I Know I Sound Crazy

Liberty University Scandal: Part 2 (with Jacob Street)

Ashelyn Galloway Season 1 Episode 7

Jacob and I are back, yet again, to tell the rest of the Liberty University Scandal. We start out with our feelings on how being the single friend in the group has a direct correlation with the pull out couch at the vacation home, and then dive into the story that has us all shook. I close some gaps in the messy timeline, and tell how the affair that was meant to stay a secret forever became a huge scandal over night. Jacob and I focus on a lot of the inconsistencies and the discrepancies between both versions that are being told.  Bottom line: someone here is lying. Who do you think is telling the truth? This week's episode is candid, hilarious, equal parts heartbreaking and yet not surprising at all, and it's all 100% true. Allegedly.