2 Guys 1 Cup

Episode 78- We Need Pricks

2 Guys 1 Cup Season 3 Episode 78

The first episode of season 3. While all is quiet in Rangerstown, Shawn and Roc discuss the coaching vacancy, pay tribute to Tina Turner, discuss the cap and what the team needs to add next season... pricks

Shawn Stein:
Alright, let me just tag everybody real quick.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
has ever worn 78.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
When I did the group, I tagged everybody, so.

Shawn Stein:
Alright, so we'll start now. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good morning. Two guys one cup season 3 starts today. It's episode 78. We have never had a number 78 as Rock has just informed me. But let's hope that this year is the year that it gets done. I can't believe it's already been two years. I think that's pretty crazy. And just to start off the year. It's a little bit of a sad day in Ranger history Rocky you getting feedback? Okay.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
No, that was my fault. I wanted to look at the chat. I had the chat up on

Shawn Stein:
Okay Same

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
my phone.

Shawn Stein:
I was and I kept minimizing it. I kept

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah, yeah.

Shawn Stein:
lowering it

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah, I just put it on there.

Shawn Stein:
Sad day in Ranger history today actually the passing of one of the greats You know, sometimes, you know people get old and it is what it is But Tina, it's for you. whenever this thing wants to actually play. Come on, piece of shit.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Again, production at its best.

Shawn Stein:
Oh my god, is this thing fucking serious? It's sitting here fucking refreshing.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Why don't you just sing it for

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
had it all cued! Wow.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I tell you, we're in desperate need of a decent producer. Ha ha ha.

Shawn Stein:
You know, I sit here, I put in the fucking... The work to get this done. And

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
it just

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
fucking lets me down. It's still sitting there refreshing. What the fuck are you refreshing? If I put this thing back in preview, it plays right away.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
That's rough.

Shawn Stein:
Piece of shit. Tina Turner died today at 83 years old. Of course, Tina

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
Turner's Simply the Best was a... What would you call it for the 94 team? Was it...was it...

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
It was their

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
like it's...

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
or their theme song. I know what you're saying, I know what you're grasping at,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
but yeah, I don't know. We got some heavy hitters in the chat tonight, by the way. I don't know if you noticed that

Shawn Stein:
Oh yeah?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
so far.

Shawn Stein:
What do we got?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
We got the great. Jim Schmiedeberg, the great Brian Attar, the great

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Eddie Geick all have podcasts

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
they're all

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
are all we are all fans of.

Shawn Stein:
Yes. It's

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
an honor.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
it's an honor. Wow. This is this is an actual

Shawn Stein:
It's an

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
And my production value just goes straight into the fucking shitter.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
God we need

Shawn Stein:
I'm telling

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
we need

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
we need whoever does Brian's production

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
to give us some some feedback because we could definitely use that Oh, man, but I listen simply the best

Shawn Stein:
It's Ike Turner coming from the fucking dead to sit here and make sure I can't fucking do this. He's telling me what's what.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Oh man.

Shawn Stein:
Thanks Ike. Fucking Christ. Alright,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
here we are.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Well, not wait. Well,

Shawn Stein:
Yeah. Oh, what do you got? Yes.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
to the one minute mark. It's, I had a cue to the one fucking minute mark.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah No,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
that's and that was that's what messi played in the locker room

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
when you know when they were were going on that run and and listen I she couldn't even outlast the rangers stanley cup drought. Unfortunately. I mean we're we're going on 30 years with uh With the same nonsense, right? Is it 25? It's 30 years, right 30 years. It'll be next season

Shawn Stein:
report now 29

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
No, I think next

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
year Sean, it's the 93rd.

Shawn Stein:
oh shit I don't

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
dude I don't even know what fucking year it is

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah, it's gonna

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
30 years.

Shawn Stein:
it's gonna be 30 is there another

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
we are already

Shawn Stein:
is there

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
another $200 a ticket party that they can

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
charge us for

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
listen if the garden and and just to talk about this really fast I am not a huge nick fan, but if they retire Romero Anthony's jersey

Shawn Stein:
Oh my god.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I mean,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Salakad has already said he's gonna stop being a stop being a nick fan I mean, can the Garden

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
stop watering down? I mean, they went how many years with retiring two range of jerseys? Now all of a sudden there's 100 up there. I understand

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
94 plays a big factor in all of this. I completely understand that. It should have stopped at Messier. Graves should not have his number retired. I've said this a million times. But they love watering down this jersey retirement nonsense. And it's just a money grab. You don't need to have a money grab for a Knicks game. The team is actually decent.

Shawn Stein:
I'm trying to think, retiring Carmelo Anthony's jersey would be like retiring Rick Nash Amer in Gatbrook's jersey. Simple as that.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah, and I obviously think Gawdberg and Nash probably had more success than Anthony did.

Shawn Stein:
Anthony did nothing here. He won one playoff series the

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
whole time he was here.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
At least

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Nash went

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
a Stanley

Shawn Stein:
not that

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
Houston deserves it in any way, shape or form, but Alan Houston deserves it way before Carmelo

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
think Chris

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Childs deserves his number of

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
times before

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
Nice. Good pull. Good pull.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Anyway but uh listen Sean

Shawn Stein:
Thanks Eddie for your sentiments on Knicks basketball.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I'm watching thank you now I had to bring that up it was more for the fact that

Shawn Stein:
The garden,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
garden and it's just

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
it's sometimes it's just you know so ass backwards with the with their thinking and everything they did do

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
Rock, we're trying to reach a new demographic talking basketball and Tina Turner.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yes, yes, we are. We're trying our best. We're trying our best to broaden our spectrum and not

Shawn Stein:
Hockey's for

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
into everything.

Shawn Stein:
Hockey is for everyone.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
It is for everybody. That's how it goes. But 30 years, so we're

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
Sean that's wrong.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
he say?

Shawn Stein:
so wrong.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I didn't see it. What did you, can I,

Shawn Stein:
Fucking Christ

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
do I even

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
know what he

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
said? Oh man, do I even wanna know what he said? Guys, it's gonna be one of those shows. There's not gonna be any flow. We're gonna be all over the place tonight, so just be prepared for that. Oh

Shawn Stein:
Jim goes this show just went woke Ha ha.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
man. But so, yeah, listen.

Shawn Stein:
So in migrant news today. Ha ha ha.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Oh man. Too much. Too much. I know what he said now, so

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
we'll just leave it

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
full of it there.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
anyway. So we're heading into, so now this is our official, we're heading into

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
our third season

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
as a podcast, which is fun.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
And we're already on our second coach, which is

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
even more interesting. So three years into a podcast, not even three years into a podcast, we're already on our second coach. And we're still trying to figure that out.

Shawn Stein:
Who do we pound the table for this time? I mean, we got our wish last two years ago.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
I'm joking, I'm not

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
pounding the table for anybody. Whoever

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I'm not

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
is, it is,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I don't honestly,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I don't honestly, there's this contingent of people that want, you know, it's very divided in the fan base and I mean we've heard from, you know, a lot of guys in the chat who voiced their opinions. It's either, I mean there's a contingent, it's most of the younger range of fan which is not surprising that wants the Knoblok, the Jay Leach, the, what the hell is this guy? Carberry from Toronto.

Shawn Stein:
assistant in Toronto

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Spencer Carberry. And obviously I said Knobloch and who's the other? Oh, they want that type of guy. And then there's the other fan base that wants the the Lavielette, the Babcock, the Quenville, the Keef, which I don't know if Keef... Is Keef considered a retread when he's only coached one of the team?

Shawn Stein:
It's like Cassidy. Do you consider Cassidy a retread?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I mean, I want your opinion because Keith has gotten

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
a lot of smoke. I want to know what your opinion is on

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
all right, so here's my thing. I was swayed, I'll use that word, by the Twitter community about Keef, years ago when we hired Quinn, that Keef was a big name to look out for. I was thinking guys like Keef, guys like Rocky Thompson was somebody that I was interested in possibly seeing get a job. I don't know man. I'm so sour on anything that has to do with analytics and Kyle Dubas and like anything he's touched I'm kind of worried about the fact that we reached right out to try and interview Carberry, you know right off the bat who is you know keeps assistant. I don't want I don't want any designically analytically driven people You know that I mean our audience knows that I don't know everyone wants to shit all over the retreads

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I'm just laughing at Jim just for who has the best

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
I saw that. We should all over

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
these retreads yet, you know, the final four is made up of three of them. You know, Paul Maurice is as much of a retread as there could possibly

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
He's going to go coach

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
see that's

Shawn Stein:
in the Stanley

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
Cup finals

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
right now.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the consensus and Larry Brooks brought it up and they want to clamor and all we need somebody fresh, fresh, fresh. Well last time I checked, Pete DeBoer, Bruce

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Cassidy, Maurice. Alright, Brendan Moore's the one guy where you could say he's not a retread but

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
he's not a

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
in one place for too long

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
and he's obviously not faring too well against Maurice in this series. So, I mean, it's unfortunate that that's the way it goes but... there is a precedence for why these coaches keep getting rehired. I mean, you're seeing it firsthand and I understand, I understand why people feel, oh, oh, La Violette, another guy, blah, blah, blah. And I kind of sort of feel that way in one hand. But, honestly, they bring in a reach, they bring in a young coach and they fall on their face. It's going to be even worse than if they bring in a retread. Am I wrong?

Shawn Stein:
I've always felt this way with New York. With the ticket prices that we pay, the amount of money that MSG generates, this should not be an entry level job. They shouldn't be hiring someone with zero experience. When they hired Quinn, that was for a rebuild. It was someone to communicate with kids. That's fine. I accepted it for that. But when you're trying to win a cup with this roster we are, then it should be someone who's got experience in doing that. or at least getting there. You want someone to push you over the hump.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
So whether it's La Violette who's won, whether it's Babcock who's won... Listen, Rock, I am stunned that Babcock is not number one on your list with the things that you've said about how you want someone to put their ring on the table and make these guys uncomfortable. Babcock is the king of uncomfortable.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah, I mean, listen, I was on him

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
a little

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
the name.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
No, I know, I know. I want someone that's gonna smack these guys around. And listen, I was a Tortorella guy. I liked Tortorella. I loved hearing his press conferences because it made me feel better. And I know that's not what it's about. It's not about me as a fan feeling better. But when he was pissed at the team, we knew it. I mean, Galant, I mean, he had his moments. Quinn had his moments, but when Tortorella didn't feel like the team put out the full effort, he let him have it, and he let the media have it, and he didn't hold, blow any punches. I know that kind of wears thin after a while. But my theory is, is that I feel like these guys are too comfortable. Too many guys with no movement clauses, too many guys that are just smiling and having a good time. It should be a vicious business. It's about

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
winning a cup. I want guys on this team that would roll over their own mother to win a cup. That's what I want. And I... and... and... Elliott Friedman said it perfectly in one of his... in one of his, um, 32 Thoughts things. I want a bunch of pricks on this team. The Rangers have zero pricks. The only guy that's somewhat of a prick is Goodrow and he's probably not even gonna be here next season. Everyone else is nice. Even Truba is very measured with what he says.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
As the captain I guess you gotta be that way but I want a guy that's an asshole. I mean Sean I mean look at Florida. You know Sam Bennett. Friggin Matt Kachuk. I mean there's a ton of it. Lumberg. I mean there's a bunch of pricks on that team. Go look at Vegas. Mark Stone is a friggin prick. I mean I know I'm missing people. I want assholes on my team.

Shawn Stein:
I really wish I had my Lethal Weapon 4 soundboard

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
right now so I could get the Asian plicks you know,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I want

Shawn Stein:
just going

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
guys that are assholes on this team. There's too many nice guys. Even Ryan Lindgren, who is a warrior, who I love. I honestly think sometimes he comes off as a really nice person. I'm not saying he doesn't play hard and I'm not saying he's tough.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
or off the

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
or nice,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I want

Shawn Stein:
you know?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
an asshole on the ice. That's what I want. I want guys. I want a... better version, a better hockey player than Sean Avery. I want guys that are gonna ruffle people's feathers, that are gonna piss people off. This team is too nice. And that goes back to what I've said a million times, no killer instinct, no just drive to just bury people. That's what

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I want.

Shawn Stein:
that's why I've said that I'm pretty excited about what we have that's coming up.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
do you mean? Oh,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
you mean Cooley

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
and Offman. So

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Cooley, Offman.

Shawn Stein:
Barad, Atman, Cooley,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
these all seem to be guys that we're describing. Now, we have no idea the talent, we have no idea

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
where they're going to be as NHL players. But when you just talk about their demeanors, all four of them have that type of demeanors.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
Sammy Blay.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Sammy Blay was supposed to be that, you're right.

Shawn Stein:
I mean, I couldn't have been killed more about what I thought about Sammy Blay for the last two years. And as soon as he left here, he turned into exactly the player I said he was. So, whatever.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I mean, listen,

Shawn Stein:
Have a short

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
for a

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
coach. Ha ha ha.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
we've seen, yeah, I saw Joby Messier as coach too, which I also

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
liked, but I get what you're saying. There are just guys, Sean, and we've seen this a million times in baseball, specifically, you know, Ed Whitson, you know, Roberto Alomar, guys come here and they wilt. And we've saw, I believe that Sammy Blay had very high expectations, I think. In the sense where he was brought here because of what happened with Tom Wilson The fact that who he was traded for and um, trust me these players say they don't know they don't read They don't listen to stuff he heard The fan base was not happy with the buchnevich trade And you could say it was a setup from another

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
trade it was it was the worst off juries offseason that year Is was one of the worst as a general manager as i've seen in years So I understand that so maybe he felt the expectations but they gave him every opportunity I mean he was on the first line. He gave him power play time for half the season. He just couldn't play here

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
I get

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
it must

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
be just easier to play in st. Louis. There are

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
that just

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
not blaming

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
to do

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
just saying that I know what the player was

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
and he's turned

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
he wasn't

Shawn Stein:
out to be

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
he he wasn't that

Shawn Stein:
I know.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
here and you know what you go down

Shawn Stein:
I get

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
to a

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
place where there's obviously zero pressure on you where the fan base loves you, whether you stink, whether you're good. St. Louis, from what I've understood, and you tell

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
me if you've heard the same,

Shawn Stein:
for baseball.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
they root for their team win or lose no

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
matter what. They are behind them, there's no booing, there's no cursing, there's no Twitter bashing, none of that stuff.

