Fan Fiction Media Presents

Dirty, Messy Titan Love: Chapter 15 - He's All I've Ever Wanted. My Silly Titan.

Bill The Conquerer Season 2 Episode 15

Titan: James Marinari
Warlock: Giselle Marbello
Ikora: Nhea Durousseau
Saint-14: Norman Bradley
Warlock Ghost, Loriellee: Clover Wren
Titan Ghost: Whitney Holland
Lord Shaxx, Mithrax: McSpuddington
Hawthorn, Crow: CxeeFoxx
Amanda Holliday: Bailey Wolfe

Sound Engineer: Matias Torraca
Transcription: Eli Barraza

Chapter music: Tracks from Fight Forever, a fan-made Destiny soundtrack by Breshi
Intro- Purpose, Outro- Eirini

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[Opening theme music fades in, deep harmonies with a soft mid toned voice overlaid, peaceful and longing. ]

[SFX: Footsteps.]

WARLOCK VO: I walked away from Ikora with sweat running down my palms and my heart pounding in my chest.

[SFX: Footsteps running to catch up.]

LORILEE: (breathing hard) Well? What are you going to do now?

WARLOCK: Huh? What do you mean?

LORILEE: (low, urgent) I mean, since you’re not her student anymore?

WARLOCK: (annoyed) She didn’t kick me out.

LORILEE: What? I thought that-

WARLOCK: I have to report to Saint. Are you going to do something useful other than rehashing the past for me?

LORILEE: (laughs) I’ll scout your boyfriend for you. Last I saw, he was talking to Shaxx.

WARLOCK: How about this? How about you stop acting like a teenager and go annoy people in Gambit?

WARLOCK VO: She stood there with her mouth open and a slightly offended look on her face. 

WARLOCK: I thought so.

[SFX: Footsteps as she walks away.]

WARLOCK VO: I turned, walked away from her, and continued toward Saint to deliver my report. My heart was beating a thousand miles an hour. I had no idea what was going to happen next, but it was clear that my life had just become exponentially larger. From this point forward, I had to account for my silly Titan in everything I do.

[SFX: Quick steps up metal stairs.]

WARLOCK VO: I came up the stairs and into the Courtyard. I couldn’t hear Shaxx yelling his usual encouragement, which gave a rather odd vibe to the space. I stood in the sun between Rahool and Tess, looking up at the Traveler.

WARLOCK: (quiet, echoing) What have you done to me now?

WARLOCK VO: My quiet moment was rudely interrupted by a loud laugh from Saint-14.

SAINT-14: (laughter)

WARLOCK VO: I snapped back to reality and approached him.

[SFX: Footsteps.]

WARLOCK: Greetings, Saint. I have that Nessus report for you.

SAINT-14: Warlock. Welcome back. Please. Share your findings.

[SFX: Quiet buzzing of the readings.]

WARLOCK VO: I started into my typical run down that I’d give to Ikora, but I could sense his disconnection with all the numbers I was throwing at him.

WARLOCK: However, suffice it to say that things could have been much worse had we not responded the way we did.

[SFX: Soft beep as Warlock turns off the device.]

SAINT-14: How can we ensure something like this never happens again?

WARLOCK: I plan to make Nessus a regular part of my patrols. I’ll track specific data points and provide regular reports to the Vanguard.

SAINT-14: (impressed) That is quite the task, my young Warlock.

WARLOCK: I’ll have help.

SAINT-14: Excellent. I am quite happy to hear that. And… Warlock, if I may?

WARLOCK: Of course.

[SFX: A low warbling tone in the background. Distant voices.]

SAINT-14: Would you tell me why?

WARLOCK: Why what?

SAINT-14: Why him?

WARLOCK VO: (echoing) I paused. I hadn’t really given it much thought. Until now, I tolerated Titans on a good day and actively avoided interacting with them on bad days. But here I am. How did I get here? 

WARLOCK: He’s… he’s… unlike all the other Titans I’ve ever known. You’ll pardon me for my abrupt words, sir, but Titans are just so undisciplined. You’re always so loud and obnoxious, like you have something to prove to everyone. But not him. He’s none of that. (beat) May I ask a question, Saint?

