Build an Award-Winning EVP

The ONE Group Season 2 Episode 3

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On this episode, we are joined by our Talent and Development Manager, Georgie Liversage, to discuss what companies should be doing to build an outstanding EVP.

Georgie was one of many who has helped develop The ONE Group's EVP - perfecting our company culture, benefits, career development and rewards. We were thrilled to have won the 'Employer of the Year 2023' award at the SME Hertfordshire Business Awards and SME Cambridgeshire Business Awards, showcasing our approach in how we look after our employees.

Tune in to find out what you should do to create an award-winning EVP...

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Hosted by Leanne Davidson-Town and Producer Bex.

Producer Bex: [00:00:00] You are now tuned in to this week's episode on TOGCast. It is our mission to bring you guest speakers sharing their latest and greatest tips, skills, stories, and know hows within their market. Let's get going.

Leanne: Hi everyone and welcome to today's TOGCast. We're very lucky to be joined by Georgie, who is a fellow Togger and she is the Talent and Development Manager here at The ONE Group. And today we're going to talk about EVP. Hi Georgie, welcome. Hi, thank you. Do you want to give a little bit of background about yourself before we begin?

Georgie: Yes, yeah, of course. So I am the Talent and Development Manager here at The ONE Group. So my role is to attract 360 recruiters, resources, to contribute to the workforce, but also while they're here to make sure that we are caring about their career and we're giving them the best training, development and ongoing development.

Georgie: I've seen a lot of work done on this [00:01:00] in the past, the growth available to them. Love it. 

Leanne: Great. So EVP then is something that every company does without every even realising that they're doing it don't they? It's their, the main thing that attracts people to the business but is more than that isn't it?

Georgie: Yes, definitely it's about how you are able to to the outside world beyond your organization. So it's about what benefits you're offering, how you look on social media, you know, why would somebody want to come and work for your business? And it's being able to portray and to showcase how amazing you are and, you know, how dedicated you are and what kind of commitments you've got to people that come and join your business.

Leanne: As well as like the company culture and things like that. 100 percent And so when people are looking for a job out there, if they've got two companies in front of them and the packages are quite similar, they might be more tempted to go with the company that they've got a stronger EVP say. Absolutely, 

Georgie: definitely.

Georgie: Yeah, I mean, I know if it was me going and working, going and, you know, you know, looking for a new opportunity, it would be [00:02:00] how attractive does that look? What do they offer their employees? Not just in terms of salary and everything like that, but what's the growth like? What's the progression like?

Georgie: Where's the company going? You know, what do the company do in terms of the social aspect? Yeah. The culture, the culture, what's the, um, you know, what are the company values? Cause that's really important. 

Leanne: Yeah. 

Georgie: Um, but also, you know, what are the benefits? to to me working there. Not only am I going to give them, you know, my professional um Expertise.

Georgie: Expertise, exactly. But you know, what, what are they going to give me in return in terms of, you know, the culture, the working environment, the flexibility. There's so many more things beyond just what you're doing. 

Leanne: It's been a big shift, hasn't there? Because I think like years ago it was all about what you can bring the company.

Leanne: But now it's like, I'll bring it, but what are you going to, give me in return other than the salary because I can get that anywhere. 

Georgie: It's a massive candidate led market and it has been for years. So, you know, we need to attract and retain the right people, which inevitably is going to make your business [00:03:00] more successful.

Leanne: So today we're here to talk about five top tips. on how companies can improve their EVP using your experience and The ONE Group as an example. So, where do we begin? 

Georgie: So I suppose it starts with, you know, really understanding what your current EVP is, you know, and, and the only way you can really do that is to sit back and assess what, what you want it to be, but also what it is to the, what your employees, Also want it to be.

Georgie: Yeah. So, you know, here at the one group we've conducted surveys, we've, we re we even relaunched our entire benefits, um, Jan 23, um, because it was a case of what do, what do our people want, you know, in terms of benefits. There's so much competition out there. Um, so we were, we were like, well, let's ask our own people because we, we value what people think.

Georgie: Um. And so we conducted a survey. We interviewed people, you know, what's important to you. Um, you know, is it [00:04:00] holiday? Is it hybrid working? Is it flexibility? Is it two hour lunch breaks? You know, what is it that you want? Is it private health? So, you know, we, we, we had to understand how our employees are kind of going to, how our employees are going to perceive our organization's value proposition, um, and identify what motivates people and what the key factors are.