Shawn Stein:
I don't know the Blues fanbase, but the Cardinals fanbase, yes, it's the

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Oh, you assume

Shawn Stein:
players rave about playing for

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
the Cardinals.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the same thing because you think that the baseball fan would be more rabid like the baseball fan in New York is much more rabid than the hockey fan. No,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the Met fan,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the Yankee

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
fan, their friggin' deck, they're crazy. And you think the hockey fan's nuts. The baseball fan I think is so much worse because they have so many more games to complain about. So, I mean, listen, he couldn't play here, but I agree. that he just didn't work

Shawn Stein:
But even

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
so, right, he still wasn't a menace. He hit hard. He was a good fore-checker, he hit hard, he had, you know, he was able to win board battles, all that fun stuff, but he still wasn't that intangible menace. Like that you see with someone like Alonberg. Who's the asshole that's on San Jose that I can't fucking stand also. What's that

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
guy's name?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
give me a hint.

Shawn Stein:
I keep forgetting

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
his name.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
on San Jose.

Shawn Stein:
Yeah, there's just like a Michael Bunting. I fucking can't stand Michael Bunting.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Well Michael

Shawn Stein:
We don't

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
can actually

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I mean he's a guy that can actually play. I mean it's unfortunate that you can't afford these guys. And then listen, we're going to get into that whole off season stuff but I mean it's unfortunate that the Rangers said, and we talked about this on our last show, the one bullet they had, just like in 2013, the Rangers had cap issues. They had to sign McDonough, they had to sign other players. So what did they do? They had no other choice but to fire the coach because You went to an Eastern Conference final. You then, the next year, 2013, they lost in the second round. They got crushed by Boston in the second round. Now, Boston went on to go to the cup final that year, if I'm correct, correct? 2013?

Shawn Stein:
And 13? Yes.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah. So they did lose, I mean, the Rays were the ultimate loser. I mean, think about this, Sean. They lose to the Devils who lose to the Hurricane who are about to lose to the freaking Panthers.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I mean, you get the ultimate loser of the Eastern Conference, so to speak. So... They shot off the one bullet and I sent you the transaction list of the trades, of the moves that the Rangers made in 2013. They essentially brought back the same team. Now, we all know they brought in Saint Louis at the trade deadline, they brought in Carcello, they had young guys filling in, and Foster and Miller. But the offseason consisted of Benoit Pouliat, Justin Falk, not Justin Falk, what was Falk's last name? Falk's first name. Was it Justin? Jason?

Shawn Stein:
Yeah, Justin Fock.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
There's two Justin, what was it, what was it, Falk, that's the Falk that was on, that's on St. Louis now. Isn't this Justin Falk also? Is it two of them? Anyway, doesn't matter.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Jason Falk maybe, maybe it was Jason Falk.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
it was Jason.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
he played for Minnesota. Him and Dominic Moore. And that was, that was your offseason. That was it. That's who the Rangers brought in, in the 2000, 2013 offseason. And I have a feeling you're gonna see something similar

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I was gonna say Peter Falk. I was gonna say that. But I mean, essentially that's you're bringing in the same guy,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
I said I

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
had no choice.

Shawn Stein:
it's for the most part going to be run back and I think you're going to see guys like Othman and Cooley get chances to win jobs. And you'll see, like I said, you'll see the guy who signed for a million bucks get a chance to win a job. You know, who's this year's Jimmy Vesey.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Right. Well those are the guys they gotta find.

Shawn Stein:
We always seem to grab one or two of those guys in free agency.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Corey Perry's a free agent. That's an asshole. I mean,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
he is an asshole and he's tough to play against and he freaking plays hard every game. He's not half the player he was when he won the heart trophy, but he's

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
an asshole. He's a good, he could be a good fourth line center who has some ability. And you're probably not getting to pay that much for him. I heard he's probably going to Toronto, but that's another story. But that's the type of guy

Shawn Stein:
Man, we'll

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
need to find to bring in to play in your bottom six that is an asshole. And that's the type of plays you need to bring in here. There's too many nice players. There's too many guys that are too nice and too happy and not enough snarl and not enough grit. And I hate that word grit, because it's overblown. But to

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
me, you need more nastiness on this team. And I'm not talking about a Ryan Reeves fighting type guy. I'm talking about guys that can

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
play and play hard.

Shawn Stein:
Listen, I hate to bring the guys, I hate to bring them up, but you know, this team needs a Sean Avery. I hate to bring him up, but somebody like that, someone that can play, that gets under the other team's skin, that just, it changes the way games are played. And we saw this in the playoffs where, you know, you need to wake up. Sometimes having someone start shit wakes people up. Danny, no, it's not Luke Coonan, it was Marcus Sorensen, was the guy that I kept thinking of from San Jose, that I couldn't stand.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah, I mean that's the Sean. These are these are the guys are gonna have to find and I know I know there's a lot of guys Brandon Lemieux. Yeah, Brandon Lemieux

Shawn Stein:
Right, Brandon Lemieux would have been perfect if he could play hockey. Yeah, he unfortunately can't.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
It's, it's he can and I'm taking it'd be great right now. I mean, listen, there's guys, we can list a million people. Here's

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the problem. This is the problem. We are essentially pigeonholed into my top nine right now, right? I'm not gonna sit here and make that a lineup, but

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
of the

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the eight

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the top

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
nine are pretty much set. You know, and you know, I listen, if they re-sign Mott, I think Mott will be a nice fit on the fourth line. I think he plays that irritating, he's gotta be healthy though. I mean, I don't want him coming in. I mean, he's been hurt every year. So, I mean.

Shawn Stein:
But even he's got to be a little bit more of a dick. Or

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
prick. We,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
I mean... Name of this episode's pricks. So...

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
It's the truth though, I mean, just look at these teams.

Shawn Stein:
I get it.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Even, listen, Jamie Benz probably cost his team the series with what he did. Yes, and then I didn't see what happened. I'm just going by what I

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
heard on the

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
die. Exactly the

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
he's an asshole. He's a prick. I mean,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I'm not

Shawn Stein:
a point

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
per game

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I want a guy, I don't want a guy that's gonna cost us the game, but

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I want a guy that's so pissed off that he almost takes it to that edge. You don't want them to go over that edge obviously, but you want them to

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
get to right where that edge is I mean look at florida. I mean racco good. That's another guy freaking racco Goodes is about to go to the stanley cup final. They couldn't give that guy away five years ago four years ago I mean, it's just one asshole after another and I mean for you guys to be honest is is is florida that much better team than we were Were they more just more of a team they added nobody I don't think it

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
did they add

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
more of

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
trade deadline?

Shawn Stein:
And their big guys show up.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
And think

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
about this

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
showing up.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
think about this Sean. Tell me if I'm wrong. Carolina and Florida added no significant pieces at the deadline. Am I correct?

Shawn Stein:
No, yeah, no, you're correct

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
The big-name guy at the trade deadline they need to fucking stop You can't add big names and guys that need to be integrated and guys that have played on a team for 15 years To expect to roll in here and and and all of a sudden help this team out. It doesn't work I don't know when teams are gonna figure this out. It doesn't fucking work They said that the Metro division added, traded four first round picks, two second round picks, and I think a third round pick, and none of those teams are left standing.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Because Carolina didn't trade any of that stuff.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
So, I mean, again, I understand it's a copycat league. We're gonna see when Bobrowski hoists the cup about the $10 million goalie, if that's gonna come

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
resurface again. But, you build your team in the summer, you build your team through the draft. Not at the fucking trade deadline. And I'm guilty, and I'm sure a lot of the guys at the trade deadline were. You, uh, in the chat room, excuse me. Um, I like, I love the big shiny toy. I was always a big fan of it. When I, especially when I was younger, I'm past that now. Now it's about building a team, bringing in the right players. Because think about it Sean, the 2014 team was not nearly, not half as talented as the team that just lost. But what do they have? A lot of homegrown guys and a lot of guys that had played together and had been to the riggers together for a while, right?

Shawn Stein:
Well, then the truth, but here's the here's the truth. When

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
make a significant

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
move, or

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
St. Louis.

Shawn Stein:
who are left and look at what they have, their top sixes play with an edge and ours doesn't. And they're not going anywhere. So it's not like all of a sudden Zbentajad is going to be a different guy. And I love Zbentajad, but, you know, you need to surround him with someone who's going to take care of some business in the corners and do the dirty work. box people out at this point. You know, doesn't actually do much else. But Aaron's he's going to be Panarin and he's not going anywhere. So how do you fix that? You thought Trotrik was going to come in and be one of those guys to play in the top six and play that and play that type of style. He don't may have supplanted him at this point. We don't know.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I don't

Shawn Stein:
So I

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
don't know.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
I don't know how you fix it.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Sean makes

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
a good point. Vegas, and I wanted to bring up Vegas and I'm glad he brought that up. Vegas is shocking to me that a team that has been in the league for five years that pretty much was a ragtag group, and he's right, they have no draft pick so I stand corrected. They're all guys that were acquired

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
and brought in and whatever. I can't for the life of me understand how that team is that good. So they're going to go to two cup finals in five years. The Rangers have been to two cup finals in 40 years. Again, I mean, where does that chalk it up to? So I'm gonna, I'll e-crow on that one. That was a great point by Sean. I mean, and with Florida, Florida, you know, they made savvy moves. You know, Ekblat, they had Ekblat already. I mean, they brought in Verhage, who Tampa dropped. They brought in Duclair, who was on five different teams before he went

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
brought in the Sams. When they made the trades for the

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Sam Benetrade. The same, and

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the same,

Shawn Stein:
and Reinhardt.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the same bandit trade, the Reinhardt trade, and the Kachuk trade. Three guys that I think personally turned that franchise around, those three guys.

Shawn Stein:
I agree.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
More than Bobrovsky, and I know Bobrovsky's having a fantastic playoff. We've seen this happen before when a goalie gets hot. Javi Bulin, you know, it's happened a million times with goaltenders.

Shawn Stein:
But it's not just a random guy getting hot and going on a run. This is a two-time Vezina winner. You know, this is what he's been expected to do every year and it just doesn't happen every year for him. Why he's so hot and cold

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
He was

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
the playoffs.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
good in the playoffs, but remember Sean what's what if Florida not have? Florida was one if Pittsburgh would have beat I they said it on on the on the uh on the On the

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
on the

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
They made it.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
but i'm just saying they they were that close to being out So they're playing with house money and you're playing in florida with with zero

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
with the house money the zero pressure the house money.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
It is zero

Shawn Stein:
I don't

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
buy it.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
I don't buy it. These guys are professionals

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
you think that

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
buy that

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
pressure you think that florida team has pressure?

Shawn Stein:
Yes internally, of course

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
they do

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
but I'm talking externally.

Shawn Stein:
Who cares about externally these guys don't sit here and listen to

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
don't believe you.

Shawn Stein:
This is hockey unless you're playing in Toronto Montreal or Vancouver You're not getting the pressure that other professional athletes have to deal with New York What, you think fucking Vince walking in with this, with Molly walking in is putting pressure on these guys? No, they don't give a shit what these people have to say. They don't, you have to coach, literally fucking, tell them I don't give a shit what you have

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
to say.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
why is it that certain guys walk in here and don't produce and once they leave, they'll automatically become better players.

Shawn Stein:
could just be the nightlife of New York gets the best of them. I'm telling you, pressure, play for the Mets in this town or the Yankees in this town. That's pressure

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Well, sure, I'm playing

Shawn Stein:
when you have

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
in your

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
every single

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
in South

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
I'm sure there are guys who...

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
How come guys go down to Florida

Shawn Stein:
.. buy it.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
and all of a sudden they turn their careers around?

Shawn Stein:
Who? Who in the last

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
30 years has done that? That they've been a bottom feeder for

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Anthony Duclair?

Shawn Stein:
28 out of 30 years?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Anthony Duclair played on how many freaking teams before he went down

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
to Florida?

Shawn Stein:
was good before he got there. He showed

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
signs of it a

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
on Phoenix, he played on Columbus, he played on Chicago? I mean, how many teams did he,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
he got to Ottawa.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
He was 24 years old when he got to Ottawa,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
he still played on five teams before he finally figured it out in Florida.

Shawn Stein:
No, he figured it out in Ottawa. He made the All-Star team in Ottawa. He had 40 points

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
63 games.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
didn't keep them.

Shawn Stein:
I don't know.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I just feel like people, they go to these cities where there's no pressure on them and all of a sudden they turn it around. That's just my opinion. I'm

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
sure there's

Shawn Stein:
and hockey

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
is playing

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
there's more

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
and hockey. Like I said, Miku Zabenejad could probably walk down the block. I walked right past Braden Schneider the last game of the season. Walked right past him. Nobody fucking bothered him. I don't think anyone would recognize who he was. These people walk around this, like I said, they don't play for the Mets, they don't play for the Yankees, they're not Jets and Giants, and, you know, obviously the basketball players stand out no matter what. But, they don't play under the microscope. Like I said, you go to Vancouver, Toronto, you play in a Canadian city, that's a different story. That's pressure.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
Guys here, I'm sick, I, I, I, this whole, oh, the pressure, the pressure. They have internal pressure. They want to get paid. And the guys who have gotten paid, you, you either don't give a shit about whether you're a dog or not,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
you know, how you're viewed around the league, or you know, that playing for professional pride.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
And some guys legitimately just want to win, and will do whatever it takes to win. That actually drives them.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Well, that comes down to now what I said earlier, where now with all these guys, with the no movement clauses who are nice and comfy with their big salaries and everything else, now they need to bring in a guy that's gonna rattle their cages. Because to me, that's the only way.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
That's it. To me, I know, and I know this isn't gonna be a popular thing, to me, Quenville's the guy. because he brings

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
it's obvious.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Well, I'm just saying, but there's

Shawn Stein:
Yeah. Yeah.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
a lot of fan base that don't want him because of what happened in the past. And

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
want to read

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
a headline

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
instead of

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
really what happened.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I'm not gonna sit here and criticize. I don't know the whole story, I don't know what happened, I wasn't in the room, just like all of us weren't there.