SAINT-14: By all means.

WARLOCK: Why all the noise? The yelling. The… overbearing howls of laughter. The constant bellowing at each other. Why do Titans smack each other around so?

SAINT-14: (amused) I do not think you understand what you are asking, young Light.

WARLOCK: (frustrated sigh) I am a Warlock. I do NOT fear knowledge.

SAINT-14: (long sigh, then echoing) Titans must have more than broad shoulders. They must also have strong hearts to bear the burden of loss. We hear the voices of our fallen comrades, the cries of those we couldn’t save, and the screams of the vanquished in our ears. They pierce into our souls and echo in our minds… forever. The shouts of joy and cheers of celebration must be just as loud if not louder than the pain of our losses. (echoing stops) It is the only way we can continue to fight for those who cannot. 

[SFX: Low warbling tone vanishes.]

WARLOCK: Saint, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-

SAINT-14: It is ok, my friend. These are the burdens we bear. Our pasts are like Hunters. They sneak up on us when we least expect it.

[SFX: Footsteps.]

WARLOCK VO: I turned away from him as he collected himself. It made me uncomfortable to see such a powerful Titan in such a vulnerable state. As I turned, I caught Lord Shaxx standing above his usual post with my Titan. Shaxx stood tall, poking his finger into the chest of my Titan over and over. My Titan rubbed his head and pulled on his hair as if he were in distress. I was taken with a bursting feeling that he was in pain and that I had to go to him. 

WARLOCK: Is there anything else that you require of me?

SAINT-14: No, I am fine. I hope we will speak of this again someday.

[SFX: Clothing rustling, footsteps on metal steps.]

WARLOCK VO: I quickly turned and jogged up the stairs to Lord Shaxx and my Titan. I stopped at the top of the stairs, almost fearful of what I’d find. Lord Shaxx nodded his head and clapped a firm hand on the shoulder of my Titan, turning him to see my approach. 

[SFX: Soft wind and distant movement of people chatting.]

WARLOCK VO: I pulled my hair back from my eyes as I shifted from Lord Shaxx to my Titan and back and forth several times. I could see the distress fade from his Awoken eyes when he saw me. His shoulders went back, and he stood tall as he approached with his arms extended.

[SFX: Thump as they embrace.]

WARLOCK VO: I hugged him hard, letting my hair envelop his shoulders.

WARLOCK: Are you ok?

TITAN: Never been better, my love.

WARLOCK: What was that all about with Lord Shaxx?

TITAN: Nothing. Just Titan stuff. No chest smacks, though. I’m kinda disappointed. It’s like, our thing.

WARLOCK: Tell me about it. All of it. Every single thing. I want to hear it all.

TITAN: Perhaps… over some ramen?

[SFX: Soft thump. Titan’s breathing.]

WARLOCK VO: I pulled him close, so our foreheads met. I could feel his warm breath on my neck and his heart beating in his chest. Maybe that was mine. I couldn’t tell, and I didn’t care.

WARLOCK: (smiling) You have yet to submit your proposal to the committee. I can assure you they eagerly await your thoughts on this new joint venture.

[SFX: Light piano music.]

WARLOCK VO: (echoing) He leaned in and kissed me deeply with all his Titan spirit.

[SFX: Light piano music.]

WARLOCK VO: I could feel his courage and might wash over me as he gently held me by the waist. I pushed into him, and he didn’t waver. I pushed harder, wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders. He responded by gripping me by the hips and lifting me slowly off the ground. I squeezed his shoulders and kissed him harder yet again, with all the passion my soul could muster. And he took a single step back to brace himself and then stood firm with me safely in his grasp. He was mine. All mine, and all I’ve ever wanted. My silly Titan.

[SFX: Closing music comes in, beautiful string music beneath delicate piano and the occasional cymbal. Horns come in briefly before it fades away.]


Warlock: Giselle Marbello

Titan: James Marinari

Loriellee: Clover Wren

Saint-14: Norman Bradley

Sound Engineer: Matias Torraca

Chapter Art: Zion Zeta

Chapter music: From available Destiny 2 playlists on Youtube

Transcripts: Eli Barraza