Study the Bible with Arthur Bailey

Search the Scriptures- The Gospel According to John- Chapter 5 Part 3

Arthur Bailey Season 1 Episode 170

In this passage, Yeshua establishes His defense of who He is based on the testimonies of five distinct and valid sources.  

  • John the Baptist  
  • Yeshua’s own works  
  • His Father, YeHoVaH 
  • The Scriptures  
  • Moses  

Yeshua spoke of John as a witness, but spoke of His works given to Him by Father as a greater witness than John’s testimony.  Our works should bear witness of us just as Yeshua’s works bore witness of Him. 

When you are speaking things that are not in alignment with His Word, you are speaking hypocrisy.  As a believer, your words, your actions, and your behavior should be one with His Word.  That means our lives need to align with His Word.   This is why we search the Scriptures and study the Word.