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How To Be A Better Leader Using A Manure Mindset

Greg Harrod Episode 20

Sometimes our professional lives (and our personal lives for that matter) can cause us to have a crappy attitude. 

But, what if I told you that thinking about poop could actually be a good mindset to have?

It may seem odd, but I explain in this episode how you can be a better leader using a manure mindset.

That's right setting your mind on livestock waste can actually help you lead your teams and yourself more effectively.

And, I use a proverb from the Bible to make my case.

If that sounds like a load of, well... manure to you, check out this week's episode. 

Then, let me know if you think I'm on to something or if I'm just full of... (you can fill in the blank).

You'll Learn

  • A livestock leadership lesson
  • How a farming lesson from Biblical times still applies to leaders today
  • A 3-step process to develop a "manure mindset" that will make you a more effective leader
  • Why identifying the resources that generate revenue and the challenges they bring is critical to be a successful leader
  • One common resume' mistake many job seekers make and how to avoid it

3 Fundamental Career Skills Related to Today's Episode

1. Identifying critical resources

Leaders must be keenly aware of the resources they and their teams need to deliver results. Whether it's people, software, equipment, or something else, we must identify and protect the things we rely on to be successful.

2. Acknowledging the challenges associated with critical resources

The critical resources we depend upon bring challenges and costs along with their benefits. Effective leaders acknowledge this reality and are ready to address difficult circumstances.

Good leaders aren't surprised by messy people and malfunctioning tools and equipment.

3. Choosing what is valuable

Leaders and teams must continually make choices. The skill of being able to choose what you value begins with knowing what is valuable to you and your organization.

Some decisions produce short-term benefits and avoid pain and discomfort. But, the long-term impact negatively impacts the organization.

Other choices bring challenges and messy situations to manage but generate results that have a lasting positive effect on people and the business.

Links and Resources from this Episode

Previous blog post with similar, written content, How A Manure Mindset Can Make You A Better Leader

Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean; But much revenue comes by the strength of the ox.

Proverbs 14:4 in the Bible (New American Standard translation)

For More Information

Check out the show notes at