Shawn Stein:
None of us were,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
All I can

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
is this, we've all sat there and applauded Jose Reyes and Oroldis Chapman. domestic violence, but they still got a second chance. How come an NHL coach can't get a second chance over a mistake that was made? How come he's ostracized because of that? I don't understand it. I don't agree, and I don't agree with it. So I'm just telling you, I wasn't in the room. I don't know what happened, but if you're asking me who the next Ranger coach should be, if everything is equal, he should be the coach because he brings everything this team lacks.

Shawn Stein:
Well, Vince, actually the one piece of information that he did give, and whether it's just his assumption or whatever, a lot is stalled based on the fact that Quenville is going to speak to Betman at the end of the Stanley Cup finals.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I'm not, Sean, I'm not doing a thing until I know he's not available.

Shawn Stein:
Right. And that seems to be where everyone is

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
If Lavalette

Shawn Stein:
at this point.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
leaves, if

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Babcock goes to Columbus, if, you know, Scott with a, Cardberry goes to Washington, I don't care.

Shawn Stein:
I don't think Babcock or Laviolette are taking jobs that aren't cup ready.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I think Babcock might because he he might need to go to a low profile area to kind of get back into the coaching and Not be in the spotlight. He

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
he might be the one guy that says you know what? I just want to get back into the league and let me just dip my toe in here and you know this

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
said he retired, so I don't think that he's coming back just to go coach Columbus like Tortorella did.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
and Lobulet walked away from the situation because he realized that they're not trying to win the Stanley Cup, they're appeasing Ovechkin.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah, yeah,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
I think those two guys will, they'll sit and wait until the Rangers make up their mind.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Well, let's be fair. I mean, how many... I mean, do you also... We don't know what's gonna happen with Toronto because now they're gonna have a new tri-M.

Shawn Stein:
that opportunity as

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I mean, obviously Babcock's still going

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
to Toronto.

Shawn Stein:
I think he's out.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
I think

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I mean,

Shawn Stein:
he's out.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
they're also saying that Quenville... They might be looking at Quenville also, is to go

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
they are.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
I'm sure

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
they are.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
want to talk about being thrown in the fire. I mean, that going to Toronto is worse than coming to New York is from a media perspective.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
But I mean, I don't know. I mean, maybe Canada is a little more forgiving. But, um,

Shawn Stein:
No, they're even

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
more liberal than New York.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I rest

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
rest my case but

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
listen to me. He's the guy until I know he's not available I'm not doing anything and that's just me and we see and listen I honestly believe in and you know, this has been quiet and we're gonna get into the whole Drury thing because I you know, obviously but He only interviewed we only know he interviewed taken and glant. That's right. That's it, right? We haven't

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
we didn't hear him interviewing everybody anybody else at least this time around He's spreading his wings a little bit and kind of testing a wider net I mean, I I actually like that. I want to

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
to hear from these guys

Shawn Stein:
See, there's no specifics. Was Babcock brought in for an interview? Was it a face-to-face interview or was it more or less

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
a high-level Zoom just a feeling out? We don't know.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
And we might never know. Do

Shawn Stein:
No, of course.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
we know if Galat was brought in for a face-to-face interview? Do we know if Taket was brought in? Do we know that for sure?

Shawn Stein:
Well, Golan travels by taxicab,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
so there was no way to really trace his

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
probably a cab waiting out by

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
doors every day.

Shawn Stein:
He pays cash and takes cabs.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Oh man, oh yes, Chris Zoom Zoom Drury.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
You know, I've said this a million times. Guys,

Shawn Stein:
I'm fine with the zoom, can we see it?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
gonna be

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
in the room

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
one way or the other.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
as a fan base, you know, I don't know how we get them to hear us. I don't know what you do.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I just don't know what, I don't know how... as a fan base that we can get our voices across to the garden that we want to hear our general manager speak. I mean, he must think that we don't care. And again, I cannot understand and I and Sean and I, I messaged him about it for the life of me, how you cannot address this epic failure of a season. Epic. I mean, Jim and Eddie did their, their, their, their Their top... I forgot the terminology they used. The most... worst moments in ranger history. And someone will probably say what it was. I apologize. I forgot the wording they used. Honestly, that's probably number two, all time. This Devil's Series will probably go down as the second in the last 40 years, the last

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
one do you have is

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
the worst?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the Tampa game, 2015.

Shawn Stein:
See 92 against Pittsburgh is the worst for me

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
No, why? Because they were going

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
to go

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the Cup Final if they beat Tampa.

Shawn Stein:
And I think they would have won the Stanley Cup finals had they gotten past Pittsburgh in 92.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
the fucking 100 foot goal. I'm still not over that,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I mean,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I understand what you're coming from and I don't completely disagree with you, but they were one win away from going to the Stanley Cup final in 2015.

Shawn Stein:
Suspending Graves for the fucking Slash on LaMille. Give me a fucking break.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
And they don't even show up. Two-nothing loss. And then this series, where they're already and

Shawn Stein:
No, this

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
a shitty, shitty, let's be honest what he is. He is a shit goaltender. Cause he got roasted

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
a crappy freaking Carolina team that don't even have their best goal score.

Shawn Stein:
But let's be honest, was it him? We didn't get to the middle of the ice. We did nothing. In the games where we were shut out, we got no traffic in front. We didn't penetrate the middle at all.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Well, let

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
me ask you a

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
So let me ask you this now. Does

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
I don't put that on him.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
new coach change that

Shawn Stein:
I don't know.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
with the same personnel?

Shawn Stein:
Maybe stop throwing the guy out there for 20 minutes. That's just going to turn the puck over every time he touches it

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
So you're firm to Penaren. Again, yeah, listen.

Shawn Stein:
I mean, that's that's that is the only playing time is the only leverage a coach has over a player, right? And if you're never gonna hold the guy accountable By holding him accountable in the meeting. What does that do? I'm guys making 11 and a half million dollars a year You think he gives one ounce of a shit, you know What a coach says to him as far as that goes. No, you want to hurt him? Have his ass on the bench if brian leach could be benched in the eastern conference

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
for watching!

Shawn Stein:
Then anyone could be benched at any time

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I agree with you.

Shawn Stein:
I because

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
i'm telling you Nobody on the rangers is as good as brian leach was and that includes adam fox

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Let me tell you something

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
you bring in a Carberry, a Jay Leach,

Shawn Stein:
the walk all over.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
who was married to Catherine Tappen, which I'm very impressed about. You bring in one of those guys, they can't bench Pen Aron,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
they can't

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
but you bring in a, I mean, you bring in a La Violette, a Babcock, a Quenville, there's a little bit more, you know, a little more cachet as you would say.

Shawn Stein:
Truth in truth, I like I get what you're saying about, you know, make it uncomfortable I think if bad cop comes here and I and I I'm not on That side of the fence with Babcock, I think he's a very good coach For years, I used to think he was the best coach in the league. I think It would be it would turn into an absolute dumpster fire if he was if he was hired here. I think he's so He would make it so uncomfortable to where things would actually go. Like you could have a mid-season firing in year one if you go that bad.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I also don't like that he hasn't coached since 2019 either. I mean,

Shawn Stein:
I don't give a shit about that hockey

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
change that

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
show him we're a win, I understand that, but we're a win now team, and I don't want a coach that hasn't coached for four years. I mean, I want a guy, I want a guy, I'm not questioning his,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I just want a guy that's been around and has a feel for what's going on and isn't trying to like find himself again after not coaching for four years

Shawn Stein:
I don't

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
he's rattled. He's one of the most arrogant human beings on earth. I don't think he's rattled in any way shape or form So I don't think I don't think he you know went to Phil Jackson's retreat

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
up in Montana in the hills of Montana You know trying to find himself in Zen. I think that he's very comfortable who he is

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Eddie just said about Kreider. Listen, I'm in agreement with you. Kreider is an absolute enigma in a lot of ways. But you can't say he has a knack for scoring the big goals for this team, and

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
especially in

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
playoffs. And I agree

Shawn Stein:
It does.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
with you. He floats a lot. He could be so much of a better player, but... You gotta

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
with the

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
bad. It is what it is at this point. He's not the problem.

Shawn Stein:
And he's

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
is not

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the problem.

Shawn Stein:
1 1 2, not

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
1 2.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
not the problem. The problem right now, and I've said this, and if you haven't listened to the show, go back and listen to maybe five of our last 10 shows. Panarin and Truba are the two guys that are not carrying the weight offensively. And when you're paying $20 million to two guys and they're not contributing the way they should be or the way they could be or the way they're supposed to be, that's the problem. in a big spot. And listen, I was a Trubas supporter, I was a Panerian supporter, so I'm not, I'm gonna sit here and I'm not gonna tell you that I wasn't on the board for both guys. But they

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
are, they

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
they are the problem now, unfortunately. If this team does not win a championship, it solely rests on the shoulders of those two guys because they're not living up to their contracts. And when you, and I've said this a million times, your best players gotta be your best players, otherwise you ain't winning. Plain and simple. In the playoffs,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
that's what you see on all these other teams. Jack

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
In the playoffs,

Shawn Stein:
Eichel stepping up.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Patrick, in the playoffs, 100%.

Shawn Stein:
Jack Eichel stepping up for Vegas, he's

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
And that's

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I want you, because you made this point, you drilled this point home to me, which I was completely forgot about. For everyone out there that said the Rangers did not try to get Jack Eichel, from

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
all accounts,

Shawn Stein:
like hell.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
they reasoned, from my understanding, and tell me if you heard the same thing, they traded Buchnevich because they thought they had Eichel. That was the whole basis of trading Buchnevich, right?

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Am I right?

Shawn Stein:
Mm-hmm. No, you're right.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
The owner would not let Eiko come to the Rangers. He wanted him out West. So he shoved it up his ass one way or another cause he's gonna either be in a cup, he's gonna probably be in a cup finally, might have even won a cup in his first playoff, in his first playoffs ever. And then he chose player. He wasn't coming here. It's the shit part. I'm not happy about it either cause I personally think Eiko's a prick too. He's another perfect guy for this team, which now we're stuck with. And I like Sabinja, don't get me wrong. But he's very vanilla.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
And I'm sorry, you can't win when every guy on

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
your team is vanilla. It doesn't work that way So I wanted to leave that with that because I know a lot of people were clamoring about him and listen Sean and I Sean our first season with ours with our show we both said we would trade conco from macka chuck, right?

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
We got to go back and look at that tape 150 percent

Shawn Stein:
MacKerchuk has been the guy that I've wanted here for

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
And they should have

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
traded him. And listen, I would have traded Kakao for Kichuk then too. I don't know, I don't understand. I don't know what happened. I don't know why they didn't do it. And maybe they tried. But Drury was trying to do something that first summer. And for whatever reason, nothing came to fruition. So you wind up with Reeves, and you wind it up with Kevin Rooney. Oh, did they have the Kevin Rooney? I don't remember. And Barclay Goodrow. Those are the guys you wind it up with. End of story.

Shawn Stein:
and Sammy

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
That was the

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
off season. And Sammy Blay, correct. That was your offseason. That was the Drury offseason. Those are the guys he brought in, in his first season. And he traded away

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
So. Listen, I'm all for it. I'm all for it. If I have to trade Personally, I would trade Lafreniere before Kako. That's me. I think Kako long term is going to be a better all-around player Where I don't know if Lafreniere is going to be a better all-around player He's either going to be a

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
somewhat of a goal scorer or he's gonna be nothing He's gonna be a third line player second line player or he's gonna be nothing. That's my opinion

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I hope I'm wrong. Listen, I will come on this show and I will eat crow and I love it. I would love nothing more than to be wrong. But we'll see. But this idea of trading Lafreniere for a first round pick or that's not happening. They need cheap help. And Lafreniere is at least going to score 15 to 18 goals for probably less than no money. And like I said, I tell Lafreniere, here's your qualifying offer. Take it or sit out the season. That's what I do, Sean. Here's your qualifying

Shawn Stein:
What's the qualifier?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
What is the qualifying offer?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
900k, whatever, whatever

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
he's not gonna get that

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
and you're not gonna cuz you're not gonna because that's not how it works again This is not the put the ring on the table.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Let me ask you a question.

Shawn Stein:
It's not how it works

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
How many times did Saither bring guys?

Shawn Stein:
say there's not here anymore.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
But that's the right way!

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Do you have the only time they

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
have ever

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
contract that Kako got.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
what he's going

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
to get.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
they do with Tony D'Angelo? Didn't Gordon bring Tony D'Angelo almost to the finish line? He signed a one year $950,000 contract?

Shawn Stein:
Is that only sign for design

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
Okay. I still don't

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
that happening

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
with life

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
in the

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
next year, that's when he freaking blew up. and had his big season.

Shawn Stein:
Okay. I still don't see that happening.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
But to me

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
that, you have

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
earn a raise. I mean, that's

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
third line player, a guy playing on the third line with virtually no power play time that put up 40 points. It's not going to stop a 900k player. Even just at that. It's not it's not a 900k player.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I don't agree with that terminal. I don't

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
agree with that. But that's the way it's always been. So I'm not surprised about it. But Eddie just said it perfectly. He's probably gonna get 2.5. He should get the same as Kako personally, but they always get a couple of hundred thousand more. Heel signed for 1.8. Kako signed for

Shawn Stein:
So maybe

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
it might be 1.8. Listen, it might, it'll be between 175 and 25. It'll be somewhere in that window. It's not going to be 900k. It's not going to be 1.5.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
It's going to be around 2 mil. It's going to be somewhere in there. And Miller, there's no arbitration rights. These people who are like, oh, he's going to get, you know, first of all, Arthur Staples saying

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I was waiting

Shawn Stein:
that Keandre

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
for this.

