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How to Have Career Success Through Compassion - Dr. Nate Regier

Greg Harrod Episode 23

Compassion is not only a fundamental life skill. It's a fundamental career skill too. That's true regardless of the industry or field you're in.

That's according to today's guest, Dr. Nate Regier of Next Element Consulting, an organization with a mission to bring more compassion to every workplace in the world.

A lack of compassion in a company undermines productivity and makes retaining talent ever harder than it already is.

This is why being a compassionate leader will bring career success. 

True compassion is combined with accountability and it brings teams together to deliver results.

Being a compassionate leader isn't about being nice. And, it's not for the faint of heart.

Listen as Nate Regier shares a framework for thinking about compassion in the workplace and applying it as a leader in your work, at home, and in your service to the community. 

Today's Guest

Dr. Nate Regier

Nate Regier, PhD, is the CEO and founding owner of Next Element Consulting, a global leadership firm dedicated to bringing compassion into the workplace.

Dr. Regier is a former practicing psychologist and expert in social-emotional intelligence, interpersonal communication, and leadership. 

Nate is the author of three books: Beyond Drama: Transcending Energy Vampires; Conflict without Casualties: A Field Guide for Leading with Compassionate Accountability; and his newest book, Seeing People Through: Unleash Your Leadership Potential with The Process Communication Model

You'll Learn

  • The power in giving ourselves permission to fail and not have all the answers
  • That there is purpose when we struggle
  • How to look at conflict as the energy source for creation
  • Why compassion is the key to finding opportunity in conflict
  • The proper balance of compassion and accountability and the negative results that occur when they're out of balance
  • The mindset that turns obstacles into opportunities
  • The 3 core competencies of compassion: openness, resourcefulness, and persistence

3 Fundamental Career Skills from Today's Guest

1. Be open and disclose your motives

Have the courage to be honest with people about what's really going on with you.

2. Be curious

Curiosity is about being truly interested in another person.

There's a simple way to be curious. Ask someone a question and then ask them another question about what you just heard.

You can distinguish yourself as a leader because most people don't do this. They are too busy thinking about what they are going to say and not genuinely curious to learn about the other person.

3. Learn cross-personality communication skills

Develop the ability to adapt how you communicate based on the personality of the person you're talking to.

Personality is the strongest influencer of how we communicate. The impact of personality is fundamental and deep.

Communicating in a way that connects with the other person's personality allows you to speak to their heart not just their head.

Links and Resources from this Episode

Learn more about Nate's work at the Next Element website (

Connect with Dr. Nate Regier on LinkedIn or follow him on Twitter (@NextNate)

Listen to the On Compassion with Dr. Nate podcast

For More Information

Check out the show notes at