Georgie: Right. Um, And then really pinpoint areas of improvement. So what do we do currently? How can we make that better? How can we improve that? And also not only for our existing staff, but also the people we're trying to attract. 

Leanne: So first top tip is to go to the source, speak to the employees and find out what they're looking for.

Georgie: What's important. Yeah. You know, because those types of things are going to be the things that pull people away from your organization and be attracted to someone. Um, so is it private medical care that is something that you're really lacking here that you're going to get somewhere else? You know, even something small like that.

Georgie: Um, you [00:05:00] know, so we, we launched our benefits and we actually offered, we actually only used to offer private medical for a certain level. We now do it for everyone. That was a really big shift for us. And that was, you know, the amount of feedback we had on that was amazing. Brilliant. Yeah. That they get to benefit from that as well.

Georgie: So it's just kind of making it really inclusive. 

Leanne: So is there an easy way for companies to do that? Like a survey or would they like sit down and do like a focus group or like, what do you recommend? Surveys are always great. Um, 

Georgie: cause 

Leanne: they can be anonymous. 

Georgie: They're anonymous. They can be totally confidential.

Georgie: Um, it's suggestions box, you know, just things like that, you know, you can even go old school. Um, but it's really just, You know, talking to people, and we have a really open forum here at The ONE Group, and our communication, we're really transparent, which I, I love about that here, um, and I think most of our employees will agree, um, and if, if you don't ask, you don't get.

Georgie: So, you know, we do want to be able to put it out there to people to say, what is it that you want? You know, we looked at various different things to improve it, and actually what, what [00:06:00] came from our survey and our results were actually, we're doing it really well as is. But there were just a few tweaks that we could make, and we have.

Georgie: And 

Leanne: you did the rollout, and now you're aligned. Yeah, we rolled it out, we 

Georgie: enhanced the benefits matrix, we, uh, we brought in progression and different areas of which that people can develop, we brought in new job titles, so, yeah. 

Leanne: Okay, so, second tip then, what would you say is another thing that companies can do to try and improve their EVP?

Georgie: So I think it's really important to align, um, the EVP. with the company values and the culture that you've already got. Um, so to ensure that your EVP with the values employees are more likely to stay if they share that same value and culture. We have actually already kind of touched on that anyway, but it's just making sure that, you know, from the survey results.

Georgie: That you are then aligning your company values and your [00:07:00] EVP to the culture 

Leanne: and what people want. So top tip number one, understand what you've currently got, what the employees want, and then top tip number two is then aligning that together. So taking that feedback. And looking at what you offer and what you can change to then match what they want and what suits your company culture.

Leanne: Okay, and then rolling it out. So what's the third tip then for having a good EVP? 

Georgie: so For me, it's massive on doing some company research, you know seeing what your competitors are doing out there Um, so conducting regular research on competitors um Making sure that, you know, if it is down to flexibility in the workplace, if it's development opportunities, that you are constantly offering that ongoing, you're kind of evolving with, with what everyone else is doing.

Georgie: So, yeah, I'd say that was kind of quite a big point of, you know, researching, you know, what else is out there? How can we do better? And a lot of the [00:08:00] time, we can't, you know, we've, we've kind of already done it. Yeah. 

Leanne: So, like, when people are leaving, if you were to do an exit interview, find out the reasons why they're leaving, and if it is about the benefits or the culture, then using that information to then try and change internally, you know, or if a lot of employees are leaving to go to the same competitor, find out what that competitor's offering that you're not.

Georgie: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Absolutely, I mean it could be something trigger, you know, that they, that they're seeing somewhere else that we don't offer. Yeah. 


Georgie: have to say though, we do this very well, and we conduct exit interviews for everybody, and I'm yet to have anyone tell me that it's been down to a benefit.

Georgie: It's usually because they have decided to come out of recruitment entirely, because we retain great people, and if people leave us, It tends to be to pursue a different career anyway. Yeah, 

Leanne: yeah. And actually, if there are any companies out there that don't know how to do that other than like the exit interview, we offer a benchmarking service as well here, so if they did want to see [00:09:00] where they were in their market.

Leanne: Against their competition. They can contact us and we'll let them know in the location or in the industry what are the benefits of being offered? So if they are losing all their staff and they don't know why they can be benchmarked against everyone and see whether their package actually is competitive or not.

Leanne: Yeah, and then they can use that. So if that is handy, please get in touch on our website. Okay. So, well, we've talked about a lot already, but what would be top tip number four? 

