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How To Protect Your Meeting From A Rambler

Greg Harrod Episode 30

Have you had a rambler wreck a meeting you were leading?

If you have, you know exactly who I'm describing as a "rambler".

They usually don't mean to destroy the meeting you planned so well. 

But they do.

It's hard to know what to do to regain control.

You have to protect your meeting from a rambler.

In this episode, we'll cover a set of tips, techniques, and strategies that I've seen used successfully throughout my career.

The best part is this.

None of them require you to be rude.

In fact, they all are built on a foundation of being an kind and confident leader.

You'll Learn

3 steps to managing a rambler with kindness and confidence

  • Pause and Empathize
  • Stop the Ramble
  • Help Them Be Heard

6 possible reasons your teammate might be rambling

  • Insecurity
  • Loneliness
  • Trust
  • Passion
  • Compensation
  • Inexperience

4 strategies to help a rambler be heard

  • Include them in the meeting agenda
  • Help them prepare before the meeting
  • Ask them to send you an email
  • Offer to meet with them personally after the meeting

Links and Resources from this Episode

Supporting information in the post, How To Stop Someone From Rambling So They Can Be Heard

Michael Bungay Stanier’s books, The Advice Trap

See the show notes at