Shawn Stein:
Miller made 3.8

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I was waiting

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
for this.

Shawn Stein:
dollars last year.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
You know what's funny? I read that and I'm like,

Shawn Stein:
I was like,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
it was,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I, I, I,

Shawn Stein:
I went to a

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
look at his bonuses because I thought maybe he had two million dollars in bonuses or some shit last year that I wasn't aware of.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Maybe made 3.8

Shawn Stein:
He's made

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
million over his career?

Shawn Stein:
his career, but he said he made 3.8 last year so he's gonna get a raise,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
a minimal raise,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
so we should see him around four million a year. I'm like, why? And I understand, listen, Miller, there's a lot, you want to talk about division on a fan base. There are people who say Miller should... be a forward and never be allowed to play D. And then there are people who say who realize that Miller is a very, very unique talent that's not a finished product yet. But to not be a finished product and put up 40 points and do what he did in last year's playoffs against Crosby and guys like that was pretty special. And

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
I'm dying to see what he turns into over the next four or five years. But. Bottom line is. He doesn't have arbitration rights. He can't go anywhere.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah. I would offer Miller the same conscious you offer Ryan Lindgren.

Shawn Stein:
Eddie, I don't see Miller being offered $4.29 million. For what? Based on what?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
His playoffs cost him money.

Shawn Stein:
His second half in playoffs may have cost him money.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
When are they going to start taking playoffs to the consideration for what they give these guys? And honestly, I

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
says they don't?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
they don't take the consideration for the playoffs for a lot of things, Sean. They look at their statistics for the season. They don't take

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
it for...

Shawn Stein:
yes he did Danny goes Miller can go anywhere. Yes. I mean, he's a restricted free agent Yes, he is. He is a free agent in every sense of the word teams don't offer shit people so It's not happening

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
No, because in three, two or three years, whenever Trubin and Panarin are gone, the Rangers are gonna, and the cap goes up, the Rangers are eventually gonna have cap space and they're gonna go freaking hunting for

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
whoever on their team is

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
a restricted free agent.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
You don't want to mess with the Rangers of

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
all teams that have, you know,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
don't give a shit

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
on. Hold on. I gotta listen. I gotta respond to this. So Nashville, Minnesota, Arizona, Anaheim could all use him. Do you think Keon Jay Mill is leaving New York City, leaving Manhattan to go play in any of those cities? That that's where he wants to

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Well, I mean Sean

Shawn Stein:
lay his

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
they offer him something stupid, he'll play in friggin' Do you think he really cares?

Shawn Stein:
Yes, yes

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I don't,

Shawn Stein:
I do.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I don't. I think

Shawn Stein:
These guys don't

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
these guys

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
are gonna

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
over the money

Shawn Stein:
leave New York City. They don't. They love playing here. They love living

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
he's talking about trade. But listen, for the right package, I would trade Mellor, personally.

Shawn Stein:
For the

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the right

Shawn Stein:
For the

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
right package, I'd

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I would

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
on this team because they're not winning. So for the right package, yes. I'm not dumping anybody.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I just feel you can't keep, I don't know how many times you can keep, rolling it back with the same team, rolling it back, rolling it back, rolling it back. I mean, eventually something's gonna have to give, and something's gonna have to give in the top six, the top nine, I mean, you can't keep running it back

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the same team.

Shawn Stein:
how many kicks at the can did it take Tampa before they finally won?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
a while.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
had a younger core though, Sean. That's the problem too. The Rangers have guys in their 30s.

Shawn Stein:
But it took the...

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Pampa didn't

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
guys in their 30s.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I mean,

Shawn Stein:
it took

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
them a while.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
is in his early, yeah, but you're talking about a younger team.

Shawn Stein:
Okay, so out of our... Arguably our three best players are... Who?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
in their

Shawn Stein:
Our four

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
best players.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
is the only one that's under 20 in around

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
Igor. And Igor.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
He goes over 25 but still I mean he's in his

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
not 30. Yeah,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
but you're too all right so let me rephrase that. You're forwards.

Shawn Stein:
Right, Zbannajad is 30. He's

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
you told,

Shawn Stein:
or 33.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
see now

Shawn Stein:
He's 30.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
if you told me right now that the Rangers get rid of Panarin and they bring in McDavid, then we're in a different situation in three years.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Or they find a way for Panarin to get rid of Hammond and in two years they bring in Dry Seidel. Then we're in a different situation. Or they figure out a way to get to get Austin

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
telling you, I've had the McDavid Premonition since he was first eligible to be used in NHL. So it was 2012 or 2013, the first year

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
that he was in NHL as a

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
type of, Sean, those type

Shawn Stein:
I've had

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
of guys.

Shawn Stein:
that Premonition for a long fucking

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
type of guys,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
gonna happen.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
only way, Sean, the only way that those guys leave is if they don't want to be there. That's the only way

Shawn Stein:
Well, who

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
the fuck

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
are going

Shawn Stein:
to play

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
well, Kretzky played there. So did Messier.

Shawn Stein:
And he left. And he left.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Well, Messier got traded.

Shawn Stein:
They both left.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Well, Messier got traded. Both Kretzky and Messier

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
both got traded. They

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
as free

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
their permission they weren't

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I don't know

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
about that.

Shawn Stein:
without their permission

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I don't know that, but point of the matter is, is that those type of players don't leave. And I think the only way you would be able to get one of those guys, if you traded from, and essentially it's an Eric Lindroth trade. So you're trading, you're trading like 17 pieces to get one of those guys. And who will even

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
if you.

Shawn Stein:
the guy's making $12.5 million on the cap. So that's not what it's going to be.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Well, I'm just saying, for argument's sake, say he's around when he's becoming a free agent, they might trade him at the trade deadline. Say they're not in the playoffs, they might do something like

Shawn Stein:
Uh oh.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
that. But I'm just saying, I'm just throwing it out there as a conversation piece. But to me, that's the only way. I mean, your defense is pretty good. I mean, Truba's really the only one that's kind of like pushing. Your goaltending and your defense... But your forward group, if Kaka, Lafreniere, and Hidal, and Offman, they'll put those four guys specifically, if they don't take that next step, you're digging yourself out of this somehow. You had to replace all those guys.

Shawn Stein:
So Eddie Nathan just goes, you want to get the doll wave, then no move clauses, hire Sutter.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Oh geez, you're right.

Shawn Stein:
They'll all wave.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Well, look, Gabrick, Gabrick, Gabrick,

Shawn Stein:
Bring in Sutter if you want to rebuild.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Gabrick waived his no move to get away from Tortorella.

Shawn Stein:
From Torts, yeah.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
That's a great point. Maybe Babcock is the,

Shawn Stein:
to run to Sutter.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
you know what, Sean? Maybe Babcock is the right guy. You bring him

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
in for

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
a couple

Shawn Stein:
or ship

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
of years

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
and rattle the cages and say, all right, let's go. Now, obviously I'm kidding, guys.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
But I mean, it's, this team is too comfortable. The guys are too nice, they're too happy, and we need a little bit more nastiness and a little bit more guys pissed off. Not sitting in front of my locker, oh, you know, sad with a puppy face. No, I want a guy that sits in front of the camera and is fucking furious. I'm sorry, I want a guy that's

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
still don't see

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
it in NHL.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Dry Cytle, you've never seen one of Dry Cytle's

Shawn Stein:
Oh that

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
was yeah, no no

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
I saw that

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Jacob Voracek? You ever see one of his interviews? And I'm not comp-

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
he's a baby a bad

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
a loser.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
He's on- he's playing a lot of losing teams but he- I want a guy that's pissed off that they fucking lost Not

Shawn Stein:
I got

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
a guy

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
that's gonna sit there Well you know and- and- and the stupid measured bullshit fucking cookie cutter

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
that's hockey, but that's hockey speak. These guys are all cookie-cutter. It's one of the problems of the league is that they don't have superstar personalities. They don't. So it's a very cookie-cutter league, especially in post-game press conferences. So

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Listen, Jesper

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
is what

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
it is.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Foss, let me say something because Danny just brought up Jesper Foss. Jeff Gordon made a lot of great decisions. Letting Jesper Foss go because he did not want to give him the third year for two million dollars and letting him walk made zero sense. I never understood it. The Rangers are always the hardest with their own free agents, their own unrestricted free agents. I mean we've seen this countless times, Sator was the worst with his own guys. He would go out and give Derek Bougarde and Aaron Asham and Mike Ropp and, but he freaking stuck his heels in when it came to freaking Nick Antropov or Rob. I'm thinking all the restricted guys Bell Sato and Stefan

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
and to Binsky and Callahan and all of those guys He dug his heels in with all of those guys, but he gave everyone else whatever my Wade read it and rose of all I mean I gave money away like it was no tomorrow but certain other guys man, he he stuck to his guns with that stuff, but the Jesper Foss decision was to me it would always be shocking to me that why they

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
didn't bring him back for that money.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
For that money,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Three years. Two

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
million dollars a season.

Shawn Stein:
When the cap didn't mean anything to those teams. They were so far into the cap it didn't matter.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah, I don't get it.

Shawn Stein:
Listen, not every GM bats a thousand. We know that. So, it's a bad move.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Listen, Cord,

Shawn Stein:
Just like the Buczniiewicz move. And I was, I loved the Buczniiewicz move when it was made. I was wrong. I was

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
would you,

Shawn Stein:
very wrong.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
all right, so now we're also now in our third, is this our third season as jury? This is jury's third season as general. This'll be his third season coming up.

Shawn Stein:
This will be his third, yes.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
How do you feel he's done overall as a general manager here? Everything, I'm talking about drafting, because he cleaned house with the scouts,

Shawn Stein:
Right, right.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
his trades, his free agent signings, his coaching decisions, everything. I want everything, one big ball.

Shawn Stein:
Okay, I'll break it down individually then give it so Galant was the guy that we all wanted so I can't fault him Okay

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Jim did not walk a lot, by the way.

Shawn Stein:
on this show

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
He was on record.

Shawn Stein:
on the

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
He was on

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
record as saying that, so. I'll give

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
him credit

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
both wanted Galant, so I can't fault him for Galant The Bush never trade was a bus his first offseason was a bust His first trade deadline Made up for the how bad of a bust the offseason was essentially. I thought that was great. The draft, we don't know yet. You can't until these guys play in the NHL, they could have all the value in the world that they want. Oppenman's lighting up the world in juniors. It's great. I like watching what I see. I like until it's done here. I've learned my lesson because nobody was higher on Leos Anderson. I've had Leos Anderson pegged to be the next captain of this team. Nobody's been more wrong on prospects than me. So I'm done evaluating prospects. I am done. Until I see them do it in a ranger uniform,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
I could give a fuck if the guy scored 100 goals. Doesn't matter.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
They're all PA Parenteau and juniors to me. You know? Until they do it here, it doesn't matter to me. The second offseason, the Trocheck signing was bad. There's no two ways around it. It was a bad signing. Not from a financial standpoint. And I think the same way that they were able to get out of the Patrick Nemeth deal, very minimal hurt, the same way they were able to get out of the Ryan Reeves deal, no hurt. Trotschek around the league has value.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
They're not trading him, Sean.

Shawn Stein:
I didn't say that they

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
much as I want him gone, yeah.

Shawn Stein:
I'm saying that if they wanted to move on from him, they could because a center making 5.25

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I think

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
you're stuck, I think they're rolling with this team for the next two years.

Shawn Stein:
I agree with you on that. I've said that

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
the whole

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
are gonna

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
run this

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
throat for the next two seasons.

Shawn Stein:
But what, so what's the common denominator of what you, of what you just said about Carolina and Florida? There are two teams that have been together. They didn't add big names. So maybe that's what it takes.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I don't want them to add a big name. I want them to

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
add some nastiness to this lineup.

Shawn Stein:
Okay, so, and

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Florida and Carolina have added decent pieces. They added a Brett Burns who's nasty, big and nasty. They added,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
moved on from Hamilton. They essentially

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
swapped Hamilton for

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
And they

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
got rid of D'Angelo and they got rid of Brendan Smith and

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
they have moved guys out.

Shawn Stein:
right, right.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I mean, and again, with Florida, they brought in Sam Bennett, they brought in Matt Kachuk, they brought in Cardiff Hegge, they've changed their lineup.

Shawn Stein:
Those are big trades. They trade, I

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
Huberto was coming off of a 110 point season

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
traded him.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
like I said, I didn't like Trocheck for a number of reasons. One of the biggest

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
reasons were, and maybe I'll eat crow for this now, was he played on losing teams, in losing franchises for

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
a long

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
played for a losing franchise for six years.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Calgary's pretty good last year though.

Shawn Stein:
One year out of the six they were decent they missed the playoffs almost every year They're not a good

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
then that there

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
And he's not there anymore.

Shawn Stein:
and their GM and coach are both gone

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I don't know. I personally, I just never liked his game and I just don't think he's a winner. That's just me. And listen, if he proves me wrong, I will be more than happy

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
to admit

Shawn Stein:
no, 100%.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
But no, back

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
like it this year.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I think Drury's off seasons and his off seasons are where you really build your team

Shawn Stein:
I agree.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
and his off seasons have not been good.

Shawn Stein:
I agree.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Have not been good.

Shawn Stein:
They have it.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
and we'll see what happens this off season. Because like

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I said, you and I have

Shawn Stein:
if you're

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
me for

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
a grade

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
oh, let's

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
back to that,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
far after two years, I'm going to say it's a B minus.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I would agree

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
with you 100%.

Shawn Stein:
on his clock on his clock, they have made it to an Easter conference final.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
And they saw it another 108 or 110,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
whatever, how

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
many points

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
and seven.

Shawn Stein:
107 points

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Hundred and

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
this year.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
There hasn't been that I can't give him a when

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
they have

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
made the

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
playoffs. Yeah,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
yeah, it's...

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
But you would agree that this season didn't feel like a successful season.

Shawn Stein:
entering the playoffs I did Because I thought

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
based on how they

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
the moves. I like the moves that they made at the deadline Again, and this might be let's get to this also because we didn't even mention this Jim Ramsey being let go

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
after what 30 29

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
years, yeah.

