Fan Fiction Media Presents

Dirty, Messy Titan Love Chapter 8: Prelude To The Battle Of The Heart

Bill The Conquerer Season 2 Episode 8

Titan: James Marinari
Warlock: Giselle Marbello
Ikora: Nhea Durousseau
Saint-14: Norman Bradley
Warlock Ghost, Loriellee: Clover Wren
Titan Ghost: Whitney Holland
Lord Shaxx, Mithrax: McSpuddington
Hawthorn, Crow: CxeeFoxx
Amanda Holliday: Bailey Wolfe

Sound Engineer: Matias Torraca

Chapter Art: Zion Zeta

Chapter music: From available Destiny 2 playlists on YouTube

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[Opening theme music fades in, strings first then joined by horns. A staccato rhythm beneath drives it all to an echoing conclusion. ]

TITAN VO: Saint and I stood on the lower level of the passage between the Courtyard and the Bazaar. We both looked over the global scans as we planned our moves.

[SFX: The scans buzz and chirp quietly.]

SAINT–14: I have six Guardians holding the Exodus Black. Four more are stationed in The Hallows to protect the conflux there. Those are the two most important assets we have at the moment. I called in more fireteams, and they will land with you in the Cistern so you can shut down that gate.

[SFX: Footsteps approach.]

TITAN: We will need some serious firepower to take back that gate. What is the composition of these other fireteams?

IKORA: I’ll accompany you in the Cistern. Saint, perhaps you can fortify the Exodus Black and then push them back into the Glade? Once we attack the gate and cut off reinforcements, we can trap them there.

SAINT–14: Agreed. I will have-

[SFX: More footsteps approach.]

TITAN VO: Saint stopped and looked past Ikora. We all turned to see two more Warlocks joining our group. I could see the young redhead wasn’t in the same mood as when we last talked. Saint didn’t say a word, though. He looked at Ikora.

IKORA: (frustrated sigh) You are testing my patience, young lady. I do not have the time for a dissertation on this matter. The best way you can help is to stay in the Tower and-

WARLOCK: I know. I know. I stepped in it real good. Aside from the Titan here, I know the most about that gate. If we have any chance at shutting it down, you’ll need me on that team.

TITAN VO: She turned to me with a look I had never seen from her before. She seemed desperate to find a way to get back in Ikora’s good graces. She nervously stood as tall as she could and continued. (beat) I was not about to stand here and be the doddering simp for this Warlock’s redemption quest. Not after that condescending lecture she threw at me.

TITAN: I need to get my equipment straight before we go. I’ll see you on the ground, Ikora.

[SFX: He tries to step away.]

TITAN VO: The young, snotty Warlock grabbed my arm. I pulled away from her.

TITAN: You gonna give me another lecture on loadouts? Well, I don’t have time to read the paper and verify all your citations. Fallen are dying right now, and it’s our fault.


TITAN: You STILL don’t get it. Do you?

[SFX: He takes a step.]

TITAN: Saint. Ikora. I’m sorry for this. (deep breath, vicious) I don’t want you on my fireteam. I don’t have time to codify all the tactical decisions I’ll make and submit them to the committee so you can factor in enough variables to arrive at the most efficient way to fix the mess you caused. Fallen are dying right now, and every second we stand here waiting for an apology that will never come is another body we have to bury. Now, if you’ll excuse me, Saint. (to Warlock) As long as the committee has nothing further to discuss?

[SFX: He sweeps away, footsteps moving quickly.]

TITAN VO: I ran to my vault and quickly switched my armor to an offensive support setup.

[SFX: Voices in the background of the vault as ringing tones and beeps come from the equipment.]

TITAN VO: I knew we’d need big damage output in a short period of time to close the gate. The Vex could keep dropping troops on top of us if we didn’t hit them as hard as possible and as quickly as possible.

[SFX: Footsteps approach.]

TITAN VO: That’s when I felt her come up behind me. I didn’t even have to turn around to know she was standing there. She didn’t say anything for a bit. I grabbed my favorite auto rifle and Witherhoard to go with my rocket launcher.

[SFX: The weapons click and beep in response to him equipping them.]

WARLOCK: Ward of Dawn is a better choice than Sentinel Shield. You can hold ground better with the bubble.

TITAN VO: I didn’t even respond. It’s what she wanted. I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of another emotional reaction. She already got to me twice. I kept scrolling through my vault, waiting for her to leave.

WARLOCK: There’s a big tank on the back side of the gate, and if-

[SFX: His clothes rustle as he turns away. Footsteps.]

TITAN VO: I closed my vault, pushed past her, and jogged to the hangar. She was right behind me the whole way. Amanda had already cleared me for launch. I pulled out my Ghost and was ready to transmat out when she came up to me again and handed me a piece of paper.

[SFX: Paper rustles.]

WARLOCK: You can boost the thrust efficiency of your engine with these updates. Your Ghost should be able to implement them-

[SFX: The paper rustles again, crinkling.]

TITAN VO: I snatched the paper from her hand, stiffly crumpled it, and let it fall from my hand as I stared angrily back at her. Dammit all. I looked into those deep green eyes, ready to skewer her again for her foolishness. She looked back at me, almost pleading for me to just listen to her. To maybe give her one more chance. Why did I suddenly get the feeling that I had to forgive her?

WARLOCK: I know exactly how this all started. Look, I…

[SFX: Warlock’s clothes rustle as she grabs the paper, uncrinkling it.]

TITAN VO: She bent down and picked up the crumpled paper from the launch deck. As she attempted to straighten it flat again, I could feel the pain in her soul. I could tell she was hurting. I gently reached and took the paper from her. I carefully folded it and then tucked it into my chest piece.

[SFX: The sheaf of paper slips in.]

TITAN VO: That steely, fierce look surged back into her eyes as she looked at me with a new resolve.

WARLOCK: The longer you stand here, the more Vex you have to deal with. Now GO! And don’t let me catch you sluffin’, or I’ll have to really show you how Warlocks fight.

TITAN: (teasing) Not with a sidearm, you won’t. 

WARLOCK: What are ya standing there with ya gob open for? (echoing) Git goin’!

[Ending theme music. Music comes in. Urgent strings complemented by rising electric guitar, undulating percussion.]


Titan: James Marinari

Warlock: Giselle Marbello

Ikora: Nhea Durousseau

Saint-14: Norman Bradley

Sound Engineer: Matias Torraca

Chapter Art: Zion Zeta

Chapter music: From available Destiny 2 playlists on Youtube

Transcripts: Eli Barraza