The eCommerceer Podcast

Episode 11: The Six Burning Issues for eCommerce in 2022

Episode 11

It has been another extraordinary year for eCommerce. The growth that the industry experienced in 2020 has continued.

From the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, when government-imposed lockdowns drove consumers online to buy quite literally everything, eCommerce has never been in greater demand with shoppers continuing to buy online in 2021.

Arguably the most compelling impact on eCommerce moving into 2022 is the simple fact that the trend towards working from home has continued and it appears to be here to stay.

For the eCommerceer that wants a head start, our TradeBridge experts are sharing the Six Burning Issues facing eCommerce in 2022.

In this episode we speak to Stephanie Frackowiak, President of TradeBridge France about the last year of events that have influenced eCommerce, and what's in store for 2022.

To read more download the 6 Burning Issues for eCommerce in 2022  directly from the TradeBridge LinekdIn page.