Shawn Stein:
I wonder and I saw and I'm not taking credit for this. I saw someone else mention this I wonder if jim ramsey was the voice of Yeah, patrick kane will be fine Or we'll get kane

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
to where

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
he needs to

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I've heard and Jesper Fascha scored to tie the game at three, and with three minutes to go in the game. So Fascha's, he's making himself some serious money right now,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
two overtime

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
for him.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Good for him, he's a good player.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I heard through the grapevine, not through the grapevine, through whatever I've read and heard and whatever, it had to do with Lindgren. That the Lindgren injury wasn't. was worse than what they had said. The team had to play shorthanded, and he should have been put on LTIR, like no, they didn't think

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
it was that bad, and blah, blah, blah. The misdiagnosis

Shawn Stein:
but doesn't.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
of Lindgren. Sean,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
he's not

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
and I

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
but you

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
and I,

Shawn Stein:
a trainer.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I understand that, but you and I talked about this. Lindgren, for precautionary reasons alone. how important it is for this team should have not played for that time frame anyway. They

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
should have

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
been put

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
in jeopardy

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
of being in a playoff spot at all. They weren't trying

Shawn Stein:
It would.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
for first. They didn't care. He should have been put in bubble wrap and said, okay, you're out for this time. That's it.

Shawn Stein:
It was a blessing in disguise when he got hurt the day that he got hurt because he could have been put on LTIR without any suspicion and they wouldn't have had to jump through hoops to get Cain here.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
So that's on Drury. Now the lingering part, that's on doctors. He's not a doctor. He's the trainer. His job is to in game make a diagnosis. But Ultimately, the team doctor is the one who determines

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
how long a guy's out for

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
now the

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
if they're day to day

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the other thing I've heard, and

Shawn Stein:
So I don't know about

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I'm sure

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
you've heard this part, was the Rangers, as far as games lost to injury, have been one of the lowest

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
in the last, what, few seasons? I forgot what the timeframe was. Now, is that him forcing guys to play when they're not 100%? I mean, I don't know, I'm just trying to figure, I'm just trying to play devil's advocate.

Shawn Stein:
forcing though these guys want to play every game that they physically

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I'm fully

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
aware of that, but maybe

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
they're hockey players

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
you know what, you can't play. I don't know. I'm just throwing out ideas of

Shawn Stein:
I don't know who has the final decision

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
on stuff

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I've heard,

Shawn Stein:
like that.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
things I've heard. This team was very healthy this year, Sean. I mean, listen, other than the Lindgren injury, they were relatively healthy this year. So I was just as surprised as you were. You know, Patrick Kane mentioned in his post game how great a great job Ramsey did getting him ready

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
to play the games. Lundquist mentioned him multiple times on how important he was. The weird part about this whole thing, more than anything else, is not Brooks, who's, let's be honest, the most respected beat writer that we have.

Shawn Stein:
He's the only actual beat writer that they have, yes.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Any of them. Arthur

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Staple, who's, let's be fair, he's really an island to beat writer and works for the athletic. He's actually had more gossip or news than

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
it himself. He starts it himself. It's not anything he's reporting.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
He just likes to stir

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
he's the

Shawn Stein:
the pot

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
first one that had

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
being let go, Sean.

Shawn Stein:
He did. I

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
give him

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
first one.

Shawn Stein:
I give him that.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
And he had something else that I can't remember, but he's actually becoming a very credible source. I hate to say it. He's actually, well, he's also connected with Val Quet now because he does the podcast with him. So

Shawn Stein:
So maybe that's how he

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
the information.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
It's definitely

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
possible. So, I mean, so he's not definitely in the know now where,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
anyway, but the fact that it wasn't brought up by anybody, it wasn't explained, it wasn't. It was again and Drury's hiding hiding behind the freaking media hiding behind the garden the the iron curtain, which is madison square garden

Shawn Stein:
It is.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I mean no no no no explanation No reasoning that mean nothing

Shawn Stein:
MSG operates as the Soviet Union, man.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Is this, is this?

Shawn Stein:
They got state radio with Sam and Joe. And

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
other than that, you don't know anything

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
to me

Shawn Stein:
and you're

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
hire when you fire a athletic trainer There's something going on

Shawn Stein:
30 year athletic trainer that when they go you and I go to opening day every year

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
When they go through all the all the coaches No one fucking said, you know, it's a golf clap. They get to Benny O'Leary and they get to Jim Ramsey It's a standing up

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Rammer, yeah.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I need to talk to Rammer.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
It's a surprise. It's a shock. It really is. And again, I'm not gonna sit here and cry over the athletic trainer, but...

Shawn Stein:
Chris Oppenheimer turfing.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
Blow it all up.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
yeah, I don't know. Maybe he just wants to clean house completely, start fresh, make it his thing. I mean, I can't sit here and blame him. I mean, Gordon pretty much left whatever Sather Rembrandt's, we were left of Sather, we're all there. And you know,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
it's time.

Shawn Stein:
been there since fucking Keenan.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
Right. And he was the assistant before he was the head trainer. Right. So he was there

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
yeah he's been there

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
a long

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
Nielsen and shit. Yeah.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
no uh was he there I don't think he was there before that

Shawn Stein:
Did he...

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I knew

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
trainer I knew the trainer before that his name was Larry Nastassi he was actually my hockey coach in Kellenberg when I played there and he was the trainer and actually it's funny he when Graves scored Graves scored a hat-trick I forgot what game it was I think it was against the Islanders and I saw him on TV he handled the puck to Graves actually pretty cool He was already gone from the Rangers when they won the cup. I think he left the season before. But anyway, I remember him saying that that was Ramsey's first season.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah, I don't think he was

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
as a head

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
yeah, but

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah, he joined

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
mean he had to be an assistant somewhere before.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah, so, and Stephen just said, Ramsey joined

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the Rangers in

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the summer of 94. Okay.

Shawn Stein:
So he was a Neil Smith hire.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah, yeah.

Shawn Stein:
So he survived many GM's and many coaches.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Kachuk scores with four seconds to go.

Shawn Stein:
Get out of here.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Fast and good chuck.

Shawn Stein:
So they call the penalty within the final minute and they win. Wow.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Listen, good for Mark Stahl. I hope he wins

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the cup.

Shawn Stein:
I'd love to see that guy

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Mark Stahl win a cup. I really would. I really would love to see Mark

Shawn Stein:
One of

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
my favorite

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
win a cup.

Shawn Stein:
Rangers ever.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I think, I met him Mark Stahl, I'm telling you, he is an absolute gem of a person. Just an absolute great human being, Mark Stahl. He got a bad rap here because of his contract guys. I mean, it sucks. And this is what we do. this in the

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
on it now.

Shawn Stein:
Mark Stoll was treated like a Vietnam vet coming back home. You know, he sacrificed his body, gave his

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Lot of Tortorello

Shawn Stein:
life in limbs.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
And then because he couldn't, you know, he couldn't play anymore,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I was at that game when he got

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
made a lot of money.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I was at that game when he got that stick in the eye. I was bad.

Shawn Stein:
But he was still great after that. He was never the same, but defensively he was still great.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah, I mean he was never really a big offensive guy. And it's crazy, the Rangers traded up in that draft to get him, didn't they?

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
He was

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
because we were dealt I think the 18th pick and we picked him

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
12. One pick after Anjay Kopitar.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Right. Yeah, he was, they trade, I forgot who they traded. It wasn't Pasquale Dupuis. No, because they traded, the guy they actually traded for was the guy drafted that same Alex Barrett. They traded Pasquale,

Shawn Stein:
Oh, boobay.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
they traded Pasquale Dupuis for him. That's another guy they never gave a chance. He fucking leaves it and he freaking blows up.

Shawn Stein:
hated his face.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Well, who we say, if him and Evan Rodriguez

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
had a baby,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
was Greg

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
Rodriguez, Greg McKegg, Pasquale Dupuis.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
If Greg McKenna and Pasquale Dupuy had

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
a baby,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
had a baby would

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
be Evan Rodriguez.

Shawn Stein:
Yes. Punchable face right there.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Oh, man. But my point is, and pretty much plain and simple, I mean, they really need some assholes on this team. They really do, Sean. I mean, they can't go into next season with this shit. They can't. They have to bring somebody in

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
a little

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
bit of a sandpaper.

Shawn Stein:
I truly think the jury's gonna have to throw cheap shit at the wall and see if something sticks in training camp. So, whether it's PTOs, or whether it's guys that, you know, one year, one million, come take a shit. Because those guys that are on the fence that aren't finding jobs, or having trouble finding jobs, they're gonna want to at least... Listen, if I'm gonna play for nothing, you know, one year, one million... They're going to want to play in a situation where they have a chance to win.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
Cause that boosts their own stock. You know, to go play somewhere.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Well, take

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
you're a skilled guy

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
and then

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
I don't think they're looking for skill.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
take off your Ranger glasses for a minute, your Ranger underwear,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
for a second.

Shawn Stein:
That's Apple Party.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Who, who has a better chance, who is closer to winning a cup, Toronto or the Rangers? Honestly.

Shawn Stein:
Truth us because of the goalie.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Okay, I agree with that. So I'm just saying, like, if a guy like Cor,

Shawn Stein:
Yeah, you

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
can dissect our defenses better and our goalies better. So you can dissect the top four, you know, the forwards, the overall team. But until Toronto finds a goalie, they're just not a cup contender. The Kenan win a playoff series.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah, Kachuk scored the goal stands. So, looks like Florida's sweeping. Wow.

Shawn Stein:
They won one playoff series this year and mayhem.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I'll tell you something. How bad do the Rangers look right now? Unbelievable. Getting crushed.

Shawn Stein:
to waste an opportunity.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Huge waste

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
of opportunity.

Shawn Stein:
I said, this reminded me, and I feel this way even more now, this reminded me completely of the Ottawa series. It was a series where we were out-coached, where we lost and we were the better team. Usually when we lose, we're not the better team. You know, when Tampa beat us in 2015, yes, did we win the President's Trophy? Yes, but I thought we were two evenly matched teams and they beat us. And ultimately they've turned out to be the better franchise. We just didn't know it at the time. You know, we've lost to Pittsburgh, you know, Pittsburgh went on to win the cup. We lost to Boston. Boston went on to get to the cup finals. Like we've lost the teams that were just better than us.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
And you can accept that,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Well, let's be fair, Ottawa

Shawn Stein:
you know,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
gave Pittsburgh everything they could handle in that series though.

Shawn Stein:
We were a much better team than

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Oh, I

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
agree. I agree,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
again, again, you have Nick Holden playing on your top defensive unit and Brady Shape was shitty and again, no offense from Rick Nash. I mean,

Shawn Stein:
Brady Shea was not shitty.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
he was shitty

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
that series,

Shawn Stein:
and Brendan

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
he was.

Shawn Stein:
Smith were

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Smith was good in the Montreal series. He was not good against Ottawa.

Shawn Stein:
Don't agree

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
was Brady Shay. Go back and watch the games. They were both awful in that series. But again, Nick Holden, again, not.

Shawn Stein:
Wasn't Brady, it wasn't Brady Shane Brendan Smith that couldn't get uh...

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe- Pe

Shawn Stein:
What's his name, Stick? Yeah. He kept, he kept throwing McDonough and Girardi out there every other shift and they were gassed. He beat, he beat McDonough to the net twice.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Was McJaroddy?

Shawn Stein:
For the deflections.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Wasn't McDonough

Shawn Stein:
No, it

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
Nick Holden.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Nick Holden? Oh, that

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
he was playing with Girardi.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the next season. That's when they brought Jirardi out.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Who finally came off the books this year, by the way. Ha

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
ha! Is that incredible? That guy finally,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
so this is, we're going into our very first off season since I can remember without any dead cap space.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Can you remember the last time the Rangers had no

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
dead cow space?

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
until they buy Panera not in two years.

Shawn Stein:
No, they can't. His contract's bio-proof.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I think I can buy a mountain two

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
saved no money. What are you talking about?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I think the last year

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
can buy.

Shawn Stein:
bonus. It's all bonus. They did this on purpose. He can't be bought out.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah, 2004, Brian, is that right? The last time we had zero, was that the first year

Shawn Stein:
Wow. Ha

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
of the

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
ha. That's so funny.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Oh, my first season since... 2000s, that's it? 2016?

Shawn Stein:
Well, you gotta remember the other ones were compliance buyouts. Wade

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
Wren was a compliance

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
that's right.

Shawn Stein:
buyout. Richards was a compliance

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Richard's is

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
it didn't

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
on there.

Shawn Stein:
actually cost us.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
is still on there. Richard's is still on there. He has three more years of Richard's, by the way. He's still getting paid.

Shawn Stein:
Yeah, Danny, you don't have to buy out Gujral. If you put Barclay Gujral on the open market, you're gonna have seven or eight teams who want him. It's gonna be all teams that were assigned him to the same contract we did and are in the same place. They have Caproom,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
a young team that's on the rise. They want veteran leadership that can show them the way

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
The only

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Sean, the only issue is that with so many teams up against the cap, that, so he has a 15, if I believe it's a 15 team, if someone in the chat room can correct me if I'm wrong, he has a 15 team no trade clause, no movement clause, no trade clause. Of those 15 teams, probably the 15 teams he wants to go to are contenders. How many of them actually have, can absorb a $3.6 million fourth-line player? 28-29 year old fourth-line guy. That's the that's really the biggest issue.

Shawn Stein:
It's gonna be one of those teams that's enough and covering type of team a Buffalo as an example, I know and I'm sure Buffalo is probably on his list because who the fuck wants to play in Buffalo but a Team like Buffalo who's an up-and-coming team with an insanely good offense now has a goalie that they're really excited about

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah. Yeah.

