger at me.

Zavala: "I give the guardians a wide birth to pursue their own goals as long as the city stays safe. What you did today puts all of our efforts in jeopardy, and I won't have it."

Titan: "Don't lecture me Zavala. I stood by the Vanguard when the Drifter tried to poison us."

Narrator: I leaned closer to him as our eyes locked. My nose was a few inches from his as I continued.

Titan: "I bought into the rhetoric when Osirus challenged Rasputin. I have earned the space to do what I think is right for us to be stronger."

Zavala: "No, you haven't!"

Narrator: He slammed his fist onto his desk sending documents flying everywhere.

Zavala: "What we need right now is for Guardians and civilians alike to have faith in the Traveler. Faith in the Vanguard. Even if that might seem false at the moment. When you turned Saint-14 against us that's where you lost every bit of cache you thought you had."

Narrator: Faith? That was his justification for avoiding all of this?

Titan: [shocked and indignant] "Faith?! You wanna talk about faith?! Faith in a being who bestows powers upon us with no real idea how to use them? The Traveler is an absentee landlord who is no better than Mara Sov. Yes, damn it! I just said that, and I'm not one bit sorry! I can still be a loyal subject and question the leadership shown to me. I can still have faith in a silent white ball of light in the sky and be skeptical of its motives."

Narrator: I didn't flinch a bit. As my voice became firmer.

Titan: "I can still doubt everything because I know what I am doing is right, right by Cade, right by me, and most of all right by the people we protect."

Narrator: I stood back and pointed out the window.

Titan: "Look at you! Standing in front of that window silently praying to a God that has grown bored with us. And why? Because it has no voice."

Narrator: Zavala stood back up and away from the desk narrowing his eyes at me. I could see I struck a chord.

Titan: "Ever since the Red War we have no one to take our fears to. No one to offer solace in our times of doubt. No gentle voice of peace and calm in the face of constant turmoil. When the Speaker died we lost our only real visual connection to the Traveler. We lost that someone to help us define sacrifice and devotion for each and every one of us. Even if in our core we felt the tiny whispers telling us it was fake most of the time we fooled ourselves into believing it, and now what do we have? Doubt, division, anger- constant conflict on all sides while we Guardians stand in the midst of it all, trying to help others and quell their own doubts and fears."

Narrator: I stepped back into his desk and bumped it hard

Titan: "And our own questions go unanswered! Did that rock in space ever really answer the why of Cayde's death? No. We didn't get one because there was no speaker to give us the consoling words, no one around to speak softly to our screens and extinguish the fire that came from losing him. I watched Cayde die. I watched his Light fade because I wasn't fast enough to get to him- to help him."

Narrator: I lowered my head and swallowed my own tears, nearly choking on the bitter taste.

Titan: "So here we are, left to our own devices bestowed with immortality and superpowers from a mute diety."

Narrator: I turned back to him again and I could feel something within him. Something I hadn't expected, but I did expect his next words.

Zavala: "Get out of my sight. Get out of the tower and don't come back. I cannot abide insubordination from a Guardian in general."

Narrator: He lowered his tone to a simmering rage-filled hiss with a burning fury, kindled by the perception of treason.

Zavala: [sounding betrayed] "But to have it come from a fellow Awoken and from someone as honored as you, it scars my soul to the very core to know I cannot trust one of my own kind."