Georgie: A lot of the time when I speak to people that I, um, you know, actively trying to poach out there in the market, what is really important to people is progression and personal development.

Georgie: And this is a massive thing that I'm focusing on a lot this year. It is something that we have focused on a lot of last year, um, in kind of, you know, being able to communicate really clearly. what someone's career path could look like here. Um, you're in recruitment because, you know, you can bill and make a lot of money, but sometimes that's not enough for people.

Georgie: [00:10:00] And, and you could have been, you can be a seasoned recruiter, you can be an entry level recruiter, and you can never stop learning. You know, you can constantly pick up some information that's going to make you better in your job. Um, so, you know, We want to clearly communicate how people can advance and grow.

Georgie: And so I think that's massive, you know, that, that, where I can go to, what's the next jump level for me? How can I progress? How can I develop? How can I become a manager? All these sorts of things are really important to people. And a lot of the time people leave because they've hit a ceiling where they are and I can't go any further.

Georgie: And I've, You know, I'm great billing, but I want to manage. I want to take on a team. I want to create something, you know, of my own and a lot of people who are in businesses that don't offer that, well, that's a huge motivator to want to leave. So, you know, what I make sure here is that, you know, we, we implement, you know, lots of training initiative.

Georgie: You know, when you're new into this company, we have a zero [00:11:00] to talk program, which was something I launched last year to ensure that everyone has all the tools and all the training that they need to be successful in their job, whether they've been in it five minutes or 15 years. You know, you will all go through the exact same training process and, you know, it doesn't stop there.

Georgie: You know, we constantly check in on people. We've got access to an amazing platform that we use currently, um, to webinars, podcasts, um, you know. You know, sessions, you know, huddles, things that you can constantly develop and grow with. So I think it's really, really important. And that investment in somebody goes a really long way.

Georgie: It shows your commitment to that individual when you're investing in that person's development and growth. That sounds 

Leanne: really good. Really good. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so making sure they have a career development plan and they know where they can go, um, will help with EEP definitely, because when people take on new jobs, they never have, you know, it's never like a quick decision, isn't it?

Leanne: It's always like a [00:12:00] long term plan. So if they know where they can go, then they're more likely to go. to, to be happy and stay with that progression. 

Georgie: Well, changing jobs is one of the biggest things you can do in life, right? So like, you know, he's getting married, having children, moving jobs. It's a huge decision to make.

Georgie: So, you know, that whole candidate experience as well, you know, that should actually be in here, that candidate experience from, you know, that offset from a screening call with a prospective employer, right the way through to looking after them through their notice period and touch points. And then being with them and having a decent induction process and onboarding process is so paramount into someone moving into a new role.

Leanne: Yeah, definitely. That can be 4B, the tip. Yeah. Okay. So, last tip then of our five top tips for improving EVP. 

Georgie: The last tip really, um, is just making sure that you're enhancing that work life balance and well being for your employees. You know, promoting a [00:13:00] healthy work life balance by offering flexible working, whether that's hybrid, whether that's fully remote, whatever your business wants it to be, paid time off, you know, those kinds of things.

Georgie: breaks, those kind of things is really promoting happiness and well being within the workplace, which is really important. Um, you know, you can have things like mental health days, which we actually do. Um, you know, someone's not feeling great. That's fine. You know, no questions asked. You need a day off.

Georgie: Fine. You know, because we are a very, um, open forum. forum here. Very, um, you know, we're like a family, so we want people to feel like they belong. And I think promoting that kind of work life balance and that well being is really important. You can do well being days, you can do day trips, you know, anything, anything, you know, that you think will boost that kind of morale and that flexibility and that well being in the workplace.

Leanne: Yeah, we had that day when we had massages, didn't we? That was really nice. And lunch. 

Georgie: Even, yeah, just, even an office lunch, you know, it's [00:14:00] just, put down tools and enjoy some pizza. You know, that kind of thing. Just, yeah, go and talk to your mate. Go and have a, go and have a nice chat and a cup of tea in the kitchen.

Georgie: You know, no questions asked. You know, we're, I think gone are the days where there's that pressured environment where you've got to be chained to your desk. You know, that's just not, you know. It's not modern and it's not what happens. 

Leanne: Okay. So talking about EVP then, what would you like to have as your wrap up or your final thoughts?