Shawn Stein:
and Needs I mean they just they just gave Kyle O'Poso to two million dollars because he's the captain.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
I can't play anymore

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
You know, it's funny, one guy about eating crow, I know, I was just thinking about this. Jonathan Marsha show. I'm gonna eat crow on him. He has been fantastic in this playoffs. I cannot, I mean, talk about a guy that's been clutch and that has been fantastic in these playoffs, he's another guy. And Ivan Barbachev, a guy who I wanted at the trade deadline,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
pounded the

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
for him.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
in the playoffs

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
with Eichel and Marsha Show.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
make a

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
lot of money.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
that is the type of player you add at the trade deadline.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
add, you don't

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
You don't add Teresenko. You don't, listen, Jim brought up Steve

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
fit though.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
Tarasenko fit. He did. He did fit. It had more to do with Kane than it did Tarasenko.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I thought Teresenko at times.

Shawn Stein:
I thought Kane actually got in

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
Teresenko's way.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I'm gonna tell you right now, I agree with you. And I agree with that, I agree with that 100%. They did get Teresenko on the earlier side. They got him a month before the trade deadline, right?

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
So he had a little bit more time to adapt. When you bring a guy in, and he's got four weeks before the playoffs, it's a little bit, and that's why I think when they brought in Teresenko, it was a better timing. But like Jim brought up Steve Larmor. when the Rangers brought in Steve Larmor, I believe it was January when they brought him in

Shawn Stein:
No, it was like October, November. It

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
was only

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
like 10

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
was gonna say

Shawn Stein:
into the season.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
was it that

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
early into the season?

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
it was really

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
the season.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
they lost that game to Anaheim which I happened to be at was the only game in 94 I went to was that Anaheim game. Terry fucking Yake. I'll never forget that. Never forget. I never heard Terry, heard of Terry Yake before in my life until that game and then I remember they got Larmor after that so was it October? Was it November? James Patrick was traded in that trade, you're right, Patrick. I was a big James Patrick fan. You're looking it up?

Shawn Stein:
Yeah, I'm looking

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
it up.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I'd say...

Shawn Stein:
Because remember, he held out. He was traded to Hartford and held out. November 2nd.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Wow, was that early? Okay, so I stand

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
corrected. But Larmor was traded earlier on in the season. It wasn't like he got Larmor at the trade deadline. And even so, Sean, you look at Glenn Anderson, Glenn Anderson didn't do much at the, he didn't score many big goals in the playoffs for the Rangers. He had the

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
three big goals.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
well, he had the one goal against Vancouver that I remember with the one with Messier and when Messier was behind the net and sent it to him and he was, McLean was out of the net. But I'm just saying that in the sense where big guys at the trade deadline. I just don't think work. I just don't, I understand

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
San Luis.

Shawn Stein:
we can't compare stuff to the way it was in the 90s

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
You're right,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
you're right. I was just,

Shawn Stein:
because it's a different game,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
a faster

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
it up.

Shawn Stein:
game, it's a skill game.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
He brought it up. Jim brought

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
it up longer. And that's the only reason why I brought up longer. But

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
jumping chase hockey. I don't know how much cohesion and how much time you need to develop that.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
You said

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
it, but

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
you said it before. Cop, Vetrano, Mott, Justin Braun, Kepney when he got traded to the Capitals. When the Capitals won the cup, the only guy that brought up in was Michael Kepney. That's it. You know, I mean obviously we're going to see Vegas if they go to the cup final. The only big name they brought in at the trade down there was Barbachev. You know, and Florida like we just said brought in nobody at the trade headline. I mean, there's something to be said with maybe doing nothing. or make your

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
trades early.

Shawn Stein:
they're going to be so cap strapped that they're not going to be able to bring in anybody unless it's just a depth piece.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
That's what I'm saying. You're going to see Othman and Cooley, they're Othman and Cooley's jobs to lose in training camp. They really are. And where they fit, I mean, we don't have no idea what the coach is going to do. But I mean, I've said what I would do. I don't know that that's necessarily what they would do. Yeah,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
wouldn't play. I'm bringing Mott back and I'm keeping the fourth line as is. I'm playing those two kids with Trouchek on the third line. That's, I don't know that that's necessarily what a

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
they're gonna

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
do that. That's me. I don't know.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I mean, honestly, Sean, unless Hoffman completely blows it up in the preseason, I mean, has like an amazing preseason,

Shawn Stein:
Oh, I think it's 90% he's on the

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I don't

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
think he should

Shawn Stein:
It's cool

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
that I think really has to earn a job.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Again, Hoffman, but Sean, Hoffman is a left winger.

Shawn Stein:
No, he plays both sides. He's not a left-fielder. Yeah, he's definitely not a strict left-fielder.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Are you

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Danny, has Ophid been playing left wing mostly this season or has he been playing on the right? I'm pretty sure he's been saying he's been playing on the left side this entire season of the OHL.

Shawn Stein:
this year but he's also playing on a new team he's playing in

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
now. Yeah.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
saying. He's been majority playing on the left side. So me, he's playing on the left wing all year. He just said it. So

Shawn Stein:
And what about in the past? Right wing last year.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
so it's

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
he's playing

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
on a new team.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I'm glad

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
he said that I would I know

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I know he's been playing on the left wing this whole season But he played

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
on the right last year wonderful wonderful I am not rushing any more players to the NHL. How many failures do we need to see, Sean, before we stop making the same mistake? How many mistakes do we have to keep making and rushing these guys to the NHL?

Shawn Stein:
Well, he's not rushed now. He's played in juniors.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
But he

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
game of the AHL.

Shawn Stein:
So what?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
What do you mean

Shawn Stein:
I don't

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
so what?

Shawn Stein:
think the AHL...

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
How is it worked out for the Rangers when they have guys have not played in Hartford first? How many forwards have stepped in here and have lit it up without playing in the AHL first? At some point or at some point? How many? Give me one. Give me an example. You

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
line is we don't draft a lot of forwards

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
begin with

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
until recently.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
my point is. Again, I again I've said this a million times. I apologize if I keep repeating

Shawn Stein:
I'm sick

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
of watching the Seth Jarvis's of the world come up and light it up right away as 18 and 19 year olds.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I'm fully aware of that and I agree with you 150 million percent. But the Rangers have had success with forwards when they've let them play in Hartford. Dabinski, Callahan, Nisimov. Bucznewicz played down there for a little while. Cryder played down there. JT Miller played down there.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
But he still played some games in Hartford.

Shawn Stein:
Yeah, because what's his name? Didn't want to play him. AV

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
want to

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
play him.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
but all those guys, you know, Caglin played in Hartford. Foss played

Shawn Stein:
heckle was

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
fifth round pick?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
It doesn't matter.

Shawn Stein:
Seventh round, sixth

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
round pick?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
are you making it be about where the guy was drafted? Hito played in Hartford.

Shawn Stein:
Because, yeah, Heidel did.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
he was 18.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
saying, but I understand

Shawn Stein:
So it was

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
right after the draft. So, Othman's

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
you're saying, you're saying Kormakoski played in Hartford. He was a first round pick.

Shawn Stein:
Yeah, it sucked.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
He was a 19th overall. Oppen was 16th overall. You're talking about a difference in three draft picks.

Shawn Stein:
Yeah, but Korpakowski

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
But what about

Shawn Stein:
wanted to be in

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the defensemen? How come we don't mind that McDonough was a first round pick. Brady Shida was a

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
first round

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
in college

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
for two

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
first round pick. They

Shawn Stein:
The defensemen

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
all played in Hartford.

Shawn Stein:
take longer the defensemen take longer

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Why Mark Stoll? Mark Stoll didn't play a game in Hartford. Not one game he played in Hartford. Mark Stoll. Michael Delzato, no games in Hartford. 18 year old defenseman.

Shawn Stein:
Well, he stayed in junior. He

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
he claimed

Shawn Stein:
come up

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the Rangers at his 18 year old, didn't he? Or

Shawn Stein:
No, I was 19

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I apologize.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
But he never played a game in Hartford!

Shawn Stein:
Yeah, because I remember he got traded with London.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
That's fine, but my point is, is that I am tired of rushing these guys to the NHL. Let him marinate a little bit in Hartford. Why do you, why is it the necessity to let him play big minutes?

Shawn Stein:
because they have to who else are they bringing up?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
So you're bringing another guy making 800 K,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
900 K.

Shawn Stein:
what does that do? When I got a guy that could score 15-20

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
you if he plays and lights it up, then he should be on the team. But he shouldn't be given a roster spot. He shouldn't be like, all right, you make the team.

Shawn Stein:
Oh, I'm not saying you give him the roster spot

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
and if

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
like Leas

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
Anderson in the preseason, you still do it anyway.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
No, no, I'm saying you go into next season assuming he can win that spot because if he can't, then Jimmy Vesey is playing into top nine again. That's not what I want.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Well, let me ask you this. Who's playing on Panera's wing?

Shawn Stein:
Kaka. No, no, um, probably Lafreniere. Truthfully.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
this top, this top, this top six just doesn't, doesn't mix well with me.

Shawn Stein:
It doesn't mesh.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
have three left wingers and one right winger.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Someone's got to go.

Shawn Stein:
I think you're going to see Kako on the first line with

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
He should,

Shawn Stein:
Savannah Jed.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
he should play on the first line. He played his

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
what I

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
he was

Shawn Stein:
is going

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
to happen.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
there. I have no idea

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
why they moved him off that line. The way he protects the puck in the corner, let's be honest Sean, does anyone in this team protect the puck better than him? He reminds me of better Freddie Modine. Remember how Freddie Modine used to protect the puck? That's who he reminds

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
me of.

Shawn Stein:
wasn't what I did with my time. I was watching Fred Modine protect the fun.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Well, well, Steve is in the chat. He'll remember Freddie Modine, I'm sure. So I'm just saying,

Shawn Stein:
He's met his uncle.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I'm sure.

Shawn Stein:
He's had fucking tea and crumpets with the Modines.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
But anyway, I'm just saying like, again, this top six just doesn't, they're gonna have to bring in somebody. I mean, again,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I don't know

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
one to bring in. There's no, unless they're making a million dollars, there's no one

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
to bring

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I will say, and I don't know if you've heard this, but they're saying that there might be an 84-game season next year. Did you hear this?

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Okay. So, there might be an 84-game season, and that may be the way they push up the revenue so that the salary cap can go up without the players having to make any concessions. Now, it's not going up 10 million.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
So, instead

Shawn Stein:
no, of

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
a million,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
it might go up a million and a half or 2 million. So, it does give them a little... it's a little bit... little bit of an extra bump. So we have that hopefully, you know, something to hopefully think about and hopefully happen. So I don't know. They've talked about it a few times. Larry Brooks had it in his article over the weekend and then, what's his name, Chris Johnson had it today because they had the Board of Governors meeting or the PAA met with PA met with the NHL. And

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
from all accounts, and Alan Walsh tweeted this out, the owners want the salary cap to go up.

Shawn Stein:
Of course they do.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
The owners want this out, but the problem I don't understand is if you want, if you can't, so why did you fight for this fucking hard cap?

Shawn Stein:
because they still

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
to help

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
teams are still spending

Shawn Stein:
small market

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
to the

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
cat, all these teams are still spending to the cat. Pittsburgh's not a small market team. The Pirates don't spend that kind of money. I mean, again, whatever, it is what it is, but

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I just hope...

Shawn Stein:
so I'm on I'm on cap friendly right now they've moved everything to start for this year coming up like Sorry, all the numbers are already in here for for for this offseason They're estimating this year's cap is gonna going to be 83 5 With it going up to 87 5 next year 92 the year after that

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
They have it in there already?

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Oh wow, so what was it again? Say that again.

Shawn Stein:
83.5 for this upcoming season, 87.5 for the season after, and then three years from now, 92.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
So it's going up $3 million essentially, right?

Shawn Stein:
No, it was 82.5 this year.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
It's only going up

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
going up 82 then going up to 87

Shawn Stein:
No, no, it was 82.5 this past

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
it's going to the 33.5,

Shawn Stein:
So it's going up 1 million. It's going up 1 million

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
this year.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
And then it's going

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
to 84,

Shawn Stein:
going up four. Right.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
okay. And then going up another.

Shawn Stein:
almost six, five and a half. Why is my math? I'm not a math person. Four and a half, sorry.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah, yeah. And Stephen corrected me, Bucznewicz went on an unconditioning stint at Hartford. So he didn't, he still played down there, but he's right. It's not

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
about development. He didn't really develop down there. But you're right. How old is Bucznewicz when he came here? 21, 22?

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
But no, listen, I mean, the cap going up from their young players, because they're gonna have to pay Braden Schneider. They're gonna have to pay, you know, Igor. And like I said, I mean, if, if...

Shawn Stein:
Well, we're still to you. We're with almost a 10 million dollar right raising the cap before we have to pay Igor We're still two years away from that. So

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
And the other part of it too is you still got, when Igor's contract's up, you still got Truba and you still got Pereira and other books.

Shawn Stein:
but in positions where you can move them. Both Truba, Trocheck,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
all movable.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I don't think good short. I do not think good. Rociana season

Shawn Stein:
No dude, do I?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I do

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
that's 3.6 million. It's an easy move.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I And like I said, I mean I now agree with you I think I think trochech I think trochech moves before true burp and erin

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Well, yeah, uh

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
provided Heedle can assume the number two and they have one of the other kids that they've drafted able to step in, whether that's McConnell Barker that's able to step in,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Ryder Korsak.

Shawn Stein:
to redraft a center this year that Ryder Korczak, they needed another center to come from somewhere or another center comes into trade, you know, that someone we're not even thinking about at this point.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Do we know, did Jay group, did he get signed by anybody?

Shawn Stein:
No, I don't know if you got something by someone else.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
The Rangers let him walk, which again is

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
shocking to me that they let a center walk. I obviously don't know enough about him to, but they used a third round pick on him, right? Did they even,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
did they trade up for him or they traded up for Korczak? They traded for one of them. But I don't know, I'm surprised. You know, so it's funny in the athletic, they have, Danny said, I have no idea why they let him go. Group cannot sign with another team. He has to re-enter the draft since he's 20. Yes to re-enter the

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
wow, yeah that's true. That's right.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
That's how we got Dan Girardi. Dan Girardi had her

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
re-enter the drift.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
no, Dhanjurati was a free agent, I thought. Was

Shawn Stein:
Are you sure?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Dan Girardi,

Shawn Stein:
I could have

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
sworn that he

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
was a...

