Fan Fiction Media Presents

Dirty, Messy Titan Love: Chapter 1 - Don't Let Her Fool You

Bill The Conquerer Season 2 Episode 1

Titan: James Marinari
Warlock: Giselle Marbello
Ikora: Nhea Durousseau
Saint-14: Norman Bradley
Warlock Ghost, Loriellee: Clover Wren
Titan Ghost: Whitney Holland
Lord Shaxx, Mithrax: McSpuddington
Hawthorn, Crow: CxeeFoxx
Amanda Holliday: Bailey Wolfe

Sound Engineer: Matias Torraca

Chapter Art: Zion Zeta

Chapter music: From available Destiny 2 playlists on YouTube

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[Opening theme music. Intense strings and horns with a driving rhythm. Pulses of percussion. The music culminates, ending on the echos of haunting horns. ]

TITAN VO: So there I was with Hawthorne going over some clan business just standing there next to Louis as he waited for me to give him a treat that I didn’t have.

[SFX: Slight hustle and bustle fades in.]

TITAN VO: I wasn’t even looking at her at all. I was staring out across the valley taking in the cityscape when Hawthorne pushed my shoulder.

[SFX: A small thump.]

HAWTHORN: (a slight twang to her voice) Are you even listening to me?


TITAN: Sorry. This view is intoxicating sometimes. What was that about clan events?

HAWTHORN: Nevermind that. Looks like you have an admirer.


[SFX: His clothes rustle as he turns.]

TITAN VO: I turned to where she was pointing and saw Ikora with another Warlock. Ikora motioned for me to come closer.

[SFX: He approaches her.]


IKORA: Guardian. Would you join us?

TITAN VO: Hawthorne grabbed my mark as I tried to walk away.

HAWTHORN: (low) She was staring at you from the moment she came down the stairs. Don’t let her fool ya.

TITAN VO: As I dropped down…

[SFX: Thunk of his feet hitting the ground. Fade in of birds chirping in the background.] 

TITAN VO: …and jogged to Ikora, that’s when I saw her standing next to the Warlock leader of the Vanguard. All six foot five inches of her flowing robes and a teeming mane of red hair that simultaneously signaled danger and desire inside my head. Her armor sparkled in the daylight and her green eyes locked a stern stare into mine. Those powerful, deep green eyes that looked right through me. The kind that exuded a fierce nature on the exterior and a keen mind within. 

[SFX: A metallic swish.] 

TITAN VO: That’s when the gas hit me. (echoing) That kryptonite to common sense and rational thought. The kind of gas that makes the strongest among us as helpless as Fallen nestings. I struggled to suppress the memories of the last time I felt this way. (urgent) I couldn’t push the feelings down fast enough… to avoid my heart skipping a beat as I gazed at her. And even though my Ghost can heal all my physical wounds and even sustain my body, nothing about the power of the Traveler will ever heal a heart broken by a love betrayed. (echoing stops) The red-headed goddess defiantly folded her arms and stepped behind Ikora.

[SFX: Titan takes a deep breath as he finishes walking towards her.]

TITAN VO: I had to physically shake myself back to reality as Ikora spoke.

IKORA: Good to see you again, Guardian. My student has discovered some interesting energy readings on Nessus. There might be a new Vex gate being built in the Cistern. Although it seems unlikely… the potential threat is too strong to just completely ignore.

[SFX: Digital chatter from the datapad.]

WARLOCK: These residual energy numbers don’t make any sense given the available resources in the area. I could use some cover while I investigate further.

TITAN VO: She handed me a datapad full of lines and dots. I handed the pad back to Ikora without really looking at it.

TITAN: What’s the plan?

IKORA: Gather your data and remove any possible threats that could pop up. You should be back in time for Trials tomorrow.

TITAN VO: She gave the pad back to her now annoyed young student. The young Warlock looked at me with more disdain than before. 

WARLOCK: (indignant)  Trials? Of course this one likes Trials. I suppose you just run in straight lines with your shotgun in hand, bulldozing everything, and dying a lot.

TITAN: You don’t watch many Crucible matches, do you?

WARLOCK: I do just fine in the Crucible. Thank you very much.

[SFX: Clothing rustles as she leaves.]

TITAN VO: She flipped her hair and turned sharply, walking back to Ikora’s desk. Ikora leaned into me. 

IKORA: She’s one of my best students and one of my youngest. Teach her what you can. Please.

TITAN: (calling to Warlock, annoyed) Can we go now?

Warlock: (disdainfully) Not looking like that. 

TITAN: Looking like what?

WARLOCK: With that loadout? Ikora, he’s not remotely prepared to face the Vex. He’s got Cuirass on and has a bow. Hardly what I’d call the correct equipment for this task.

TITAN: We’re just investigating energy fluctuations. We’re not going head to head with multiple Champions and a Fallen Walker. (sarcastic) If it makes you feel any better, I’ll bring a rocket launcher and a shotgun. We’ll be just fine.

WARLOCK: (pointed)  With that kind of attitude, I can see why you let Cayde die on your fireteam.

IKORA: (restraining her anger) Excuse us for a moment, Titan.

[SFX: Thump.]

TITAN VO: Ikora grabbed her by the bicep and firmly pulled her back toward the desk. I couldn’t hear much of anything, but there was definitely a lecture going on.

[SFX: Muffled conversation.]

TITAN VO: I smiled to myself as Ikora’s stern look wilted the young flower of the Warlock. She lowered her head and nodded several times. Ikora pushed the young guardian’s chin up to meet her eye to eye. While Ikora’s volume never rose, I could feel the stern, motherly energy snapping a young Warlock back into her place.

IKORA: Do you understand me, young lady?

WARLOCK: (resigned but penitent) Yes. I’m sorry.

IKORA: (to Titan) Report back as soon as you are done. Light go with you, Titan.

TITAN VO: Without another sound, the young Warlock pulled out her Ghost…

[SFX: Digital chatter then a woosh.]

TITAN VO: …and transmitted into orbit. I pulled out my Ghost.

[SFX: Digital chitter chatter as Titan’s Ghost appears.]

TITAN: Gimme a full readout on the recent orbital scans of The Cistern so I have something to read on the way out

GHOST: She is quite the fireball. Doesn’t she remind you of-

TITAN: Stop it. Not now. It’s absolutely NOT the time for this conversation. We have work to do.

[SFX: Pulsating beat fades in.]

GHOST: Right, right.

[Ending theme music. Closing theme music. Strings come in over the beat as the end theme plays. Deep, ominous tones continue on until they crescendo, then fade away.]


Titan: James Marinari

Warlock: Giselle Marbello

Ikora: Nhea Durousseau

Titan Ghost: Whitney Holland

Hawthorn: CxeeFoxx

Sound Engineer: Matias Torraca

Chapter Art: Zion Zeta

Chapter music: From available Destiny 2 playlists on YouTube

Transcripts: Eli Barraza