Georgie: So I think, uh, it's really important to, you know, make sure that your EVP is authentic and individual to your business. Don't just copy what you see out there. Yes, you'll do your market research. You'll see what your competitors are doing, but make it your own, you know, make your, make your company.

Georgie: Exclusive, you know, make them want to work here. So, you know, being authentic, making sure that you attract that right talent. So the individuals that you're attracting, their values align with yours and your company [00:15:00] culture. Um, you know, people that you bring in and they're more likely to thrive in that kind of environment if they're, Um, if their company, if their culture and their e and their values align with what your company does, they're gonna stay.

Georgie: You're gonna retain decent people, you're gonna have longevity in the workplace. Um, and when, when employees see that the workplace is committed and prioritizes the EVP, they're more likely to be satisfied and engaged. Mm-Hmm. . And you're gonna get the most out of people. Um, your employers are gonna stay.

Georgie: You're gonna get better retention. Um. I think it also will contribute, you know, massively contributes to the employer brand as well. So, you know, people will shout about if they're happy where they are because they are feeling valued and the culture is amazing and it's everything they ever want it to be.

Georgie: They're going to shout about it and talk about it. They're going to put posts on LinkedIn. They're going to, you know, you just make noise, you know, we do it. Um, and I think that's what we are really good at is promoting how great we are. 

Leanne: Mm. 

Georgie: Um, and [00:16:00] your ad, your walking advertisements are your people. Yeah.

Georgie: And they are the ones, you know, word of mouth. They will attract, their friends will want to work here. Yeah. You know, it will all, it's a spiral, you know. It will, all it, you know, it's, it's amazing. You wanna shout about how great things are. Um, because people will, you know, it's funny 'cause you'll have people who will.

Georgie: People are so quick to criticize things. So it's nice when you have people shouting about how amazing something is. Um, and especially in a recruitment environment, it's a really competitive market. So, you know, you'll also then get amazing Google reviews and, you know, your, um, Employers will want to promote where they work.

Leanne: Yeah, so your employees basically become your advocates and they're shouting about the business. So, you know, and also, um, they, good people know good people. So then referrals coming in for other jobs. You know, we've got a job going at our place, why don't you come and work here? And recruiters 

Georgie: know other recruiters and recruiters will talk to other recruiters and it will just expand and you'll get some great people [00:17:00] wanting to work for you.

Georgie: We have. You know, we, we tend to not have too much of an issue attracting talent because we are really vocal about how great we are and what we offer our people, you know, we expect great people to do great things. But in return, we give them great things and great benefits and incentives and lovely working environments and when employees feel that the company is genuine and committed.

Georgie: They will stay. Um, and you know, personal development, wellbeing, it just leads to higher morale, increased productivity and just a better workforce in general. And it's essential for building trust between the employer and the employee. So if you nail your EVP, I mean, these are just five tips, but even if you just did three, you'd probably see that there'll be an improvement on your retention.

Georgie: Um, and you know, Here, our retention is amazing, you know, and we are below the agency standard in turnover. Recruitment agencies notoriously have a high turnover in staff because [00:18:00] people are either going to be really great at it and have what it takes to be an amazing recruiter or they won't. Um, so I do feel that that is something that we really have nailed, um, because our retention is well below the agency standard because notoriously it is very high.

Leanne: Wow, we've talked about so much today on EVP. Um, and if anyone wants to talk about EVP or they're not quite getting, you know, what you're saying maybe today, reach out to  Georgie.

Georgie: I'm always interested to speak to other people out there in the market, people who do my job, people in HR, whether it's to talk about talent, whether it's to talk about EVP, any HR staff, or even if you're a working parent and you're, you know, juggling work and home life, you know, I'm always interested to speak to people, um, just to share best practice and someone to talk to.

Leanne: It's a great idea. So yeah, please reach out on LinkedIn. Um, so Georgie, thank you so much for coming in today. It's been really insightful. We like to end every [00:19:00] episode with the one word. Um, do you have a word? Authenticity. Ooh, good word. Becca?

Producer Bex: Productivity.

Leanne: Productivity. And my word is going to be culture.

Leanne: Well, thank you all very much for listening on our top tips to improve your EVP. Like we said, reach out to Georgie if you want to discuss anything and thank you all for listening. Bye. Bye. 

Producer Bex: That's a wrap for this week's episode. If you want to be our next guest speaker on TOGCast, then get in touch with The ONE Group. And don't forget to subscribe. We would hate for you to miss the next one.