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Dan Girardi was a free agent. I'm pretty sure. Anyway.

Shawn Stein:
I mean, Grubb put up good, again, I don't know Junior's, but he had 67 points in 64 games. 16 points in the 12 games in the playoffs for Red Deer.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Watch this guy come back and be a fucking stud. Anyway, it doesn't matter. It is what it is. But the athletic has the Rangers drafting a center.

Shawn Stein:
Yeah, but they said that last year too.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
But one of these days is they're gonna draft the center. It's coming.

Shawn Stein:
Not last year, two years ago when we drafted Schneider. Yeah,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Who was the last center

Shawn Stein:
it was...

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
we drafted in the first round?

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Oh, actually Anderson. Leas Anderson and Heedle, they drafted them both in the first round. That's right. Before him, who was it?

Shawn Stein:
In the first

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
first round. Center. Was JT Miller considered a center? Was he drafted as a center?

Shawn Stein:
I think he was drafted as one, yeah.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
He was, right? It's crazy. I don't know, man. We're gonna have,

Shawn Stein:
Yeah, that may have been the last one. And

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
so we'll end with,

Shawn Stein:
then before

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
we'll, oh

Shawn Stein:
that, landmark.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
yeah. We'll end, well, Mandy Mulholland. We'll end with this. In your opinion, we have a coach? When do you have a coach by?

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
You have a coach by the draft?

Shawn Stein:
again, no.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
You don't think we have a coach by the draft, huh?

Shawn Stein:
Now, because again, we're all waiting on Cuenville.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
All right,

Shawn Stein:
I think there's

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
a complete

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
we have a

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
coach by July 1st?

Shawn Stein:
That I think yes.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Well, it's only three days later.

Shawn Stein:
Well, we can't interview anybody until I mean, we can interview people, but we can't interview Quenville until he's reinstated.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
And I don't think that they will make a move before the decisions made on Quenville. It would be irresponsible to jump if that's the guy that they want from the outside because they obviously haven't been able to wink wink interview him yet.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
this off season busier or slower than last one?

Shawn Stein:
much for us or around

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
the league.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
no, the Rangers, plain and simple. Last offseason was slow.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
It was bad.

Shawn Stein:
again, I don't think you're going to see anything

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
outside of million dollar guys made. I think... And I don't for some reason I do think that a trade out of nowhere could happen. I don't think it's likely to happen.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Well, Goodro, you think Goodro's not a trade out of nowhere?

Shawn Stein:
No, I even think I think someone like bigger I think it could happen Because I think jewelry is going to turn over every stone to try and find

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
You know, Sean,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
here, this is our third season saying this,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
and I'm saying this is gonna be one of the boringest off seasons we've seen in a long,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
it's gonna

Shawn Stein:
I think

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
of the

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
I'm just saying

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
and boring

Shawn Stein:
that I think

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
seasons we're gonna see in a while.

Shawn Stein:
Think about it. Go through everybody who's here right now. Who did Drury bring in? How many of these guys are still Gordon guys?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Most of them.

Shawn Stein:
Right. So going into

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
rid of every guy he's brought in. He got rid of Blay, he got rid of Reeves, he's getting rid

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
of Guttrow.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I mean, everyone

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
brought in, he's dumping already. He got rid of all the free agents from last year. Ha. Ha ha ha

Shawn Stein:
Right now, Tyler Mott is

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
duct taped

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
in the jury's basement. He's like, you're not going anywhere, guy.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Oh God, too funny.

Shawn Stein:
You could, listen, I hate to say it, but, you know, a guy like Crider could be traded.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
No way.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
I wouldn't do it.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Sean, I wouldn't go on a limb and say Kryder is probably one of the five guys on this team that is least likely to get traded.

Shawn Stein:
He's the most movable. out

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
of the veterans. Yes, Philip Heidel is the most movable period because he's young and can't block any trade. So I get that. But out of all the veterans, he's the most movable.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I don't see it. I just think, I think the second you trade and you're trying to replace them.

Shawn Stein:
Oh, no, I'm not saying I would. I don't want to trade him. I want this guy to retire

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
For the right deal. The only reason I'm hesitant is because Adam Fox plays better when he plays with Lindgren.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Though I thought he played better with Mikala at the end of...

Shawn Stein:
I didn't.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I thought he started playing better with Mikala at the end.

Shawn Stein:
But again, the only reason I would be okay with trading Lindgren is I don't think his body's gonna hold up.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Well, I think they're going to consider that when his next contract comes up. I think they're going to have to really... They're going to start having to make some tough decisions. It's coming. It's inevitable. I mean, you can't keep

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
be honest with you, this is not a popular opinion, I'll be honest with you, if my options were trading Lindgren. for another defenseman who's not making money and giving me the ability to resign Nikola.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
in Meeklin,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
you put in Meeklin,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
you're top four. Or you put in Braden Schneider, oh no, it was Braden Schneider's already.

Shawn Stein:
No, and

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I wish fucking,

Shawn Stein:
well no because

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
you know,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I just

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
guy I would move up.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I really wish Robertson would have been able to play in these playoffs. I'll tell you, his development has completely been stunted, man. It's such a shame.

Shawn Stein:
He's the guy I need to know about.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah, I agree with you. And listen, he has time, man, and we've seen these defensemen develop late. I mean,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
it's not over for him yet. And listen, if he can

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
and play Dirk Parry D, I'm fine with that. How old is this guy Kevin Ball that just came up for the Devils? Was he 20 or 21?

Shawn Stein:
Not sure. Robertson's 22 years old, so by no means are you done with him.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
You're starting to get to that point though. 23, 24, I mean it's, you're pretty much then you're

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
not 20 through 24. He turned 22 in March. So toward the end of

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
What year was

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
What year

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
he drafted? 19?

Shawn Stein:
Ah, yes.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Was he in the call Hendrix draft? Was that the same draft? It was 100 degrees and 20.

Shawn Stein:
Who's in the cockle drift?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Okay. Okay. Yeah, I'll tell you, and they have not seen much out of those other draft picks so far. Pioneem just went back to Finland, so he's gone. Harford's, I'll tell you something, I was looking at Harford's roster, man. They're gonna have some turnover down there this year.

Shawn Stein:
Yes, it was the Karl Henrichsendraft. Pashinyami left.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah, went back to Finland.

Shawn Stein:
He's not staying in Hartford.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I don't, his contract's up. I heard he was, from what I heard, he was signing back overseas.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Looks like he went back to Finland. Again,

Shawn Stein:
We still have his rights,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I mean, small guy. You know,

Shawn Stein:
Was he small? I thought he was like 6'1".

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I don't know, he always looked like he was small. He looked small on the ice, maybe he was 6'1". I don't know. That'd be right.

Shawn Stein:
He didn't strike me as an undersized guy

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Was he

Shawn Stein:
or anything

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
like that. I thought he was 6'1".

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Oh, you might be right. He looks small on the ice. Okay, he went to Sweden. That's where we went. He went to Sweden. Thanks, Steve.

Shawn Stein:
Steve, do you know if he has a NHL outclaws? Like, did he sign that with still being able to, you know, maybe try and come to training camp with the Rangers, and if not, he has a landing spot? You guys let us know that, you know, between Danny and Steve. Seem to know all this stuff, which is great to have.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah, no, it's great.

Shawn Stein:
But Robertson, again, I didn't watch one minute of Robertson play. I didn't watch any of Hartford Wolfpack games.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
He just wrote if the range is...

Shawn Stein:
He had 23 points in 57 games last year, Robertson.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
If the Rangers give

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
him a qualifying offer, they will retain his rights until July 1st, 2026 So they'll see what they do. I don't know why I mean, I guess it doesn't hurt them, right to give him a qualifying offer Does he count as a contract? Is that was that would that be an issue for them?

Shawn Stein:
It'll count as a contract, but I'm sure it's still a two-way.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
So it's...

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Anyway, doesn't matter.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
He wasn't

Shawn Stein:
but Robertson's

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
making the team.

Shawn Stein:
the guy that we that, you know, use a second round pick on him and

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
was supposed

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
to be a high second round pick, low first round pick, I believe. I think he really

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
dropped, from what I remember from that draft.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
They need him. They need, the Rangers, the Rangers farm system is slowly getting depleted and they need some of these guys to start stepping

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
because they finally have guys that are in juniors. So once the guys that are in juniors are able to come play in Hartford, it'll get replenished.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
You know, Sean, let's be fair. I mean, they haven't hit on a second round pick in a while either. I mean, I know they haven't had many, but I mean, Olaf Lindbaum, Carl Hendrickson, you know, I mean, their second round picks have kind of been, and again, they traded two second round picks for Fox, which was fine. They traded one to, they traded one to move up in the draft. I think they moved one to, uh, to move up in the draft to get Miller. So they have moved second round picks. The second round picks, but where they used to hit on second round picks

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
for money, they haven't been hitting on second round picks.

Shawn Stein:
Robertson and Coolio two guys who are second round picks that you got to hope you know

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
it something

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
is one guy that I think that eventually will play for this team, but they've had a lot of shitty misses, swings and misses there. You know, Ryan Gropp was another guy they swung and miss on.

Shawn Stein:
And they traded up for Grop and missed out on some real talent

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
was, that was,

Shawn Stein:
that second round.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
wasn't, we talked about this. Was that, was, was Grop

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the Talbot trade or was Grop part of the Hagelin trade?

Shawn Stein:
I think he was part of it. Well,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Didn't they swap?

Shawn Stein:
again, we traded up to get him. So I think picks from both of those trades were used to go get

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
so correct me if I'm wrong. I thought they traded Emerson Edam and their pick

Shawn Stein:
I'm looking

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
it up

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
right now.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
and the Rangers pick and of the Anna was it Anaheim you went to Anaheim

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Anaheim's pick

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
So correct me if I'm wrong with that

Shawn Stein:
So he was a second

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
so sure

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Steve saying crap was part of the Talbot trade so he might be right

Shawn Stein:
No, see I'm... that's wrong. So the pick originally... pick that the Panthers traded to the for Yara Myagra.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Wow, that's interesting. I forgot that Viagra played for the devils. Played for everybody

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
at the end, huh?

Shawn Stein:
Rangers acquired, so the Rangers traded Carl Hagelin to the Ducks and acquired Emerson Edam and picked number 41.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
So Ryan Grapp.

Shawn Stein:
So there it is. Yes.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
And so, and Hagley.

Shawn Stein:
Anaheim got the pick, Anaheim got the pick from the Devils for Kyle Palmieri. So Panthers trade pick

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
So who

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
do they

Shawn Stein:
the Devils

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
who do they

Shawn Stein:
for Yager.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
just had a curiosity who do they pick? and a home.

Shawn Stein:
No, no. Anaheim traded the pick to us.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
It went from Florida to the Devils, to Anaheim to us.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Okay. So the Rangers didn't trade another pick in that they didn't switch positions?

Shawn Stein:
So we traded, so to get Edam and this pick, we traded Haglund, a sixth round pick, which became Garrett Metcalf, and a 2015 second round pick, which became Julius Natanen,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Okay. All right.

Shawn Stein:
who has not made it.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Okay. So, they had,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
so was Grot there only picked that draft in the second round?

Shawn Stein:
I thought they had more.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
what I thought, but

Shawn Stein:
on. I thought we had the last pick of the

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I think

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
that was the only draft, so they didn't have a second round

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
no, no, because it was the third round. They traded up to get Robin Kovacs, the first pick of the third round.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Another... another bust.

Shawn Stein:
Another... another bute!

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Hey listen, you know what?

Shawn Stein:
Just another bute.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
You know, they had success, they had a lot of success with the Europeans, especially the Swedish guys. So I get

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
it, I get

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
to who they... so they traded up to get Grop, right? You had Sebastian Ajo, Travis Dermott, Brendan Carlo, Olga.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Which Sebastian ass, what Sebastian ass, uh, Sebastian Ajo?

Shawn Stein:
Sebastian asshole

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
real one, the legit one.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Okay, not the one on the

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
one on the island is. Ha ha ha.

Shawn Stein:
The one please stand up. So those guys all went just before this pick So they could have traded up even higher to go get a better player

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Who knew?

Shawn Stein:
after him Mackenzie Blackwood Eric Scharnock could have used him

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Mm, sure not quite a bit nice.

Shawn Stein:
Daniel sprung rupee hints Jordan

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
rupee hints, really?

Shawn Stein:
Jeremy Luzon Rasmus Anderson, Vincent Dunn, Jonas Seigenthaler, Oliver Schillington

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Wow, Oliver Shillington. Where's he playing? You just said his name to say it because I've never heard of him.

Shawn Stein:
No, he was a big prospect for Calgary. I think he eventually got traded. No, he's still a Calgary. He had 31 points in 73 games. Defenseman.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Oh yeah? I know Rasmus Anderson

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
was in Calgary too, isn't he?

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
had two picks

Shawn Stein:
sure is.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
in that second round?

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Oh wow.

Shawn Stein:
This was a pick that... the Shillington pick that got from Tampa.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah, yeah, listen, I mean, Sean, it's the way it goes.

Shawn Stein:
It was originally our pick for the Keith Yandle trade with the Coyotes.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
I love cap friendly, how they literally give the complete

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I love that.

Shawn Stein:
where this

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
pick came

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I love

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
that. They do

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
such a great job with that stuff. Listen, I mean...

Shawn Stein:
The pick came from the right. It came from it was originally Tampa's pick that came to us in the Ryan Callahan trade. We got Martin San Luis and pick number 60.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
because they got the second round pick because Callahan resigned with Tampa. So they got a, I believe they got a second round

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
pick from that. That's crazy.

