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How To Get Started Creating Exceptional Meetings

Greg Harrod Episode 38

No one wants to attend a bad meeting. And, you definitely don't want to lead a meeting people complain about.

Here's the problem.

You may not know how to make them better.

Don't worry. You're not alone.

Many leaders want to make the meetings they lead and attend better.

But, they don't know where to start.

If that describes you, relax.

In less time than you wasted in your last bad meeting, you'll be done with this episode.

And, you'll know how to get started creating exceptional meetings.

You just need to focus on 3 easy to remember words.

They all start with the letter P.

You'll Learn

3 keys to creating exceptional meetings

  • Purpose - Know why you're bringing people together for a meeting

  • People - Make sure you have the right people (and only the right people) in your meeting

  • Preparation - Be ready to accomplish the purpose of the meeting with the people you invite

Links and Resources from this Episode

Connect or follow me on LinkedIn where I post daily on how to create exceptional meetings

Learn more about creating exceptional meetings in these blog posts and podcast episodes:

How To Use Structure To Effectively Lead Meetings (blog post)

How To Unlock The Power To Lead In A Role You Probably Don’t Like (blog post)

CMD 033: How To Create An Exceptional Meeting With 7 Steps (podcast episode)

CMD 035: How To Lead A Meeting In A Way Most People Won’t Try (podcast episode)

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