Fan Fiction Media Presents

Dirty, Messy Titan Love Chapter 6: You Tried To Warn Me

Bill The Conquerer Season 2 Episode 6

Titan: James Marinari
Warlock: Giselle Marbello
Ikora: Nhea Durousseau
Saint-14: Norman Bradley
Warlock Ghost, Loriellee: Clover Wren
Titan Ghost: Whitney Holland
Lord Shaxx, Mithrax: McSpuddington
Hawthorn, Crow: CxeeFoxx
Amanda Holliday: Bailey Wolfe

Sound Engineer: Matias Torraca

Chapter Art: Zion Zeta

Chapter music: From available Destiny 2 playlists on YouTube

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[Opening theme music. Longing horns and piano music. Strings and drums come in, the rhythm evoking a long journey ahead with hope. ]

TITAN VO: The jump back to the Tower was enough time for me to gather enough information for my report. As I pondered how to gather the data I needed to give to Ikora, my Ghost decided to give her opinion on recent events.

[SFX: The Ghost powers up.]

GHOST: (cautiously) So… Guardian. I know you’re upset, and I just wanted to-

TITAN: (sighs) I’m actually not upset about it. I’m disappointed. Disappointed in myself. Once again, I attract people into my life who are no more than selfish piles of garbage.

GHOST: Hmmm. Remind you of anyone?

TITAN: Yes. Yes, it does. You tried to warn me about it, and I wouldn’t listen. I’m sorry. I got caught up in the gas. (laughs humorlessly) Again.

GHOST: It’s ok. At least this time, you saw through the fog before you got too deep.

TITAN VO: She was right. Being a Guardian can be lonely. Even with my Ghost as a constant companion, there are precious few feelings that can replace a reliable fireteam.

GHOST: You are my Guardian for a reason. You are strong and brave. Your heart is full of love for those you serve. It takes some people a long time to figure that out. Others will never see that because of who they are. I looked for you for a long time because I knew you were the one I wanted to call my Guardian. Never forget that.

TITAN VO: I sat there staring out the cockpit window listening to my little Light. She can be a nattering annoyance. She often worries about seemingly inconsequential things. Yet, she knows me often better than even I do. She lifts my heart when it’s heavy and reminds me of all the good we do. (beat) I looked up at my ever-present gift from the Traveler and smiled. That big white ball in the sky may never really talk, but it gave me enough of a connection to make it through whatever happens next. Maybe that’s all I really need.

TITAN: Thank you. (beat) Gather the global scan reports of the Cistern for the three days before our little scouting mission. Then have a live readout ready for me when I talk to Ikora. The differences should be all she needs to move forward.

GHOST: Not to belabor anything, but what will you say to Ikora when she asks about her?

[SFX: Titan’s radio crackles. It beeps as the two talk back and forth.]

SAINT-14: (over radio, Eastern European accent) Guardian, I need you to return to The  Tower immediately. Mithrax is in need of help.

TITAN: I’m en route now, Saint. I have a report to deliver to Ikora, and then I’ll be right there.

SAINT-14: Thank you, Guardian. Do not delay. Time is of the  essence.

TITAN: I understand. (to Ghost) Do you know what’s going on?

GHOST: It looks like the Vex force that came through the gate is moving across Nessus toward the Exodus Black. I had already sent the preliminary data to Saint and Ikora, but this literally just started. The Vex are pushing into the Glade of Echoes toward Failsafe.

TITAN: And Mithrax is trying to hold them off. Dammit. We really screwed up. Didn’t we?

GHOST: It’s not your fault! This wouldn't have happened if she hadn’t activated the gate.

TITAN: That’s not any solace to the Fallen who get caught in the crossfire. (frustrated sigh) Tower control, this Guardian ship 723 on approach requesting emergency landing clearance.

[SFX: The radio beeps with the response.]

TOWER CONTROL: (over radio) This is Tower control. Emergency landing clearance must be authorized by Shipwright Holliday. Standby.

AMANDA HOLLIDAY: (over radio) I got you, Guardian. Bay is clear. I already talked to Saint.

[SFX: The radio beeps off. The ship gears up and moves in with a burst of speed. Pulses of noise.]

TITAN VO: I transmitted in and raced to the Bazaar.

[SFX: Footsteps.]

TITAN VO: Ikora was there with another Warlock I didn’t recognize. She had olive skin and short brown hair with her Last Wish armor. I always liked that set on Warlocks. I didn’t have time to admire it, though. I had to give Ikora the numbers and get to Saint.

IKORA: (urgent) Hello, Titan. What do you have for me?

TITAN: The force is quite sizable. The amount of residual energy from all the teleportations is the biggest I’ve ever seen. The Vex have been planning this for some time and right under our noses.

IKORA: Tell me about the gate.

TITAN: About as big as the one on the Moon. Definitely big enough for them to get enough troops on Nessus and entrenched before we can do much.

[SFX: Music with rhythmic drums and creeping strings fade in.]

TITAN: We found it hidden behind a wall deep in the Pools, and upon further inspection, it activated. Not sure how they siphoned the radiolaria and converted it into a viable energy source. Didn’t have time to do much of anything other than get out with our Ghosts.

IKORA: The Fallen are reporting large numbers advancing on the Exodus Black. Saint is waiting for you upstairs. We’ve sent a few Guardians to stem the flow, and more are on the way.

TITAN: (miserably) Ikora, all those Fallen. It’s my fault that -

IKORA: We can discuss it later. I have a good idea how this happened. Go. Saint is waiting for you upstairs. (echoing) The Fallen need your Light.

[Ending theme music. The music bursts forward with horns, the strings also pushing through a high toned frenetic energy. The pulsing drums round out the sound, adding gravity to the movement. It all ends with deep, ominous horns sounding.]


Titan: James Marinari

Titan Ghost: Whitney Holland

Ikora: Nhea Durousseau

Saint-14: Norman Bradley

Amanda Holliday: Bailey Wolfe

Sound Engineer: Matias Torraca

Chapter Art: Zion Zeta

Chapter music: From available Destiny 2 playlists on Youtube

Transcripts: Eli Barraza