Shawn Stein:
Oh, and then we took this pick and we traded it to Arizona for Keith Yandle. We traded the 2016 first rounder, which was Dennis Chalowski, and this pick, which was Schillington, to Arizona. Arizona traded this pick to Calgary for two third round picks, which included Aiden Hill, who is going to the Stanley Cup finals right now.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
You know, you know, friggin Vegas is on their third goalie. It's friggin

Shawn Stein:
That's like

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
13 Hill.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Fucking incredible. It's fucking incredible. It's really, it's really remarkable

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
how things just kind of just fall into place for teams. Where the Rangers have

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
to scratch and fucking claw and go seven game series is and fight for every friggin inch. That's why 94 to me, Sean, is just something that we may never see again. Only for the fact that it just came so easily for them in those first two rounds. I understand they ran, they ran into the Devils, which was probably the, They're probably the second best team in hockey that they had a run through. And I think the only reason why Vancouver went seven games, I just think the team got cocky and got complacent. Cause I don't even think that series should have went seven games. But again, it is what it is. It's just the draft is a crap shoot. You know back to the draft but the graph is a crap shoot but I mean their second round success is not is not Christian Thomas was the second round. I mean they've had some really busts in the second round recently. Which is crazy because you think about it. I've had such a great history with the second round you know between Doug Wade and and and Richter and then going recently and Nisa Moff and Derek Stefan. They've actually done well in the second round and then all of a sudden it's like the second round is like bust bust bust bust bust. It's incredible. Hopefully Cooley breaks that. But they've not been

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
successful in the second round.

Shawn Stein:
or Robertson. I was very happy when they picked Robertson.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
So was I. I was very happy with the Robertson pick. Like I said, we'll see what happens. I mean, he's getting to that point where he's got to maybe another season or two and if he doesn't make it by then...

Shawn Stein:
No, he needs to at some point next year be called up. Like he doesn't need to play 80 games up here,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
but he better get at least like a 20 game look at some point

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Well, let me ask you this.

Shawn Stein:
to see what

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
he has.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the Rangers traded Ryan Graves for Chris Begress,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
how old was Ryan Graves?

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Was he that old?

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
No, he wasn't in Hartford for he wasn't hard for that many years

Shawn Stein:
That's what it felt

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
He was

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I don't

Shawn Stein:
on, I'm gonna

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
sean Yeah,

Shawn Stein:
I'm looking it up right now.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I don't think he was that old I think he's 26 now

Shawn Stein:
28 now.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
28 now

Shawn Stein:
So Hartford Wolfpack was in 17-8 during he was traded during the 17-18 season. So that's one, two, three, four, five, six years ago.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
So it's 22.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
where Robertson is now.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Ryan Graves is also an all-star.

Shawn Stein:
So Ryan Graves played two and a half seasons in Hartford before he was traded.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
and he was an All-Star in Hartford. Not that that means a lot, but I'm just saying, he was. He was a good player in Hartford. He wasn't a stiff. And they traded him for Chris Begrist. That's another

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
minus. He was a minus 17 and a minus

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
But how

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
bad was that Hartford team, though? What was

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the art of, exactly? I'm just saying, like, you gotta take into consideration.

Shawn Stein:
He won the hardest Slapshot thing. I don't know if he deserved to be... You know, an all-star for anything else. Eddie, you're making those proclamations. Do you watch Hartford play every night? So Eddie Nathan saying he's too soft and he's heard all the time. Don't hold your breath on Robertson.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
He is hurt. He

Shawn Stein:
I don't

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
I don't

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
want just

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
a lot. Wasn't

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
he hurt

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
to start training camp? Was it last year or the year before?

Shawn Stein:
Yeah, but I only want to hear about this stuff from people who literally like the way that I watched the Rangers, they watched the Wolfpack.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I wanna get someone on

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
from the

Shawn Stein:
I could

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
an article the same way everybody else can read an article.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
I want someone who actually

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I'm gonna

Shawn Stein:
them play.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
try to get this guy on who covers the Wolf Pack. Just to kind of, maybe, and we get into deeper into the summer and we're looking for some content. After

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
all the excitement dies down, we'll get somebody on to talk about. talk about the Wolf Pack. I know Khodorenko was out all year. They've had a real mixed bag of players down there. I looked at their roster. And they have a lot of guys that are unrestricted free ages. They got Lockwood and they got Bleed and they got obviously Ryan Carpenter. And that's another roster that's gonna be completely turned over next year. So we're gonna see a lot of those type of signings too. We're gonna see a lot of fringe, Hartford signings next season too probably. But. We'll see what happens. I mean, it's.

Shawn Stein:
Yeah, this is the off season that Robertson needs to

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Thanks for watching!

Shawn Stein:
make his mark, essentially. Because it'll be one way or the other. It's either he's going to really put himself in the conversation.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Does Robertson need to go through waivers?

Shawn Stein:
He's still on his ELC,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
no. Yeah.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
What's the...

Shawn Stein:
Because he went to junior, so it slid two years.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Okay, what about... Jack Jones has to go through waivers though, right?

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I think he does.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I think he does. We have to look that up, but

Shawn Stein:
I'm not sure. I don't think

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
If you're still on your ELC,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
he...Zach Jones...

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
he needs a new contract, Zach Jones. He's an RFA.

Shawn Stein:
Oh, he's up this

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
an RFA. Well, he burnt, they signed, they brought him in, remember? And he burnt a year.

Shawn Stein:
Right, because he played 10 games, so he won over the 9 game.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Well, I think if you play any games after signing and they brought him in that he automatically, you know

Shawn Stein:
Jones is waiver eligible, Robertson isn't.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Okay So they're gonna have to figure out what they're gonna have to do with him Does Lebor Hyatt come back? That's what I wanna know Ha ha ha Ha ha ha

Shawn Stein:
Libor Hayek will retire as a New York

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I really

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
wish they let this poor kid move on I mean seriously Just let him go somewhere else I don't know how he played in Hartford He's another guy we're gonna have to ask about that I'm gonna ask the Hartford guy about But I mean Let this poor guy, I mean he's the only Piece, literally the only piece left from the McDonough trade He's at,

Shawn Stein:
Hold it on.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
what about Brett Howden in the playoffs too, not playing pretty decently.

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
He scored more goals than a goalie in the playoffs than he did for the whole, for the

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
whole season.

Shawn Stein:
I want to leave with this. Because I'm hearing, not hearing, I mean the nonsense back and forth about trading, you know, Kakao, Lafreniere, trading this guy, blow this up, do this, do that. This is the biggest offseason for Lafayette. He's got two things he's got to learn how to do.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
He's got to learn how to play on the right side. And he's got to get... I could... You're not going to like this. I could live with the skating if he got stronger. He's got to get stronger because he gets knocked down way too much for someone who's going to be a power forward. He's never going to be a burner. Right? I think we can all... Write that off. He's never gonna be

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
He can

Shawn Stein:
the guy

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
bit of a better skater.

Shawn Stein:
I'm not saying he can't improve his skating. I'm just saying he's never gonna be a burner

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Okay. Excuse me.

Shawn Stein:
Right. Have we accepted the fact that adam fox is just never gonna be a fast skater.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
shifty though.

Shawn Stein:
Have we moved past that?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Still shifty on the skates. But anyway.

Shawn Stein:
Lafaniere's a good skater on his edges. He's just not fast. Bottom line is he's got to get stronger so that he can go to the net. You can't go to the net if you're gonna get knocked down every time someone, you know, bodies you up. So and same with board battles, you know winning board battles, you know getting in the corners. That's got to be his game and that's what he was in juniors. So that's the thing. When he plays against... Notice who he went after in the Devil Series, who he had no problem playing physical with. Kevin Ball. Why? Kevin Ball is 22 years old, 23 years old. He's not an old, you know, he's not a veteran. He's got no problem going up against his contemporaries. So when it comes to battling against, you know, grizzled veterans,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
they ragged on him like a kid.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
He's got to no longer be a kid. Cause you're not going to beat him with speed. He's got great hands. I think he still has great vision. The way he sees the ice is still what we all thought it would be. But the bottom line is he's... If he's never going to be a burner and a line driver, that's the fancy word, right?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
The line driver. Then he's got to learn to be able to be that extra guy on Panarin's wing and go to the net and find open space. That's it. Get stronger.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah, now

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
a man.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
You can't have the red cheeks anymore.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
yeah Sean. I agree with

Shawn Stein:
The red cheeks got to go away.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I Agree with you a hundred percent. This is a big offseason on on so many levels But I would say more so for those guys than anybody else And I think for more so for anyone else on this team, are those four players, well, three of them specifically, Kako, Lafran here and Heedle, they gotta be able to play in the top six. And they've gotta be able to contribute. Playin' simple. And if often and cool they give you anything, then it's a bonus. I'm not expecting them to give a lot. I'm expecting them to do something, but I'm not expecting them. to step in here and put up numbers and produce and all that other stuff. I'm expecting the other three guys to do that.

Shawn Stein:
I'm expecting hold on I'll tell you exactly what I'm expecting from Brendan Othman if Othman comes up this year. You ready? I am expecting 17 goals and 23 assists. A 40 point season on the third line. That's what I'm expecting.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
That sounds fantastic.

Shawn Stein:
you know who that is? Seth fucking Jarvis. That's what Seth Jarvis did in his draft plus one year

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Where was Seth

Shawn Stein:
when he

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
came up.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
this drafted? What number?

Shawn Stein:
13th. 13th.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
10? It's not to me, Sean, I'm with you. I am waiting and I'm waiting with bated breath for a forward to step in here and give us a big season. Who was the last

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
forward rookie? Tony Amante?

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
To put up a big season. I mean seriously, I

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
Savard. Marc Savard.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Yeah, I guess, you're right, maybe. Maybe maybe you may be

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
don't draft a lot of forwards in the first round.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
We don't draft well

Shawn Stein:
Not that Savard was a fourth rounder. He wasn't a first

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I'm saying

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
what was the last guy that's I don't care where he was drafted Give me a forward that came in here his first freaking season and it completely exploded. I Don't

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
it was

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
Suvarn's second year,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
a covalent.

Shawn Stein:
his first

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
did Doug wait to what a covalent do what a Tony Grinnell, maybe Tony Granado

Shawn Stein:
Well, that's going back too far because

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
That's what I'm saying,

Shawn Stein:
we already know Amati.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
back. Because I don't know if Kovalev, even his first season, was a world-beater. I can't remember that far back.

Shawn Stein:
He still have 38 points in 65 games. He had 20 goals

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
first year, Kovalov. Kovalov.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
when 20 goals was, you know, everyone scored 20 goals in

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
the early 90s.

Shawn Stein:
Well, yeah, that's, as Stephen just said, your boy Derek Stefan.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
right in

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
hat trick on day one.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
It was good for calls the fact that he hit the post with an

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
empty net. Oh That was insane. That was a great game. I'll tell you I

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
I get a lot of you. I was kind of that was an

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
emotional game

Shawn Stein:
Was that against Minnesota?

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
No, it's Buffalo

Shawn Stein:
Since Buffalo.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Zane's Buffalo Yeah.

Shawn Stein:
I wonder why I thought it was against Minnesota

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
No, I'm

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
it was against Buffalo in Buffalo. You thought to Betty, I don't know if Dubinsky came up and was a world beater. He's got a lot of good empty neck goals, I can tell you that much. But he was not a, he was not

Shawn Stein:
You hate

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
guys. You love to just point out the circumstances of how guys get their points.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
It's the truth though.

Shawn Stein:
It tickles you. It

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
just does.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
my point is, all right, Gabrik, so Gabrik, his second season where he didn't have as good of a season, he had, Gabrik was here what, he played here for three years,

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
right? All right, so his first season he scored 40 goals and then his next season he wasn't as good and then I think the season after that he scored, he had a good season. The season, his mediocre season in between, I think he had, I forgot how many goals he had. He had four hat tricks. So if you're scoring, say, 50% of your goals in four games, are you really helping the team win? I mean,

Shawn Stein:
He helped you win that game.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
yeah, he helped you win four games. So yeah, I guess

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
win those.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
eight points.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
You're right. Listen, I also am the one that complained, like how come the Rangers can't score on the empty net? I mean, I complained, what was the game that I said that they had the empty net for like, the team had the empty net for six minutes and they couldn't score on the empty net. What game was that? It was at the end of this season. I was like, I can't believe

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
this. The net was

Shawn Stein:
at the

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
end, yeah.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
six minutes and they couldn't score on the fucking

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
that against? Oh no, it was in the playoffs. That was in the

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
yeah, that wasn't the players. That was against New Jersey. That's

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Anyway. Listen, I'm with you. I think the closest we've had to a guy that stepped in, like really stepped in and just walled him out or exploded was Chris Kreider in the 2012 playoffs. Right? I mean, they

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
do not make it to the Eastern Conference Finals without him. They don't. It's plain and simple. And I'll just go as further as saying that they don't beat Pittsburgh in 2014 without him. because they barely beat Philly when they didn't

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
have him. So he's probably the one guy, and it's reason why he's

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
fourth and fifth all time in goals. So it's starting to make sense.

Shawn Stein:
Like I said, I have hopes. I'm hoping that Othman can be that guy.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
Your lips to God's ears, my friend. I really do too. That

Shawn Stein:
Because he just

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
so many problems for this

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
shot is his shot. I mean, the shot's not going anywhere. I mean, that shot beats goalies. But he goes to the net.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
he's a prick.

Shawn Stein:
He's a prick.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
And so is Cooley.

Shawn Stein:
Plick. You plick. I gotta find the scene

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
4 and

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
You gotta

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
that one. But this was a good one, man. We went two hours. I didn't think we were going to be able to make two

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
hours. It's a good one.

Shawn Stein:
Yup. Eddie, everyone's a good passer in juniors. There's so much open space. Everyone's a good passer. I don't worry about that. Alright guys,

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:
All right.

Shawn Stein:
thanks for tuning in. Kosa, thanks for joining us for the final two minutes.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
It's been two hours. This one will get posted

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
on all the streaming areas. The not streaming areas, the podcast

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
areas. We're going to try and line up a guest for the next show.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:
to dive into the draft. You guys can all figure out who that is and just line up a date. I've been in contact. So until next time.

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios:

Shawn Stein:

Jon "Roc" Papadimitrios: