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5 Ways To Be Kind With Data Visualization - Ann K. Emery

Greg Harrod Episode 21

What do spreadsheets and data visualization have to do with being a kind and confident leader?

Today's guest, Ann K. Emery, explains how those things fit together. And, she gives us 5 specific ways to be kind with data visualization.

She also shares her process for giving your manager what they need instead of what they ask for. Without getting fired!

You don't want to miss that clever tip or any of the other wisdom from Ann on how to be more effective and efficient when communicating using data. 

Whether you're a spreadsheet whiz who loves all the technical details or a non-technical manager who just wants to know the story your data is telling, you'll find valuable information in this conversation.

Today's Guest

Ann K. Emery

Ann K. Emery is an internationally-acclaimed speaker who equips organizations to get their data out of dusty spreadsheets and into real-world conversations.

Each year, she delivers over 100 keynotes, workshops, and webinars with the aim of equipping organizations to visualize data more effectively. 

She has been invited to speak in 30 states and 10 countries; 5,600 people have enrolled in her online training academy; and she has consulted to 200 organizations, including the United Nations, Centers for Disease Control, and Harvard University. 

You'll Learn

  • What data visualization is and why it's an important career skill in any industry or field
  • 8 questions to ask when doing upfront planning for data visualization
  • Strategies and techniques for serving your audience through the charts, graphs, and reports you create
  • How to adjust your presentations for color blind viewers and why it's important. 
  • What 508 compliance is and how it helps you be more inclusive when you communicate
  • When to tell a story with data and when to let your audience discover the meaning in the data on their own
  • The link between data visualization techniques and improved sustainability
  • How to humanize data and make it easier and faster for your audience to understand

3 Fundamental Career Skills from Today's Guest

1. Get some spreadsheet training

In nearly every type of career you can get ahead by knowing how to use spreadsheet software.

Getting some training can give you skills that will save you time and make you a more valuable employee.

2. Discover what software is available and pick one to learn

There are many software choices for data analysis and visualization. You may like Excel, Tableau, PowerBI, Google Sheets, R, Python, or another tool.

3. Teach Others.

You have valuable information others can benefit from. Share what you know. By helping others you will also be building your own career. 

Links and Resources from this Episode

Connect with Ann K. Emery on LinkedIn or follow her on Twitter (@AnnKEmery)

Ann's blog post "Why 'Know Your Audience' is Terrible Dataviz Advice - and What to Do Instead"

Test your data visualizations for color blindness accessibility at

Learn more about data visualization on Ann's website, Depict Data Studio (

For More Information
Check out the show notes at